Seraphic Blue Walkthrough v0.81
Written by Ryan914
Table of Contents:
1. General Information and Tutorials (GFTU)
1.2. Exploration (EXPL)
1.3. Combat Tutorial (CMTU)
1.4. Ability Tutorial (ABTU)
1.5. Equipment Tutorial (EQTU)
1.6. Stats Tutorial (STTU)
2. Walkthrough (WALK)
2.1. Prologue: Fading Normality (PRFN)
2.2. Chapter One: The World of Wandering White Wings (CHP1)
2.3. Chapter Two: Here Lies the Cold Droplets (CHP2)
2.4. Chapter Three: The Distant Gloomy Sky (CHP3)
2.5. Final Chapter: The Dark Side of Thy Wings (FCHP)
3. Items (ITMS)
3.1. Curative Items (CUIT)
3.2. Misc Items (MIIT)
4. Equipment (EQUP)
4.1. Weapons (WEAP)
4.2. Frames (FRAM)
5. Spheres (SPHR)
5.1. Ability (ABIL)
5.2. Invest (INVS)
5.3. Tactical (TASP)
5.4. Guard (GURD)
6.1. Attack Magic (ATMA)
6.2. Curative Magic (CUMA)
6.3. Support Magic (SUMA)
6.4. Personal Abilities (PERS)
7. Soundtrack (SNDT)
1. General Information and Tutorials (GITU)
Seraphic Blue was made in 2004 by tempura. Re-released in 2006 as a Director's cut and the Altered Directors cut was released afterwards with extra features. This walkthrough will cover the fan translated 2006 Director's cut which was done by eplipswich and kumada. This walkthrough is intended to be as spoiler free as possible.
Cursor keys: Move your characters and icons on the menu
Z: Interact with object or character/Select in menus
X: Menu
F12: Return to title
Title Menu:
Birth of Blue: New Game
Return to Blue: Continue
Away from Blue: Exit Game
Pressing X on the keyboard will open the menu. This has 9 options in a 3x3 grid. It will also show the Chapter Title, Time played, and Dear (Money) one has.
Item Ability Status
Equipment Supplement Dictionary
Organize Upgrade Break
Item: Allows player to access items to heal allies and see what they have accrued.
Ability: Allows player to use healing abilities and read more information about abilities.
Status: View character statuses
Equipment: Allows player to change character equipment
Supplement: Supplements allow the player to refill HP and TP from a pool. As you fight more enemies the player will gain Supplement EXP. This increases the level and max HP and TP the player can access in the Supplement pool. One can also choose to auto fill it by pressing shift and selecting to either auto fill after battle HP, TP, or Both. After battle a message will display of how much of the pool the player has used. The pool can be replenished at Resurrect points or by staying at an Inn.
Dictionary: Allows player to access Character Profiles, Glossary (Terms and certain names used throughout the game), Episode Recaps (Summaries of previous episodes), Chronology (Events in the game's story and history), and Destination (Where to go to next)
Organize: Organize the party and switch members positions.
Upgrade: Use Up substances to increase the effacacy of your items. There are 2 kinds A (All) and D (Double). It's best to have a lot of Up substances on hand as upgrading items will require quite a bit of them for simply upgrading one item. There are 4 Grades of Up substances, each being only able to upgrade items in their own tier.
Break: This will take you to a screen which will let you take a break from the game (Game will still be running but an image will appear; sort of like some kind of screen saver) Pressing Z will cancel this and return you to the menu
1.2. Exploration (EXPL):
On the field you will encounter 3 things that stand out. A Blue Crystal Tree (Memory Tree), A Green Crystal Tree (Return Tree), and a Blue floating orb (Resurrect Point)
Memory Tree (Blue Crystal Tree): Interacting with them will let the player save the game
Return Tree (Green Crystal Tree): Interacting with them will let the player travel between dungeon entrance and a certain location in it. Will become accessible at the entrance when player interacts with the Return Tree the first time per dungeon. Consider it a shortcut in layman's terms. This can be used to go back and get items if the player needs to resupply and stock up for a battle.
Resurrect Points (Blue Floating Orb): Interacting with them will allow the player to heal the party and restore the Supplement Pool. There are 4 Grades of Resurrect spheres. The higher the Grade, the more it can restore. One can buy these from shops that sell healing items. Think of these points like Tents/Cabins from Final Fantasy.
1.3. Combat (CMTU):
When combat is initiated, the character names of your active party will be at the bottom. The Time Gauge will be above the character names and enemies above the time Gauge. Above the Time Gauge are the FE Slots. The game uses a first person battle screen like Dragon Quest.
To select skills, press left or right when it's a character's turn. To use the variations of the skill, press down and up.
Normal Attack/Hard Attack
Defense/Hard Defense
Pass (Pressing Up and Down will let the player pass a characters turn by a certain length of time based on the ATKWT, at times this may be useful when planning in battle)
Enemy Data: See the enemies stats
Pressing shift will give a second options list: Which has the following:
ATKWT Check: See the ATKWT of all units
Escape: Attempt to escape battle
Battle Reference: Will list the battle interface and other information
Time Gauge:
Each unit gets a turn when the unit itself reaches the left hand of the gauge. Also, when a unit selects an action, a red icon will appear on the gauge indicating tentatively where the unit will end up in the gauge if the unit was to perform the action.
The enemies point on the time gauge is on the upper half and the numbers represent their locations from left to right on the screen. (Unit one of enemies will always be on the left side). Your units point on the time gauge is on the lower half and numbers represent their location in the bottom half of the screen. (Top most unit is considered unit 1)
A lower ATKWT stat means a higher priority to act in battle, however it only covers physical attacks, the AGI stat determines how fast a character get turns in. Each skill and spell will move the user to a specific point indicated.
Field Elements: (FE)
Field Elements are a key battle mechanic in Seraphic Blue, most if not all higher level abilities require that an FE be applied in order to be used. FEs can be applied as a result of using lower level elemental magic and abilities.
On the bottom right part of the battle screen, above the time gauge there are 5 spheres. When battle is initiated they will mostly be empty.
We will call them FE Slots 1-5 for reference. The far left being 1 and the far right being 5. The first 3 can be cancelled out by an opposing FE. The last 2 can only be cancelled through skills or magic that can dispel it. Example: If the FE in slot 1 is fire, using water will make it empty, using water again will make the FE Slot water based.
FE Slot 1: Fire/Water (Red/Blue)
FE Slot 2: Wind/Earth (Brown/Yellow)
FE Slot 3: Light/Dark (Yellow/Black)
FE Slot 4: Sky (White)
FE Slot 5: Break (Pink)
Buffs: (These are the last 4 slots in the HP/MP menu of the party in battle)
Boosts DEF.
Boosts MEN and MDF.
Boosts AGI.
Boosts ATK.
Ailments: (These are the 11 slots in the HP/MP menu of the party in battle)
A Dead party member, ie. HP = 0, cannot perform any actions in battle unless revived.
A stoned party member cannot perform any actions in battle unless Stone is removed
* Game is over if all allies are Dead and/or Stoned
A poisoned party member suffers damage equal to 20% of his/her max HP per turn
A diseased party member suffers damage equal to that of Poison status in addition to weakened ATK and DEF, and all positive status denied (All status buffs negated and member afflicted can't gain buffs)
A paralyzed party member cannot perform any actions in battle unless Paralyze is removed.
A party member inflicted with Slow travels slower in the Time Gauge. (Increased ATKWT)
A blind party member has HIT weakened in addition to all physical abilities disabled.
A Party member inflicted with Forget has MEN & MDF weakened and all mental abilities are disabled. Also suffers 5% damage of max TP per turn.
A confused party member has no control over his/her actions and randomly attacks an ally per turn. A physical attack on him/her removes this status.
A party member inflicted with Melancholy has ATK, DEF, MEN, AGI & AVD weakened, and all positive statuses denied. (All status buffs negated and member afflicted can't gain buffs)
Both buffs and ailments will be given specific letters and colors. Characters can get multiple ailments at once. (Example: Confuse and Disease could be applied due to the enemy you are facing having abilities that can inflict them) However the same goes for buffs. The player can apply buffs for each ability. (The buffs and ailments do not have a cumulative effect aside from Poison and Disease being applied at once which means 40% max HP damage per turn is lost. This means that once applied, the ailments/buffs do not stack, they will not increase after application.)
1.4 Ability Tutorial (ABTU):
Abilities are divided into 4 classes: Attack Magic, Curative Magic, Support Magic, and Personal Abilities. Personal Abilities are divided into Physical Personal Abilities and Mental Personal Abilities
The format for the Abilities goes as follows:
Name: Ability Type:
Some of these are clearly obvious while others aren't
AR: Attack Radius/Range (Can either be one or all)
AE: Attack Element
AC: Element Required to use Ability
AWT: Attack Wait time after use
1.5. Equipment Tutorial (EQTU):
Equipment is divided into several catagories. Weapons, Frames, and Spheres
Weapons: Which are very obvious, these are your standard go to for when in combat
Frames: There are 4 types of Frames: Cloth, Armor, Mesh, and Robe. Frames also carry a SPC (Sphere Capacity). The higher the Sphere Capacity the more slots are available for Spheres to be equipped.
There are many types of spheres which are divided into several classes: Ability, Invest, Tactical, and Guard.
Ability: Equipping Ability spheres will give the character the ability to use types of magic. Each character has their own affinity for magic, some are solely magic users, some are solely physical and some are a hybrid. Each has a level limit of what kind of magic can be used. The highest level for magic is 6.
Invest: Gives characters defense against elemental/ailment infliction attacks and skills or boosts the attack strength of an element/Ailment infliction resistance for a character
Tactical: Spheres which can give extra effects to characters in combat. (Higher chance of countering attacks, etc)
Guard: Extra armor that can give Physical or Magical Defense
Each character can only use one type of weapon. However some characters can equip more than one type of Frame.
1.6 Stats Tutorial (STTU):
In the Menu when status is selected it displays all the parameters of characters in the active party.
Character Title:
Level: Current Level
HP: HP/Max HP Amount
TP: TP/Max TP Amount
EXP: Current EXP
NEXT: EXP Required for the next level
Attack Magic: What level of Attack Magic they are able to use
Curative Magic: What level of Curative Magic they are able to use
Support Magic: What level of Support Magic they are able to use
ATK: Attack Damage
HIT: Hit Rate
CRT: Critical Hit Rate
ATKWT: Attack Waiting Time
DEF: Defense
AVD: Avoidance (Evasion)
MEN: Mentality (Magic damage stat)
MDF: Mental Defense (Magic Defense stat)
AGL: Agility
DEX: Dexterity
SPC: Sphere Capacity
Elemental Attack/Defense: Character's resistance to elemental attacks and spells.
Elemental Physical Cast: Elemental based physical attacks (Can only be active once Physical Cast Spheres are equipped)
Negative Status Inflict/Resist Rates: How well a character can inflict and resist status ailments.
2. Walkthrough (WALK)
After the lengthy introduction, you will be in control of the Lady in Blue. Inspect the glowing spots on the bookshelves and then check the one that appears, afterwards interact with the panel near the door, leave the room and interact with the Memory Tree to save. Head south, some scenes will play.
2.1 Prologue: Fading Normality (PRFN)
Episode 01: Devil Sweepers / Hunters of Black Wings -Krieger-
You will be in control of Lake at Langer's office at Turku, as you attempt to leave, Langer will stop you and give you a Curative Magic Level 1 sphere. Then a scene will play. Equip your recently acquired sphere and go outside and kill the 5 groups of Devils. Simply attacking them normally will do. Afterwards a scene will play and the episode ends.
Episode 02: Devils' Den / Cold-blooded Warrior -Hass-
Stock up on items, buy better gear and leave Turku. Travel south to Kokomo. In Kokomo, go to the largest building in the village. Talk to the maid, then head through the south exit and left on the dirt path to the gravesite and a scene will play. Then afterwards, leave Kokomo, the enemies on the overworld are as follows.
* The Green Fly can poison with it's attacks
* The Little Blade
* The Thieves
*Nameless Cave*
The path is rather straightforward, kill Devils as you advance collecting the items: Heal Bottle, Resurrect Sphere Level 1, and Bronze Shield until you reach the boss: Little Demon. Use Brightness to take out the Lower Blacks that aid him. The only real problem he poses is his Wing attack which can lop off 120-150 HP. Afterwards a scene will play out and the Episode ends.
Episode 03: Fate's Resolve / White Wing's Descent -Engel-
Head back to Turku and go to Langer's clinic and talk to him, then head to Turku Forest to the north.
*Turku Forest*
Kill Devils as you advance through the forest. When you enter, in the 2nd area, head west for a Support Magic Level 1 Sphere. In the southeast corner is a Heal Bottle. Take the eastern path, then go north. Further north will lead to a Poison Resist 20%. Head east in the 4th area to head to the 5th area. There will be a path blocked by a devil, nearby is an Antidote. In the 6th Area, follow the path up the plateau, kill the devil and head down the ramp. The northwest path has a Resurrect Sphere Level 1 at the end of it. Head north and follow the path until you reach the Return Tree.
The enemies here are all weak to Fire.
*The Myconids may poison you with their normal attacks.
*The Rafflesia will use Swallow which can lop off half of the current HP of the target.
*The Pale Devils who are fixed encounters can also be random encounters, use Firely on them to easily be rid of them. The biggest problem they pose is their Claw attack. They may drop the Water Elemental Atk/Def+10 spheres, which sell for a bit of money.
Go back and stock up if you are low on supplies, when ready go ahead and fight the boss: Gargoyle. He is weak to Water, so use Freezy. He will use Windy and Wing attack which each does quite a bit of damage. Don't be afraid to use a Clana if you run low on TP.
After defeating him, a scene plays out and you fight Irmgard. After losing the battle, a scene will play and the Episode ends.
2.2 Chapter One: The World of Wandering White Wings (CHP1)
Episode 04: Wings' Journey / Search for Lost Memories -Zukunft-
After the opening scene, Vene will join the party. Gear her up, travel to Kokomo and speak with Ilyena. Afterwards, leave town, cross the northern bridge, keep going northward until you reach a wasteland area, then go west and around the mountains and lake until you reach a bridge, cross that and head east. You will then reach Hawick. The chapter will end after a small amount of speech from Lake and Vene after you enter Hawick.
There are a few new Enemies here:
* The Strange Worm will use Squeeze which may inflict paralysis and is weak to Light.
* The Wasteland Bird will use Dive and is weak to Sky.
Episode 05: Hawick / Home of the Abadoned Angels' -Begegnung-
Head into the Church and witness the event, afterwards Nixon will join the party. Once you are done shopping and getting prepared, head east from Hawick around the mountains and then north to the East Continent Port.
There are a few new Enemies here.
* The Harpies will use Dive, Claw, and are weak to Sky
* The Clay Bugs will use Body Ram and are weak to Water.
* The Earth Behemoths which will hit Hard but are weak to Wind.
It's recommended that you have the party around Levels 11-13 before going to Juwess.
At the port, on the southern beach is a Blue Shell, which can strengthen water elemental defense. Go to the docks and talk to the Captain to get aboard the ship to Juwess.
Episode 06: Juwess / A Visitor from the Dark Sea -Ungeheuer-
Once you arrive at Juwess, take the elevator to the upper decks, then go to the southwestern exit and take the elevator down, talk to the captain for an event and then go back to the main city. Head through the northern path and enter the museum, and take the tour. After the tour is over and you leave the museum, an event will play out. Then head to the inn and choose to stay the night. An event will play, you will then be back in the inn, head outside and to the northeastern exit for another event, then head to the Northwest exit when you go back into the main city. Take the elevator down to the Salvage port.
Note: You will not be able to access the Inn to sleep after the event, but you can still buy Resurrect Spheres and items, there is a Resurrect Point near the entrance to the Salvage Port.
Do Note: There are numbers on the ground in the port. Remember these as they may help guide you
All the enemies here are weak to fire.
* The Marine Eater will use Flesh Tear.
* The Deep Sea Fish will use Blind, Freezy, and Flesh Tear.
* The Red Jellyfish will use Freezy and Jellyfish Venom which may inflict paralysis.
* The Blue Scissors Crab will use Scissors and has higher defense than others.
* The Water Serpent will use Freezy and Flesh Tear.
Before entering the guard will talk to you, he says to find the neutralizers in "Green-lacquered wooden boxes" they are needed to progress past the corossive liquid in the area. As soon as you enter, travel east until you reach the first box and take the Neutralizer (Key Item). Then use it on the spilt drum blocking the way to advance. If you go east after the drum you will find a lacquered box near B2. Take note of that, from that area, go south, on platform B4, there you will get a Salvaged Cloth. Go down to B5, then west and then north to A4 to get another Neutralizer. Go south around the harbor and use the Neutralizer on the puddle in front of you to advance. Follow the path until you reach a split in it. Go down to Platform B6 for a Neutralizer. Then go north to use it on the spilt drum. Go left to get the Neutralizer on Platform B2. Go north to C1 and then east and follow the path. Then south at D1. Then west at D3 to get the Neutralizer. South at D4 is a Marine Edge. Go back to D1 and use the Neutralizers.
On the next screen, you will find a Return Tree. Resupply before going forward
An event will occur and then you will fight Ortrud. This is the first boss that will use FE based magic. It is best you get a Fire FE active ASAP and/or disable the Water one, because if you don't he will use Spark Mist which will hit the entire party; Spark Mist uses Either Sky or Water which will create the FE of the alternative element that was not used, creating a loop of Spark Mist attacks. Ortrud will also use Body Ram and Flesh Tear to deal heavy damage and Water Chute to try and get a Water FE Active so he can follow up with Spark Mist. Have Nixon use Gunner's Enhancement and Rosario Snipe (This can do upwards of 1500 Damage or so) while Vene and Lake are on healing and offensive magic duties. Use any Clanas you have if you run out of MP. It would also be wise to upgrade your Heal Bottles to A-Heal Bottles as you have to conserve MP.
Afterwards an event will play out, you will then be back at the Inn, head to the southwestern port and take the ship to White Wings. A scene will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 07: White Wings / The Iconic Hill -Angriff-
At the southern beach at the port is an extra Blue Shell. Enter the city and head north when you see the Inn and Item shops, a scene will play out. Then go to the hill, which is up the path you passed as you entered the city, at the summit of the hill a scene will play and then you will fight Black-Winged Monster. They are weak to Light. Nixon's Rosario Snipe backed by Gunner's Enhancement will kill one of them easily. Their Wing attack will cut off a significant portion of HP, other than that they either attack normally or use Darkness. After 2 battles of 3 Black-Winged Monsters. You will then fight Black Assassin and 2 more Black-Winged Monsters. Black Assassin uses Poisonous Blade, Darkness, Darkness Hearts (Inflicts Blind and Forget) and Mind Shadows (Inflicts Forget on the Party). His attacks may also inflict Slow. A scene will play afterwards and then you will acquire Black Lion Badge (Key Item)
After the events at the hill, head back to the Inn and head north back to the Lab. A scene will play out. After the events, you can buy new items, do so to upgrade your gear. Afterwards leave the city, another scene will play and the episode ends
Episode 08: Suspicious Emblem / Cabal of Unknown Darkness -Loewe-
Follow the path around the mountains and south to Darmstadt and a scene will play.
New Enemies:
* Beware of the West Mosquitos as their Pathogen Infection will give party members the Disease ailment and their Unpleasant sound can inflict confusion on one ally.
* The Undead Fighter's Stench ability may inflict multiple ailments at once. You may get Disease and Death Resist spheres from them.
In Darmstadt go north, go down the path the item shop is in and go down one of the paths and you will find Maxim's Gunholic; west and north of it is an item. Inside a scene will play out. Head back to the main street and go all the way north and another scene will play out. Head back to Maxim's Gunholic for another scene, the episode will end afterwards.
Episode 09: Memory Shards / Love by the Waters -Versprechungen-
New Enemies:
* The Wandering Woods can use Ivy Hell which can inflict slow on party members and Leaf Storm which can target the whole party.
* The Kid Rex will use Swallow and Flesh Tear.
Head southwest, cross the bridge, go south across another bridge, go east through the forest, and north to the mountains. You will temporarily be a top a cliff, travel across it to witness a scene and move on afterwards. From there it's rather straightforward to Ravenna.
Near the Ravenna inn is a Herbal Drink (Removes all negative statuses.) and in the northwest corner is a God's Elixir (Fully Restores an ally in all aspects). Follow the path west for a scene, after that the episode ends.
Episode 10: The Call / Messengers of Gaia -Lenkung von oben-
Head north and follow the path to the cave. When you are ready after resupplying or levelling up, enter it. It's best that you at least buy 10 Resurrect Spheres. They can also recover Supplement pool points too. You should be fine if you are level 18 or so.
*Ravenna Underground Cave*
Inside the cave, the path is rather straightforward, collect the items you find along the way. You will soon reach a room with 2 bridges, take the one on the right to advance. The one to the south has a Stone Resist at the end. Continue on, soon you will reach a set of stairs, climb them and follow the path to exit the cave, you will then be in a sunlit area. There will be a Memory Tree and a Resurrect Point, heal up to recover lost HP/TP as well as save. Then head west into the other cave.
* The Mr. Stones do have a chance of inflicting the Stone status and can hit hard with Punishment Fist and Rock Throw. If you have the Level 2 Attack Magic Sphere, you should have access to Shock (Break Element) in which they are weak to.
* The Cave Liquids are weak to Earth and can use Sticky Liquid to inflict Slow.
* The Ant Warriors may drop Ant's Hunter which has a chance to poison an enemy.
*Ravenna Underground Cave 2*
A little bit in, you will find a lot of bridges which are broken. Go left, up then you will reach a split. Go up for a Power Stone Necklace and right to continue. You can either give it to Nixon to boost his Gunner's Enhancement/Rosario Snipe tactic, or Vene to increase her magic damage. After going right, go up, right to another split, go down to get a Cool Beauty (Gun) and up to continue. You will then be in a room with multiple paths. Go right and then up, left and then down when the path downward opens up. Then go left and then up, keep following the path afterwards, it should lead to the next area.
You will then be in a room with rope ladders, go to the southeast part of the room to get Magical Explosive (Key Item). Climb up the ladder and go above the rubble to the right to use it and go back and climb the newly cleared path. Go around and get another Magical Explosive and drop that on the Rubble nearby. Backtrack to the earlier path that is now cleared and climb to the top platform and enter the next area of the cave. You will then be in a room with 3 paths, go right to get a Magical Explosive. Go up the stairs and press Z in front of the hole to drop the explosive. Then go through the new path. In the next room, follow the path around. After going up the stairs, you will be in a room with a Resurrect Point, a Memory Tree, and a Return Tree.
The Helmet Fish enemies are weak to fire and may drop Old Blue.
When you are ready, go ahead and walk through the door to face the boss: Ravenna Golem. This boss uses the Earth FE. So use Windy to prevent it from using Monolith Crash, which will outright kill one ally. It will gain an Earth FE with each attack. It can use Punisher Fist, Rock Throw, Crazy Beat, and Earth Shaker otherwise, so keep your character's HP topped up whenever possible. It will use Crazy Beat as a last ditch attack. After defeating the Ravenna Golem, head north and exit the cave. A scene will then play.
After clearing the cave, it's a straight shot to Mendoza. As you enter some scenes will play out and the Episode ends.
Episode 11: Gaia's Tree / Blue Stream's Fate -Verschlechterung-
From the Elder's House, go east and then down the stairs, go near the edge of the river on the far right side and press down at the last most rock there to jump to the other side to get a Reviver (Auto revives in battle once per battle). It is a good idea to upgrade your healing items to A-Great Heal Bottle and A-Resurrect Bottle for the trek up Laurentia. You can buy a Power Stone Necklace in Mendoza if you missed it in the cave.
When you are ready, leave Mendoza from the North exit and head north to Laurentia. You should be fine at levels 21-23 or so.
About the Enemies:
* The Halloween Heads will use Firely and Fire Breath and are weak to Water, they may drop Pumpkin Head.
* The Sword Horned Beetles will use Horn and Sudden Assault; they are weak to break.
* The Actress plant will use Tentacle, Squeeze, Sweet Fragrance (Inflicts Confuse), and Ivy Hell; they are weak to fire and Earth.
* Half Bone Dragon will use Calcium Bullet which may Stone an ally, Rampage which will hit the whole party and may inflict Melancholy, Miasma which may inflict poison on multiple targets, it is weak to Light and Break.
