

Polaris 03

Nice presentation. :P

The Seventh Door

Yes, I've been told about that one too these last days (by another Russian player, so the problem really seems to be related to this language).
It's been fixed here on this version:

And he could finish the game, so it would mean it's all fixed now (I have updated all the links above).


The Seventh Door

Here's a fixed version of the game for you:
You can copy and paste your save files from the old version to the new version. They are the files called Save(number).rxdata, paste them in the main folder of the game and start it again.

Tell me if you have another message like this later (supposedly you shouldn't).
And if you manage to finish the whole game without any problem, it'll be useful if you could tell me as well. (it will confirm that there's no more accent problem left in the game for anyone)

Can you tell me what is the default language on your computer?
Looks like it's because your computer can't read the files with french accents properly (most people don't have this problem though, even in english-speaking countries).
Sorry for the inconvenience.


The Seventh Door

Thanks to the abrupt and decent popularity of the game on a famous indie game site (that I won't mention :D) and a bunch of letsplays on Youtube, I've just updated the link with a new version of the game, improving a few things and adding a couple of new music tracks, composed and made by me and other members of the team.
Now all the music in the game is from us!


Akemi Homura plays The Seventh Door

Great playthrough, thanks.
To the other viewers > There are several paths to get through some segments, and other hidden things. Play the game to discover them by yourself. :D


The Seventh Door

Cool, thanks. :)

Indeed the car part is not easy. You have to remain very focused, stay on a white line and do quick dodges (dodge and then immediately back on the white line).
About the plush toys, you had to follow the order shown on the chest of drawers behind, but yeah it may also be kind of random.


[RMXP] Need testers to test a completed game translated in english

Yeah y'all must keep in mind this is for free, all you'll get is your pseudonym credited in the presentation of the game and in the ending credits at the end of the game (just like the rest of us who made the game). :D

I'll send you the link and the instructions via pm in a couple of minutes Abe, thanks.
Alright Trihan.

I close the participations for now, I don't want to have too many proofreaders / proofreadings to manage. If I feel short of feedbacks, I may open again some day.


[RMXP] Need testers to test a completed game translated in english

Thanks, I sent you a personal message.


[RMXP] Need testers to test a completed game translated in english

Alright I'll pm you as well.
Ok Trihan. (I was not thinking about you if this is what you thought :D)


[RMXP] Need testers to test a completed game translated in english

You don't need to know french. :D
Well, some of the volunteers gave up, so ok I'll send you a pm.

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