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- 4.5 - 16 hours of gameplay (no cut scenes, just action) or in 1 player's case 21 hours!!
- side areas that have secrets, and equipment exclusive to those that find them
- Branching quest paths with different outcomes
- Multiple recruits for your party (after the 1st quest)
- make your own party
- 16 playable classes
- Bestiary
- big and challenging bosses and mini bosses. diverse arrays of enemies
- Learn basic skills from equipment
- Skills branch off and become greater as you USE THEM
- Creatures have levels just like you do
- Chase down enemies, run from them or sneak past them
- ever changing battles that make you think and adapt
- Replayability (I have gone through the game 25 times with plenty of different parties and still felt it was fresh)
- Challenging yet forgiving gameplay
- mining, processing and forging
- become a vampire (or vampire hunter class)
- become an outlaw hunted by guards that will chase you when they spot you
- potion brewing
- codes / passwords that you collect in the game and then use them when you are done. thus adding to replayability

- Fragmasters
- Treasure Hunters
- Naval Gazers
- Tourists

Yanfly -> Majority of Scripting 50%
KGC -> Majority of Scripting 40%
Modern Algebra -> Tangeant Script
Modern Algebra -> Skill Teaching
Eternal Symphony -> Stat Increase By Job
Dangor -> Advanced Title Screen

ShortStar -> almost everything
Craze -> 1 cave map / 1 shrine

NO you can use previous saves from v2 and v2B and 2C and 2D.

If you have saves from 2E, 2F, 2G, and 2H they work with 2I.

This is not a major update, so if you have 2D, you do not need 2I.

Current Version = 2K

- New small village to the south of Eraki.
- 10 new quirky weapons
- New status ailments include, burnt, numb, shocked, drowning, burrial, suffocation, shine and posessed.
- New skills to act accordingly.
- New more powerful skills with risk or rewardish system.

FIXEDin V2I ---
- If you jump down the second tier in the first cave after beating it, you can get out now.

ADDED in V2H ---
- After a battle, you now have 1 second of invulnerability / immunity to average enemies. You can plow through them without having to fight them. There is a note telling you too.
TWEAKED in V2H ---
- Lullaby is less effective. Most enemies that use it now use it slightly less.
TWEAKED in V2H ---
- Wind Spirits now attack more. Peaches have slightly more attack power. Guardian Angels have less starting MP.
TWEAKED in V2H ---
- Notebook transparency.
ADDED in V2H ---
- If you've already put out the fires at the first tower and exit the tower, you can select to visit the top or start at the bottom.
ADDED in V2H ---
- In the first tower, enemies are blocked by invisible walls to prevent bottlenecking.

]ADDED in V2G ---
- Enemies drop more things to aide you.
]ADDED in V2G ---
- A new shop to use some of those things and make new items.
]ADDED in V2G ---
- A powerful, yet vulnerable class called "creepy girl"

TWEAKED in V2F ---
- Doorways will now be passages and not doorways.
TWEAKED in V2F ---
- Fire now has a note popup when you run into it for the first time. It tells you walking into fires is bad, and it damages you and you need blue potions to restore your health.
TWEAKED in V2F ---
- Statements and notes about how you can avoid enemies on the map to avoid battles.

TWEAKED in V2E ---
Dogs & Cats don't make their noises unless you talk with them.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
Brighter house interiors in the daytime.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
People playing pianos have a fixed direction when you talk with them.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
Removed the hide ability from low level equipment, because when you hide and you're alone it counts as death.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
Note sends you to Creall at the armory instead of Creall.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
Tear sheets stay up.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
Time passes by 2x slower.
TWEAKED in V2E ---
You are now restricted to certain areas until you get your party.

FIXED in V2D ---
In a mine south east of Eraki, there were falling boulders, which should not have been there at all. They are now removed. These rocks were a game stopper, because you could get blocked in.
UPDATED in V2D ---
There is also a sign to warn people about the mine cart. It is very glitchy if you try to move while you are riding it. So there is a sign specifically warning and reminding the player.