* The Orcs will use Dust Attack which can inflict Blind.
When you enter the area and walk between the 2 trees, you will fight Killer Mantis, it will use Vacuum Wave which hits the whole party and Abuse which hits one ally for a substantial amount of damage. It is weak to Break and Earth. After defeating it, a scene will play and then you can go forward. After one screen from entering a scene will play. Head left afterwards and you will climb up a level, collect the treasures along the way to get Natural Stretch for Vene, Poison Resist 20%, and Wood Fiber, the screen after the Wood Fiber has a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point. Head South to go up, West to get Refined Radiance. After going up, down the south path is a tree that blocks the way, head up one level, interact with the tree to get covered in a citrus scent then go back to the tree that was blocking your way and interact with it to fight it.
* Hungry Python will use Predation which may inflict disease and reduce a character's HP to a low level, Swallow, Dissolving Liquid (Does a quite a bit of damage),Ground Shaker, upon death it will use Flesh Tear. You will be fighting these as you advance through Laurentia.
After defeating Hungry Python, advance west through the door and continue on the path. Along it you will find Advanced Guard. At the end of the path, go up again. In the next area in the small pit in the first room is Laurentia's Bark, head east and check the plant to get covered in a citrus scent again and go south and fight the Python there. Go back and get covered again in the citrus scent and head east to fight another one. Then head up the path and climb up another level. Follow the path until you reach a large room, it has a very snake like path but is straightforward. Afterwards follow the path and head up again.
You will then reach another Memory Tree, and Resurrect Point, but this time, there will be a Return Tree, stock up and save.
A scene will play and give you an opportunity to save, save in a seperate file to prevent getting stuck, afterwards you will fight Virginie, she will start off with Dual Shock Wave Assault (Break Element); which will hit one and target the whole party, Vacuum Wave, Sky High; which will do quite a bit of damage to a single target, Sonic Boom (Level 2 Break Attack Magic), Cut in Two; does a lot of damage, Sudden Assault, and some low level magic.
All her resistances are 50%, so Elemental skills will not do much damage, Rely on the tactic of Gunner's Enhancement and Rosario Snipe to dish out heavy damage (You should be able to deal nearly 2000 Damage per attack depending on level). Lake should use Hatred Edge instead of Hard attacking to reduce ATKWT. Vene should be on healing duty or just attacking normally if all characters HP are maxed out. If you have free turns and characters are damaged, pop some A-Great Heal Bottles.
Afterwards a scene will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 12: Blue Dreamy Path / The Cherished One -Waerme-
For the most part, this episode is just a sequence of events, aside from moving right on the screen. Save as soon as you start the Episode. After this episode, the Chapter draws to a close.
2.3 Chapter Two: Here Lies the Cold Droplets (CHP2)
Episode 13: A New Journey / Chosen Path to the Future -Ausland-
After the Introductory event, you will be in control of Lake. Go into the inn and talk to the NPC at the table, then head down the eastmost path to the waterfall to watch an event. Minerva and Hausen join your group after that. The shops selection if items has been renewed, so go and buy a better equipment for Lake. Minerva and Hausen already have the best you can get at this point. It is also recommended that you buy a Concentrantion Sphere for Minerva
Before going to Envy, buy as many Great Heal Bottles as possible and upgrade them to D-Great Heal Bottles in addition to items that can remove status ailments. Also buy an advanced guard, a Fire Elemental Defense +20 Sphere, and a Double Invest (Element) Sphere. It is also wise to make a backup save file in case you get in trouble. It's also recommended that Lake is around level 30.
New Enemies:
* The Bull Roadrunner will use Sudden Assault and Rampage and is weak to Fire and Break.
* Scissors Fly will use Scissors, Windy and Dive and is weak to Sky and Break.
* Big Lizard will use Freezy, Lick Around; may inflict Melancholy, Confuse, and/or Forget and/or Confuse and is weak to Fire.
* Envy Rogue will use Money Shock, Dust Attack, and Darkness.
Head around the mountains and south until you enter the wasteland, head south further to find Envy. Minerva will say something and the episode ends.
Episode 14: City of Lust / Swaying Fate in Stormy Sea -Krankheit-
A scene will play and Minerva and Hausen will leave the party.
From the Inn, head northwest until you find a passage, then go north until you reach an area with a door, try and go through the northeast passage, and a scene will play and you will fight Carnivore. This is one of the hardest battles in the game as Lake is fighting alone. Meatalicious hits hard, hence the need for upgrading the strongest healing items available at the time. He may use Death Fragrance which can inflict various negative statuses, Death Press which does heavy damage. He will also use minor attacks like Punishment Fist, Body Ram and Flesh Tear. When he uses Hard Liquor Gurgle, Hard defend as his Death Barbeque Breath may instantly kill Lake. If equipped with advanced guard, it may be easier. If you are stuck and need more Dear or Experience, there is a fixed enemy encounter near the Entrance to Chaos, after defeating him, leave the screen and return, he will respawn after going back to that area. Carnivore drops High Class Meat upon defeat.
After defeating Carnivore. A scene will play out and then you have the opportunity to save, it would be best to equip the Fire Elemental Defense sphere and turn on the auto HP & TP refill supplement option. You will then fight Meat Maniac. They can use Dust attack. If they use Firely, they will follow up on the next turn with Grill Fire Dance. Each Meat Maniac has only 1800 HP, so using Darkness Hearts should help finish battles quicker.
After about 5 battles, a scene will play out and Foxey will join the party. All paths in Chaos that were once blocked open up for easier navigation to make it easier to return to the main district. Buy her all 3 Level 3 Magic Spheres and also a 2nd Concentration. Head back to the inn and go back to your room on the 2nd floor. After an event, Minerva and Hausen will rejoin the party. Head back to Chaos and another scene will play out. Head to from where you defeated Carnivore, head east, then north, then west and keep going straight. Follow the path and another scene will play, then head south then west for another scene. Then head back north and what was blocking your path will be gone.
Follow the path, until you reach a split, going north will net you a Low Level Contaminant, south will lead you further down the road. Climb the ladder and jump from that floor to go around, if you go right and jump off it will just take you back to the start. Go north, climb the ladder and go south from it to find a Herbal Drink. Head north and you will find a Memory Tree. After saving, head west, and then north for a scene.
After it, you will fight Dietlinde. Dietlinde is weak to Light. Dietlinde will use Violent Miasma to try and debilitate the team, Dissolving Liquid, Intense Stench which may inflict Negative Statuses such as Paralyze, Dark Photon, and Air Slicer. If the Wind FE is active, Dietlinde will use Virus Aero to inflict disease on the party.
Have Hausen use Muscle Boost to give him force, Lake should use his strongest abilities and Hard Attack when you run out of TP. Minerva and Foxey should use Bright Photon. Use Wind Dresser to speed Foxey up so she gets more turns in as well as give Buffs to Lake and Hausen. Minerva's Aria Aid can help heal the group. Dietlinde will drop Low Level Contaminant upon defeat.
Afterwards a set of scenes will play and the episode draws to a close.
Episode 15: Maneuver with Dark Purpose / The Two Keys -Bosheit-
You will have control over the party again, leave Envy and head west until you reach mountains blocking your path, head south around them then back up until you see a notch in the northern mountain, walk into it to access Revelstoke Mountains
*Revelstoke Mountains*
* The Flying Frog will use Windy, Dive, and Wing Attack and is weak to Sky and Water.
* The Hungry Wolf will use Flesh Tear, and Wild Bite (Deals moderate damage) and is weak to Fire.
* The Mutated Plant will use Tentacle, Ivy Hell, Poison Mist, and Spark Mist, it is weak to fire.
* The Sasquatch will use Claw, Rock Throw, and Body Ram and is weak to Fire.
* The Dragon Turtles will hit hard with Gravestone, Rampage, Lava Wave, Swallow, Abuse, and Ground Shaker, however are weak to Break, Wind, Poison and Disease.
Near the start is a Resurrect Point and a Memory Tree. Go north up the hills. In the 2nd Area, after climbing the first hill, head up the nearest hill for a Clana and west and around to get a Melancholy Resist + 20%. In the 3rd Area, head up the hills. Continue on the main path in the 4th Area until you see a split, go down the south path to find an Iblard Blade for Lake. In the 5th Area on the hill with a large rock, head north to get a Phoenix Feather. (Revives an ally to 100% HP). Do not take the top incline as that is a dead end, the lower incline will lead you to the next area. Head across the bridge and up the slopes. Follow the path until you reach a Return Tree. After healing up and preparing, head forward to leave the Mountain Range.
Back on the World Map, head west until you reach a small crevice, a scene will play out. Afterwards head west. and you will be back in the mountains, north of the entrance is an item shop along with a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point. When you are ready head west again. At the very bottom, head east for a Tree Spirit's Rod. In the next area at a split, head north for a Mistral Dress. Head south at the bottom of the ramp in the next area to get a God's Half Elixir. Then back up near the leaves down the first ramp to jump across. Head west from there to find a Return Tree. When ready, go on. It's best that you turn on HP/TP Refill
A scene will play and you will fight 3 Groups of Blasphemy Beta 1.
Blasphemy Beta 1 will use Shadow Smoke to inflict Blindness, Melancholia to inflict Melancholy, Dark Photon, Vacuum Wave, and Wing Attack. Their normal attacks can also inflict Melancholy
Foxey should be on support for this battle. Buff Minerva with Clever and Lake and Hausen buffed with Force. Minerva should be on attack and healing magic. The Blasphemy Beta 1 is weak to light, so using a Buffed Bright Photon Concentration sphere equipped minerva should heavily damage them if not outright kill them. Lake and Hausen should use either Hard Attacks or their Personal Abilities.
After the 3 Battles, you will then fight Chimera Blasphemy, it will use Random Invest to change it's Elemental Defenses. Dark Photon. Crazy Beat, and Triple Attack. It can inflict various negative statuses.
Use Enemy Data when it uses Random Invest. Much like earlier, buff and use your strongest personal abilities. Have Foxey on Healing and Support for this battle and Minerva using attack Magic.
After the battle, a scene will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 16: Call of Angels / Fezzite, A Seperate World -Wahrheit-
Head west, and then south to leave the mountains and travel west until you reach a large lake, then north to go around it, west, then south through the forest and west to Ruthford. When you enter the city, resupply and heal up. A Memory tree is near the large staircase. Head up the stairs into the large building for a set of scenes. You will then be in control of Lake. Head to the door where Hausen is and some scenes will play. Afterwards, the Episode ends.
Episode 17: Heaven in Hawick / The Tragic Sunset -Tod-
A scene will play and You will be in control of Vene, Ewan and Kane will join the party. You will get a Silver Bow, Silver Robe, Attack Magic Level 3, Support Magic Level 3, and 20,000 Dear. Suit them up with the appropriate gear, equip a concentration sphere on Kane. Head to Ravenna, a scene will play, then head to Darmstadt and take the boat at the east port. From Juwess, go to East Continental Port, then head back to Hawick for a scene and then you will fight Sara
Sara is weak to Sky and Light and uses Earth Magic, use Wind Magic to prevent it from using Ground Thunder which deals High Damage. Sara will use Wing Attack, and Gravestone. Sara's normal attack may inflict Melancholy
Have Ewan and Vene buff Nixon with Force, Vene and Kane should be buffed with Clever. Nixon should use the usual strategy of Gunner's Enhancement and Rosario Snipe. Kane should use Bright Photon. Ewan on physical attacks. Vene and Nixon can take the role of Healers.
After Sara's defeat, some scenes will play and you will have control of Lake, head east from Lake's room and talk to Hausen. Afterwards another scene will play.
Episode 18: Shattered Promise / Endless Sobs of a Spirit -Regen-
You will be in control of Lake, head east, then north, then east, and through the door to watch a set of scenes. You will be given the opportunity to save after this. Another scene will play. Afterwards you have the chance to save again. Another scene will play out and the episode ends
Episode 19: Three Streak Peak / Devoted Strength -Maedchen-
A scene will play and then you will be in control of Yangtze, Buy all 3 Magic Level 3 Spheres and a Concentration Sphere and head north to Three Streak Peak. When there, you should level up a bit as she may not be strong enough to face the enemies there. The enemies give lots of EXP there so you should really tackle the mountain at level 40 or so. If you run out of Supplemental HP/TP, you can sleep in the bed at Yangtze's house.
When you enter Three Streak Peak, keep going north until you reach a split, where there is a sparkling object, inspect that to get an Ex Heal Bottle (Heals 2000 HP). Go north, then east and you will be up on the cliffs, head left to jump across. Then head west and then north. Check the sparkling object in the area after crossing the cliffs to find a Great Clana. You will then come across a bridge, cross it and climb the cliffs, then head east. Head north until you reach the bottom of the last incline, head to the sparkling object to get a Three Streak Spirit Stone. (Boosts all Elemental Defenses). Head west, and cross the bridge, if you take the lower path you will get a Herbal Drink. Climb the cliffs and head west at the top. There will be a Memory Tree and a Return Tree. When ready, head west for a scene.
* Bird of Prey will use Claw, Dive and Windy and is Weak to Sky.
* Flower Girl will use Tentacle, Spore which can inflict Poison and Earthy and is weak to Fire and Earth.
* Masked Samurai will use Aromatic Wine to give himself Force. He is however weak to many Negative Statuses.
* Yellow Tiger will use Flesh Tear, Wild Bite and is weak to Fire.
After the event, Doris and Lansard will join the Party, Go north and there will be an item merchant, stock up and gear up your characters, equip Doris with the Concentration and Attack Magic Level 3 Spheres. DO NOT REMOVE HER ROBE. It naturally has a 5 SPC capacity, at this point it gives her a leg up. Equip Yangtze with the Level 3 Curative and Support Magic Spheres. Lansard is a strict warrior like Hausen is, he will only be able to use Level 1 Magic Spheres. Buy and upgrade your healing items to their A-variants. Use the Resurrect Point to heal and grab the Curative Magic Level 3 Sphere before leaving the cave.
Once you leave the cave, you will fight 8-Headed Dragon. It's weak to Water and Break. It will use Eight Forked Massacre (Hits random characters 8 times), Abuse, Predation, Wild Bite, Flesh Tear, Rampage and Triple Attack. It can naturallty inflict negative statuses such as Poison and Disease.
Have Yangtze use Support Magic to buff the team or use Nature's Blessings to heal and remove Negative statuses, Doris should use Mind Focus and Icicles. Lansard should use Clear Stream. It will use Triple Attack as it's last ditch attack before dying.
After defeating 8-Headed Dragon. A scene will play and the episode ends.
Episode 20: Six-year Commemorators / Murder Notice -Zweifel-
You will be in control of Lake, save at the Memory Tree and head to the meeting room. Some scenes will play and you will automatically be taken to Darden. Head to the eastern mansion, talk to the guards, then head to the cliffs, there head west for a scene, then back to the mansion for another set of scenes. Afterwards the chapter ends.
Episode 21: Khaos Worshippers / A Silent Will -Wahnsinn-
A scene will play out and you will have control over the party. When you are ready, head to the docks (West of the Meeting Room). Another scene will play and you will be at the Khaos Salvation Association HQ. There, scenes will play out and then you will fight Cancer Beast.
Cancer Beast is weak to Wind and Break. It will use Gravestone, Ground Shaker, Sudden Assault, Abuse, and Squash.
Have each character use their best techniques. Ewan's Windy Blade will work well. Have Kane use Fluid Ignition. Vene should be on Healing and Buffing, and Lake should use Sword Insanity or have him Hard Attack.
After defeating Cancer Devil, some scenes will play and the episode ends.
Episode 22: Fall of Barrier / Tremors & Trembles -Verschmelzung-
This episode is all events. The chapter will end after this episode.
2.4 Chapter Three: The Distant Gloomy Sky (CHP3)
Episode 23: A New Gaia / View of the Distant Ground -Krieg-
After the opening event, you will be in control of Nixon, the item shop has renewed it's supply of items, to a higher tier. After you gear up with the money you have, head to the Eastern Continental Port and head to Juwess and then Darmstadt through Juwess Southern Port. A small scene will play, and then you will switch to Yangtze's group. Head west from Teng Ring and cross the bridge, then head north to Darmstadt. A scene will play and Nixon will get the Personal Abilities: Merrill Pepperboxes, Mirry Launcher, and the Key Item: Ancient Bible which unlocks the Personal Abilities: Versatile Gun and Bible Resistance.
Another scene will play and the Episode will end
Episode 24: Rekindled Fate / Hypocritical Uprising -Kampf-
You can now be able to switch allies, when you want to change your party, choose Organize in the Menu. Allies who are not in the active party will still gain EXP. So don't worry about lopsided parties.
Upgrade all your characters gear, if low on money, the enemies here can drop gold swords (Little Demon Clone) and rods (Guard Mage) which can be sold atop the high amounts of Dear they leave. It's highly recommended that you upgrade all character's Magic Spheres as well. There is also a Medic in the area who can heal the party. It is highly suggested that you make A-Ex Heal Bottles and A-Life Leaves. You can also buy Fairy Tarts which will heal the entire party outside of battles.
Take the elevator up, you will be on the 35th floor, head through the north door and up the stairs to the 36th, there head north to get to the stairs again, on the 37th, head south, then west at the fork. On the 38th, follow the path. On the 39th; head west and then south. On the 40th; head north at the fork and follow the path. On the 41st; head south completely and follow the path. On the 42nd; head north. On the 43rd; head north around the path. On the 44th; head south. On the 45th is a Return Tree, use it in case you are low on resources and want to save. When on the 45th floor, the enemies here are in clusters of 4 Guard Mages, 3 Berserkers, or 2-3 Black Leos only. Head to Georg's Room a scene will play and you will head to the Rooftop. Follow the path and climb up the stairs, a Memory Tree will be there.
* The Pale Devil Clones will use Claw, Cool Breath, and Spark Mist, their normal attack will place a Water FE on the field, they are weak to fire, they may drop Water Element Def +20 spheres, and Water Physical Casts which will be handy later on and can sell for a lot at this point.
* The Guard Mages use all Level 2 Attack Magic and have no elemental weaknesses.
* The Little Demon Clones will use Dive, Vacuum Wave, and Wing Attack. They are weak to Sky.
* The Berserkers will use Abuse, Punishment Fist, and are weak to Poison, Disease, Forget, and Confuse. They may drop a Counter Attack Sphere.
* On the higher floors and the roof, you may encounter Black Leos. Their normal attacks may inflict various negative statuses, they will also use Shadow Smoke, Vacuum Wave, Cut in Two, Dark Photon, and they will use Leo's Dance of Death which may outright kill an ally when they run out of HP. The Black Leos will drop Ex Heal Bottles.
After saving, head right for a scene and you will fight Virginie (AGAIN?!)
Virginie has picked up a few new tricks since you last fought her. It is highly required that you have bought the best Support Spheres to dispel elements. She can use higher level magic like Comet Strike, Implosion, and Mobility Breakdown: Which will inflict paralysis on the entire party and Lava Wave and Ground Thunder in which both will hit the party hard. Buff your Physical attackers. Use items when in danger if push comes to shove and have either Vene or Foxey use their support magic to dispel Break and/or any other elements Virginie can use for her higher end magic.
After defeating Virginie, a set of scenes will play and the episode ends.
Episode 25: Netherworld / Precious Memories -Koexistenz-
This episode is all events.
Episode 26: Leader's Purpose / Fangs & Stench -Intrige-
You will be in control of the Roanoke:
Z: When on the world map aside from forests and seashores, this will signal it to pick you up and at the same time allows you to disembark. While in flight, pressing Z will activate the Z Axis Transfer system. Pressing down will let you disembark or go to the ground, Pressing up when on the Ground will let you return to Fezzite. The TRANS symbol on the upper left will indicate when movement between Fezzite and the Ground is possible.
X: Takes you to the bridge. Talk to Sharol or Lina to return to flying the Roanoke.
First off, go to the bridge and head to the rear to get High Class Machinery, there is also another High Class Machinery on the Lower Decks. Then Head to Kokomo and talk to the maid in the orphanage to get a free Reviver. Then head to White Wings Lab and talk to Troy to get an Experimental Cloth. When ready, head to the Southeastern most city of Fezzite; Minerva, Head north until a scene plays out; then Hausen and Minerva will leave the party. When you try to leave, a scene will play, go to the shop if you don't have 4 Advanced Guards. When you have 4, outfit characters with them and head to the two flights of stairs and check the left side. A scene will play and you will be in a hidden passageway.
Follow the paths until you reach a Brazier, press Z in front of it to open the way into the dungeons. The guards will be milling about, if you get caught, you will have to fight them.
The Northeast and Southeast most parts of the 1st Area has Ex Heal Bottles. Northwest will lead to the next area. If you take the south path at the first split it will lead you to a Herbal Drink. Take the path all the way east and south, then west to a split. West will lead to a Water Physical Cast. North to advance to the 3rd area. There talk to the Prisoner NPC, he will mention that there is no such thing as an absolute defense, ahead will be a Memory Tree, save and go forward.
* The Rebel Soldiers have no Elemental Weaknesses but are weak to most Negative statuses. They will use Cut in Two and Three-Pronged Slash (Attacks 3 Random characters), Tthey may drop Fezzite Blade.
* The Rebel Mages are like the Guards, the only diffence is that the Mages will use Higher level magic.
A scene will play and you will then fight Macht. Macht is all about physical attacks, hence the need for Advanced Guard. You should have everyone with the best support spheres at the time. Macht however does have a weakness to Break, so Kane is a good character to have due to all his techs having the Break Attribute.
Macht will use Dragon Roar (Hits all, Wind Element), Three-Pronged Slash, and Cut in Two. Heal Breeze can be effective if your characters take too much damage.
Once you reduce his HP to around 12,000, he will use Diamond Stance; which blocks all attacks. If you call back to what the NPC said about no such thing as an absolute defense. Check the Enemy Data to learn that his Poison Defense has been reduced to 0%! If you poison him however, it will turn out that he will have All Green equipped (Removes all ailments for 5% max TP each turn when afflicted with any Ailment), so reducing his TP before getting to Diamond Stance is a good strategy. Once his TP is reduced to 0 he will bite it.
After defeating Macht, a scene will play and the episode draws to a close.
Episode 27: Wild Black Wings / Fiery Tears in Crimson Sky -Opfer-
After the opening scenes, Minerva will have learned Queen's Judgment (Damage varies with an enemy's elemental defense of anything greater than 100.). When ready head to the Ground and fly to the small northwest island on the map (You can access it easily from Ruthford as it's near it's location if it were on the ground)
*Secret Factory*
Most of the enemies here are robotic, so using Water magic will help out tremendously. Especially if you slapped a Concentration of Minerva, even a basic Freezy can do a whopping 4k damage or so depending on level. They may use Unit Full Burst upon death which does damage to the whole party.
* Gear Slasher will use Accelerated Slash (Hits whole party) and Three-Pronged Slash
* Gear Divider will use Life Divide which cuts a party member's HP in half and Cut In Two.
* Gear Missiler will use Portable Missile (Fire/Break) and Forget Bullet which inflicts Forget, Sticky Liquid Unit which inflict Slow
* Gear Gunner will use Bullet Spray (Hits party).
* Gear Chariot will use Mine (Will do damage to the next character on the Time Gauge). All the enemies here will drop Machinery of different grades.
When you enter, you will notice several sets of Red Lasers, you will have to disable them to advance. If you take a beating, you can head to Ruthford using Z Axis Transfer aboard the Roanoke.
Head up the stairs nearby. Interact with the terminal to change the Lasers then go up the stairs, head east, interact with the terminal, and head west interact with that terminal and head west and north around the path and interact with the nearby terminal, the nearby door will have Fine Class Machinery, head west and then north to another floor. Go through the nearby door and through the room to navigate around the laser beams. Interact with the terminal to change the beam colors head north, west and interact with the terminal and then head around through the nearby door and head back to the main path. Head north and through the door and hit the switch to disable the first set of Security Lasers, this will also disable all lasers in the block you are in.
Then head back to the main block, north, then upstairs. Change the lasers and head west and upstairs, through the northern door and go left to change the lasers again. Then head back but go east instead of south then go downstairs and back to the first flight and head up it. Then head east to get a Fine Class Machinery, west will take you upstairs. From there, head east, south, west, interact with the terminal then head north, the northeastern door will have a All Green behind it, back near the stairs head north and around, the path at a left fork will take you downstairs and lead you to a red box which contains a Box of Explosive Waste (Key Item) Head back to the path you were on. Interact with the nearby terminal.
