
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
I'm working on setting up enemies. Just finished the coding that stops enemies from dropping equipment that too weak/too strong for the current level (scaling), and hopefully my "time to conjure up another random map" common event is foolproof/unbreakable/will auto-adjust to fix idiocy. It should be, but..! ::D

Due to ~pErFeCt PlAnNiNg~ I also know that I am 13.33% of the way through mapping the game's pseudo-randomized dungeon.
Some events for Vanity. I'm much closer to finishing this than I thought I was, so I might as well get to it.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Some events for Vanity. I'm much closer to finishing this than I thought I was, so I might as well get to it.

Unlike Max and I, you are surprisingly effective at finishing stuff and juggling.

EDIT: I love VX and ubersimple scripting. \iw[\v] uses YEM Custom Message System to show the icon and name of the weapon with the id stored in variable 2.

I also love making a game that literally makes itself (roguelight).
Hahaha Thanks.

I just take my time with things. I try to avoid release dates unless the end is very, very close.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
I am working on screenshotting stuff so I can make a gamepage and then make chaos make it pretty.

Also, telling myself I'll spend the four hours it will take to prepare the tester's demo of IPoP.
I am working on screenshotting stuff so I can make a gamepage and then make chaos make it disgusting.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
That was

ridiculously fast
New RM project and polishing platformer combat engine.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
skills = [201..231, 233..236, 238..241,

243..246, 248, 249]
for skill in skills; unless skill > 231
skills.delete(skill) if skill % 4 == 0
$scene = Scene_SkillShop.new(skills)

I am the laziest.
...so you just deleted every skill that is a multiple of 4 from the first part of that list? Why?
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
...so you just deleted every skill that is a multiple of 4 from the first part of that list? Why?

Divider skills from the database :V
if squallbutts was a misao category i'd win every damn year
I am working on my procrastination technique.

It's coming along well so far.
Working on Alice's script again.
Apparently, my friend volunteered to draw for me so I will focus on the sprites and the story instead. I-I'm so grateful...I hope we can do it ;_;
I'm finishing up updating my skillsets and effects. I've also decided to can another character from the party.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
I am working on NOTHING. In the RM Arena.

Kinda frozen until my beta testers finally get back to me in force.

Unless I want to throw myself whole hog into making yet another project.
Use the time and play something.
I'm a bit disappointed I can't whore out my project, but I'm working on that right now. The... project, not the whoring. Starting on the events, which are the fun aspects for me, but I shudder to think at the effort some of you are putting into your games with engines and scripts and whatnots.
I'm a dog pirate
Denadel, Denadel, Denadel. I have two and a half days to pull this together, and I'm working all weekend.
Flowers and maps. And still trying to find a diagonal water spray. I thought I was on to something earlier, but it turned out to be a bust. >.<