Which game was the biggest disappointement for you?
What's your job ?
I got a degree in journalism and am now studying webdesign. However, i do some freelance work for a music website and make websites as a freelancers as well.
Biggest 'Doh' moments of your life.
The Heirs of Techcatl
I LOVE the graphic style and background story but i think the story is a bit rushed. Like One moment you are a supporter of the kingdom, a second later you are part of the resistance. It feels a bit weird. Apart from that everything about this is great!
Favorite videogame world.
Some people have said it before and i as well like the world of FF8 a lot for some reason. And what about FFX's world, Spira? I can understand people didn't love everything in the game, but the world was pretty awesome i think.