Take the lower path and head upstairs, the nearby door will have a Fine Class Machinery behind it, head left and you will notice a wall with a hole in it, use the Box of Explosive Waste there. On the cliff, head to the left and choose to jump down it. Near where you land will be a ROBIN's Supporter (Trial). Head up the ramp and walk right, you should jump back to where you got the waste. Head back up the elevator and through the northwest door and interact with the terminal in the corner to disable all lasers in that block and the 2nd set in the central block.
After disabling the 2nd set, head through the northern most door and you will be in an area with a Memory Tree, After you head left from it, a scene will play and you will fight Heidi and Fyodor.
It is best to listen to Heidi's advice as if you defeat her first, Fyodor will go all out and blast Gamma Radiation (Deals Heavy Damage) each chance he gets.
Heidi is a magic user, try and prevent her from using any higher level spells as best as possible, she will use higher tier attack magic to set up the FEs she needs.
Fyodor relies on physical attacks, he will use Portable Missile, Bullet Spray, Biohazard (May infict both Poison and Disease) Sticky Liquid Unit, Forget Bullet, and Mine. He is weak to Water. Sometimes he may use Mine and it will damage Heidi depending on the Time Gauge. Upon defeat he will use Unit Full Burst.
Have Lake on offense, Vene and Foxey on support, and Minerva hammer away at Fyodor with Icicles and also use Aria Aid to help with healing. Don't be stingy with the A-Life Leaves or A-Ex Heal Bottles either.
A scene will play, then you should save when prompted, another scene will play and from there you will have to choose from 10 ships, choose ship 8 as Heidi mentions a clue about the Wings of Infinity. Another scene will play and you will be near a Memory Tree and a Resurrect Point. Heal up and head North fight Deathbringer, It will use Squeeze, Confuse Shake; which inflicts confuse, Triple Attack, Ray Breaker (Light FE) and Dead End Hunger which will instantly kill one party member
Much like the machines it is weak to Water, so hammer away at it until it is destroyed. It has complete resistance to fire, so Queen's Judgment may also do a significant amount of damage. Some scenes will play afterwards and the episode ends.
Episode 28: Gloomy Homeland / Embrace of the Moment -Entschluss-
You will be in control of Nixon's group. The room to the west of where you start will have a Merchant, Resurrect Point, and Memory Tree. Upgrade your equipment and items. It's recommended that Doris has learned Pale Inverse at this point. If not, level her up until she does. Pale Inverse will do more damage the lower her HP is, combine that with Concentration and Clever Buff and it can lead to a great deal of damage to most enemies. The path is rather straightforward, when you get to the corridor that lead to the Heidi and Fyodor battle, go east.
You will then fight Gear Suppressor It will use Grenade Launcher which hits the entire party, Ray Breaker, Portable Missile, Turn Firely to change the FE to Fire and Mine.
Do not have the Fire FE active, Gear Suppressor will use Heat Up which will inflict confuse on the party.
Have all characters use their best techniques, the Pale Inverse strategy will take off a decent amount. Otherwise just use Freezy or Icicles. Lansard should use Clear Stream. Yangtze should heal and buff the team. Same with Nixon, if you are ahead of the enemy, you can have Nixon use Mirry Launcher to do decent damage.
Gear Suppressor will use Unit Full Burst upon defeat, so have at least one character defend near it's defeat so you can survive. Afterwards some scenes will play and you will be in a different area.
*South Crimson Forest*
* Green Imp will use Dust Attack, Vacuum Wave, Three-Pronged Slash, Cut In Two, has no elemental weaknesses but is Weak to Forget.
* Strange Legged Beast will use Body Ram, Intense Stench, Rampage, and is weak to Light.
* South Crimson Worshipper will use Spirit Thrust, Air Slicer, Gravestone, Blaze, and is weak to Sky.
* Living Carrot will use Spore, and Sweet Fragrance, Red Juice as a last ditch attack (Inflicts Blind) and is Weak to Fire and Earth.
* Fighting Fish will use Water Workout (Buffs with Force), Abuse, Punishment Fist, and is Weak to Fire.
* Lake Dragon will use Flash Rain, Snowfall, Icicles, Flesh Tear, Bubble Holder (Inflicts Paralysis and Slow), and is Weak to Fire, It may counter attack if physically attacked, so beware.
In the starting area there will be a merchant, Memory Tree, and Resurrect Point. Return here if injured to heal up. Follow the path in the first area, in the 2nd area, in the south east corner is a Life Leaf. In the 3rd Area; at the split, on the right is a High Class Herb. In the 4th Area; at the split, on the right is a Great Clana. Head west in the 5th area, head north in the 6th area to the 7th, at the split, the south path will lead you to a Herbal Drink. Head north to the 8th. There, head north down the hill and walk to the bank, you will jump across. Head south, you will go through the 6th area again. In the 9th area, head south to the 10th and north around the hill then west. You will then come across a bridge with a Memory Tree. A scene will play. Head across the bridge, another set of scenes will play out. Back at the Memory Tree after those events, there will be a merchant, and a resurrect point. When Ready, head left to continue on.
*South Crimson Forest 2*
In the 1st area, head north to find a High Class Herb. Head west to go to the 2nd area. There head northwest to the 3rd area. In the 3rd area follow the path. When up the hill, head immediately right and you will jump across, there you will find a God's Elixir, climb up the hill and head left to jump back down. Take the northern part of the first hill to advance to the 4th area. From there climb down to the shore of the lake and follow the shoreline to the 5th area. There, head up the hill and west, you will find a Return Tree. When ready, head west to fight South Crimson Beast King
It will use Horn, Triple Attack, Body Ram, Crazy Beat, Sandstorm (May blind party), Sudden Assault, Monolith Crash, It is weak to Wind and Break, it's normal attack places an Earth FE on the field. It will use Crazy Beat as it's last ditch attack. It's attacks may stone allies.
Buff your allies with Protection and Brute Force, have Nixon use Mirry Launcher, Doris use Air Slicer or Implosion, Lansard and Yangtze should attack normally and use healing items.
After defeating South Crimson Beast King, head west and you will be on the world map, head east across the bridge and to the mountains for a set of scenes. The episode will then end.
Episode 29: Unwelcome Homecoming / Wings' Playground -Finsternis-
After the opening scenes you will be in control of Lake. Head East to fight Neo Gargoyles. Afterwards head east and then south to fight Devil Soldiers. After that, head south to fight Misery Wing and Hell Servant. After fighting them, keep going and you will fight Shadow Fire. Afterwards, head north for another scene and then you can save at the Memory Tree or Restock. This area will act as the HQ for the chapter. Come back here when you want to save and heal up.
* Neo Gargoyles are just Souped up Gargoyles, they will use Air Slicer, Wing Attack, and Claw and are Weak to Light and Sky.
* Devil Soldiers will use Vacuum Wave, Abuse, and Punishment Fist, they have no elemental weaknesses.
* Misery Wing will use Shadow Smoke, Over Bright, Dive, Melancholia, Confuse and is weak to Light and Sky, they may drop Melancholy Resist 20%.
* Hell Servant will use Horn, Negative Sign (Melancholy), Dark Photon, Virus Aero and is weak to Light and Sky, it's attacks may inflict Melancholy or Stone, it may drop Corpse's Bones.
* Shadow Fire will use Triple Attack, Miasma (May inflict Poison or Disease on the party), Crazy Beat, Dark Photon, and Shadow Flare (Deals Severe Damage), it may drop a Phoenix Feather
*Fezzite Garden*
For this Episode, Minerva is a useful ally to have in the party especially equipped with Concentration, also Ewan's Leading Thunder will do well against them. Many enemies are weak to Light and Sky here. So using Brightness and Bright Photon will make quick work of them.
Head East until you see an NPC, talk to him to get the Key Item: Fezzite Garden Keycard 1. Head West until you reach the locked door and interact with the computer to the left of it to open the door. Head west until you come across another NPC and he will give you the Key Item: Fezzite Garden Keycard 2. Head back to the West Block (Large area) and open the eastmost door of the room with the Keycard. Follow the path until you reach a door. Then head east and talk to the NPC, she will run west, follow her all the way west, until you find her. She will give you the Key Item: Fezzite Garden Keycard 3. Head back through the open door in the East Block.
Now head to the West Block, and keep going until you reach a locked door. Interact with the computer to the left of the door to open it. Head east for a screen, and when you get to the large room head north to find a Return Tree. When Ready, head north. A scene will play, then head downstairs. Follow the paths to watch a scene and you will fight Shadow Fire and Devil Soldier, afterwards a scene will play out. You will be back on the above floor, head north up the stairs.
On the floor above, head north for a scene. Then head around the staircase and head up, then repeat the previous action. Then talk to Fritz, You will then fight Devil Naga. It will use Rampage, Violent Miasma, Intense Stench, Flesh Tear, Squash, Negative Sign, Predation
Buff your allies, Have Minerva use Earthy, Gravestone, or Ground Thunder, Have Lake and Ewan use their strongest skills. Vene should be on support, same as Foxey. Kane is useless for this fight as his magic isn't on par with Minerva's. Ewan can play a secondary role using A-Ex Heal Bottles if need be. Do not be afraid of dipping into your stock of Clanas/Great Clanas, the fights in the Garden may have gotten you a couple extra.
After the battle, a set of scenes will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 30: Lament of Gaia / The Trigger -Klage-
After the Episode starts, Foxey and Minerva will leave the Party. The objective is to rescue 5 people scattered throughout the City. There are only fixed encounters here.
* The Blasphemous Satans can inflict instant death with their normal attacks. They can use Miasma, Negative Sign, Horn, and are weak to Sky and Light.
* The Blasphemous Garudas can inflict Blind or Melancholy with their attacks, they use Wing Attack, Vacuum Wave, Comet Strike, Air Slicer, they are weak to Sky.
Fezzite Mages will be here as well as Fezzite Soldiers, They are more or less the same as the Rebel Soldiers and Mages from Earlier. No Elemental Weaknesses and uses Higher Level Magic and Attacks
The strategies are more or less similar to dealing with enemies in the previous episode, they are weak to Sky, so Ewan's Leading Thunder will work well here against them. Atop the enemies, there is another problem, during battles, your characters may be hit by one of three things at random: Fallen Troop's Corpse, Falling Lucifer's Corpse, and Falling Airship Wreckage. This can instantly kill a character or inflict various ailments.
* One Civilian is near the path leading to the Skyscraper, you will fight 3 Blasphemous Satans before reaching her. One Civilian is west, Right in front of Maxim's Bar. You will fight 3 Fezzite Soldiers there.
* One Civilian is at the port at the northeastern most harbor, you will fight a Blasphemous Satan and Blasphemous Garuda before you can talk to him.
* Two are on the eastern part of town, one can be found as soon as you enter Eastern Darmstadt. You will fight 2 Fezzite Soldiers and a Fezzite Mage before being able to rescue her. Another is not too far from her, head south, east, then turn north at the next intersection. You will fight 3 Fezzite Mages before being able to reach him.
After saving the 4th one, head back to the entrance to Darmstadt and a woman will be there, talk to her, a scene will play. Head to the Skyscraper for a Scene and then you will fight Blasphemous Dragon.
Blasphemous Dragon will use Predation, Flesh Tear, and Squash. It is weak to Sky and Break.
Have Vene and Kane on Support while Lake and Ewan hammer away at it. Kane can also be on the offense if you are ahead and your party is topped off. Have Kane use Fluid Ignition. Lake should use Sword Insanity, and Ewan use Leading Thunder, Vene can also use Penetration to deal extra damage.
Afterwards a set of scenes will play and the Episode will be concluded.
Episode 31: Dawn of a New Role / Hopes on Seraph's Wings -Band-
After the opening scenes, you will be at the CMGC HQ
*CMGC Headquarters*
The shops have renewed the equipment. There is a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point Nearby. Stock up all your characters on the best gear. Head North to enter the HQ.
* Lizard Knight will use Accelerated Slash, Three-Pronged Slash, Cut In Two, and is weak to Fire.
* Fat Beast will use Rampage, Squash, Sudden Assault, Intense Stench, and is weak to Break.
* Want will use Icicles, Flesh Tear, Confuse Shake, Swallow, Dissolving Liquid and is weak to Fire.
* Ogre will use Punishment Fist, Abuse, Rock Throw (Deals Heavy Damage), Power Bomb (Deals Heavy Damage) and is weak to Wind.
* Long Nose will use higher level attack magics (Gravestone, Bright Photon, etc), Earth Interruption (Inflicts Slow on Party), Snowfall and is weak to Earth.
* Behemoth will use Body Ram, Rock Throw, Squash, Ground Buster (Hits whole party) and is weak to Wind. You will also fight Blasphemous Garudas however they are fixed enemies.
Head East until you reach the wall, then north and west until you reach a intersection. Head North from there and follow the path. At the next intersection, head west then up the stairs. On the 2nd Floor, head south, east, and then north. Then head east. At the intersection, head south and then south again. Follow the path again. Then head West, South, East and East again. Then North, East, South, and up the stairs to the 3rd Floor. From there, Head west, north and west. Keep heading west and south until you reach the southwest corner, head east until you reach a wall, then north and east. Enter the door for a scene. Backtrack until you find a room with 2 panels, inspect the leftmost one to unlock the uppermost Linkway.
Cross the Linkway and head west and around the lasers. Then east until you reach a wall, head south and then east, then north and down the stairwell. From the stairs, head west and north then east and down the stairs again. Then head west, north, west, then keep going west until you reach an open door. This will lead you to a panel where you can disable the security lasers. From there, head south and east, then south and across the lowest Linkway back to the entrance to save. Then head north to the lowest Linkway, then east through it and north again you should reach the elevator. Inspect the left panel, a scene will play and you will be on the lower levels.
On the Lower floor, there will be a Memory Tree and a resurrect point, use it and prepare. At the Intersection, head east and then North. Enter the Door, a scene will play and you will fight CMGC Crusher (Prototype)
It is weak to Water like most other Mechanical enemies, It does not have 100% elemental defenses, so Queen's Judgment will not work. It will use; Cut In Two, Portable Missile, Triple Attack, Ray Breaker, Grenade Launcher, and Mine.
Have Nixon, Foxey, and Vene Buff the party while other physically oriented characters attack it. Use the best skills each character has to damage it. Lansard's Clear Stream should be of help. You should have Level 5 Support Magic now, so casting a FE will allow you to use Whole team buffs now. Equipping any Water Physical Casts you have saved up would be helpful as you can make it easier for Minerva to use Mercurius Freeze. Do not let it get a Fire FE on the field as it will use Meltdown which will do heavy fire damage on the party. It will use Unit Full Burst upon defeat.
Afterwards a scene will play and Kane will no longer be in the party, from there, head west, north and into the nearby room, interact with the panel to disable the lasers. Head back to the Memory Tree and head east and down the stairs. Then head north through the door for a scene and then you will fight Barbara
Barbara will use Confuse Shake, Rampage, Critical Body (Heavy Damage), Abuse, Triple Attack, Crazy Beat, Fang the Weak (Will kill character with lowest HP), and is weak to Break.
Nixon is perhaps the best character you can have as Mirry Launcher along with Break Element + and Double Invest (Element) will significantly make this easier. Lake's Negative Carnager can also do a bit of damage as well as Ewan's Leading Thunder. Have the rest of the characters act on buffing and healing.
After defeating Barbara, a set of scenes will play and the episode ends.
Episode 32: Eternal Fezzite / A Warm Farewell -Selbstaendigkeit-
Head to the Blue Dome on the Ground, enter the area and walk to the dome, a set of scenes will play, then head to the northern most village on the ground, Viera, head to the westmost building, then try and leave, a scene will play and you will acquire Key Item: Relic Pendant. Afterwards, head back to the dome, another scene will play and the episode ends
Episode 33: Spirits' Journey / Founders' Tears of Love -Liebe-
*Benedicta's Tears / Streets (Tragic Scar)*
* The Meatballs are weak and inflict various negative statuses however if you kill them before killing any other enemy, it will use Battlefield Restaurant which will lead up to a total party kill on the next enemy turn with them using Gobble All Up.
* Large Flesh Worm will use Wild Bite, Rampage, Swallow All Up (Deals Half of max HP of all allies), Sandstorm and is Weak to Wind and can be taken down by Queen's Judgment.
* The Hell Walker uses Abuse, Punishment Fist, Sticky Liquid, and is weak to Light/Sky, it may drop Hell Fists.
* Blood Pudding will use Sticky Liquid, Icicles, Water Chute, Snowfall, and is weak to Fire. It may use Last Splatter if weakened or upon death and possibly inflict negative statuses on the party.
* The Small Flesh Worm will use Wild Bite, Swallow, Squeeze, and is weak to Wind.
* Luna Face will use Bright Photon, Snowfall, Over Bright, Romancing Night (Inflicts Blind and Forget), Luna Divide (Reduce HP of One target in half), Luna Slash (Does Damage to party) and is weak to Dark. They may drop Moon Veil.
* Melt Beauty will use Miasma, Pathogen Infection, Claw, Dissolving Liquid and is weak to Earth. It will also use Death to Us Both (May kill one ally) upon death. They may drop Mid-Level Contaminant.
As soon as the episode starts, head back and save at White Wings. When ready, head back inside and interact with the Statue, each of these statues will be enemy encounters but also act as teleportation points after defeating the enemies there. Anyway, after clearing the first statue, interact with it and go north to find another, after clearing that, head East, North, West, and North, after that statue, head West, South, and East. After that statue, head West, South, West, and North. After that statue, head South, West, and North. After that one, head north and then northeast. After that statue, head north towards the Skyscraper, near the statue is a Return Tree. After defeating the last enemy, interact with the Statue to enter the Skyscraper.
*Benedicta's Tears / The Skyscraper (Fallen Faith)*
* The Shout will use higher level magic, Negative Sign, is weak to Break and will drop a Howling Revolver.
*The Phantom Demon will use Shadow Flare, Abuse, Negative Sign, Turbulence (Wind attack on party), Shadow Smoke, Dark Photon, Triple Attack, is weak to Light and will drop Shadow Beast Hide (Protects against Forget).
* The Imprisoners will use Body Ram, Gravestone, Critical Body, Monolith Crash and are weak to Break, they will use Command Imprisonment (Locks all options except Normal Attack) upon death, so weaken them and save them for last.
At the start is a Resurrect Point and a Memory Tree. Head North to the statue. Then West, North, East, and North to the another statue. From there, head East, North, West, North, East, and South. After that is a Return Tree, when ready head north for a scene and then you will fight Langer: Missgestalt
He will use Medical Melancholia (Inflicts Melancholia), Dissolving Liquid, Saline Solution (Inflicts Slow), Shadowless Night (Inflicts Blind), Anasthetic Gas (Inflicts Paralysis), Intense Stench, and Operation (Instantly kills one ally). They may also carry secondary negative statuses. He is weak to Fire.
Buff your team accordingly and use your strongest spells, he should go down relatively easily.
After the battle a scene will play, afterwards a statue will be near the door, take it to continue on.
*Benedicta's Tears / Skyscraper (God's Fraud)*
From the statue, head West, South, East, North, East, South to the next statue. From there follow the path until you reach a Return Tree, when ready head North. A Scene will play and you will fight Virginie... (What's with her?!)
Virginie has picked up another unique trick, when her HP is reduced to half, she will use Arm Calamity which will imbue her attacks with the ability to inflict negative statuses. She will also use more advanced techniques like Three-Pronged Slash and Abuse. She will use Divine Divide which can deal 50% of Max HP damage. It's best that you equip the fighting party with All Greens to help ease the damage done by the Negative Statuses
Buff your allies and don't let up on the assault. Lake's Negative Carnager can get rid of Break and create a Dark Element for a Followup of Medium Throat. Giving Yangtze Wilder Strike Spheres may make it easier atop her own self-enhancements.
After defeating Virginie, a scene will play. When ready, check the statue nearby to continue on.
*Benedicta's Tears / Skyscraper (Fate's Preface)
Head North and you will fight Drift Warrior Machine. It's strong to almost everything except Water and Break. It will use Rampage, Sudden Assault, Ray Breaker. Once it uses Energy Charge, have everyone Hard Defend to reduce the Wave Gun Damage
Minerva should use Queen's Judgment and Doris should hammer away with Mercurius Freeze. Have Vene and Nixon on Healing and Buffing. One could also equip any physical attacker with a Water Physical Cast to help get Mercurius Freezes in quicker. Lansard naturally has Clear Stream, so that may work too.
After the battle, a scene will play, head back and stock up if you need to. Head North to the Statue; however this time, you will not fight an enemy before being able to warp.
Follow the path until you reach the Return Tree. Head right for a scene.
*Benedicta's Tears / Heart (Eternal Tears)*
Afterwards you will be on a lone scaffold with the Lady in Black in front of you; nearby is a Resurrect Point and a Memory Tree, say yes to her question to fight Benedicta's Tears: Core. It would be best to give the Revivers to characters who will need them most, spellcasters.
The Mechanic the core uses is Nihility: If all FE are Neutral it will use Void Finality which will instantly kill the party. Hence it's needed to keep FEs Active. If it's Light, it will use Dark Photon and Over Bright, Water: Poison Mist and Blaze, and so on in an effort to make the field Neutral, It will also use Heightened Sorrow (Increases Agility), and Erase Mine (Reduces HP of a character to Critical Levels) in an effort to turn it Neutral, using Break should be disregarded at the start.
There are several strategies for fighting Benedicta's Tears: Core. One such strategy is to have All Greens equipped (May use up TP which you need for Magic), another is to use Light Magic/Light Physical Casts and use A-Eagle Eyes (More Viable due to money at the time). The last strategy involves outfitting your party with Shadow Beast Hides and use Dark Magic/Dark Physical Casts.
Characters like Foxey and Yangtze are good for this fight due to their speed. Lansard can set up various elements with his Personal Abilities, however requires you to either buff him with quick and/or give him Attack Accelerators to reduce his ATKWT stat. Giving Yangtze a few Wilder Strikes can increase her critical hit rate substantially, allowing her to deal possibly around 7-9k per turn with crits. Buff your allies accordingly with Force and Quick to land as many hits in before the core can use moves to neutralize the FE you place. Vene and Nixon are good for the support role.
Either Way when you reduce its' HP enough, you will get a message that is acceptable to use Break type attacks. Nixon's Mirry Launcher or Lake's Negative Carnager aside from Break Element Magic should help, a scene will play afterwards and the episode ends.
Episode 34: Black Lion / Wings of a Fallen Angel -Verzweiflung-
This whole episode is just a large string of events.
Episode 35: Seraphic Blue / Beyond the Heavens -Blauer Himmel-
After the opening scenes, you will be aboard the Blue Wing. Stock up on supplies and head to the deck to fight waves of enemies; the battle here is somewhat different, a percentage of the damage you take will damage the barrier that protects the plane, you can restore it using TP; to access the barrier restore function, use the Shift Key to access Second Option. After several battles, you will be back aboard the plane. Talk to Fyodor to see if anything has changed. If he says a different message, you will then be able to fight the lead defense force.
* Sky Dragon is Weak to Sky, It will use Gobble All Up, Flesh Tear, Sky Buster (Hits the whole party), there will usually be a Meatball with it which means Battlefield Restaurant if you do not kill the Sky Dragon First.
* Aerial Drive will use Bullet Spray (Hits whole party), Ray Breaker, Portable Missile, and is weak to Wind, it may use Unit Full Burst. Gladiator will use Double Attack, Vacuum Wave, Abuse, and is Weak to Light and Break.
* Shield Ceres will use usually use attacks that inflict Negative Statuses like Meatball does, Dark Photon, Shadow Flare, Dead End (Instantly can kill one party member), Black Impulse (Damages TP) and is Weak to Light.
* Iron Maiden can use Air Slicer, Quick Windy (Speed up party), Body Ram, Miasma and is weak to Sky. It will use Definite Suppression upon defeat which can kill an ally.
You may be hit by LAJ's Covering Fire every now and then which can deal damage to one ally or the whole party. Having HP and TP Supplement pool active can make this easier.
Virginie is very useful; she can land 4-5 attacks in at the start of any battle using Sky High (Accelerated), using Offensive Trance or Arm Calamity will allow one to use Sky High (Accelerated) again.
