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Blog 16: Seraphic Blue (1st half) will be released on Christmas Day

Hey everyone,

Yes, you heard me right. The 1st half of Seraphic Blue will be released on Christmas Day. I figure I shouldn't keep you guys waiting, and I'm already done with translating the new episodes, anyway. The only thing that's not fully done is the revamp/proofread part, but progress on that is currently at Episode 14, and so if I can't finish revamping Episode 14 in time, it's all cool. I'll still try, though!

But more importantly, this is what you subscribers/fans should expect from the newest and final incomplete translated version before I go all out to finish translating the game with the help of kumada:

- 7 new episodes, bringing the total to 24 episodes translated
- Total of more than 25 hours of gameplay
- 2 new dungeons and 3 new bosses
- Completely revamped translation for episodes up to Episode 14 (may include just a few revamps for 15 to 17 if I have time) (Trust me, the re-translation is much needed, especially with my improved knowledge of Japanese and with kumada's help in proofreading)

I probably still have some more things to say, like my future plans after releasing this version and such. But I'll save that for after I release this version.

So mark your calendars, guys! This will be my Christmas present to you fans!


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Gonna be an awesome Christmas by the looks of things. Looking forward to it!
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