FIXED in V2C ---
In the ice cave, there was this thing that look like a sword apparently on the floor on the third room (where the blue chests are). When I got to it, not only I couldn't pick it up, but the graphic was actually over my hero's sprite as if it where floating!
FIXED in V2C ---
In the Hosts' den, I found the chest with the electric guitar, but couldn't find the way to get out of that area.
FIXED in V2C ---
- Also, in the castle, I noticed a few scrolls on the first floor (the two on the left hand size outside the walls, one in the top right corner room) that can't be picked up. Is it a bug?
FIXED in V2C ---
- Also, I found the ice cave. I got into the second room but once I opened one of the blue chests it threw me out.
FIXED in V2C ---
- In the second screen of the mountains, there's this treasure chest and a flashing star near the bottom of some small waterfalls. You can walk across once to get near them, but if you try to do it again you can't reach these treasures.
FIXED in V2C ---
- I found where Craze's shrine the problem is when you try to leave. Anyway you go to leave the shrine, you here footsteps sounds as if you were leaving but remain in the shrine.
FIXED in V2C ---
- When you talk to the lady that sells the items, you get a new note in the Notebook called "Catagories". Since you don't have them anymore for the items nor the spells, it is no longer applicable.
FIXED in V2C ---
- If you talk Enem more than once at the beginning, he can either block the doorway or, worse yet, cause the game to freeze. I actually had seen this one for your demo, but forgot to mention it.
FIXED in V2C ---
- Remember the switch to the right of the first stairwell of the tower? If you flip it, it causes the game to get stuck.

FIXED in V2B ---
- Mining freezes the game for 30 seconds when you mine at the same place twice.

FIXED in V2 ---
- Another Bug: The first switch in the tower malfunctions upon it's second and third use. Just see for yourself.
FIXED in V2 ---
- In the first dungeon, if you go back to talk to the guy who asks you for a splint he will heal you but his picture remains on the screen even after you move to another map area. This is highly disconserting and makes it very hard to play the game as it takes up almost half the screen.
FIXED in V2 ---
- Also, both "Cure Orb" and "Heal Orb" at the beginning give a heal orb.
FIXED in V2 ---
- I'd like to report a bug: No matter how many times I used an equipment ability, and no matter how many kills I got with them, they never get any CP (It was in the first dungeon, if that matters).
- a graphical issue: in the indoors, anywhere you have a doorway, you extended the wall, so that when you walk into the room you appear to be walking across a wall; you should change that all those tiles from wall to floor.
FIXED in V2 ---
- heal is described as "Attack Mind +20" (this is definitely wrong!)
FIXED in V2 ---
- there are items that you get either from the treasure chests, flashing stars or as drops after fights that once you check don't seem to be added to the inventory (I'm not sure about whether it happens after fights)
FIXED in V2 ---
- when you get some items from treasure chests or flashing stars, it will be saying you're getting 0 (item name), when you are actually getting 1 of them (I'm not sure about whether it happens with the flashing stars)
- sometimes even though the story has advanced, the NPCs will start their conversation by saying the some of the same things as before, before saying the new dialogue (ex. the mayor, after you go to talk to him after rescuing the brothers)
- in the menu to buy equipment, you can't see the effect of equipping new equipment for the 4th party member (I got around this by moving that switching my party to move the member to the 2nd or 3rd slots, which is very inconvenient!)

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10,000+ downloads and the idea generator

Yeah its that time again. 10,000+ downloads for this game. Totally not worth your downloads, trust me.

But what is worth your time.... I made idea generators :-)


And an article on designing your first game.

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  • ShortStar
  • RPG Maker VX
  • Adventure RPG
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  • 06/19/2019 06:57 PM
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Totally love the game so far, even if the bats and spiders hate me and kill me dead when I try to save my arrows XD And I went the wrong (right?) way and managed to be unable to explore all of the first goblin quest area.

Found one bug, though ^^; In the goblin quest, there is one chest (after you jump off the small ledge, IIRC) that gives you a "Blund club". No club, blund nor blunt, appears in your inventory. ;_;

Edit: Replaying (to fix the 'going the wrong way' thing), I realized that if you read the job notice after having done the errand, you can do the errand again. Also, I think the 300 you get from Iseakes are never subtracted from your money when you hand them over to the blacksmith, since I end up with 360 gold extra after every time I run the same errand, rather than 60 gold.

Edit2: You can reset the errand job even after doing the goblin quest, which causes an error since Iseakes isn't looking for boots anymore, and you can't talk to the blacksmith again after that because he's waiting for the delivery trigger ^^;
You find the splint after you find someone. That is your hint.

The Blung Club error is fixed. Fixed the note error.

Thanks for playing Nox :-)
I'm personally confused.

Is it part of the game for the ability of throwing weapons to be inaccessible after using it for certain number of times? 'Cause, yeah... It's happening to me.