After Fyodor's message changes, choose the first option, a small scene will play and you will fight Heaven's Captor. This is a battle of speed as it will use Command Imprisonment as soon as it gets a chance. It will use Crushing Hemisphere to inflict damage, Poison Gas to poison the party, Capture Structure Repair to mend 10k damage done to it, Captor Tension Boost to increase it's stats, and Long State to increase the Duration of all Positive and Negative Statuses.
It's just best to rely on characters who are good with physical damage for this fight. Heaven's Captor is weak to Fire if one wants to take a risk at dealing extra damage. Having Force Starts equipped can help amp up the damage. Foxey can cast Quick Windy as the Wind FE is active at the start. Giving her a Wilder Strike can help deal more damage.
Your characters should have All Greens equipped to cancel out the poison.
After defeating Heaven's Captor, a set of scenes will play.
* The Black Leos will either use Leo's Dance of Death, or Suicide Bomb Attack (Deals damage and inflicts ailments) upon death. They may also use Leo's Emblem to buff themselves. They will use High end sword techs like Cut In Two amongst others.
* The Elite Leos are souped up versions of Black Leos and can use Twin Black Fangs if there is a Dark FE active (Hits twice). Elite Leos drop Full Heal Bottles.
* The Life Buyer will use Life Auction (Will instantly kill one ally), is weak to Light, it may drop a Life Buyer's Proof (Protects against Instant Death).
* The Great Lizard will use Water Chute and is weak to Fire
* The Black Death Wolf will use Wild Bite, Body Ram, Flesh Tear and is weak to Light, it may use Black Blood Blaze if a Dark FE is on the field when it dies. It may drop Black Blood Blade.
* The Faces will use Negative Sign, Dark Photon, Stench, Black Impulse, and are weak to Light and Sky. They will use Persona Weariness upon death (Inflicts Confuse). It may drop Face Skin (Increases Blind, Confuse, and Melancholy Resist)
* The Metal Soldier will use Spark Edge, Cut In Two, and is weak to Water.
* The Rage Rune will use higher tier magic, and is weak to Poison, Disease, and Blind.
* Sentinels will use Techniques like Cut In Two and Three-Pronged-Slash, they will have a new technique: Endless Spin (Hits all allies). They are weaker to Negative Statuses.
* Delta Force will use Triple Attack, Sticky Liquid Unit, Tri Divide (Heavy Damage on one ally), they are weak to Water
At the start is a medic and an item merchant along with a Memory Tree. It would be best to buy a couple of Water Elemental Atk +30s and Double Invest (Element).
When you enter the door, only level II will be available, take it and head to the 2nd level. As soon as you arrive you will be met with Black Leos, you will encounter fixed groups of them through the corridors each of different varities. The path on Level III is rather straight forward. Reach the switch to open Level III. Head back and take the elevator to Level III. There head west and follow the path to a split, head east and follow the path until you reach a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point. After healing, head north to fight LAJ Gear I
LAJ Gear I will use Ray Crisis (Light FE, hits all allies), Ray Breaker, Ground Collider (Inflicts Paralysis), Claymore (Acts like Mine), it will use Unit Full Burst when it bites the dust. It will drop Top Class Machinery.
Buff your allies accordingly, Minerva and Doris are must haves for this battle as their magic can quickly whittle down it's HP, especially with the Elemental Atk +30 Spheres and Double Invest (Elements) equipped. Using Water Physical Casts with your Physical Attackers to set up the FE Magic attacks.
After defeating LAJ Gear I, head north and check out the sparkling object to get: LAJ Keycard. Head back to the split and go north this time, interact with the panel to open the door and gain access to the terminal to open Level IV.
Level IV is divided into 2 blocks, Western and Eastern, the western block has the terminal that opens Level V at the end of a long path and past a fixed encounter with Black Leos. The Eastern Block leads to the Private Sector which can't be opened yet. Head to Level V after activating the terminal.
On Level V, you will fight as you proceed through the corridor Black Leos, you will then reach a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point, head forward when ready to fight LAJ Gear II.
LAJ Gear II will use Ground Collider, Ray Crisis, Water Cannon (Deals Severe Damage to one ally; uses Water FE), Claymore, Blood Freeze 273 (Will outright do over 10k damage to an ally)
The same Strategy applies here as it did with the earlier one, set it up with Water FEs and then use Mercurius Freeze to deal heavy damage. It may be a good idea to have some defense against water as well as it uses Water Attacks. It will pull the same stunt that LAJ Gear I did after it runs out of HP.
After defeating LAJ Gear Mk 2, head north to fight more Black Leos, continue on the path as you were, at the split, head north and up the stairs to find a Return Tree, restock as needed, kill the Black Leos in front of you, then save. It would be best to equip Advanced Guards for this upcoming battle. When Ready head north, a scene will play and then you will fight Die Stahl Walkure.
It will use Bullet Spray, Claymore, Ground Collider (If a certain FE resulting from Blaster Verdandi is removed), Ray Breaker, Cross Claymore (Deals Damage to One, and then the group), and Limit Removal. When it uses Limit Removal, It will follow up with a Blaster Verdandi (A barrage of attacks), use Hard Defense with Advanced Guard before it does to minimalize damage.
Much like the LAJ Gears it is weak to water, so use the same strategy as before, set up a Water FE using Water Physical Casts and let the Spellcasters do damage with Mercurius Freeze, if a Water FE is not applied, use Icicles instead. Virginie should be good for dealing extra damage and Nixon on Healing and Support.
You will recieve a Lenneth Trident upon victory.
After Die Stahl Walkure is defeated, a set of scenes will play and you will be back at the Return Tree. Head back to Level IV and head to the Eastern Block to the Private Sector.
*LAJ Private Sector*
There are some new enemies here:
* Metal Dragons can inflict negative statuses such as Paralysis, Forget, and Blind. It uses Inferno (Heavy Fire Damage), Grenade Launcher and they are weak to Water. It will also use Unit Full Burst upon defeat. It may Drop Frame Machinery.
* The Dragon Riders can use Sky High, Predation, Dive, Turbulence, and are Weak to Sky
* The Dragon Lord will use Swallow All Up amongst other strong physical attacks, they may also inflict stone. It is weak to Wind and Break. It may also drop the Dragon Slayer Bow.
As Soon as you arrive, head north to fight LAJ Gear Mk 3(Thankfully this is the last one)
Much like the other 2, weakness to Water. Use the same strategy like dealing with the other mechanical bosses here. (Buff with Clever, set up a water FE and hit hard with Mercurius Freeze)
It will use Gamma Radiation, Ground Collider, Ray Breaker, Twin Arms (Hits Twice for high amounts of damage). It will use Unit Full Burst upon Defeat.
You will recieve Frame Machinery upon victory.
After defeating LAJ Gear Mk 3, head north and fight another group of Black Leos. Head North afterwards and follow the path. You will then be in a dark room, the path is usually going to be the long way around: East, North, West, North, East, North, West, South, West, South, West, South, West, North, East, North.
After that room, you will be in ANOTHER Dark room. Head North, West, South, West, North, East, South, East, South, East, South, East, North, West, North, West, North.
After the Dark Rooms, it's a straight shot to the Return Tree and one last set of Black Leos. Afterwards, head back and save, then head north to watch a scene and then you will fight Gertraud:Georg
He relies heavily on physical attacks; like Abuse, and Predation, he does have a unique move called Fang the Strong which will attack the character with the most HP and gives him the Force Buff. He also knows The Trampling Route which will inflict Poison and Disease and reduce all HP to low levels. He is weak to Break. Nixon and Virginie are useful here due to their Abilties having the Break Element. His Darkness Vanity will inflict various ailments on the party so All Greens may help with that. It would be best not to use Offensive Trance here unless you are considering going all out.
Rely on Buffing with Force and Quick, Speedy characters like Foxey and Yangtze will work here. Especially with her Sharp Senses. Giving characters Quick and Force Start Spheres is also another strategy.
Some scenes will play and the Chapter will draw to a close.
2.5 Final Chapter: The Dark Side of Thy Wings (FCHP)
Episode 36: Independence / Send-off with a Gentle Gaze -Mutter-
After the long lengthy introduction, you will be in control of Vene. Head to Kokomo and go into the Orphanage, a scene will play. Afterwards the episode will end.
Episode 37: Spirit Completion / Fragment of Memories -Laecheln-
After the opening scene, you will be in control of the party.
The shops have renewed their stock, so buy whatever you can with the money you have. If low on funds, the enemies have changed as well.
* Wind Edge will use Claw, Air Slicer, Stribog Wind, and is weak to Earth, they may drop Sonic Boots upon defeat.
* Green Dragon will use Flesh Tear, Squeeze, Virus Aero, and is weak to Earth.
* Fly Seed will use Ivy Hell, Tentacle, Seed Splash (Hits whole party) upon death and is weak to Fire.
* The Gray Shell will use Dust Attack, Endless Spin, Body Ram, and is Weak to Break.
* The Three Headed Lion will use Triple Attack, Flesh Tear, Wild Bite, Finisher Hunt (Hits one target for all HP) is Weak to Fire, and may drop Beast King Ring.
* Green Gigant will use Abuse, Punishment Fist, Crazy Beat, Power Bomb, is Weak to Earth, Break, Stone, Forget and may drop Gigant Mail.
* Guren Bird is will use Blaze, Inferno, Dive, Heat Up, and is Weak to Water and Sky
Before leaving, buy some Anti-Sky Physical Casts and Dark Resist +30% spheres and Equip All Greens on your allies. It would also be helpful to buy plenty of Full Heal Bottles and Upgrade them. It will cost 100,000 Dear to create just 1 A-Full Heal Bottle.
When you have updated everyone's gear and spheres, head to the OHG Headquarters in Ruthford to watch a set of scenes, then head to the Fezzite Garden and head inside for another scene, you will then fight Wilhelmine:Vene.
Wilhelmine:Vene is weak to Dark, so having characters like Minerva or Doris are helpful, especially using the Spheres to enhance their elemental damage output. She will use Sorrowful Angel Wings to buff herself and inflict Blind and Forget on the party. She will use Higher end magic to do damage. Should she get a Sky FE on the field as a result of Sorrowful Angel Wings, she will follow up on the next turn she gets with Ray Sacrifice Luna (Does Severe Sky Damage)
Queen's Judgment should do a significant amount of damage. Lansard's Night Breaker should also help matters. Virginie should only use Sky High (Accelerated) or Field Element Sigma to get rid of FEs and heal with items, Vene is playing the support role in healing and debuffing Wilhelmine:Vene. Doris can use Magic Mine or if you are bold, try in exploiting her weakness to Dark.
After defeating Wilhelmine:Vene, a scene will play and the Episode will end. Vene learns the abilities: Angelic Embrace and Everlasting Self.
Episode 38: Gaia Cancers / Showdown -Entscheidungsschlacht-
Head to Mendoza, a scene will play and then you will be in the village, you should see a treasure chest with a villager near it, he will give cryptic clues about the combination to the chest, the answer is 8712. From the Chest you will obtain: Reviver, Advanced Growth (Extra 50% exp for the wearer), Maria's Will, God's Elixir, God's Half Elixir, Full Clana, and Ex Clana.
When ready, leave through the northern end of Mendoza and head to Laurentia.
Laurentia has significantly changed, instead of being a large maze it's a straightforward path with a few bosses. In order to advance throughout the area, you have to kill the bosses to open the way.
First up is Magdalene. It will use Green Manipulation at the start to render All Greens useless, just have some A-type status restoring items ready. It will use Planter's Sacrifice (Inflicts Poison, Disease, and/or Paralysis), Woody Honey Fall (Inflicts Slow), Seed Splash, Violent Miasma, Tentacle, and Large Tentacle (Stronger version of Tentacle) as physical attacks. Magdelene is weak to Fire.
Lansard is quite useful here due to him naturally having abilities that can set up FEs which are extremely cheap costwise. Vene/Nixon should be on Healing/Support and Minerva/Doris on Offensive Magic.
After Magdalene is Roswitha
Roswitha can infict stone with most of its' attacks, Lime Gas (Hits whole party), Mad Explosion, Squash, Spoiled Smell (Inflicts various Negative Statuses), Melt Crisis (Does medium amount of damage), It will use Ancient Grey (Can Stone whole Party if the Earth FE is left Active, Melting Field will be used when Roswitha is weakened enough. Roswitha is Weak to Wind.
Have Doris and Minerva should be on Offensive Magic, Vene on Healing, Have either Virgine or Foxey on physical attacks. They should be equipped with Wind Physical Casts to negate the Earth FE. Foxey's Double Winged Breeze will really come in handy here, Same with Queen's Judgment.
After Roswitha is Athanasia. It will add Dark FEs to the field with each action it takes. It will use Abuse, Crazy Beat, Black Hole (Severe Dark Damage) if Dark FE is on the field, Power Bomb. Athanasia is weak to Light. You have 10 turns to defeat it before it will launch an attack that will kill off the whole party.
Have Vene on Healing and Buffing, Minerva and Doris on Offensive Magic like the last 2 fights, Lansard or Nixon should be on Damage duty (Using Rosario Snipe/Moon Scraper) and setting up Doris' Heimdall Saint attack. Minerva can also help in that Regard but she can do more damage with Queen's Judgment. Equipping All Greens may not be a bad Idea as Athanasia's attacks may inflict negative statuses.
After Athenasia is defeated a few scenes will play and the Chapter ends.
Episode 39: Gaping Wound / White Wings' Destruction -Katastrophe-
After the opening Scene, head to Laurentia. When there, head inside the Tree and interact with the Return Tree inside, you will be taken to a new area. At that location are a bunch of Memory Trees.
The Northern one contains: Ray Sacrifice Luna (Sphere), Flare Ignition (Sphere), Void Finality (Sphere), Phoenix Evoke (Sphere), Termination (Sphere), Ancient Gray (Sphere), and Metamorphosis (Sphere)
The Northwestern one contains: Death Inflict +40%, Stone Inflict +40%, Poison Inflict +40%, Disease Inflict +40%, Paralyze Inflict +40%, Slow Inflict +40%, Blind Inflict +40%, Forget Inflict +40%, Confuse Inflict +40%, and Melancholy Inflict +40%
The Southwestern one contains: Fire Elemental Atk +40, Water Elemental Atk +40, Wind Elemental Atk +40, Earth Elemental Atk +40, Light Elemental Atk +40, Dark Elemental Atk +40, Sky Elemental Atk +40, and Break Elemental Atk +40
The Southern one contains: Advanced Growth, 2 Revivers, 2 God's Elixirs and Maria's Will.
The Southeastern one contains: Fire Elemental Def +40, Water Elemental Def +40, Wind Elemental Def +40, Earth Elemental Def +40, Light Elemental Def +40, Dark Elemental Def +40, Sky Elemental Def +40, and Break Elemental Def +40
The Northeastern one contains: Death Resist +40%, Stone Resist +40%, Poison Resist +40%, Disease Resist +40%, Paralyze Resist +40%, Slow Resist +40%, Blind Resist +40%, Forget Resist +40%, Confuse Resist +40%, and Melancholy Resist +40%
When ready, head to White Wings. When you arrive a scene will play out.
Head east, then north, keep going north until scene plays, then head west. The path beyond that is rather straightforward, you will then reach a Merchant, further ahead another scene will play and you will then enter Secret Laboratory. Word of Advice: Stock up on as many A-Full Heal Bottles as possible.
*Secret Laboratory*
* HEXA will use Hexa Blast, it can inflict negative statuses despite each attack doing only 666 damage is has high resistances to Negative Statuses and Elements. It May Drop a HEXA Frame
* Pierce will use Wild Bite, Rampage, Body Ram, Moment Piercer (Deals Severe Damage to a target), has no Elemental Weaknesses but is weak to Forget.
* Cursed Staff will use Dark Photon, Body Ram, Negative Sign, Broken Hearts (Inflicts Melancholy on Party), it is weak to Fire, Light, and Sky. It May drop a Cursing Edge.
At the start is a Memory Tree and Resurrect Sphere, head down the stairs and through the door. A scene will play and you will fight Esmeralda.
Esmeralda will use The Hidden Truth at the Start to reduce all resistance to Negative Statuses to 0%, it will then use Element Fixer to change it's weakness atop giving it Clever, Protect, Force, and Quick and adding various FEs to the field. If there are no FEs, it will use Twin Arms. After dealing some damage, it will use The Defiant Truth, restoring it's HP to 320,000 and boosting it's MEN. It will use Element Fixer at various times to keep you on your toes.
It's best you buy Earth Physical Casts, Double Invest (Element), and Earth Elemental Def + 30 before fighting. The strategy here is to Element Lock Esmeralda so it can constantly use Atlas Burst wasting it's turns. This buys you ample time to hammer at it's weakness. Buff and Heal as necessary. Virginie should use FE Sigma to remove all Elements. Minerva uses Queen Judgment, Doris using her strongest magic spells or Pale Inverse. Lansard can help set up FEs without having the Earth Physical Cast equipped. Vene and Nixon can be on healing.
Esmeralda will drop Twilight Doll upon defeat.
Afterwards, a scene will play. Head back, heal up and continue on down the stairs.
*Secret Laboratory 2*
* New Enemy: Prototype Robot. Much like all machines, it's weak to Water.
On the lower floor head north and down the upper stairway. On that floor, head northwest into the room and check out the glowing spot on the bookcase. Read the First letter of each sentence, then the quoted passage. Afterwards, head downstairs and input the code 492311 to open the door.
A scene will play and you will then fight Justine.
Justine will use Heavy Physical attacks like Power Bomb. It will also use Feint Bullet Spray (Small damage to party) and will follow up with Gravity Cannon (Will do 99.9% Damage based on Max HP). Pop an A-Full Heal Bottle whenever Justine does Feint Bullet Spray, otherwise the party will be wiped out. After Justine uses Gravity Cannon, if you acquired Phoenix Evoke, use that as the FE will be fire based, this will remove all ailments and revive the dead.
Have your physical attackers except Lansard be equipped with Water Physical Cast. Your Mages should have Double Invest (Element) and Water Elemental Atk +30. Queen's Judgment will not work here.
Justine will drop Gear of Infinite Cycles upon defeat.
Another scene will play, head north through the door and down the stairs
*Secret Laboratory 3*
The Path here is rather straightforward. The open doors nearby will mention clues to the next door's password.
The password is esor, then eulb. Past the door is a return tree, head back and save, heal, and prepare.
When you pass through the door near the return tree, another scene will play and you will fight Ende. (Finally, time for revenge.)
Ende will start off with Somber Destructive Breath, which will then follow up with Finishing Killer Wave. (Does Severe Damage to whole party and inflicts ailments), he will do this every now and then in battle. He will also use Dissolving Liquid, Flesh Tear, Spoiled Smell, Triple Attack, Violent Miasma, Squash, and Gobble All Up
Phoenix Evoke and Revivers are a must for this battle, as Finishing Killer Wave will kill the entire party
Ende is weak to Sky, Doris and Lansard are ideal members for this battle. Lansard can set up a sky FE with Celestial Solitude while Doris uses the strongest Sky Magic she has. Minerva should use Queen's Judgment. Vene should be on healing and support, especially with Angelic Embrace to place Auto Revive on any allies who used up their Revivers. If you intend on using Virginie, have her equipped with Fire and Sky Physical Casts to help speed things along.
After defeating Ende, an event will play out and the Episode draws to a close.
Episode 40: Longing for Khaos / Seed of Ruin -Vorzeichen-
After the opening scenes, you will be outside of Ruthford, Save the game, then head to the Khaos Salvation Association Headquarters. After the scenes play out, the episode ends.
Episode 41: Memories of Love / Birth of the New Heavens -Aisia-
Head to Dardin and inside the large building for a scene, after that, head to Envy and speak to Margot, after that scene return with Nixon for him to learn Heaven in Hawick. Head to Minerva and to the castle for another event. Afterwards, head to White Wings and to Disastia's Hill for an event. You will then be given a prompt to save. Afterwards a small scene will play and the Episode ends
Episode 42: His Words to Her / Sinner, Cross & Heart -Abschied-
After the lengthy scene, board the Blue Wing and press up to Access Aisia's Heavens. A scene will play and then you will fight Disastia: Joshua.
Episode 43: Transient Sky / Love for the Unborn Children -Dasein-
The Episode opens with the battle against Joshua. The battle is like the ones before boarding the LAJ. The plane will take damage when party members take damage, use TP to restore the Plane when needed.
Disastia: Joshua will use Sundering Sky (Hits Random targets), Stribog Wind (If Wind FE is present), Air Burst Away (Damages one target and pushes their ATKWT priority to last), Aerial Cannon in conjunction with Turbulence Clutch (Hits All) and Missing Direction (Hits all and can inflict confuse)
He is weak to Fire. Queen's Judgment will work well as he is resistant to Wind and should lop off a significant amount of his HP.
Virginie should use FE Sigma to remove all elements to prevent that. Giving her a Fire Physical Cast will help set up Doris to use Promethius Flames. If Vene can get a turn in before Virginie does, she can use Quick Windy to help give everyone extra speed.
After Defeating Disastia: Joshua, a scene will play out, then you will recieve Sacred Blue and Blue Breaker (Best Armor and Weapons for Vene) Minerva will also learn Guardians of Fezzite (Imparts all positive statuses for whole party when there is a Light FE on the field.)
*Aisia's Heavens*
* Mother Motif weak to wind.
* Pilgrim . May use Pilgrimage's Return upon death to paralyze an ally, best to finish them off last as they are the weakest enemy to deal with and are just an annoyance
* Executioner will mostly use Dark Element skills and is weak to Light, it's normal attacks may instantly kill an ally or inflict melancholy. It will use Execution upon defeat which can instantly kill a character. It can drop Ether Hat
* Chaos Soldier. It can drop Ether Helm
* Rotten Force is like Marboro from Final Fantasy, they know the Metamorphose skill which will inflict all ailments possible on a character if a Dark FE is active. Weak to Water. It can drop Ether Wall
* Sword Demon relies on physical attacks, however they can inflict ailments like Disease/Confuse/Melancholy. It will use Sword of Ruin upon defeat (Hits all allies) It can drop Ether Glove.
* Dream Eater can inflict Forget and Melancholy with it's normal attacks. Weak to Light. It may drop Dreamy Dreamer upon defeat.
At the start is a Memory Tree and Return Sphere, behind you, the statue will take you back to the world map. (Specifically above the Fezzite Garden on the Blue Wing; press up when selecting to go down or up when in Fezzite to head to Aisia's Heavens at any time.) When ready, head further inside.
*Aisia's Heavens II*
* Minotaur is not too hard to deal with, just uses physical attacks and techniques. It can drop Ether Shield
* Giant Troop is another enemy who relies on hard physical attacks. It can drop Ares Riot.
* Chaos Revival behaves similar to Ortrud in regard to it's elements and weaknesses. It will use Tsunami upon death. It can drop Artemis Form.
* Nightmare is an incredibly beefy enemy with over 100,000 HP. Weak to Break and Light. It can drop Ether Greaves
*Aisia's Heavens III*
* Sacred Black is the direct opposite of the Giant Troops, high MEN but low physical defense. Resistant to nearly all elements. It can drop Magister's Will.
* Greatest Devil & Lucifer, Two enemies in one. Weaken them both before using an attack to hit both of them to finish them off. If one dies, it will use Power Combine to buff the remaining head
After you are completed with preparations, head forward, a scene will play and you will fight Disastia: Leona. This is another battle where you must have an element on the field as much like Benedicta's Tears: Core, she will use Void Finality.
After defeating Disastia: Leona, an event will play out, after that is finished, head back using the Return Tree to heal if needed. When ready head forward and interact with the Statue to enter Cradle of Souls
*Cradle of Souls*
Compared to Aisia's Heavens, there are no puzzles here. However as the final area, it has the hardest enemies (Seed is the battle theme for this area: Same battle theme that played during Benedicta's Tears: Core and Esmeralda)
* Great Demon is incredibly powerful physically, get rid of the Dark FE ASAP when it appears or it will use Black Hole. It is weak to Light and may drop Great Demon's Tough Arm.
* Terminator isn't too difficult, much like the Giant Troops and Minotaurs, they rely more on physical attacks, beware of Death Hand as it will reduce a target to critical HP levels. Weak to Forget and Confuse and may drop Gloves of Termination
* ISO is perhaps the most annoying enemy here, insanely high Agility and can inflict Negative Statuses with Demon Eye's Destructive Light. Weak to Dark and may drop Evil Eye.
