

Forever's End

Why do all the good RPG maker people always never finish their projects? =( It makes me sad in my soul bits.

Forever's End

Just wanted to pop in with a note of encouragement, LOVED the first episode and hope progress is going well with episode 2! Thanks for being an amazing artist and sharing your work with the world. :P

Forever's End

This game is AWESOME. The only thing I want to mention is that it really relies on a ability/spell combat system, and you rarely use your regular attack, so even though you already have a full roaster for episode 2, it might be interesting to have a "monk" class character who primarily uses his regular attack, and almost never uses abilities.

Episode Two: What You Can Expect

I'm not really sure if Mel SHOULD be a playable Character, but demonlord's comment reminded me of another indie rpg I played a LONG time ago, and in it there were these two items, one of them was called the mirage cloak, and the other the shadow cloak I think, anyway they would make it impossible to hit you until the monster "Detected" you, and then the battle would go on like normal, which was REALLY awesome. I can't really think of any really unique way of fighting for Mel though, other then some sort of ability to "hide" in battle, to get a reprieve, and then maybe come back in whenever you used and item, ability, ect. I don't see how you could really flush out a fighter like that though, also you might be taking away abilities and stuff from Gordo if you do. Anyway AWESOME GAME. I just finished it and I can't wait for the next one.
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