20 something programmer, college student and U.S. veteran, Seattle/Pacific Northwest, part-time gamer, armature game designer.
What upcoming games are you looking forward to?
Is this your topic for a game, if so try to give some better info. tell us what its about, upload some screen shots, and dont be so crazy about your post.
So, can someone lock this topic? Its just sad.
Is this your topic for a game, if so try to give some better info. tell us what its about, upload some screen shots, and dont be so crazy about your post.
So, can someone lock this topic? Its just sad.
The RPG Maker 2003 monster resource.
Is it possiable it doesnt work cause theres no resouces? I know that not the case, but its a possiablity
:The Game Making Drive/Blog Topic
Week of Sept 29 to Oct 3rd, 2008
- Started and completed the outline for a project
- Created said project
- Completed Items database
- Finished two maps
Total Time Spent This Week (so far):2hrs 57mins
What are you listening to?
Currently listening to Jesus Walk by Kayne West. but it just changed to Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship
The RPG Maker 2003 monster resource.
[Request] Monster sprite RM2k
Ok, so can someone help me get some sprites i could use for monsters. I need them in front view style (Like Rm2k) and i need them to be humans, more specificly, A Human Male, Female, Older Male, Older female, And a police officer. Also just to help out, if someone does make these monster sprites, can you make a chipset too?
Help for a RM2k3 Project
Ok, well I dont want to give away to much info because my project might suck and fall apart, but its for a a project set in the modern age, where you can do pretty much what ever you want.
EDIT: This topic can be locked, Im going to define my request a little better in a new forum.
EDIT: This topic can be locked, Im going to define my request a little better in a new forum.