* Fiery Sea uses attacks like Bubble Holder to inflict ailments. Deep Sea Abyss is incredibly powerful (May completely kill the party), Melt Crisis will lower HP to critical levels. Ironically weak to Fire and may drop reviver
* Phobia.
* Negotiator becomes incredibly strong if you defeat the Tellers that accompany it. Either weaken it and use a hit all attack to off all 3 or kill the Negotiator first and then the Tellers. Weak to Sky and may drop Cool Hat.
* Tellers themselves are a mere incovenience, they may inflict forget with their attacks.
* Infant of Ruin must be defeated as soon as possible. It's attack rises 300 points by each turn. It only uses one move: Hatch of Destruction (Hits whole party or random targets). Weak to Light and may drop Advanced Growth.
* Crystal Dragon isn't too difficult but can inflict Stone with it's attacks. It is weak to Break and may drop Crystal Tiara
In the second area, head north and around the small island. On that small island is the Eternity Sphere (Auto Revival Twice per battle)
Episode 44: Seraphic Blue / Memories & Blue Sky -Vene Ansbach-
Before fighting the boss it's advised that you make a backup save as after defeating that boss, you will not be able to go back and restock supplies.
After the scene, you will be in a new area, You will have a save point behind you and Girl and Lady in Black in front of you; You must equip Destined Wings on Vene before fighting, talk to them when ready, you will have to rearrange your party, Four characters will fight Death Seraph Eggshell, and Four will fight Refuse Seraphic Blue. Vene must be in the party against Refuse Seraphic Blue. After choosing your party, the battle will begin.
After defeating Death Seraph Eggshell, a scene will play and you will fight Refuse Seraphic Blue.
After dealing 300,000 Damage, you will fight Er. When you reduce her HP to a certain amount a scene will play, before the battle continues. Use Seraphic Finale ASAP as she will go all out when she gets the chance, a scene will play, and the battle will end.
Enjoy the ending for your efforts.
3. Items (ITMS):
All items will upgrade to higher tiers as the story progresses, each shop will carry the same items regardless of location.
Item and Misc Item level goes increases at these episodes:
Episode 8: Level 2
Episode 23: Level 3 (Fairy Tart becomes accessible in shops from this point)
Episode 36: Level 4 (Clana's become accessible in shops from this point)
3.1. Curative (CUIT):
Do note that items with D (Double) and A (All) can only be sold and can only be acquired through Upgrading them. Upgrading requires Up Substances which can be bought from shops.
Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 200 HP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 1
Buy: 100
Sell: 40
D-Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 400 HP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 80
A-Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 200 HP to each of all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 160
Great Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 500 HP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 2
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
D-Great Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 1000 HP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
A-Great Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 500 HP to each of all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
Ex Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 2000 HP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 3
Buy: 2000
Sell: 800
D-Ex Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 4000 HP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 1600
A-Ex Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 2000 HP to each of all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 3200
Full Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can fully restore an ally's HP.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 4
Buy: 20000
Sell: 8000
A-Full Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can fully restore all allies' HP.
Upgrade only
Sell: 32000
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 40 TP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 1
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 80 TP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 40 TP to all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Great Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 100 TP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 2
Buy: 60000
Sell: 10
D-Great Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 200 TP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
A-Great Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 100 TP to all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Ex Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 300 TP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 3
Buy: 200000
Sell: 10
D-Ex Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 600 TP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
A-Ex Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 300 TP to all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Full Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can fully restore an ally's TP.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 4
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 10
A-Full Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can fully restore all allies' TP.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Resurrect Bottle
A bottle of camphor medicine that can revive an ally and restore 25% of his/her total HP.
Upgradable to A / Level 2
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
A-Resurrect Bottle
A bottle of camphor medicine that can revive all allies and restore 25% of every ally's total HP.
Upgrade only
Sell: 800
Soft Powder
Fine soft powder ground from a medicinal stone.
Used to remove the Stone status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 3
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
A-Soft Powder
Fine soft powder ground from a medicinal stone.
Used to remove the Stone status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
A medicinal herb that is capable of removing the Poison status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A medicinal herb that is capable of removing the Poison status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Kiprana Tablet
A tablet made out of the bark of a Kiprana tree. Used to remove the Disease status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 2
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
A-Kiprana Tablet
A tablet made out of the bark of a Kiprana tree. Used to remove the Disease status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
Mint Water
A bottle of water mixed with a mint extract that can remove the Paralyze status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Mint Water
A bottle of water mixed with a mint extract that can remove the Paralyze status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Roadrunner's Skin
The dried skin of a fast roadrunner that can remove the Slow status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Roadrunner's Skin
The dried skin of a fast roadrunner that can remove the Slow status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Eagle's Eye
A medicinal extract of an eagle's eye.
Used to remove the Blind status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Eagle's Eye
A medicinal extract of an eagle's eye.
Used to remove the Blind status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Memory Ginger
A medicinal herb that can keep the mind fresh and remove the Forget status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Memory Ginger
A medicinal herb that can keep the mind fresh and remove the Forget status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Spicy Perfume
A unique perfume mixed with strong spices.
Used to remove the Confuse status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Spicy Perfume
A unique perfume mixed with strong spices.
Used to remove the Confuse status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Adonis' Fragrance
A perfume with the sweet scent of an adonis. Used to remove the Melancholy status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 3
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
A-Adonis' Fragrance
A perfume with the sweet scent of an adonis. Used to remove the Melancholy status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
Herbal Drink
A drink mixed with various herbal extracts. Used to remove all negative statuses from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 4
Buy: 10000
Sell: 4000
A-Herbal Drink
A drink mixed with various herbal extracts. Used to remove all negative statuses from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 16000
God's Half Elixir
A sacred potion of half of God's blessings that can revive an ally, restore 50% of his/her max HP & TP, and remove all negative statuses.
Drop only
Sell: 0
God's Elixir
A sacred potion of God's full blessings that can fully restore an ally in all aspects
Drop only
Sell: 0
Maria's Will
A crystal ball containing the sacred power of the Mother of Life, Maria. A rare item that can fully restore all allies in all aspects.
Drop only
Sell: 0
Fairy Tart:
A strange and unique tart bakes by the race of fairies. Fully restores all allies' HP. Only usable outside of battles
Buy: 8000
Sell: 3200
All enemies can drop TP restoring items at different rates based on the Episode of the story (Time the items upgrade, the odds of getting drops change).
Ep 1: 3.7%, Ep 13: 22%, Ep 23: 0.5%, Ep 31: 0.5%, Ep 36: 0%
Great Clana:
Ep 1: 1%, Ep 13: 1.9%, Ep 23: 25%, Ep31: 1.7%, Ep 36: 1.2%
Ex Clana:
Ep 1: 0%, Ep 13: 0.5%, Ep 23: 1.2%, Ep31: 1.6%, Ep 36: 22%
Full Clana:
Ep 1: 0%, Ep 13: 0%, Ep 23: 0.2%, Ep31: 0.3%, Ep 36: 0.4%
God's Half Elixir:
Ep 1: 0.2%, Ep 13: 0.3%, Ep 23: 0.4%, Ep31: 0.5%, Ep 36: 0.6%
God's Elixir:
Ep 1: 0.1%, Ep 13: 0.1%, Ep 23: 0.2%, Ep31: 0.3%, Ep 36: 0.4%
Maria's Will:
Ep 1: 0%, Ep 13: 0%, Ep 23: 0%, Ep31: 0.1%, Ep 36: 0.2%
4.2 Misc Items (MIIT):
A normal piece of meat used as an ingredient to cook up a simple dish for the whole family. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 100
Fine Class Meat
A type of meat that is a popular ingredient in dishes served at most festive occasions. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 500
High Class Meat
A type of meat that is a delicacy among the bourgoisie. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 5000
Top Class Meat
A type of meat that gets the thumbs up by a panel of well-renowned gourmets. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 50000
Normal fur used to produce simple fur clothings for warmth during winter. Sell it at a shop for a small amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 300
Fine Class Fur
A type of fur used to produce common fur clothings for sale at most fashion outlets. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 1500
High Class Fur
A type of fur used to produce elegant fur clothings that only the bourgeoisie can afford. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 15000
Top Class Fur
A type of fur used to produce top class fur clothings for showcase at runway shows. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 150000
A normal feather used to produce ordinary feather futons. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 200
Fine Class Feather
A type of feather used to produce common feather decorations. Sell it to a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 1000
High Class Feather
A type of feather used to produce feather products that only the boureoisie can afford. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 10000
Top Class Feather
A type of feather used to produce top class feather futons for a good night's sleep. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 100000
A normal herb used to produce ordinary medicines for mild illnesses. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 100
Fine Class Herb
A type of herb to produce medicines for slightly severe illnesses. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 500
High Class Herb
A type of herb used to produce high quality supplements for the health enthusiasts. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 5000
Top Class Herb
A type of herb used to produce medicines of miraculous healing powers of nature. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 50000
A normal ore from which dim jewels can be extracted. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 300
Fine Class Ore
A type of ore containing jewels of decent value that can be presented as gifts. Sell it to a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 2100
High Class Ore
A type of ore containing prized jewels that only the bourgeoisie can afford. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 20000
Top Class Ore
A type of ore containing the most valuable jewels that shine with brilliant radiance. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 200000
Normal machinery used to produce ordinary machines for daily usage. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 300
Fine Class Machinery
A type of machinery used to produce decent quality machines for the machine maniacs. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 1800
High Class Machinery
A type of machinery collected by large enterprises to produce high quality machines. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 15000
Top Class Machinery
A type of machinery collected by research centers to produce the most advanced machines. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 150000
4. Equipment
Weapon and Frame Level increases at these episodes:
Episode 8: Iron Equipment (Level 2)
Episode 13: Silver Equipment (Level 3)
Episode 23: Gold Equipment (Level 4)
Episode 31: Crystal Equipment (Level 5)
Episode 36: Platinum Equipment (Level 6)
4.1. Weapons (WEAP):
Short Sword
A common and lightweight short sword that is easy to handle and suitable for all new sword wielders.
A decent weapon in all fields
Bronze Sword
A Grade 1 bronze available in the market.
Bronze Bow
A Grade 1 bronze bow available in the market.
A weapon that provides low hit rate but high critical hit rate.
Bronze Gun
A Grade 1 bronze gun available in the market.
A weapon that provides low additional ATKWT and decent attack damage.
Marine Edge:
A sword forged out of the beak of a rare large swordfish. Possesses immense strength for its size.
Iron Sword
A Grade 2 iron now available in the market.
Iron Bow
A Grade 2 iron now available in the market.
Iron Gun
A Grade 2 iron now available in the market.
Refined Radiance
A powerful sword of rare beauty that has been exposed to the mystical energy of the Soul Stream for over a long period of time.
ATK: 360 HIT: +5 CRT: +6 ATKWT: +40
Find: Laurentia (Episode 11)
Iblard Blade
A wind-elemental sword made out of Iblard crystal material. A weapon that provides boost to the wielder's dexterity.
ATK: 580 HIT: +10 ATKWT: +60 AVD: AGL: +2 DEX: +3
Find: Revelstoke Mountains (Episode 15)
Silver Sword
A Grade 3 silver sword now available in the market.
Great Silver Sword
A Grade 3 great silver sword now available in the market. A heavy weapon that is hard to handle but deals great damage.
Silver Knife
A Grade 3 silver knife now available in the market.
Silver Rod
A Grade 3 silver rod now available in the market. A mage's weapon that provides MEN stat boost to the wielder.
Silver Bow
A Grade 3 silver bow now available in the market.
Silver Gun
A Grade 3 silver gun now available in the market.
Silver Knuckles
A pair of Grade 3 silver knuckles now available in the market. A weapon that does not affect ATKWT and boosts the wearer's HIT and CRT stats.
Gold Sword
A grade 4 gold sword now available in the market.
Great Gold Sword
A grade 4 great gold sword now available in the market.
Gold Knife
A grade 4 gold knife now available in the market.
Gold Rod
A grade 4 gold rod now available in the market.
Gold Bow
A grade 4 gold bow now available in the market.
Gold Gun
A grade 4 gold gun now available in the market.
Gold Knuckles
A pair of grade 4 gold knuckles now available in the market.
Fezzite Blade
A top-class military sword wielded by Fezzite troops. Well-renowned for its superiority in strength.
Crystal Sword
A grade 5 crystal sword now available in the market.
Great Crystal Sword
A grade 5 great crystal sword now available in the market.
Crystal Knife
A grade 5 crystal knife now available in the market.
Crystal Rod
A grade 5 crystal rod now available in the market.
Crystal Bow
A grade 5 crystal bow now available in the market.
Crystal Gun
A grade 5 crystal now available in the market.
Crystal Lance
A grade 5 crystal lance now available in the market.
Crystal Knuckles
A pair of grade 5 crystal knuckles now available in the market.
Hell Fists
The Knuckles of Calamity infused with the evil miasma of Hell. Has the ability to inflict instant death at a low success rate.
Drop: Hell Walker (Episode 33)
Howling Revolver
An ominous gun that gives off eerie howling sounds when gunshots are fired. Has the ability to inflict Forget, Confuse & Melancholy statuses.
Drop: Shout (Episode 33)
Black Blood Blade
A great sword infused with immense dark energies of killer essence. Has the ability to inflict instant death at a low success rate.
Drop: Black Death Wolf (Episode 35)
Dragon Slayer
A bow famous for its ability to slay a large dragon in just one shot. A weapon that possesses great strength but hard to handle.
Drop: Dragon Lord (Episode 35)
Lenneth Trident
A metallic lance installed with a different variety of mechanical parts. Possesses high attack accuracy.
Drop: Die Stahl Walkure (Episode 35)
Great Platinum Sword
The highest grade great platinum sword now available in the market.
Platinum Knife
The highest grade platinum knife now available in the market.
Platinum Rod
The highest grade platinum rod now available in the market.
Platinum Bow
The highest grade platinum bow now available in the market.
Platinum Gun
The highest grade platinum gun now available in the market.
Platinum Lance
The highest grade platinum lance now available in the market.
Platinum Knuckles
A pair of the highest grade platinum knuckles now available in the market.
Cursing Edge
A knife permeated with the powers of an unsavory curse. Grants the wielder very low success rates of inflicting all negative statuses
Drop: Cursed Staff (Episode 39)
Blue Breaker
The legendary bow of Seraphic Blue bestowed to Vene by Gaia's Prophets.
Acquire: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Noble Force
A legendary rod that gives off a pale green light as a sign of nobility. Only wieldable by royals of a prestige rank
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Whitest One
A legendary bright white knife without a single speck of dirt on it. The perfect clean weapon for mass sudden assaults.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Divine Gunner
A legendary gun blessed with the divine strength of Heaven's Jury and used as a means of passing down judgment upon all evil.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Mobius Magus
A legendary rod blessed with an unlimited flow of magical energy that is controllable by the wielder's inner will.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Kowloon's Heart
The legendary knuckles of indomitable pride infused with the combat spirits of the Nine Dragons.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Fatal Fencer
A legendary great sword famous for its mass destructive strength. A superior weapon once used to decide the world's fate.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Valhalla Climber
A prized legendary lance forged by blacksmiths from the mythical sacred grounds of Valhalla.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
4.2 Frames (FRAM):
Traveller's Cloth
The basic and widely-available cloth worn by many travellers. Provides low DEF and MDF boosts.
DEF: 70 MDF: 70 SPC: 3
Buy: 350
Sell: 140
Bronze Mail
A Grade 1 bronze mail worn by heavyweight warriors and available in the market.
Provides high DEF and low MDF boosts.
DEF: 100 MDF: 40 SPC: 3
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
Bronze Mesh
A Grade 1 bronze mesh worn by lightweight warriors and above and available in the market.
Provides decent DEF and MDF Boosts.
DEF: 80 MDF: 60 SPC: 3
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
Bronze Robe
A Grade 1 bronze robe worn by mages and available in the market.
Provides high MDF and low DEF boosts.
DEF: 70 MDF: 100 SPC: 3
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
Pastor's Cloth
A priceless cloth containing the God's blessings that grant boosts to Dark elemental defense and resist rates of all negative statuses.
DEF: 90 MDF: 80 SPC: 3
Dark Resist: + 20
All Negative Status Resist: + 3%
Find: Nixon's initial equipment
Sell: 400
Salvaged Cloth
A cloth salvaged from a shipwreck. Provides low DEF and MDF boosts but grants boost to Water elemental defense.
DEF: 50 MDF: 50 SPC: 1
Water Resist: + 25
Find: Acquire at Juwess Salvage Port: Episode 6
Sell: 350
Iron Cloth
A Grade 2 iron mail now available in the market.
DEF: 210 MDF: 210 SPC: 3
Buy: 1000
Sell: 400
Iron Mail
A Grade 2 iron mail now available in the market.
DEF: 300 MDF: 120 SPC: 3
Buy: 1500
Sell: 600
Iron Mesh
A grade 2 iron mesh now available in the market.
DEF: 240 MDF: 180 SPC: 3
Buy: 1500
Sell: 600
Iron Robe
A grade 2 iron robe now available in the market.
DEF: 210 MDF: 300 SPC: 4
Buy: 1500
Sell: 600
Wood Fiber
A cloth made of rare natural wood fiber. Boosts but lowers Break and Fire elemental defenses respectively.
DEF: 250 MDF: 290 SPC: 4
Break Resist: + 40
Fire Resist: - 20
Stone/Disease/Paralysis Resist: + 5%
Find: Acquire at Laurentia: Episode 11
Sell: 1600
Silver Cloth
A Grade 3 silver cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 3500
Sell: 1400
Silver Mail:
A Grade 3 silver mail now available in the market.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 1800
Silver Mesh:
A Grade 3 silver mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 1800
Silver Robe:
A Grade 3 silver robe now available in the market.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 1800
Mistral Dress
A wind imbued dress that greatly boosts Wind elemental defense. Easy to move in and only wearable by a female.
DEF: 340 MDF: 350 SPC: 4
AVD & AGL: + 5 DEX: + 10
Wind Resist: 50
Find: Acquire at Revelstoke Mountains: Episode 15
Sell: 3300
Academy Robe
A robe worn by students of the Fezzite Magic Academy. Provides a larger sphere capacity and stronger DEF and MDF than the Grade 3 frames.
Find: Doris' initial equipment
Sell: 5000
Gold Cloth
A Grade 4 gold cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 9000
Sell: 3600
Gold Mail
A Grade 4 gold mail now available in the market.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 4800
Gold Mesh
A Grade 4 gold mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 4800
Gold Robe
A Grade 4 gold robe now available in the market.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 4800
Experimental Cloth
A research facility-made cloth. Greatly boosts all elemental defenses and resist rates of all negative statuses, but provides low DEF and MDF boosts.
DEF: 500 MDF: 500 SPC: 3
All Element and Negative Status Resist: + 50%
Find: Talk to Troy Iceharbor at White Wings in Episodes 26-33
Sell: 10000
Crystal Cloth
A Grade 5 crystal cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 24000
Sell: 9600
Crystal Mail
A Grade 5 crystal mail now available in the market.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 12000
Crystal Mesh
A Grade 5 crystal mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 12000
Crystal Robe
A Grade 5 crystal robe now available in the market.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 12000
Phantom Hide
The hide of Phantom Demon. A cloth that keeps the wearer's mind focused, granting full protection against Forget and Confuse statuses.
DEF: 1000 MDF: 1500 SPC: 5
Forget/Confuse Resist: 100%
Drop: Phantom Demon (Episode 33)
Sell: 20000
Frame Machinery
A cloth made entirely out of machinery. Grants full protection against all negative statuses but provides no sphere capacity.
DEF: 1400 MDF: 1200 SPC: 0
All Negative Status Resist: 100%
Drop: LAJ Gear Mk 3 (Episode 33), Prototype Robot (Episode 39)
Sell: 50000
Platinum Cloth
The highest grade platinum cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 64000
Sell: 25600
Platinum Mail
The highest grade platinum mail now available in the market.
Buy: 80000
Sell: 32000
Platinum Mesh
The highest grade platinum mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 80000
Sell: 32000
Platinum Robe
The highest grade platinum robe now available in the market.
Buy: 80000
Sell: 32000
Gigant Mail
A part of a huge mail worn by a Green Gigant. Greatly boosts DEF but provides very low MDF. Also lowers AGL, DEX and AVD due to its heavyness
DEF: 3000 MDF: 200 SPC: 4
AVD, AGL & DEX: -10
Drop: Green Gigant (Episode 36)
Sell: 80000
Hexa Frame
The skeleton of HEXA made of an unknown material. Boosts the resist rates of all negative statuses by 6%.
DEF: 1666 MDF: 1666 SPC: 6
All Negative Status Resist: 6%
Drop: HEXA (Episode 39)
Sell: 66666
Twilight Doll
A robe with the form of a mysterious being.
Harmonizes with the wearer's spirit to boost various stats.
DEF: 1500 MDF: 2600 SPC: 7
AVD: 10 AGL: 3 DEX: 6
Drop: Esmeralda (Episode 39)
Sell: 100000
Sacred Blue
The legendary robe of Seraphic Blue bestowed to Vene by Gaia's Prophets.
DEF: 1980 MDF: 3200 SPC: 8
All Element Resist: 10%
All Negative Statuses Resist: 20%
AVD: +10 AGL: +5 DEX: +5
Find/Drop: Acquire from Gaia's Prophets (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Ares Riot
A legendary mail imbued with the strength of Ares, the malevolent god of War.
DEF: 2400 MDF: 1120 SPC: 7
Blind/Confuse/Melancholy Resist: +50%
Find/Drop: Aisia's Heavens, Giant Troop (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Artemis Form
A legendary mesh imbued with the strength of Artemis, the goddes of the Hunt.
DEF: 1920 MDF: 1960 SPC: 7
Paralyze/Slow/Blind/Confuse/Melancholy Resist: +50%
Find/Drop: Aisia's Heavens, Chaos Revival (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Magister's Will
A legendary robe imbued with the strength of a Magister, a legendary top-ranking mage.
DEF: 1680 MDF: 2800 SPC: 7
Forget Resist: 100%
Find/Drop: Aisia's Heavens, Sacred Black (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Soul Cradle
A legendary cloth made entirely out of eternal spiritual energy and naturally produced over millions of years within the Cradle of Souls
DEF: 1680 MDF: 1960 SPC: 8
Death/Stone Resist: 100%
Find: Acquire at Cradle of Souls (Episode 44)
Sell: 500000
5. Spheres (SPHR):
Sphere Level increases at these episodes:
Episode 8: Level 2
Episode 13: Level 3
Episode 23: Level 4
Episode 31: Level 5
Episode 36: Level 6
5.1. Ability (ABIL):
Attack Magic Level 1
A sphere that grants a character access to Level 1 Attack Magic spells.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Attack Magic Level 2
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 2 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Attack Magic Level 3
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 3 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Attack Magic Level 4
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 4 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 18000
Sell: 9000
Attack Magic Level 5
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 5 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Attack Magic Level 6
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 6 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 150000
Sell: 75000
Curative Magic Level 1
A sphere that grants a character access to Level 1 Curative Magic spells.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Curative Magic Level 2
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 2 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Curative Magic Level 3
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 3 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Curative Magic Level 4
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 4 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 18000
Sell: 9000
Curative Magic Level 5
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 5 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Curative Magic Level 6
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 6 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 150000
Sell: 75000
Support Magic Level 1
A sphere that grants a character access to Level 1 Support Magic spells.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Support Magic Level 2
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 2 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Support Magic Level 3
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 3 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Support Magic Level 4
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 4 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 18000
Sell: 9000
Support Magic Level 5
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 5 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Support Magic Level 6
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 6 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 150000
Sell: 75000
Ray Sacrifice Luna
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Ray Sacrifice Luna
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Flare Ignition
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Flare Ignition
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Void Finality
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Void Finality
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Phoenix Evoke
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Curative Spell, Phoenix Evoke
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Support Spell, Termination
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Falling Gray
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Falling Gray
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Metamorphosis
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
5.2. Invest (INVS):
Fire Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Fire Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Fire Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Fire Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Fire Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Fire Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Fire Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Fire Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Water Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Water Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Water Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Water Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Water Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Water Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Water Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Water Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Wind Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Wind Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Wind Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Wind Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Wind Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Wind Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Wind Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Wind Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Earth Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Earth Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Earth Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Earth Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Earth Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Earth Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Earth Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Earth Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Light Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Light Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Light Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Light Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Light Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Light Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Light Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Light Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Dark Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Dark Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Dark Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Dark Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Dark Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Dark Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Dark Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Dark Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Sky Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Sky Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Sky Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Sky Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Sky Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Sky Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Sky Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Sky Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Break Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Break Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Break Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Break Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Break Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Break Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Break Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Break Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Death Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Death Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Death Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Death Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Death Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Death Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Death Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Death Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Stone Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Stone Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Stone Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Stone Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Stone Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Stone Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Stone Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Stone Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Poison Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Poison Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Poison Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Poison Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Poison Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Poison Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Poison Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Poison Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Disease Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Disease Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Disease Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Disease Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Disease Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Disease Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Disease Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Disease Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Paralysis Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Paralysis Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Paralysis Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Paralysis Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Paralysis Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Paralysis Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Paralysis Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Paralysis Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Slow Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Slow Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Slow Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Slow Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Slow Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Slow Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Slow Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Slow Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Blind Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Blind Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Blind Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Blind Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Blind Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Blind Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Blind Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Blind Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Forget Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Forget Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Forget Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Forget Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Forget Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Forget Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Forget Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Forget Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Confuse Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Confuse Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Confuse Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Confuse Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Confuse Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Confuse Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Confuse Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Confuse Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Melancholy Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Melancholy Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Melancholy Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Melancholy Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Melancholy Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Melancholy Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Melancholy Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Melancholy Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Fire Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Fire element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Water Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Water element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Wind Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Wind element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Earth Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Earth element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Light Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Light element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Dark Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Dark element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Sky Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Sky element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Anti-Sky Physical Cast
A sphere that enables the character to neutralize the Sky element in play in the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Break Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Break element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Anti-Break Physical Cast
A sphere that enables the character to neutralize the Break element in play in the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Tactical (TASP):
A sphere that boosts a character's concentration to allow him/her to deal 1.5x more damage for 2x the TP cost of an Attack magic spell.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Advanced Guard:
A sphere that lowers an enemy's attack damage on a character in Normal Defense mode by 2 times:
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Reflex Guard
A sphere that grants a character a chance of counter-defense against an enemy's attack. Rate of success depends on both parties' DEX.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Chicken's Heart
A sphere that boosts a character's escape rate by 10%. Equipping more of these spheres on him/her for a higher escape rate.
