I enjoy creating 2D RPGs using the RPG Maker software. I am a huge fan of BioWare and The Elder Scrolls. I am currently helping develop a medieval fantasy 2D RPG called, Legacy of the Guilds. I also enjoy cooking, art, and playing sports. My favorite one of those would be cooking.



Bad news: I have to Hiatus this game. :(

Way to go, I just got two pages of notices from the SAME game, this one.

Bad news: I have to Hiatus this game. :(

...This better be a VERY late or early "April" fools joke. Seriously, you cannot give up! Search the internet for fixes or something! Do the extreme.


Hehe, we appreciate your support. :)

EDIT: I am really looking forward to this game! Although... it has clowns... I'm still downloading it!


Indeed, the plot thickens. This is going to be one interesting tale, to say the least.
Excellent. And now I wait (for the next demo of this, of the other game I'm looking at, and my own game)

What's the other game? ;)

Feedback for v0.02

Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated.

We do indeed have this handled.


It's not my project, you do as you wish! :)


Weird humor, I guess.

But if it floats your boat, flies your plane, or steers your car, okay then.


Haha! This is what I imagined when I saw that there are bibles on sell.

"Bibles are on sell! Get your bible here! 75% off bibles! Close-OUT deal!"

Moving on to more serious business. I think you should add more items to the tables out front and not have all the same item on the same table, if that makes sense.

EDIT: The clown scares me. I wouldn't buy from a store ran by a clown unless I was carrying anti-clown weapons and equipment.

Bronze Soul

Thanks. Say, how's it going over at the Legacy game?

It's going great! We're making excellent progress.


A bit of humor, 'tis all.
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