The TM is for Totally Magical.
I am a piano technician and musician by trade. I am a poet, a writer, an artist in my spare time.




https://pianotm.itch.io/the-dark-elfs-quest $14.99

https://pianotm.itch.io/euphonie $10.00
Across the Universe
Survival and friendship in an impossible situation.



How to Steal like a Hero

Since the most important part of this goes into troop events, I've simply created a range of chest items and given them their own switches (I probably could have nested some branches and put them all in the same common event, but it was easier just to make separate common events for the chests.). I'm not going super specific. Just a range of level-appropriate items. Like...a slime isn't going to drop Excalibur, but it'll drop potions and mana potions.

Then I just have those different items for different troops.

How to Steal like a Hero

This is a very nice system!

Custom Random Encounter System

I guess by using this you can make cbs side view by transfer player to custom battle map but you have to do side view sprite and monster sprite and custom damage system

I mean, yeah. You just don't have to use the battle system at all. You can just make a custom battle system and call that instead.

Trigonometry script for rpg maker 2003

Sorry to necro this, but the example project file link must be dead or something. Or maybe I just haven't figured out how this website works yet... Any chance there is somewhere I can find this nowadays?

Go to his locker. Page five. Simply click on Kazesui's name on top of this page, click on locker on the top right of his profile, and go to page five. It's around halfway down. Can't figure out why the link's not working here; it looks like it goes where it should, but his locker's working fine. I just checked.

Don’t Throw Away That 2k3 Just Yet

"You know that in a couple of years Rm2k3 games won’t run on any computers anymore."
Funny how it's the RGSS RPG Makers that are dying, now, while 2k3 lies fully revitalized and compatible thanks to Cherry and BingShan's efforts. (AND EasyRPG!)

Us 2k3 users know the real quality engines. As for RGSS, VX Ace wouldn't be dying if so many users hadn't dropped it like a bad habit when the far inferior MV and MZ came out.

EDIT: Also I don't understand it. I have a 10th generation computer and it runs 2k and 2k3 with absolutely no difficulty. Windows 10, too! I'm not even running them under compatibility settings. When people ask how to get 2k and 2k3 to run on newer Windows, I get upset because I can't help them because I've never seen them not work. They even work on my laptop! NOTHING WORKS ON MY LAPTOP!!!

Dice Gambling Game

Cool idea - I'd try to use arrays here. You will save yourself a lot of work and you really need only one common event ;)

This Rm2k-example implements the dice game for any number of dice. For each game of dice you call a small common event:


  • The array 0302*0307 stores the numbers of dice showing 1 through 6, respectively
  • 0032:diceResultPtr = 301 is a pointer to the array above
  • 0062:nDice contains the number of dice in the game the player has chosen before
  • 0048:_throw contains an integer where each digit represents the number of one die

The loop cycles through all dice you throw - for each die, the array is updated (+1) and the biggest tuple you currently have is stored in _maxTuple.

After all dice are thrown, the player wins some gold, depending on the biggest tuple in the throw.

Oh, cool! Thank you! Not sure how I missed this comment...actually, the notification probably got buried.

Making Your Game Work Without the RTP

There needs to be a way to sticky articles like this.

The Sound of Game Make

I don't know about beginners, but as someone who's been composing for years yet never managed to learn music notation, this guide is very easy to understand. I'll refer to it in the future.

Thank you! If nothing else, I'm glad I'm not the only one who understands what I was trying to say.

Would it be possible to add a music file to every step of the Strange New World tutorial? To hear the piece being built progressively might help our understanding further.

You know, why didn't I think of this? Done.

Trigonometry script for rpg maker 2003

Okay, yeah. The stealth system definitely won't work right in the legal version of 2k3. The sight block handler is refusing to acknowledge the terrain ID. I'm going to have to see if I can work around it.

EDIT: Oh! It's doing me one better! The system is using the blocked sight switch as the detection switch! I have no idea why it's doing that.

EDIT 2: Set all terrain to 1. And in case you're wondering, I spent three hours trying to get this work right. When I realized that I could copy paste the entire event system from Kazesui's sample directly into my project despite the fact that these are two different systems, I did it. I checked everything. I went through everything. All the variables are in the right place and even are named properly. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to do this.

EDIT 3: So, it detects you if block sight is on. It detects you if block sight is off. The only thing I can figure is that block sight is both on and off. I wish I understood math this complex.

EDIT 4: So here's the quick and dirty fix. I removed the Blocked Sight handler entirely from the script and put tiles on the floor that turn it on when I stand on them and off when I leave. Which works.

5 Steps to Write Better Female Characters

I have a propensity for writing female leads and this article totally sums up everything I think about writing the characters. I'm also really glad you point out that these rules are more guidelines and it's okay if you break them in your story. It's all about looking at your characters as people instead of a gender.
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