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Counter Attack
A sphere that grants a character a chance of counter-attacking an enemy. Rate of success depends on both parties' DEX.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 15000
A sphere that grants a character one auto-revival upon death per battle. Equip more of these spheres on him/her for more auto-revivals.
Find/Drop: Mendoza (Episodes 11 and 38), Kokomo Event, Laurentia (Episode 39), Fiery Sea Drop
Sell: 0
Protect Start
A sphere that casts Protect on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Clever Start
A sphere that casts Clever on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Quick Start
A sphere that casts Quick on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Force Start
A sphere that casts Force on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
All Green:
A sphere that consumes 5% of a character's max TP to remove all negative statuses present on him/her upon his/her turn in battle
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Without Wait:
A sphere that grants a character a chance of making the first move in battle. Rate of success depends on his/her and the enemy party's DEX.
Buy: 25000
Sell: 12500
A sphere that lowers rate of Surprise Atks & boosts rate of Preemptive Atks. Equip all allies with the same spheres for greater effect.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Double Invest (Element)
A sphere that boosts the effects of all elemental Invest spheres equipped on a character by 2 times.
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Double Invest (Status)
A sphere that boosts the effects of all negative status type Invest spheres equipped on a character by 2 times.
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Advanced Growth
A sphere that boosts the experience points earned by a character for a battle victory by 1.5 times.
This boost is non-stackable.
Find/Drop: Mendoza (Episode 38), Laurentia (Episode 39), Ruin's Infant (Episode 44)
Sell: 0
Guard (GURD):
Bronze Shield
A Grade 1 bronze shield available in the market.
Strengthens a character's DEF
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Helm
A Grade 1 bronze helm available in the market.
Boosts DEF, MDF, and resist rates of Blind, Forget, Confuse and Melancholy statuses
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Hat
A Grade 1 bronze hat available in the market.
Boosts DEF, MDF, and resist rates of Blind, Forget, Confuse and Melancholy statuses
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Greaves
A pair of Grade 1 bronze greaves available in the market. Strengthens a character's DEF, AGL, and DEX.
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Boots
A pair of Grade 1 bronze boots available in the market. Strengthens a character's DEF, AGL, and DEX.
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Gloves
A pair of Grade 1 bronze gloves available in the market. Strengthens a character's ATK, HIT, CRT and DEF.
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Blue Shell
A blue shell commony found along the shores. A special accessory that strengthens a character's defense to Water element.
Buy: -
Sell: 500
Dreamy Dreamer
A crystalized sphere of humans' visioned dreams. Grants a character immunity to Melancholy status.
Melancholy Resist: 100%
Drop: Dream Eater (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
A sphere of crystallized spirits in eternal slumbers. Blesses a character with two auto-revivals upon death in battle.
Find: Cradle of Souls
Sell: 0
A sphere of crystallized spirits in a peaceful and tranquil slumbers. Vastle boosts a character's resist rates of all negative statuses.
All Negative Status Resist: + 50%
Find: Cradle of Souls
Sell: 0
The World
A sphere of everyting that makes up the world.
Vastly boosts all of a character's elemental defenses.
All Element Resist: + 30%
Find: Cradle of Souls
Sell: 0
Gloves of Termination
A pair of gloves imbued with a horrendous killing intent. Vastly boosts a character's CRT.
HIT: - 10 CRT: 50 DEF: 300
Drop: Terminator (Episode 44)
Sell: 0
Evil Eye
A sphere with a strange design of a devilish eyeball. Greatly boosts a character's magical powers.
MDF: 1200 MEN: 1000
Drop: ISO
Sell: 0
Cool Hat
A hat that prevents a character from losing his/her cool, granting him/her immunity to Forget and Confuse statuses.
DEF: 200
Forget/Confuse Resist: 100%
Drop: Negotiator
Sell: 0
Crystal Tiara
A tiara of enthralling beauty comprised of thousands of pure elegant crystals. An accessory that vastly boosts a character's various stats.
DEF: 300
Stone Resist: 100%
Blind/Forget/Confuse/Melancholy: + 50%
Drop: Crystal Dragon
Sell: 0
High-Level Contaminant
A sphere that provides a character with a high effect of lower defenses of all elements & higher resist rates of all negative statuses.
All Element Resist: -30
Death/Stone Resist: +5%
Disease/Paralysis/Slow/Blind/Forget/Confuse/Melancholy Resist: +10%
Drop: Phobia
Sell: 0
Destined Wings:
Seraphic Blue Limitation Cancel Factor.
The ultimate pair of wings obtained after suppressing Disastia.
ATK: + 500 HIT: +50 CRT: + 10 DEF: + 400 DEF: + 1000 MDF: + 10 AGL: + 20 DEX: + 20
AVD: + 10, MEN: + 1000, ATKWT: - 50,
All Elements Resist: + 30%
All Negative Status Resist: + 50%
Drop: Disastia: Kane
Sell: -
Great Demon's Tough Arm
A large tough crystal arm of Great Demon.
Vastly boosts a character's ATK and grants him/her immunity to Break damage.
Break Resist: +200
Drop: Great Demon
Sell: 0
6. Key Items
Juwess Neutralizer
A strong poison neutralizer in the form of fine white vinyl powder within a broken crate at Salvage Port, Juwess.
Black Lion Badge
A grand badge carved into the delicate shape of a black lion. Dropped by an assassin after his defeat at Disastia's Hill.
Magical Explosive
A magical explosive sphere that can be used to blast large rubble in the way. Drop the explosive from high above the rubble for it to work.
Ancient Bible
An ancient bible of unknown origin that contains a strong aura of divinity and has been passed down across many generations.
Box of Explosive Waste
A box of second-hand explosive waste of decent explosive strength that can be used to blast a hole in a fragile wall.
Fezzite Garden Keycard 1
A keycard that unlocks access to Fezzite Garden's West Block via the South-West Passageway
Fezzite Garden Keycard 2
A keycard that unlocks access to Fezzite Garden's Inner Ring via the West Block
Fezzite Garden Keycard 3
A keycard that unlocks access to Fezzite Garden's North Block via the North-West Passageway.
Relic Pendant
An ancient pendant infused with Hausen's inner thoughts. Imprinted on the pendant are the words. "Fezzite, Year 2684".
LAJ Keycard
A keycard that unlocks access to LAJ's Layer III
Ability List (ABLI):
7. Soundtrack (SNDT):
The tracks in Seraphic Blue are made by different composers, and may be hard to identify what the titles are. This does contain some spoilers regarding the story due to names. Some of the songs have no names, so I decided to give them a title for the time being. Also some of the tracks may have weird sounding names, so they may be renamed just for easier reference
Title: Song's Title
Filename: Filename in the Music Folder
Composer: Composer
Location: Where it's played in the game
Dream of Blue
Filename: PSMXL060
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Title Screen
Flowering Season
Filename: tamsp14
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Intro sequence
Sweet Summer
Filename: tam-z02
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Events, Final World Map theme
Filename: AB_Legacy
Composer: Abe-cho
Location: Intro sequence
Filename: IPE_Kaisou
Composer: IPE
Location: Events regarding past
Fire of the Fighting Spirit
Filename: CI_Fire
Composer: Ciel
Location: Boss theme and Events
Farewell Song
Filename: IPE_Hanamuke
Composer: IPE
Location: Sad Events, Sara Battle
Beginning (Original Title: Dark Jingle)
Filename: tam_soft-c01
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Chapter Intro
Unknown Creature
Filename: CI_unknown_creature
Composer: Ciel
Location: Events/Secret Factory, Roswitha Battle
Filename: tam-n09l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Turku
Restful Dream
Filename: HY_SHORT12
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Staying at Inn
Filename: HY_short13
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: After staying at Inn.
Planet of Ice
Filename: CI_Ice
Composer: Ciel
Location: First World Map theme
Filename: KU_ori_bt1
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Random Battle theme
Filename: YA_triumph
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Battle Victory
Remember Today (Original Title: Don't Forget this Day)
Filename: tamsp01l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Kokomo
Filename: choppy
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Nameless Cave
Death Comes Out Of Snow Fall
Filename: Death Comes Out Of Snow Fall
Composer: Yu-hei
Location: Boss theme
Into this Darkness
Filename: CAL_GM_4
Composer: CAL
Location: Morbid Events
Whisper of Light
Filename: tamsi05l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Turku Forest
Filename: paulo
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Ende Events
Filename: CI_uka
Composer: Ciel
Location: Irmgard/Ortrud/Dietlinde Battles
Filename: IPE_Conspiracy
Composer: IPE
Location: Turku Forest Event, War in Darmstadt
Forever Smile
Filename: tamhe06
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Vene's Theme
Cherry Blossoms Dancing in the Wind (Original Title: Mai Sakura Style)
Filename: tamsp13
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Ofa and Er Events
Filename: nightxg
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Events
Filename: YU_yume
Composer: Right together
Location: Vene's Memories Event
Spring Blossom (Original Title: And even if the Hazakura)
Filename: tamsp15
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Second World Map Theme, Peaceful Events
Closed Eyes (Original Title: I closed my eyes)
Filename: tamsi04
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Event theme
Cajun Downhome
Filename: YA_wst31xg
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Hawick (Pre-Sara Battle), Nixon Ending segment
Illusion of Firefly
Filename: tamsu04l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: East Continent Port
Seagull (Original Title: Bird)
Filename: tamsi10
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Juwess
Beyond the Associative
Filename: CI_kanata
Composer: Ciel
Location: Juwess Museum Exhibit, Benedicta's Tears Skyscraper
Moonless Night
Filename: tamco02
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: 2nd Juwess Museum Exhibit, Juwess Salvage Port, Events
Under a Starry Sky
Filename: IPE_HoshiSoraNoMoto
Composer: IPE
Location: Juwess (Night)
Filename: TA_sil
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Juwess Observation Deck, Rot of Envy
Que Sera Sera
Filename: KU_ori_qss
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Salvage Port/Secret Factory/Benedicta's Tears (Streets of Darmstadt) Battles
End of Summer
Filename: tam-z01l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: White Wings
Filename: AB_iseki
Composer: Abe-cho
Location: Ominous Events
Filename: science
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Suspicious Events
Filename: KU_ori_ht_82
Composer: KU-BO
Location: 2nd Random Battle Theme
Filename: CI_shibu-ya
Composer: Ciel
Location: White Wings Lab, Envy, Fezzite Garden (Peaceful)
Filename: YA_Benson
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Darmstadt
Filename: TaMa_BAR
Composer: TaMa
Location: Maxim's Gunholic
Sorrowful Memory
Filename: PSMXL040
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Darmstadt Bar Event
Principle (Original Title: Scratch-style -Shoufuu-)
Filename: TaMa_syoufu
Composer: TaMa
Location: Darmstadt Bar Event, (Overworld Theme)
Black Fangs (Original Title: Yes rises! Monodomo!)
Filename: TA_Haiagare
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Black Leo Events
Spring Color
Filename: tamsp12l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Ravenna
Street Lamp
Filename: tamsi06l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Ravenna Underground Cave
Beckoning of Gaia
Filename: Ka_daiti_
Composer: Weathervane Bird
Location: Mendoza
Landscape (Piano ver)
Filename: SCENE12
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Event
Filename: PSMXL530
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Reverence of Life (Original Title: O man, shalt not forget Ruru)
Filename: scene19
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Laurentia Explantion, Laurentia (Post Athanasia)
March in Snow
Filename: settyu
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Laurentia
Aztulith Forest
Filename: tam-g03
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Mysterious Events/Backstory, Benedicta's Tears (Streets of Darmstadt)
Digital Storm
Filename: CI_digital_storm
Composer: Ciel
Location: Virginie Battle, LAJ
Filename: choralo
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Ende Events
Cold Wind
Filename: scene23
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Sad Events
Classroom that Day
Filename: RPGTCL2000 az event 01
Composer: akihito
Location: Theme of Gaia's Prophets
Filename: PSMXL509
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Warm Events
Strange Legend
Filename: K_hushigi
Composer: KY
Location: Important Event
Fairy Village
Filename: town20
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Iqaluit
Hometown Seen Someday
Filename: HY_town13
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Hausen's Theme
Unlimited Power
Filename: KU_ori_up_82
Composer: KU-BO
Location: 3rd Random Battle Theme
Filename: mrtropol
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Events
Filename: rainy_breeze
Composer: Rainy
Location: Sad Backstory Events
Filename: TA_sortie
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Fezzite Military Events
The View Of The Supplicant Hill
Filename: rpg_azdungeon03
Composer: akihito
Location: Revelstoke Mountain
On A Journey
Filename: IPE_Tabinototyu
Composer: IPE
Location: Revelstoke Mountains Event, Langer Battle, Lansard and Virginie Ending segment
Filename: AB_Obstacle
Composer: Abe-cho
Location: Ruthford
Old Castle
Filename: castle02
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: OHG Event
Filename: PSMXL036
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Hawick (Post-Sara), Donald and Margot Ending Segment
Filename: PSMXL031
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Sad Event
Filename: PSMXL508
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: In Memoriam Event
Soft Rain
Filename: tampi01
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Sad Event
Gone Wind
Filename: tam-y13
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Teng Ring
Ordeal of Snow
Filename: mount03
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Yangtze Overworld theme, Three Streak Peak
Road to Valhalla
Filename: KU_ori_rtv
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Yangtze Battle
Filename: CI_emergency
Composer: Ciel
Location: Crisis based Events
Life Divide
Filename: TaMa_Life_Divide
Composer: TaMa
Location: 8 Headed Dragon Boss, Secret Factory Boss (Yangtze), CMGC HQ
Filename: tam-y19
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Theme of Yangtze
Morbid Hope (Original Title:)
Filename: TaMa_sigure
Composer: TaMa
Location: Dardin
Crystal Rain
Filename: Ka_crrain
Composer: Weathervane Bird
Location: Khaos Salvation Association HQ
Thundery Symbiosis
Filename: rpg_azbattle04.mid
Composer: akihito
Location: Skyscraper Pre-Invasion/Pre-boss Event
Wings of TenRa
Filename: Ka_ten_
Composer: Weathervane bird
Location: Skyscraper, Gertrud Battle, Ende Battle
Filename: rainy_roanoke_master
Composer: Rainy
Location: Roanoke
Summer Breeze
Filename: tam-z03
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Minerva, Capital of Seraphim
Filename: rainy_analgesic
Composer: Rainy
Location: Macht/Heidi & Fyodor/Mechanical Bosses
Tomb of Glory
Filename: tam-y10
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: South Crimson Forest
Filename: CI_express_loop
Composer: Ciel
Location: Fezzite Garden Invasion
Classroom That Day
Filename: RPGTCL2000 az event 01
Location: Doris' Past, Benedicta's Tears Event
Towards Annihilation
Filename: CAL_MU_15.MID
Composer: CAL
Location: Pre-War in Darmstadt
Dist Laglidic
Filename: rainy_dist_laglidic
Composer: Rainy
Location: Benedicta's Tears Event, White Wings (Post Athenasia), White Wings Secret Laboratory
Filename: CI_Seed
Composer: Ciel
Location: Benedicta's Tears Core, Esmeralda, Cradle of Souls Battles
I Am Not Afraid of Anything
Filename: KU_ori_ianaoa
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Last Random Battle Theme
Filename: rainy_whereabouts
Composer: Rainy
Location: Die Valkurie Stahl, Athanasia, Justine Battle
Blue Wing
Filename: rainy_blue_wing_master
Composer: Rainy
Location: Blue Wing
Filename: rpg_azbattle02
Composer: akihito
Location: Er's Arrival/Final Battle Preparations
Filename: rpg_aztheme01
Composer: akihito
Location: Aisia's Heavens
Violent Battle
Filename: KU_ori_vb
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Aisia's Heavens Battle
Sea of Steel
Filename: HO_bossbattle2
Composer: Kasuga Hoshino
Location: Leona, Kane, Death Seraph Shell Battle
Hesitant Soul
Filename: YU_yuki-hcut
Composer: Right together
Location: Cradle of Souls
Filename: rainy_saturn
Composer: Rainy
Location: Er Phase 1
DYCON (Original Title: The DYCON ~ overlook if wilderness ~)
Filename: CI_dycon_m2k
Composer: Ciel
Location: Er Final Phase
Extra thanks:
tempura for making this game
Eplipswich and kumada for translation
LunaticScreamer for the video walkthroughs
Stats and Data sources:
Written by Ryan914
Table of Contents:
1. General Information and Tutorials (GFTU)
1.2. Exploration (EXPL)
1.3. Combat Tutorial (CMTU)
1.4. Ability Tutorial (ABTU)
1.5. Equipment Tutorial (EQTU)
1.6. Stats Tutorial (STTU)
2. Walkthrough (WALK)
2.1. Prologue: Fading Normality (PRFN)
2.2. Chapter One: The World of Wandering White Wings (CHP1)
2.3. Chapter Two: Here Lies the Cold Droplets (CHP2)
2.4. Chapter Three: The Distant Gloomy Sky (CHP3)
2.5. Final Chapter: The Dark Side of Thy Wings (FCHP)
3. Items (ITMS)
3.1. Curative Items (CUIT)
3.2. Misc Items (MIIT)
4. Equipment (EQUP)
4.1. Weapons (WEAP)
4.2. Frames (FRAM)
5. Spheres (SPHR)
5.1. Ability (ABIL)
5.2. Invest (INVS)
5.3. Tactical (TASP)
5.4. Guard (GURD)
6.1. Attack Magic (ATMA)
6.2. Curative Magic (CUMA)
6.3. Support Magic (SUMA)
6.4. Personal Abilities (PERS)
7. Soundtrack (SNDT)
1. General Information and Tutorials (GITU)
Seraphic Blue was made in 2004 by tempura. Re-released in 2006 as a Director's cut and the Altered Directors cut was released afterwards with extra features. This walkthrough will cover the fan translated 2006 Director's cut which was done by eplipswich and kumada. This walkthrough is intended to be as spoiler free as possible.
Cursor keys: Move your characters and icons on the menu
Z: Interact with object or character/Select in menus
X: Menu
F12: Return to title
Title Menu:
Birth of Blue: New Game
Return to Blue: Continue
Away from Blue: Exit Game
Pressing X on the keyboard will open the menu. This has 9 options in a 3x3 grid. It will also show the Chapter Title, Time played, and Dear (Money) one has.
Item Ability Status
Equipment Supplement Dictionary
Organize Upgrade Break
Item: Allows player to access items to heal allies and see what they have accrued.
Ability: Allows player to use healing abilities and read more information about abilities.
Status: View character statuses
Equipment: Allows player to change character equipment
Supplement: Supplements allow the player to refill HP and TP from a pool. As you fight more enemies the player will gain Supplement EXP. This increases the level and max HP and TP the player can access in the Supplement pool. One can also choose to auto fill it by pressing shift and selecting to either auto fill after battle HP, TP, or Both. After battle a message will display of how much of the pool the player has used. The pool can be replenished at Resurrect points or by staying at an Inn.
Dictionary: Allows player to access Character Profiles, Glossary (Terms and certain names used throughout the game), Episode Recaps (Summaries of previous episodes), Chronology (Events in the game's story and history), and Destination (Where to go to next)
Organize: Organize the party and switch members positions.
Upgrade: Use Up substances to increase the effacacy of your items. There are 2 kinds A (All) and D (Double). It's best to have a lot of Up substances on hand as upgrading items will require quite a bit of them for simply upgrading one item. There are 4 Grades of Up substances, each being only able to upgrade items in their own tier.
Break: This will take you to a screen which will let you take a break from the game (Game will still be running but an image will appear; sort of like some kind of screen saver) Pressing Z will cancel this and return you to the menu
1.2. Exploration (EXPL):
On the field you will encounter 3 things that stand out. A Blue Crystal Tree (Memory Tree), A Green Crystal Tree (Return Tree), and a Blue floating orb (Resurrect Point)
Memory Tree (Blue Crystal Tree): Interacting with them will let the player save the game
Return Tree (Green Crystal Tree): Interacting with them will let the player travel between dungeon entrance and a certain location in it. Will become accessible at the entrance when player interacts with the Return Tree the first time per dungeon. Consider it a shortcut in layman's terms. This can be used to go back and get items if the player needs to resupply and stock up for a battle.
Resurrect Points (Blue Floating Orb): Interacting with them will allow the player to heal the party and restore the Supplement Pool. There are 4 Grades of Resurrect spheres. The higher the Grade, the more it can restore. One can buy these from shops that sell healing items. Think of these points like Tents/Cabins from Final Fantasy.
1.3. Combat (CMTU):
When combat is initiated, the character names of your active party will be at the bottom. The Time Gauge will be above the character names and enemies above the time Gauge. Above the Time Gauge are the FE Slots. The game uses a first person battle screen like Dragon Quest.
To select skills, press left or right when it's a character's turn. To use the variations of the skill, press down and up.
Normal Attack/Hard Attack
Defense/Hard Defense
Pass (Pressing Up and Down will let the player pass a characters turn by a certain length of time based on the ATKWT, at times this may be useful when planning in battle)
Enemy Data: See the enemies stats
Pressing shift will give a second options list: Which has the following:
ATKWT Check: See the ATKWT of all units
Escape: Attempt to escape battle
Battle Reference: Will list the battle interface and other information
Time Gauge:
Each unit gets a turn when the unit itself reaches the left hand of the gauge. Also, when a unit selects an action, a red icon will appear on the gauge indicating tentatively where the unit will end up in the gauge if the unit was to perform the action.
The enemies point on the time gauge is on the upper half and the numbers represent their locations from left to right on the screen. (Unit one of enemies will always be on the left side). Your units point on the time gauge is on the lower half and numbers represent their location in the bottom half of the screen. (Top most unit is considered unit 1)
A lower ATKWT stat means a higher priority to act in battle, however it only covers physical attacks, the AGI stat determines how fast a character get turns in. Each skill and spell will move the user to a specific point indicated.
Field Elements: (FE)
Field Elements are a key battle mechanic in Seraphic Blue, most if not all higher level abilities require that an FE be applied in order to be used. FEs can be applied as a result of using lower level elemental magic and abilities.
On the bottom right part of the battle screen, above the time gauge there are 5 spheres. When battle is initiated they will mostly be empty.
We will call them FE Slots 1-5 for reference. The far left being 1 and the far right being 5. The first 3 can be cancelled out by an opposing FE. The last 2 can only be cancelled through skills or magic that can dispel it. Example: If the FE in slot 1 is fire, using water will make it empty, using water again will make the FE Slot water based.