Otherwise, awesome game! I love it~!
Did you run out of things to throw?

Good thing you love it. Thanks.
Not exactly. It's just that I can't use the skills, even with 99 throwing stars and knives.
Not all characters have the throw skills. Black belts, mistresses, thieves, and farmers. There is a throw dagger skill, a throw star skill and a throw skill. They all work with different things.
I know... It's just that I have a black belt that can't use the throw stars or throw dagger skill anymore, and a thief that can't use the throw dagger skill either. So, the black belt's used the throwing dagger skill exactly 100 times, while the thief used it 125 times, not the stunner and the silencer ones, but the base skills themselves.

EDIT: How about I just send you my save to show you what's going on - so you could see it for yourself. Maybe that'll help a bit...

EDIT 2: Okay, so my black belt can do it now, for some weird reason, but my thief still can't....
Maybe you need an equippable to get the skill back :-)
Maybe - that does make sense. I'll go check it out.

EDIT: I looked back on my former saves to see what I might have thrown away that let them use the throwing skills, but then - it's sorta weird - because they couldn't use it back then. I can recall that I was still able to use the throwing skills before this happened, whatever this is.
Great game! i found it 2 weeks ago from your youtube video, i've been playing ever since. i've gotta have something to do with no school. keep up the good work. i'm writing a review now.
I played this game, and I can't say I liked it too much. The writing was pretty dodgy, which I forgave, because the gameplay was clearly the focus... But the gameplay was so bland! I was in the middle of the goblin quest when I quit(and for once, not because I died, either!) It was just a lot of spamming Enter. I found it easier to take off what's-his-name's bow and just spam attack for similar damage without having to use arrows or press extra keys. I could still use Stun and whatever the other skill was, however. The crystals really, really annoyed me.

"This one allows you to save the game."
"This one also allows you to save the game."
Ah ha! Crystals allow you to save the ga-
"This one puts up your attack!"
Okay... The crystals do good things-
"Oh yeah? Well this crystal puts down your attack!"

There were lots of similar moments, like when I was exploring the house and lost a quarter of my HP to the fireplace. Then, to rub it in, you wear that lost HP, seemingy forever. I couldn't find any Inns, but to be honest I didn't look very hard. Seriously, make save crystals heal. And add more! I was playing for like 30 minutes in the very first dungeon without a chance to save and go do something else.

The mapping was nice, but those passageways in house were disgusting. They just look so wrong, are so wrong, and are just plain lazy!

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be nasty. I'm sure the game picks up later, once you get a party, but that's really no excuse. I wasn't bored because I hadn't gotten to pick my own party. I was bored because the battles were boring, and if that's the draw of the game, I'm out.
Spamming in a game? What's that? I seriously don't know. Like multitudes of enemies? Multitudes of help dialog?

Blue crystals let you save your game.
Purple crystals have other effects.
Green crystals exit the area.

Look for the colors :-)

As for the fireplace, have you ever tried to walk into a fireplace with a fire going inside it? You get burned :-) Plus that teaches you not to touch fire, which is used later in the game when you face fires.

You do not wear the lost HP forever, use potions to restore your lost HP.

Depending on what route you use, save crystals are quite frequent. Save points are quite frequent.
1 - you land in the goblin cave, there is a save
2 - exit the first main screen there is a save
3 - find the last lost boy and save
4 - before the boss there is a save
5 - after the boss there is a save.

Well I guess I'm the only person that feels the passageways are good, so I might actually change it in the future, because so many people have complained about it. But hey, they look better for screenshots. The funny thing is those ugly passages teach you how to find hidden passages in the future. Oh and if you call them LAZY why does it take 3x more work to make them?

Its okay to be nasty, because that just means you didn't pass the test. This game isn't for you and I'm okay with that :-)

I don't quite understand why battles are boring when there is so much diversity. You can use the bow or another weapon. You have skills that you can even PICK YOURSELF!!!! The enemies are diverse even in that first cave. In fact even the mini bosses aren't the same each time. They are diverse, because I too get bored easily, so I made a few different mini bosses for each area. Plus to top it off you can avoid many of the enemies, but again, this game isn't for you.

Perhaps if there was more Pokemonish combat :-)
V2F is up

- Doorways will now be passages and not doorways.
- Fire now has a note popup when you run into it for the first time. It tells you walking into fires is bad, and it damages you and you need blue potions to restore your health.
- Statements and notes about how you can avoid enemies on the map to avoid battles.
Spamming in a game? What's that? I seriously don't know. Like multitudes of enemies? Multitudes of help dialog?
Spamming attack is when you just have to keep attacking and attacking, with your basic attack or a single skill.

