well I'm not new to RPG making however I don't have any particular skill in scripting. looking for a scripter. Iam great a spriting though.
Okay so I just came back to this page to check on progress, turns out I've basically disappeared for roughly a year and a half. I just downloaded what i think is the updated demo and I'm looking forward to adding some more of those competitive Mon summaries. and sorry about my first comment on this page and then the cover up for it. I was a little attention slut freshman year.
I have another question. will there be EV hotspots?
(patches of grass where all Pokemon encountered give off a specific EV)
(patches of grass where all Pokemon encountered give off a specific EV)
another question for you devs. EV/IVs. will they be a mechanic in this game or not? if you are still considering it, (the following comment is just a suggestion from the point of view from someone who deals with that gameplaymechanic in ORAS almost everyday.) for my sake and the casual playerr's sake, I vote no.
(side note: very impressed with demo and looking forward to the full release.)
(side note: very impressed with demo and looking forward to the full release.)
Pokemon Roster
author=Ratty524author=essej915Unless some of them include tilesets and maybe trainer graphics, I have to echo what seiromem said. The concepts for all Pokemon are already there, and I'm not adding more. Right now, I'm fine-tuning them to fit with both the style of the franchise and the game through spriting.
Thanks so much! i really appreciate it! While were on the subject of game sprites, i have some from another "pokemon" fan game i drew up. the games main developer ceased interest though and i thought they might be more of use here,
they're all in my locker but if you'd like me to post them here i would no problem doing so. let me know if you're interested.
I could definitely use another hand in this, though. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the details.
I could definitely help you with this if you need!
I did have a couple ideas for sprites that haven't been filled in on the roster and might be able to help make them a reality.
author=Ratty524if you need someone to run this page for "vgc" analysis im always available.
As seriomem stated, there isn't enough concrete information since the game is still in development, and right now I'm focusing more on getting something playable out to the public then anything related to competitive battles.
It's still fun to talk about these things, though. What do you think are the Pokemon with the least potential out of the bunch?
Also Seiromem, hyper beam can actually be used quite well in certain nuche situations or as a fun little finishing move. mega pidgeot certainly rocks it!
Wow, really? I mean, we're all nerds here, nerdboy, don't get your undies twisted. Seriously. I'm a nerd, he's a nerd, you're a nerd. We all play games and make games and do nerd shit. It's not an insult, it's a descriptor. It's like getting upset over being called a cop when you're part of the police force. :/
I'd be interested to hear what mons you think would fit into VGC, essej.
Personally, I'm a fan of Marubim by virute of just being able to take hits and either deal heavy damage or set up. Plus Follow Me would be great VS dragons.
I'm not really knowledgeable about VGC though, I usually go by Smogon tiers, like OU Singles.
to answer the both of you and everyone else on this page. it was empty. needed discussion. there is now a discussion. problem?
as for vgc viable mons, i would say its pretty hard to tell until more detailed movepools etc. are released .
(maybe some inside info would be nice?)
(Also after my last project crashed I wouldnt mind working on the theorymon/metagame page pretty soon?)but so far with 4 years of VGC under my belt, i would have to make an opinionated guess and say that Chi-yim looks very god with no guard, thunder, hyper beam, and STAB focus blast. next in promising candidates is Seradder who looks more and more like a choice scarf disrupter with u-turn, crunch, serrated cleave?, and iron tail. or if you prefer a late game setup sweeper in singles with substitute, iron head, coil, and crunch.
another one ive been looking forward to is Nasorsal. surf, scald, recover, amnesia, earthquake, are but a few of the moves that make up the versatile movepool of this beast.
Tricalp. trickroom curse sweeper/ spike setter. 'nuf said.
and the most promising and OP fakemon award goes to......Joubush!
Iron head, superpower, frenzyplant, power whip, swords dance, closecombat, leaf blade, drill peck, wild charge. His weaknesses are more than covered by his more than versatile movepool and his STAB or setup options are limitless. I'll be surprised if I don't see him if there is going to be a server thingy.
Pokemon Roster
author=Ratty524author=essej915I have some slightly outdated concept art for Joubush,Dragablo,Serempity,Alampita and Chi-Yim, but otherwise getting the rest to you is difficult for the following reasons:
Hey i was thinking about making some fan "posters" could I get some close ups of a certain couple of 'mons?
heres the list:
Joubush, Dragablo, Serempity, Quodash, Alampita
Chi-yim, Seradim, Limbatent, Tricalp, Atavism
Bigfoot, Equistro, Torchgeist, Platossus, Dirangers (lol my favorite)
Raisicle, Muspyg, Vulkanylos, Byakestial
i understand if you dont have time, but i would really appreciate this. thank you.
> Not all of these game sprites were drawn beforehand, so I don't have a huge selection of updated concept art for each Pokemon.
> Seradim (You mean Meryphim?), Tricalp, Equistro, Torgheist, and Plantossus' sprites were made by Miracle and I don't know if he has any close-up concept art for his sprite redesigns. You'd have to ask him.
I could try to make some full artwork and/or turn-arounds for you to refer to, but right now I've got a heavy plate in both making a playable demo for this game and other things I need to take care of in real life. For now, I recommend that you aim small with your poster concepts if you're really desperate to make some.
Thanks so much! i really appreciate it! While were on the subject of game sprites, i have some from another "pokemon" fan game i drew up. the games main developer ceased interest though and i thought they might be more of use here,
they're all in my locker but if you'd like me to post them here i would no problem doing so. let me know if you're interested.
author=kentonaactually its more of the lack of "no-offense" after the joke. (i hope its a joke)
is nerd an insult?
Pokemon Roster
Hey i was thinking about making some fan "posters" could I get some close ups of a certain couple of 'mons?
heres the list:
Joubush, Dragablo, Serempity, Quodash, Alampita
Chi-yim, Seradim, Limbatent, Tricalp, Atavism
Bigfoot, Equistro, Torchgeist, Platossus, Dirangers (lol my favorite)
Raisicle, Muspyg, Vulkanylos, Byakestial
i understand if you dont have time, but i would really appreciate this. thank you.
heres the list:
Joubush, Dragablo, Serempity, Quodash, Alampita
Chi-yim, Seradim, Limbatent, Tricalp, Atavism
Bigfoot, Equistro, Torchgeist, Platossus, Dirangers (lol my favorite)
Raisicle, Muspyg, Vulkanylos, Byakestial
i understand if you dont have time, but i would really appreciate this. thank you.
sorry don't mean to pester you but i find the "mlg nerd" comment a bit uncalled for as well as offensive. I happen to be a professional VGC player. you don't need to remove it. this is more a declaration than a complaint. just wanted to let you know its a tad bit offensive. big fan of the game! And looking forward to it's release!