
pro subscription pluralsight & digitaltutors for 6 months

There is a lot of good tutorials for unity, unreal, programming & art design.

1 In order to get your account, you need to register first with visual studio dev essentials:


for this, either join creating a new account, or use your microsoft account if you have one.

2 next, you will be redirected to a new page displaying all benefits, pick the "pluralsight 6 month subscription" that should be in the first row.

3 Again, you will be redirected to pluralsight with a code filled in the form, add mail, first and last name (the button at the end of the form may not work with chrome or safari, at least i had to install explorer 11 for this step to work).

4 confirm with your mail account the password for you account and now you can log in both www.pluralsight.com and www.digitaltutors.com

Introduction to Linux course MOOC

Gentlemen, the linux foundation and edx (a non profit site governed by harvard and MIT) will be offering "introduction to linux course" , for free this summer.

Is a nice chance to get into linux if you are interested. It's 40-60 hour long and you may take tests and stuff if you want a certificate.

course webpage

more info:
english link with more info
pagina en espaƱol con mas informaciĆ³n


Hello there,I was thinking what to write as a fine introduction letter... and nothing came out. So instead i'll use images instead of words:


(they are 14mpx camera photos of my notebooks, All from characters from different games that I imagened at some point of my life,and some fanart too)

I'm a hobby artist that love jrpgs and lately, short games. I'm currently helping a friend (from another site) with portraits and art for his rpgmaker vx game and i'd like to show some fan support , since there is a bunch of nice games hosted on this site that i've enjoyed.

pd: I got deeply moved by this article http://rpgmaker.net/articles/918/

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