FE Slot 1: Fire/Water (Red/Blue)
FE Slot 2: Wind/Earth (Brown/Yellow)
FE Slot 3: Light/Dark (Yellow/Black)
FE Slot 4: Sky (White)
FE Slot 5: Break (Pink)
Buffs: (These are the last 4 slots in the HP/MP menu of the party in battle)
Boosts DEF.
Boosts MEN and MDF.
Boosts AGI.
Boosts ATK.
Ailments: (These are the 11 slots in the HP/MP menu of the party in battle)
A Dead party member, ie. HP = 0, cannot perform any actions in battle unless revived.
A stoned party member cannot perform any actions in battle unless Stone is removed
* Game is over if all allies are Dead and/or Stoned
A poisoned party member suffers damage equal to 20% of his/her max HP per turn
A diseased party member suffers damage equal to that of Poison status in addition to weakened ATK and DEF, and all positive status denied (All status buffs negated and member afflicted can't gain buffs)
A paralyzed party member cannot perform any actions in battle unless Paralyze is removed.
A party member inflicted with Slow travels slower in the Time Gauge. (Increased ATKWT)
A blind party member has HIT weakened in addition to all physical abilities disabled.
A Party member inflicted with Forget has MEN & MDF weakened and all mental abilities are disabled. Also suffers 5% damage of max TP per turn.
A confused party member has no control over his/her actions and randomly attacks an ally per turn. A physical attack on him/her removes this status.
A party member inflicted with Melancholy has ATK, DEF, MEN, AGI & AVD weakened, and all positive statuses denied. (All status buffs negated and member afflicted can't gain buffs)
Both buffs and ailments will be given specific letters and colors. Characters can get multiple ailments at once. (Example: Confuse and Disease could be applied due to the enemy you are facing having abilities that can inflict them) However the same goes for buffs. The player can apply buffs for each ability. (The buffs and ailments do not have a cumulative effect aside from Poison and Disease being applied at once which means 40% max HP damage per turn is lost. This means that once applied, the ailments/buffs do not stack, they will not increase after application.)
1.4 Ability Tutorial (ABTU):
Abilities are divided into 4 classes: Attack Magic, Curative Magic, Support Magic, and Personal Abilities. Personal Abilities are divided into Physical Personal Abilities and Mental Personal Abilities
The format for the Abilities goes as follows:
Name: Ability Type:
Some of these are clearly obvious while others aren't
AR: Attack Radius/Range (Can either be one or all)
AE: Attack Element
AC: Element Required to use Ability
AWT: Attack Wait time after use
1.5. Equipment Tutorial (EQTU):
Equipment is divided into several catagories. Weapons, Frames, and Spheres
Weapons: Which are very obvious, these are your standard go to for when in combat
Frames: There are 4 types of Frames: Cloth, Armor, Mesh, and Robe. Frames also carry a SPC (Sphere Capacity). The higher the Sphere Capacity the more slots are available for Spheres to be equipped.
There are many types of spheres which are divided into several classes: Ability, Invest, Tactical, and Guard.
Ability: Equipping Ability spheres will give the character the ability to use types of magic. Each character has their own affinity for magic, some are solely magic users, some are solely physical and some are a hybrid. Each has a level limit of what kind of magic can be used. The highest level for magic is 6.
Invest: Gives characters defense against elemental/ailment infliction attacks and skills or boosts the attack strength of an element/Ailment infliction resistance for a character
Tactical: Spheres which can give extra effects to characters in combat. (Higher chance of countering attacks, etc)
Guard: Extra armor that can give Physical or Magical Defense
Each character can only use one type of weapon. However some characters can equip more than one type of Frame.
1.6 Stats Tutorial (STTU):
In the Menu when status is selected it displays all the parameters of characters in the active party.
Character Title:
Level: Current Level
HP: HP/Max HP Amount
TP: TP/Max TP Amount
EXP: Current EXP
NEXT: EXP Required for the next level
Attack Magic: What level of Attack Magic they are able to use
Curative Magic: What level of Curative Magic they are able to use
Support Magic: What level of Support Magic they are able to use
ATK: Attack Damage
HIT: Hit Rate
CRT: Critical Hit Rate
ATKWT: Attack Waiting Time
DEF: Defense
AVD: Avoidance (Evasion)
MEN: Mentality (Magic damage stat)
MDF: Mental Defense (Magic Defense stat)
AGL: Agility
DEX: Dexterity
SPC: Sphere Capacity
Elemental Attack/Defense: Character's resistance to elemental attacks and spells.
Elemental Physical Cast: Elemental based physical attacks (Can only be active once Physical Cast Spheres are equipped)
Negative Status Inflict/Resist Rates: How well a character can inflict and resist status ailments.
2. Walkthrough (WALK)
After the lengthy introduction, you will be in control of the Lady in Blue. Inspect the glowing spots on the bookshelves and then check the one that appears, afterwards interact with the panel near the door, leave the room and interact with the Memory Tree to save. Head south, some scenes will play.
2.1 Prologue: Fading Normality (PRFN)
Episode 01: Devil Sweepers / Hunters of Black Wings -Krieger-
You will be in control of Lake at Langer's office at Turku, as you attempt to leave, Langer will stop you and give you a Curative Magic Level 1 sphere. Then a scene will play. Equip your recently acquired sphere and go outside and kill the 5 groups of Devils. Simply attacking them normally will do. Afterwards a scene will play and the episode ends.
Episode 02: Devils' Den / Cold-blooded Warrior -Hass-
Stock up on items, buy better gear and leave Turku. Travel south to Kokomo. In Kokomo, go to the largest building in the village. Talk to the maid, then head through the south exit and left on the dirt path to the gravesite and a scene will play. Then afterwards, leave Kokomo, the enemies on the overworld are as follows.
* The Green Fly can poison with it's attacks
* The Little Blade
* The Thieves
*Nameless Cave*
The path is rather straightforward, kill Devils as you advance collecting the items: Heal Bottle, Resurrect Sphere Level 1, and Bronze Shield until you reach the boss: Little Demon. Use Brightness to take out the Lower Blacks that aid him. The only real problem he poses is his Wing attack which can lop off 120-150 HP. Afterwards a scene will play out and the Episode ends.
Episode 03: Fate's Resolve / White Wing's Descent -Engel-
Head back to Turku and go to Langer's clinic and talk to him, then head to Turku Forest to the north.
*Turku Forest*
Kill Devils as you advance through the forest. When you enter, in the 2nd area, head west for a Support Magic Level 1 Sphere. In the southeast corner is a Heal Bottle. Take the eastern path, then go north. Further north will lead to a Poison Resist 20%. Head east in the 4th area to head to the 5th area. There will be a path blocked by a devil, nearby is an Antidote. In the 6th Area, follow the path up the plateau, kill the devil and head down the ramp. The northwest path has a Resurrect Sphere Level 1 at the end of it. Head north and follow the path until you reach the Return Tree.
The enemies here are all weak to Fire.
*The Myconids may poison you with their normal attacks.
*The Rafflesia will use Swallow which can lop off half of the current HP of the target.
*The Pale Devils who are fixed encounters can also be random encounters, use Firely on them to easily be rid of them. The biggest problem they pose is their Claw attack. They may drop the Water Elemental Atk/Def+10 spheres, which sell for a bit of money.
Go back and stock up if you are low on supplies, when ready go ahead and fight the boss: Gargoyle. He is weak to Water, so use Freezy. He will use Windy and Wing attack which each does quite a bit of damage. Don't be afraid to use a Clana if you run low on TP.
After defeating him, a scene plays out and you fight Irmgard. After losing the battle, a scene will play and the Episode ends.
2.2 Chapter One: The World of Wandering White Wings (CHP1)
Episode 04: Wings' Journey / Search for Lost Memories -Zukunft-
After the opening scene, Vene will join the party. Gear her up, travel to Kokomo and speak with Ilyena. Afterwards, leave town, cross the northern bridge, keep going northward until you reach a wasteland area, then go west and around the mountains and lake until you reach a bridge, cross that and head east. You will then reach Hawick. The chapter will end after a small amount of speech from Lake and Vene after you enter Hawick.
There are a few new Enemies here:
* The Strange Worm will use Squeeze which may inflict paralysis and is weak to Light.
* The Wasteland Bird will use Dive and is weak to Sky.
Episode 05: Hawick / Home of the Abadoned Angels' -Begegnung-
Head into the Church and witness the event, afterwards Nixon will join the party. Once you are done shopping and getting prepared, head east from Hawick around the mountains and then north to the East Continent Port.
There are a few new Enemies here.
* The Harpies will use Dive, Claw, and are weak to Sky
* The Clay Bugs will use Body Ram and are weak to Water.
* The Earth Behemoths which will hit Hard but are weak to Wind.
It's recommended that you have the party around Levels 11-13 before going to Juwess.
At the port, on the southern beach is a Blue Shell, which can strengthen water elemental defense. Go to the docks and talk to the Captain to get aboard the ship to Juwess.
Episode 06: Juwess / A Visitor from the Dark Sea -Ungeheuer-
Once you arrive at Juwess, take the elevator to the upper decks, then go to the southwestern exit and take the elevator down, talk to the captain for an event and then go back to the main city. Head through the northern path and enter the museum, and take the tour. After the tour is over and you leave the museum, an event will play out. Then head to the inn and choose to stay the night. An event will play, you will then be back in the inn, head outside and to the northeastern exit for another event, then head to the Northwest exit when you go back into the main city. Take the elevator down to the Salvage port.
Note: You will not be able to access the Inn to sleep after the event, but you can still buy Resurrect Spheres and items, there is a Resurrect Point near the entrance to the Salvage Port.
Do Note: There are numbers on the ground in the port. Remember these as they may help guide you
All the enemies here are weak to fire.
* The Marine Eater will use Flesh Tear.
* The Deep Sea Fish will use Blind, Freezy, and Flesh Tear.
* The Red Jellyfish will use Freezy and Jellyfish Venom which may inflict paralysis.
* The Blue Scissors Crab will use Scissors and has higher defense than others.
* The Water Serpent will use Freezy and Flesh Tear.
Before entering the guard will talk to you, he says to find the neutralizers in "Green-lacquered wooden boxes" they are needed to progress past the corossive liquid in the area. As soon as you enter, travel east until you reach the first box and take the Neutralizer (Key Item). Then use it on the spilt drum blocking the way to advance. If you go east after the drum you will find a lacquered box near B2. Take note of that, from that area, go south, on platform B4, there you will get a Salvaged Cloth. Go down to B5, then west and then north to A4 to get another Neutralizer. Go south around the harbor and use the Neutralizer on the puddle in front of you to advance. Follow the path until you reach a split in it. Go down to Platform B6 for a Neutralizer. Then go north to use it on the spilt drum. Go left to get the Neutralizer on Platform B2. Go north to C1 and then east and follow the path. Then south at D1. Then west at D3 to get the Neutralizer. South at D4 is a Marine Edge. Go back to D1 and use the Neutralizers.
On the next screen, you will find a Return Tree. Resupply before going forward
An event will occur and then you will fight Ortrud. This is the first boss that will use FE based magic. It is best you get a Fire FE active ASAP and/or disable the Water one, because if you don't he will use Spark Mist which will hit the entire party; Spark Mist uses Either Sky or Water which will create the FE of the alternative element that was not used, creating a loop of Spark Mist attacks. Ortrud will also use Body Ram and Flesh Tear to deal heavy damage and Water Chute to try and get a Water FE Active so he can follow up with Spark Mist. Have Nixon use Gunner's Enhancement and Rosario Snipe (This can do upwards of 1500 Damage or so) while Vene and Lake are on healing and offensive magic duties. Use any Clanas you have if you run out of MP. It would also be wise to upgrade your Heal Bottles to A-Heal Bottles as you have to conserve MP.
Afterwards an event will play out, you will then be back at the Inn, head to the southwestern port and take the ship to White Wings. A scene will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 07: White Wings / The Iconic Hill -Angriff-
At the southern beach at the port is an extra Blue Shell. Enter the city and head north when you see the Inn and Item shops, a scene will play out. Then go to the hill, which is up the path you passed as you entered the city, at the summit of the hill a scene will play and then you will fight Black-Winged Monster. They are weak to Light. Nixon's Rosario Snipe backed by Gunner's Enhancement will kill one of them easily. Their Wing attack will cut off a significant portion of HP, other than that they either attack normally or use Darkness. After 2 battles of 3 Black-Winged Monsters. You will then fight Black Assassin and 2 more Black-Winged Monsters. Black Assassin uses Poisonous Blade, Darkness, Darkness Hearts (Inflicts Blind and Forget) and Mind Shadows (Inflicts Forget on the Party). His attacks may also inflict Slow. A scene will play afterwards and then you will acquire Black Lion Badge (Key Item)
After the events at the hill, head back to the Inn and head north back to the Lab. A scene will play out. After the events, you can buy new items, do so to upgrade your gear. Afterwards leave the city, another scene will play and the episode ends
Episode 08: Suspicious Emblem / Cabal of Unknown Darkness -Loewe-
Follow the path around the mountains and south to Darmstadt and a scene will play.
New Enemies:
* Beware of the West Mosquitos as their Pathogen Infection will give party members the Disease ailment and their Unpleasant sound can inflict confusion on one ally.
* The Undead Fighter's Stench ability may inflict multiple ailments at once. You may get Disease and Death Resist spheres from them.
In Darmstadt go north, go down the path the item shop is in and go down one of the paths and you will find Maxim's Gunholic; west and north of it is an item. Inside a scene will play out. Head back to the main street and go all the way north and another scene will play out. Head back to Maxim's Gunholic for another scene, the episode will end afterwards.
Episode 09: Memory Shards / Love by the Waters -Versprechungen-
New Enemies:
* The Wandering Woods can use Ivy Hell which can inflict slow on party members and Leaf Storm which can target the whole party.
* The Kid Rex will use Swallow and Flesh Tear.
Head southwest, cross the bridge, go south across another bridge, go east through the forest, and north to the mountains. You will temporarily be a top a cliff, travel across it to witness a scene and move on afterwards. From there it's rather straightforward to Ravenna.
Near the Ravenna inn is a Herbal Drink (Removes all negative statuses.) and in the northwest corner is a God's Elixir (Fully Restores an ally in all aspects). Follow the path west for a scene, after that the episode ends.
Episode 10: The Call / Messengers of Gaia -Lenkung von oben-
Head north and follow the path to the cave. When you are ready after resupplying or levelling up, enter it. It's best that you at least buy 10 Resurrect Spheres. They can also recover Supplement pool points too. You should be fine if you are level 18 or so.
*Ravenna Underground Cave*
Inside the cave, the path is rather straightforward, collect the items you find along the way. You will soon reach a room with 2 bridges, take the one on the right to advance. The one to the south has a Stone Resist at the end. Continue on, soon you will reach a set of stairs, climb them and follow the path to exit the cave, you will then be in a sunlit area. There will be a Memory Tree and a Resurrect Point, heal up to recover lost HP/TP as well as save. Then head west into the other cave.
* The Mr. Stones do have a chance of inflicting the Stone status and can hit hard with Punishment Fist and Rock Throw. If you have the Level 2 Attack Magic Sphere, you should have access to Shock (Break Element) in which they are weak to.
* The Cave Liquids are weak to Earth and can use Sticky Liquid to inflict Slow.
* The Ant Warriors may drop Ant's Hunter which has a chance to poison an enemy.
*Ravenna Underground Cave 2*
A little bit in, you will find a lot of bridges which are broken. Go left, up then you will reach a split. Go up for a Power Stone Necklace and right to continue. You can either give it to Nixon to boost his Gunner's Enhancement/Rosario Snipe tactic, or Vene to increase her magic damage. After going right, go up, right to another split, go down to get a Cool Beauty (Gun) and up to continue. You will then be in a room with multiple paths. Go right and then up, left and then down when the path downward opens up. Then go left and then up, keep following the path afterwards, it should lead to the next area.
You will then be in a room with rope ladders, go to the southeast part of the room to get Magical Explosive (Key Item). Climb up the ladder and go above the rubble to the right to use it and go back and climb the newly cleared path. Go around and get another Magical Explosive and drop that on the Rubble nearby. Backtrack to the earlier path that is now cleared and climb to the top platform and enter the next area of the cave. You will then be in a room with 3 paths, go right to get a Magical Explosive. Go up the stairs and press Z in front of the hole to drop the explosive. Then go through the new path. In the next room, follow the path around. After going up the stairs, you will be in a room with a Resurrect Point, a Memory Tree, and a Return Tree.
The Helmet Fish enemies are weak to fire and may drop Old Blue.
When you are ready, go ahead and walk through the door to face the boss: Ravenna Golem. This boss uses the Earth FE. So use Windy to prevent it from using Monolith Crash, which will outright kill one ally. It will gain an Earth FE with each attack. It can use Punisher Fist, Rock Throw, Crazy Beat, and Earth Shaker otherwise, so keep your character's HP topped up whenever possible. It will use Crazy Beat as a last ditch attack. After defeating the Ravenna Golem, head north and exit the cave. A scene will then play.
After clearing the cave, it's a straight shot to Mendoza. As you enter some scenes will play out and the Episode ends.
Episode 11: Gaia's Tree / Blue Stream's Fate -Verschlechterung-
From the Elder's House, go east and then down the stairs, go near the edge of the river on the far right side and press down at the last most rock there to jump to the other side to get a Reviver (Auto revives in battle once per battle). It is a good idea to upgrade your healing items to A-Great Heal Bottle and A-Resurrect Bottle for the trek up Laurentia. You can buy a Power Stone Necklace in Mendoza if you missed it in the cave.
When you are ready, leave Mendoza from the North exit and head north to Laurentia. You should be fine at levels 21-23 or so.
About the Enemies:
* The Halloween Heads will use Firely and Fire Breath and are weak to Water, they may drop Pumpkin Head.
* The Sword Horned Beetles will use Horn and Sudden Assault; they are weak to break.
* The Actress plant will use Tentacle, Squeeze, Sweet Fragrance (Inflicts Confuse), and Ivy Hell; they are weak to fire and Earth.
* Half Bone Dragon will use Calcium Bullet which may Stone an ally, Rampage which will hit the whole party and may inflict Melancholy, Miasma which may inflict poison on multiple targets, it is weak to Light and Break.
* The Orcs will use Dust Attack which can inflict Blind.
When you enter the area and walk between the 2 trees, you will fight Killer Mantis, it will use Vacuum Wave which hits the whole party and Abuse which hits one ally for a substantial amount of damage. It is weak to Break and Earth. After defeating it, a scene will play and then you can go forward. After one screen from entering a scene will play. Head left afterwards and you will climb up a level, collect the treasures along the way to get Natural Stretch for Vene, Poison Resist 20%, and Wood Fiber, the screen after the Wood Fiber has a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point. Head South to go up, West to get Refined Radiance. After going up, down the south path is a tree that blocks the way, head up one level, interact with the tree to get covered in a citrus scent then go back to the tree that was blocking your way and interact with it to fight it.
* Hungry Python will use Predation which may inflict disease and reduce a character's HP to a low level, Swallow, Dissolving Liquid (Does a quite a bit of damage),Ground Shaker, upon death it will use Flesh Tear. You will be fighting these as you advance through Laurentia.
After defeating Hungry Python, advance west through the door and continue on the path. Along it you will find Advanced Guard. At the end of the path, go up again. In the next area in the small pit in the first room is Laurentia's Bark, head east and check the plant to get covered in a citrus scent again and go south and fight the Python there. Go back and get covered again in the citrus scent and head east to fight another one. Then head up the path and climb up another level. Follow the path until you reach a large room, it has a very snake like path but is straightforward. Afterwards follow the path and head up again.
You will then reach another Memory Tree, and Resurrect Point, but this time, there will be a Return Tree, stock up and save.
A scene will play and give you an opportunity to save, save in a seperate file to prevent getting stuck, afterwards you will fight Virginie, she will start off with Dual Shock Wave Assault (Break Element); which will hit one and target the whole party, Vacuum Wave, Sky High; which will do quite a bit of damage to a single target, Sonic Boom (Level 2 Break Attack Magic), Cut in Two; does a lot of damage, Sudden Assault, and some low level magic.
All her resistances are 50%, so Elemental skills will not do much damage, Rely on the tactic of Gunner's Enhancement and Rosario Snipe to dish out heavy damage (You should be able to deal nearly 2000 Damage per attack depending on level). Lake should use Hatred Edge instead of Hard attacking to reduce ATKWT. Vene should be on healing duty or just attacking normally if all characters HP are maxed out. If you have free turns and characters are damaged, pop some A-Great Heal Bottles.
Afterwards a scene will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 12: Blue Dreamy Path / The Cherished One -Waerme-
For the most part, this episode is just a sequence of events, aside from moving right on the screen. Save as soon as you start the Episode. After this episode, the Chapter draws to a close.
2.3 Chapter Two: Here Lies the Cold Droplets (CHP2)
Episode 13: A New Journey / Chosen Path to the Future -Ausland-
After the Introductory event, you will be in control of Lake. Go into the inn and talk to the NPC at the table, then head down the eastmost path to the waterfall to watch an event. Minerva and Hausen join your group after that. The shops selection if items has been renewed, so go and buy a better equipment for Lake. Minerva and Hausen already have the best you can get at this point. It is also recommended that you buy a Concentrantion Sphere for Minerva
Before going to Envy, buy as many Great Heal Bottles as possible and upgrade them to D-Great Heal Bottles in addition to items that can remove status ailments. Also buy an advanced guard, a Fire Elemental Defense +20 Sphere, and a Double Invest (Element) Sphere. It is also wise to make a backup save file in case you get in trouble. It's also recommended that Lake is around level 30.
New Enemies:
* The Bull Roadrunner will use Sudden Assault and Rampage and is weak to Fire and Break.
* Scissors Fly will use Scissors, Windy and Dive and is weak to Sky and Break.
* Big Lizard will use Freezy, Lick Around; may inflict Melancholy, Confuse, and/or Forget and/or Confuse and is weak to Fire.
* Envy Rogue will use Money Shock, Dust Attack, and Darkness.
Head around the mountains and south until you enter the wasteland, head south further to find Envy. Minerva will say something and the episode ends.
Episode 14: City of Lust / Swaying Fate in Stormy Sea -Krankheit-
A scene will play and Minerva and Hausen will leave the party.
From the Inn, head northwest until you find a passage, then go north until you reach an area with a door, try and go through the northeast passage, and a scene will play and you will fight Carnivore. This is one of the hardest battles in the game as Lake is fighting alone. Meatalicious hits hard, hence the need for upgrading the strongest healing items available at the time. He may use Death Fragrance which can inflict various negative statuses, Death Press which does heavy damage. He will also use minor attacks like Punishment Fist, Body Ram and Flesh Tear. When he uses Hard Liquor Gurgle, Hard defend as his Death Barbeque Breath may instantly kill Lake. If equipped with advanced guard, it may be easier. If you are stuck and need more Dear or Experience, there is a fixed enemy encounter near the Entrance to Chaos, after defeating him, leave the screen and return, he will respawn after going back to that area. Carnivore drops High Class Meat upon defeat.
After defeating Carnivore. A scene will play out and then you have the opportunity to save, it would be best to equip the Fire Elemental Defense sphere and turn on the auto HP & TP refill supplement option. You will then fight Meat Maniac. They can use Dust attack. If they use Firely, they will follow up on the next turn with Grill Fire Dance. Each Meat Maniac has only 1800 HP, so using Darkness Hearts should help finish battles quicker.
After about 5 battles, a scene will play out and Foxey will join the party. All paths in Chaos that were once blocked open up for easier navigation to make it easier to return to the main district. Buy her all 3 Level 3 Magic Spheres and also a 2nd Concentration. Head back to the inn and go back to your room on the 2nd floor. After an event, Minerva and Hausen will rejoin the party. Head back to Chaos and another scene will play out. Head to from where you defeated Carnivore, head east, then north, then west and keep going straight. Follow the path and another scene will play, then head south then west for another scene. Then head back north and what was blocking your path will be gone.
Follow the path, until you reach a split, going north will net you a Low Level Contaminant, south will lead you further down the road. Climb the ladder and jump from that floor to go around, if you go right and jump off it will just take you back to the start. Go north, climb the ladder and go south from it to find a Herbal Drink. Head north and you will find a Memory Tree. After saving, head west, and then north for a scene.
