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Week the tenth.

DOING IT! is a community event ran each week where a prompt is given and those who wish to fulfill it post their work here. It is entirely optional, you may join at any time - even after a week has finished. Feel free to post as many pieces as you like. Feedback is encouraged.


- Post your work in the thread, preferably with some small explanation about it. Whether that be about any troubles you had fulfilling the prompt, how you went about it or how you think it turned out is up to you.
- Feedback is highly encouraged, but optional. No flaming please. Constructional critique is preferred. If you see a piece without feedback, consider leaving even a line about it. Keep feedback polite.
- Keep posts on/in topic. Try not to get too off-track, please.
- "Borrowing". As these threads may include both original graphical and musical creations please ask the creators instead of just adding them to your 'collections'. If authors don't mind adding full works, go ahead, but partial works are also encouraged. If someone states in their post that they do not want their work used, please try to refrain yourself from grabbing with your grubby hands. It makes you look like a fool and a thief when others' point it out. People have been given bad reputations and ostracized from communities for doing this.
- You may add to this topic at any time. A link to this and the other weekly topics to come will be added to the main topic each week. Feel free to add new work to any of them at any time.

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for prompts please see the
original thread.


Maps are integral to most games, as we already know. So how do you go about mapping in your project? Do you make it up as you go along? Plan a diagram of the map out on paper/in your head? Or do you jot down every idea and thought? Do you randomly add events to the map or calculate where everything goes beforehand? What do you think makes a good map/dungeon/town/etc? Let's discuss our maps, mapping methods and anything else to do with mapping, layers and events this week.

Take a look at a random map in your project and describe it here in ten words or less. Try to really give a feel of your map or at least a good description. Be cryptic if you want. For an extra challenge try not to use these words:
- cave
- forest
- desert
- town
- city
- mountain
- tower
- castle
- village

Go forth and create!

Previous Topics

I generally don't plan my maps out, but I find that when I do, whether it'd be drawing a picture of it or setting a grid for it on graph paper, they tend to be better and make more sense. As for events, npcs I generally add in last. I first focus on the map, followed by main events, followed by npcs/superfluous events.

I would describe the current maps that I'm working on as:
Ruin....y? Nah.
Dilapidated relic left over from an ancient time.
Better, but still sounds like at least one map in every rpg ever made -_-
I don't plan my mas, but I have a picture in my head of what I'm going for. Details go in the order I need them, so I might start making NPCs, move on to the main events, move back to NPCs, etc etc. There's always something to be done in a game!

Random map: Large(Gigantic!), abandoned jail taken over by religious "cult".
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
Random map: The Abyss of Cold.

I generally do all of the planning steps of a map if it's a dungeon - gimmick planning and placement, encounter placement, and steps to achieve the goal - on graph paper. If it's a town or benign area, I just make a framework (i.e. roads, the bottoms of trees, bodies of water, cliffs, etc.), make it look decent, and then hide stuff wherever I feel I can.
Oh yeah, I do plan (most) puzzles where positions are important on paper.
Funnily enough I just make it as I go. Sometimes I'll have an idea about what I want a town or dungeon to be like - usually by adding a general description to the area. For instance: I've got an eventual town that will include lots of canals and different layers. Or I think of something to mix it up a bit like a dark forest/hedge maze type dungeon.
But when it comes time to actually create, I just go with the flow.

To be honest, with maps I generally just know roughly what I want, then improvise. Saves me going through tons and tons of paper as I don't normally use pencils for any sort of drawing, and I'd probably make a whole ton of changes.

As for maps I'm working on... not really any right now. Will probably start after I'm done editing database stuff.
I have a world map of most of my games world drawn I use as a reference. It makes it easier for me
to plan out where everything fits together. I really don't have a choice as it is impossible for me to remember where everything goes with out drawing a map of every area. at least medium sized and up :)

I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I start out with only a basic idea of what kind of area I want, and then start mapping. After I'm done making the area, I will go back through and decide, "This room is boring, it needs more spice." "This puzzle seems harder than ones later in the dungeon, I'll swap it with another." "This map is completely awful, I need to redo it."

I guess you could call this the same thing as planning it out ahead - except that I plan it out by actually creating a rough draft of the map in RPG Maker.

It seems silly to me to just plan it in your head, or on paper, when you have such an excellent mapping tool to draw all the things you are thinking of.

Hmm, 10 words isn't much, but I'll try. In fact, I'll make it into a haiku also!

Roof of the prison,
Nowhere left for getaway,
Suicide BANZAI!!!
Returning from RMVX Death
Funnily enough I just make it as I go. Sometimes I'll have an idea about what I want a town or dungeon to be like - usually by adding a general description to the area.
But when it comes time to actually create, I just go with the flow.

Oh.. And preview:
Cold and windy, dreams all around, Ghosts and living.
corporate office seized by jealous terrorists

featuring music by eminem
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