


Ecco Inter Saeculum (Echo Between Worlds\Ages)

I added some new ones. i had 3 that were screenshots but admit. i had a couple that were taken with my phone. i removed them and replaced them. i hope its no biggie.
All the shots are taken from Chapter 1, and the Battle Arena. Spent most the night working on the end of chapter 1 so ill hopefully have it updated asap :)

Ecco Inter Saeculum (Echo Between Worlds\Ages)

I am currently looking for people that would like to help in anyway. It started out as being a day project that become much more. Ive invested a couple of weeks non-stop in it so far and would love to see this get to a level, for all to enjoy.

Feel free to test and comment, and let me know what u think. All comments, help, and anything in general is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for taking the time to check this out!
Hope everyone is having a great day,

Ecco Inter Saeculum (Echo Between Worlds\Ages)

Thank you :)


I do have plans to make the Sprites 3/4 to match the Grid of the game. TBH im horrible at making sprites so its taking alot longer than expected.


I hear ya. i've noticed as well when working with certain colors it messes with the dynamic of the image. Ill be doing another update shortly. I now have the Options in White.
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