Blue crystals let you save your game.
Purple crystals have other effects.
Green crystals exit the area.
A note on this would be nice.

As for the fireplace, have you ever tried to walk into a fireplace with a fire going inside it? You get burned :-) Plus that teaches you not to touch fire, which is used later in the game when you face fires.
Yeah, but I couldn't just heal it off. I started handicapped! Also, it may teach you to avoid fire, but it also teaches you not to explore, which is bad.

You do not wear the lost HP forever, use potions to restore your lost HP.

This isn't too bad, I suppose. Resource management is important, so I'll give that one to you. But I didn't get a single way to heal MP on my playthrough, which was annoying.

Depending on what route you use, save crystals are quite frequent. Save points are quite frequent.
1 - you land in the goblin cave, there is a save
2 - exit the first main screen there is a save
3 - find the last lost boy and save
4 - before the boss there is a save
5 - after the boss there is a save.
I somehow didn't get any of these past the first one. It's just I was in the goblin cave for like half an hour with no save. I had other stuff to do and no way out but by not saving.

Well I guess I'm the only person that feels the passageways are good, so I might actually change it in the future, because so many people have complained about it.
They look stupid, and make no sense at all. I see that you did apparently change it though, so goo.

The funny thing is those ugly passages teach you how to find hidden passages in the future.
Well, the thing about secret passages is they're normally to the side of the map.

Oh and if you call them LAZY why does it take 3x more work to make them?
Well, they LOOK lazy.

Its okay to be nasty, because that just means you didn't pass the test. This game isn't for you and I'm okay with that :-)
”Didn't pass the test”? I didn't lose, if that's what you meant. I got bored with no way to save. =/

I don't quite understand why battles are boring when there is so much diversity. You can use the bow or another weapon. You have skills that you can even PICK YOURSELF!!!! The enemies are diverse even in that first cave. In fact even the mini bosses aren't the same each time. They are diverse, because I too get bored easily, so I made a few different mini bosses for each area. Plus to top it off you can avoid many of the enemies, but again, this game isn't for you.
Uh, the enemies were different, not diverse. They alll acted the same, except it seemed the goo was slightly more evasive and the bat could blind. Other than that it was ATTACKATTACKATTACKATTACKATTACKATTACK. And getting to choose skills was nice, but a second orb slot wouldn't go unappreciated, and the fact I ran out of MP meant I couldn't use them anyway.

Do you have your orb equipped? That can give you some diversity with skills at the beginning.

There is a note about the crystals in the game, and people talk about it too.

Wait fire teaches you not to explore? The game is nothing but exploration! Oh well. I put a "fire must be bad" statement when you run into it for the first time.

There are plenty of ways to restore MP. Red potions :-) They're abundant. Not as abundant as blue potions though.

So you spent a half an hour in the goblin cave with no save... did you get to jump down the mini cliff?

You did not pass the test as in this game obviously is not for you :-) It is for other people apparently and that's who I made the game for. The people that get past the first cave. By your logic save = fun! There can't be saves every 5 minutes, because dumbasses would wait until they're nearly dead, save and get stuck because they're nearly dead and they just saved. So there's a save every 10 or 15 minutes.

Actually wait... just for you...
- Unlock the cellphone (I will message you how)
- Enter the combination '0000'
- Enter the word 'SAVE CRYSTAL'
That will allow you to save absolutely anywhere.

- Unlock the cellphone (I will message you how)
- Enter the combination '0000'
- Enter the word 'HEAL ALL'
This will allow you to heal all.

- There are now quirky things to be made with the rat pelts.
- Powerful and vulnerable new class "creepy girl"
- Teddy Bears
- new drops to improve gameplay

The thing about 2 orbs, yes that would be nice, but the system allows for one or the other. If I made 2 orbs it would only aknowledge one slot. If I made the orb have the ability to be put in 2 slots it would only aknowledge 1, but that doesn't mean I can't make a main orb and a sub orb.
You should put the version history in hide tags.

One of these days I am going to have play this.
You probably wouldn't like it Kentona.

I don't know how to make hide tags.
[hide] stuff goes here[/hide]

like so:

stuff goes here. You win a cookie.
Thanks. I'll be uploading V2G shortly if it ever succeeds to make the .exe