

One Hour

Awesome game! I played through the whole thing. I'm not sure if the following of what I say will be a spoiler to the game, so I'll mark it. I kind of have some questions, though.

So I got all the ingredients to make the antidote(?), supposedly using milk thistle, coal, and dandelion at the cooking pot. My character still died though? Am I supposed to complete the game within a certain time frame, such as before it says 45 minutes at the top? Am I missing something? I did try to rerun it as fast as I could but nothing changed, and it still says that he's too late.

I think one of the endings might be doing nothing or the time runs out, so maybe I'll try that when I have time. For now, I've gotten 1/4 endings.

How do you open that little treasure chest though?!! It has a lock-code, and 8 digits. I think it has something to do with the page numbers on the papers throughout the game, and try as I might, I'm no good at puzzles :(.

I really want to get all the endings, though. Hope you could impart me with some of your all-knowing knowledge?
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