well I'm not new to RPG making however I don't have any particular skill in scripting. looking for a scripter. Iam great a spriting though.
Pudymon Nightmare
A Pokemon based game



Pudymon Nightmare

this is on hold until i either learn to script properly or finish with helping out another pokemon game. pokemon mica.

Pokemon: Shards of the Orichalcos


p.s. im not sure how up to date you are, but theres a new pokemon region called isshu. it will be the 5th generation of pokemon.

I believe its pronounced Unova.

Pokémon RMN Version

can I make a youtube lets play of this game when it's released?

Pokémon: Uncensored Edition

lol i subscribed cuz it has actual CATCHABLE pokemans in it lol dis fffffunny...........

Pudymon Nightmare

Wait, is this a parody game of Pokemon: The Nightmare?

no just named nightmare completely different from the pokemon nightmare game
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