After it, you will fight Dietlinde. Dietlinde is weak to Light. Dietlinde will use Violent Miasma to try and debilitate the team, Dissolving Liquid, Intense Stench which may inflict Negative Statuses such as Paralyze, Dark Photon, and Air Slicer. If the Wind FE is active, Dietlinde will use Virus Aero to inflict disease on the party.
Have Hausen use Muscle Boost to give him force, Lake should use his strongest abilities and Hard Attack when you run out of TP. Minerva and Foxey should use Bright Photon. Use Wind Dresser to speed Foxey up so she gets more turns in as well as give Buffs to Lake and Hausen. Minerva's Aria Aid can help heal the group. Dietlinde will drop Low Level Contaminant upon defeat.
Afterwards a set of scenes will play and the episode draws to a close.
Episode 15: Maneuver with Dark Purpose / The Two Keys -Bosheit-
You will have control over the party again, leave Envy and head west until you reach mountains blocking your path, head south around them then back up until you see a notch in the northern mountain, walk into it to access Revelstoke Mountains
*Revelstoke Mountains*
* The Flying Frog will use Windy, Dive, and Wing Attack and is weak to Sky and Water.
* The Hungry Wolf will use Flesh Tear, and Wild Bite (Deals moderate damage) and is weak to Fire.
* The Mutated Plant will use Tentacle, Ivy Hell, Poison Mist, and Spark Mist, it is weak to fire.
* The Sasquatch will use Claw, Rock Throw, and Body Ram and is weak to Fire.
* The Dragon Turtles will hit hard with Gravestone, Rampage, Lava Wave, Swallow, Abuse, and Ground Shaker, however are weak to Break, Wind, Poison and Disease.
Near the start is a Resurrect Point and a Memory Tree. Go north up the hills. In the 2nd Area, after climbing the first hill, head up the nearest hill for a Clana and west and around to get a Melancholy Resist + 20%. In the 3rd Area, head up the hills. Continue on the main path in the 4th Area until you see a split, go down the south path to find an Iblard Blade for Lake. In the 5th Area on the hill with a large rock, head north to get a Phoenix Feather. (Revives an ally to 100% HP). Do not take the top incline as that is a dead end, the lower incline will lead you to the next area. Head across the bridge and up the slopes. Follow the path until you reach a Return Tree. After healing up and preparing, head forward to leave the Mountain Range.
Back on the World Map, head west until you reach a small crevice, a scene will play out. Afterwards head west. and you will be back in the mountains, north of the entrance is an item shop along with a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point. When you are ready head west again. At the very bottom, head east for a Tree Spirit's Rod. In the next area at a split, head north for a Mistral Dress. Head south at the bottom of the ramp in the next area to get a God's Half Elixir. Then back up near the leaves down the first ramp to jump across. Head west from there to find a Return Tree. When ready, go on. It's best that you turn on HP/TP Refill
A scene will play and you will fight 3 Groups of Blasphemy Beta 1.
Blasphemy Beta 1 will use Shadow Smoke to inflict Blindness, Melancholia to inflict Melancholy, Dark Photon, Vacuum Wave, and Wing Attack. Their normal attacks can also inflict Melancholy
Foxey should be on support for this battle. Buff Minerva with Clever and Lake and Hausen buffed with Force. Minerva should be on attack and healing magic. The Blasphemy Beta 1 is weak to light, so using a Buffed Bright Photon Concentration sphere equipped minerva should heavily damage them if not outright kill them. Lake and Hausen should use either Hard Attacks or their Personal Abilities.
After the 3 Battles, you will then fight Chimera Blasphemy, it will use Random Invest to change it's Elemental Defenses. Dark Photon. Crazy Beat, and Triple Attack. It can inflict various negative statuses.
Use Enemy Data when it uses Random Invest. Much like earlier, buff and use your strongest personal abilities. Have Foxey on Healing and Support for this battle and Minerva using attack Magic.
After the battle, a scene will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 16: Call of Angels / Fezzite, A Seperate World -Wahrheit-
Head west, and then south to leave the mountains and travel west until you reach a large lake, then north to go around it, west, then south through the forest and west to Ruthford. When you enter the city, resupply and heal up. A Memory tree is near the large staircase. Head up the stairs into the large building for a set of scenes. You will then be in control of Lake. Head to the door where Hausen is and some scenes will play. Afterwards, the Episode ends.
Episode 17: Heaven in Hawick / The Tragic Sunset -Tod-
A scene will play and You will be in control of Vene, Ewan and Kane will join the party. You will get a Silver Bow, Silver Robe, Attack Magic Level 3, Support Magic Level 3, and 20,000 Dear. Suit them up with the appropriate gear, equip a concentration sphere on Kane. Head to Ravenna, a scene will play, then head to Darmstadt and take the boat at the east port. From Juwess, go to East Continental Port, then head back to Hawick for a scene and then you will fight Sara
Sara is weak to Sky and Light and uses Earth Magic, use Wind Magic to prevent it from using Ground Thunder which deals High Damage. Sara will use Wing Attack, and Gravestone. Sara's normal attack may inflict Melancholy
Have Ewan and Vene buff Nixon with Force, Vene and Kane should be buffed with Clever. Nixon should use the usual strategy of Gunner's Enhancement and Rosario Snipe. Kane should use Bright Photon. Ewan on physical attacks. Vene and Nixon can take the role of Healers.
After Sara's defeat, some scenes will play and you will have control of Lake, head east from Lake's room and talk to Hausen. Afterwards another scene will play.
Episode 18: Shattered Promise / Endless Sobs of a Spirit -Regen-
You will be in control of Lake, head east, then north, then east, and through the door to watch a set of scenes. You will be given the opportunity to save after this. Another scene will play. Afterwards you have the chance to save again. Another scene will play out and the episode ends
Episode 19: Three Streak Peak / Devoted Strength -Maedchen-
A scene will play and then you will be in control of Yangtze, Buy all 3 Magic Level 3 Spheres and a Concentration Sphere and head north to Three Streak Peak. When there, you should level up a bit as she may not be strong enough to face the enemies there. The enemies give lots of EXP there so you should really tackle the mountain at level 40 or so. If you run out of Supplemental HP/TP, you can sleep in the bed at Yangtze's house.
When you enter Three Streak Peak, keep going north until you reach a split, where there is a sparkling object, inspect that to get an Ex Heal Bottle (Heals 2000 HP). Go north, then east and you will be up on the cliffs, head left to jump across. Then head west and then north. Check the sparkling object in the area after crossing the cliffs to find a Great Clana. You will then come across a bridge, cross it and climb the cliffs, then head east. Head north until you reach the bottom of the last incline, head to the sparkling object to get a Three Streak Spirit Stone. (Boosts all Elemental Defenses). Head west, and cross the bridge, if you take the lower path you will get a Herbal Drink. Climb the cliffs and head west at the top. There will be a Memory Tree and a Return Tree. When ready, head west for a scene.
* Bird of Prey will use Claw, Dive and Windy and is Weak to Sky.
* Flower Girl will use Tentacle, Spore which can inflict Poison and Earthy and is weak to Fire and Earth.
* Masked Samurai will use Aromatic Wine to give himself Force. He is however weak to many Negative Statuses.
* Yellow Tiger will use Flesh Tear, Wild Bite and is weak to Fire.
After the event, Doris and Lansard will join the Party, Go north and there will be an item merchant, stock up and gear up your characters, equip Doris with the Concentration and Attack Magic Level 3 Spheres. DO NOT REMOVE HER ROBE. It naturally has a 5 SPC capacity, at this point it gives her a leg up. Equip Yangtze with the Level 3 Curative and Support Magic Spheres. Lansard is a strict warrior like Hausen is, he will only be able to use Level 1 Magic Spheres. Buy and upgrade your healing items to their A-variants. Use the Resurrect Point to heal and grab the Curative Magic Level 3 Sphere before leaving the cave.
Once you leave the cave, you will fight 8-Headed Dragon. It's weak to Water and Break. It will use Eight Forked Massacre (Hits random characters 8 times), Abuse, Predation, Wild Bite, Flesh Tear, Rampage and Triple Attack. It can naturallty inflict negative statuses such as Poison and Disease.
Have Yangtze use Support Magic to buff the team or use Nature's Blessings to heal and remove Negative statuses, Doris should use Mind Focus and Icicles. Lansard should use Clear Stream. It will use Triple Attack as it's last ditch attack before dying.
After defeating 8-Headed Dragon. A scene will play and the episode ends.
Episode 20: Six-year Commemorators / Murder Notice -Zweifel-
You will be in control of Lake, save at the Memory Tree and head to the meeting room. Some scenes will play and you will automatically be taken to Darden. Head to the eastern mansion, talk to the guards, then head to the cliffs, there head west for a scene, then back to the mansion for another set of scenes. Afterwards the chapter ends.
Episode 21: Khaos Worshippers / A Silent Will -Wahnsinn-
A scene will play out and you will have control over the party. When you are ready, head to the docks (West of the Meeting Room). Another scene will play and you will be at the Khaos Salvation Association HQ. There, scenes will play out and then you will fight Cancer Beast.
Cancer Beast is weak to Wind and Break. It will use Gravestone, Ground Shaker, Sudden Assault, Abuse, and Squash.
Have each character use their best techniques. Ewan's Windy Blade will work well. Have Kane use Fluid Ignition. Vene should be on Healing and Buffing, and Lake should use Sword Insanity or have him Hard Attack.
After defeating Cancer Devil, some scenes will play and the episode ends.
Episode 22: Fall of Barrier / Tremors & Trembles -Verschmelzung-
This episode is all events. The chapter will end after this episode.
2.4 Chapter Three: The Distant Gloomy Sky (CHP3)
Episode 23: A New Gaia / View of the Distant Ground -Krieg-
After the opening event, you will be in control of Nixon, the item shop has renewed it's supply of items, to a higher tier. After you gear up with the money you have, head to the Eastern Continental Port and head to Juwess and then Darmstadt through Juwess Southern Port. A small scene will play, and then you will switch to Yangtze's group. Head west from Teng Ring and cross the bridge, then head north to Darmstadt. A scene will play and Nixon will get the Personal Abilities: Merrill Pepperboxes, Mirry Launcher, and the Key Item: Ancient Bible which unlocks the Personal Abilities: Versatile Gun and Bible Resistance.
Another scene will play and the Episode will end
Episode 24: Rekindled Fate / Hypocritical Uprising -Kampf-
You can now be able to switch allies, when you want to change your party, choose Organize in the Menu. Allies who are not in the active party will still gain EXP. So don't worry about lopsided parties.
Upgrade all your characters gear, if low on money, the enemies here can drop gold swords (Little Demon Clone) and rods (Guard Mage) which can be sold atop the high amounts of Dear they leave. It's highly recommended that you upgrade all character's Magic Spheres as well. There is also a Medic in the area who can heal the party. It is highly suggested that you make A-Ex Heal Bottles and A-Life Leaves. You can also buy Fairy Tarts which will heal the entire party outside of battles.
Take the elevator up, you will be on the 35th floor, head through the north door and up the stairs to the 36th, there head north to get to the stairs again, on the 37th, head south, then west at the fork. On the 38th, follow the path. On the 39th; head west and then south. On the 40th; head north at the fork and follow the path. On the 41st; head south completely and follow the path. On the 42nd; head north. On the 43rd; head north around the path. On the 44th; head south. On the 45th is a Return Tree, use it in case you are low on resources and want to save. When on the 45th floor, the enemies here are in clusters of 4 Guard Mages, 3 Berserkers, or 2-3 Black Leos only. Head to Georg's Room a scene will play and you will head to the Rooftop. Follow the path and climb up the stairs, a Memory Tree will be there.
* The Pale Devil Clones will use Claw, Cool Breath, and Spark Mist, their normal attack will place a Water FE on the field, they are weak to fire, they may drop Water Element Def +20 spheres, and Water Physical Casts which will be handy later on and can sell for a lot at this point.
* The Guard Mages use all Level 2 Attack Magic and have no elemental weaknesses.
* The Little Demon Clones will use Dive, Vacuum Wave, and Wing Attack. They are weak to Sky.
* The Berserkers will use Abuse, Punishment Fist, and are weak to Poison, Disease, Forget, and Confuse. They may drop a Counter Attack Sphere.
* On the higher floors and the roof, you may encounter Black Leos. Their normal attacks may inflict various negative statuses, they will also use Shadow Smoke, Vacuum Wave, Cut in Two, Dark Photon, and they will use Leo's Dance of Death which may outright kill an ally when they run out of HP. The Black Leos will drop Ex Heal Bottles.
After saving, head right for a scene and you will fight Virginie (AGAIN?!)
Virginie has picked up a few new tricks since you last fought her. It is highly required that you have bought the best Support Spheres to dispel elements. She can use higher level magic like Comet Strike, Implosion, and Mobility Breakdown: Which will inflict paralysis on the entire party and Lava Wave and Ground Thunder in which both will hit the party hard. Buff your Physical attackers. Use items when in danger if push comes to shove and have either Vene or Foxey use their support magic to dispel Break and/or any other elements Virginie can use for her higher end magic.
After defeating Virginie, a set of scenes will play and the episode ends.
Episode 25: Netherworld / Precious Memories -Koexistenz-
This episode is all events.
Episode 26: Leader's Purpose / Fangs & Stench -Intrige-
You will be in control of the Roanoke:
Z: When on the world map aside from forests and seashores, this will signal it to pick you up and at the same time allows you to disembark. While in flight, pressing Z will activate the Z Axis Transfer system. Pressing down will let you disembark or go to the ground, Pressing up when on the Ground will let you return to Fezzite. The TRANS symbol on the upper left will indicate when movement between Fezzite and the Ground is possible.
X: Takes you to the bridge. Talk to Sharol or Lina to return to flying the Roanoke.
First off, go to the bridge and head to the rear to get High Class Machinery, there is also another High Class Machinery on the Lower Decks. Then Head to Kokomo and talk to the maid in the orphanage to get a free Reviver. Then head to White Wings Lab and talk to Troy to get an Experimental Cloth. When ready, head to the Southeastern most city of Fezzite; Minerva, Head north until a scene plays out; then Hausen and Minerva will leave the party. When you try to leave, a scene will play, go to the shop if you don't have 4 Advanced Guards. When you have 4, outfit characters with them and head to the two flights of stairs and check the left side. A scene will play and you will be in a hidden passageway.
Follow the paths until you reach a Brazier, press Z in front of it to open the way into the dungeons. The guards will be milling about, if you get caught, you will have to fight them.
The Northeast and Southeast most parts of the 1st Area has Ex Heal Bottles. Northwest will lead to the next area. If you take the south path at the first split it will lead you to a Herbal Drink. Take the path all the way east and south, then west to a split. West will lead to a Water Physical Cast. North to advance to the 3rd area. There talk to the Prisoner NPC, he will mention that there is no such thing as an absolute defense, ahead will be a Memory Tree, save and go forward.
* The Rebel Soldiers have no Elemental Weaknesses but are weak to most Negative statuses. They will use Cut in Two and Three-Pronged Slash (Attacks 3 Random characters), Tthey may drop Fezzite Blade.
* The Rebel Mages are like the Guards, the only diffence is that the Mages will use Higher level magic.
A scene will play and you will then fight Macht. Macht is all about physical attacks, hence the need for Advanced Guard. You should have everyone with the best support spheres at the time. Macht however does have a weakness to Break, so Kane is a good character to have due to all his techs having the Break Attribute.
Macht will use Dragon Roar (Hits all, Wind Element), Three-Pronged Slash, and Cut in Two. Heal Breeze can be effective if your characters take too much damage.
Once you reduce his HP to around 12,000, he will use Diamond Stance; which blocks all attacks. If you call back to what the NPC said about no such thing as an absolute defense. Check the Enemy Data to learn that his Poison Defense has been reduced to 0%! If you poison him however, it will turn out that he will have All Green equipped (Removes all ailments for 5% max TP each turn when afflicted with any Ailment), so reducing his TP before getting to Diamond Stance is a good strategy. Once his TP is reduced to 0 he will bite it.
After defeating Macht, a scene will play and the episode draws to a close.
Episode 27: Wild Black Wings / Fiery Tears in Crimson Sky -Opfer-
After the opening scenes, Minerva will have learned Queen's Judgment (Damage varies with an enemy's elemental defense of anything greater than 100.). When ready head to the Ground and fly to the small northwest island on the map (You can access it easily from Ruthford as it's near it's location if it were on the ground)
*Secret Factory*
Most of the enemies here are robotic, so using Water magic will help out tremendously. Especially if you slapped a Concentration of Minerva, even a basic Freezy can do a whopping 4k damage or so depending on level. They may use Unit Full Burst upon death which does damage to the whole party.
* Gear Slasher will use Accelerated Slash (Hits whole party) and Three-Pronged Slash
* Gear Divider will use Life Divide which cuts a party member's HP in half and Cut In Two.
* Gear Missiler will use Portable Missile (Fire/Break) and Forget Bullet which inflicts Forget, Sticky Liquid Unit which inflict Slow
* Gear Gunner will use Bullet Spray (Hits party).
* Gear Chariot will use Mine (Will do damage to the next character on the Time Gauge). All the enemies here will drop Machinery of different grades.
When you enter, you will notice several sets of Red Lasers, you will have to disable them to advance. If you take a beating, you can head to Ruthford using Z Axis Transfer aboard the Roanoke.
Head up the stairs nearby. Interact with the terminal to change the Lasers then go up the stairs, head east, interact with the terminal, and head west interact with that terminal and head west and north around the path and interact with the nearby terminal, the nearby door will have Fine Class Machinery, head west and then north to another floor. Go through the nearby door and through the room to navigate around the laser beams. Interact with the terminal to change the beam colors head north, west and interact with the terminal and then head around through the nearby door and head back to the main path. Head north and through the door and hit the switch to disable the first set of Security Lasers, this will also disable all lasers in the block you are in.
Then head back to the main block, north, then upstairs. Change the lasers and head west and upstairs, through the northern door and go left to change the lasers again. Then head back but go east instead of south then go downstairs and back to the first flight and head up it. Then head east to get a Fine Class Machinery, west will take you upstairs. From there, head east, south, west, interact with the terminal then head north, the northeastern door will have a All Green behind it, back near the stairs head north and around, the path at a left fork will take you downstairs and lead you to a red box which contains a Box of Explosive Waste (Key Item) Head back to the path you were on. Interact with the nearby terminal.
Take the lower path and head upstairs, the nearby door will have a Fine Class Machinery behind it, head left and you will notice a wall with a hole in it, use the Box of Explosive Waste there. On the cliff, head to the left and choose to jump down it. Near where you land will be a ROBIN's Supporter (Trial). Head up the ramp and walk right, you should jump back to where you got the waste. Head back up the elevator and through the northwest door and interact with the terminal in the corner to disable all lasers in that block and the 2nd set in the central block.
After disabling the 2nd set, head through the northern most door and you will be in an area with a Memory Tree, After you head left from it, a scene will play and you will fight Heidi and Fyodor.
It is best to listen to Heidi's advice as if you defeat her first, Fyodor will go all out and blast Gamma Radiation (Deals Heavy Damage) each chance he gets.
Heidi is a magic user, try and prevent her from using any higher level spells as best as possible, she will use higher tier attack magic to set up the FEs she needs.
Fyodor relies on physical attacks, he will use Portable Missile, Bullet Spray, Biohazard (May infict both Poison and Disease) Sticky Liquid Unit, Forget Bullet, and Mine. He is weak to Water. Sometimes he may use Mine and it will damage Heidi depending on the Time Gauge. Upon defeat he will use Unit Full Burst.
Have Lake on offense, Vene and Foxey on support, and Minerva hammer away at Fyodor with Icicles and also use Aria Aid to help with healing. Don't be stingy with the A-Life Leaves or A-Ex Heal Bottles either.
A scene will play, then you should save when prompted, another scene will play and from there you will have to choose from 10 ships, choose ship 8 as Heidi mentions a clue about the Wings of Infinity. Another scene will play and you will be near a Memory Tree and a Resurrect Point. Heal up and head North fight Deathbringer, It will use Squeeze, Confuse Shake; which inflicts confuse, Triple Attack, Ray Breaker (Light FE) and Dead End Hunger which will instantly kill one party member
Much like the machines it is weak to Water, so hammer away at it until it is destroyed. It has complete resistance to fire, so Queen's Judgment may also do a significant amount of damage. Some scenes will play afterwards and the episode ends.
Episode 28: Gloomy Homeland / Embrace of the Moment -Entschluss-
You will be in control of Nixon's group. The room to the west of where you start will have a Merchant, Resurrect Point, and Memory Tree. Upgrade your equipment and items. It's recommended that Doris has learned Pale Inverse at this point. If not, level her up until she does. Pale Inverse will do more damage the lower her HP is, combine that with Concentration and Clever Buff and it can lead to a great deal of damage to most enemies. The path is rather straightforward, when you get to the corridor that lead to the Heidi and Fyodor battle, go east.
You will then fight Gear Suppressor It will use Grenade Launcher which hits the entire party, Ray Breaker, Portable Missile, Turn Firely to change the FE to Fire and Mine.
Do not have the Fire FE active, Gear Suppressor will use Heat Up which will inflict confuse on the party.
Have all characters use their best techniques, the Pale Inverse strategy will take off a decent amount. Otherwise just use Freezy or Icicles. Lansard should use Clear Stream. Yangtze should heal and buff the team. Same with Nixon, if you are ahead of the enemy, you can have Nixon use Mirry Launcher to do decent damage.
Gear Suppressor will use Unit Full Burst upon defeat, so have at least one character defend near it's defeat so you can survive. Afterwards some scenes will play and you will be in a different area.
*South Crimson Forest*
* Green Imp will use Dust Attack, Vacuum Wave, Three-Pronged Slash, Cut In Two, has no elemental weaknesses but is Weak to Forget.
* Strange Legged Beast will use Body Ram, Intense Stench, Rampage, and is weak to Light.
* South Crimson Worshipper will use Spirit Thrust, Air Slicer, Gravestone, Blaze, and is weak to Sky.
* Living Carrot will use Spore, and Sweet Fragrance, Red Juice as a last ditch attack (Inflicts Blind) and is Weak to Fire and Earth.
* Fighting Fish will use Water Workout (Buffs with Force), Abuse, Punishment Fist, and is Weak to Fire.
* Lake Dragon will use Flash Rain, Snowfall, Icicles, Flesh Tear, Bubble Holder (Inflicts Paralysis and Slow), and is Weak to Fire, It may counter attack if physically attacked, so beware.
In the starting area there will be a merchant, Memory Tree, and Resurrect Point. Return here if injured to heal up. Follow the path in the first area, in the 2nd area, in the south east corner is a Life Leaf. In the 3rd Area; at the split, on the right is a High Class Herb. In the 4th Area; at the split, on the right is a Great Clana. Head west in the 5th area, head north in the 6th area to the 7th, at the split, the south path will lead you to a Herbal Drink. Head north to the 8th. There, head north down the hill and walk to the bank, you will jump across. Head south, you will go through the 6th area again. In the 9th area, head south to the 10th and north around the hill then west. You will then come across a bridge with a Memory Tree. A scene will play. Head across the bridge, another set of scenes will play out. Back at the Memory Tree after those events, there will be a merchant, and a resurrect point. When Ready, head left to continue on.
*South Crimson Forest 2*
In the 1st area, head north to find a High Class Herb. Head west to go to the 2nd area. There head northwest to the 3rd area. In the 3rd area follow the path. When up the hill, head immediately right and you will jump across, there you will find a God's Elixir, climb up the hill and head left to jump back down. Take the northern part of the first hill to advance to the 4th area. From there climb down to the shore of the lake and follow the shoreline to the 5th area. There, head up the hill and west, you will find a Return Tree. When ready, head west to fight South Crimson Beast King
It will use Horn, Triple Attack, Body Ram, Crazy Beat, Sandstorm (May blind party), Sudden Assault, Monolith Crash, It is weak to Wind and Break, it's normal attack places an Earth FE on the field. It will use Crazy Beat as it's last ditch attack. It's attacks may stone allies.
Buff your allies with Protection and Brute Force, have Nixon use Mirry Launcher, Doris use Air Slicer or Implosion, Lansard and Yangtze should attack normally and use healing items.
After defeating South Crimson Beast King, head west and you will be on the world map, head east across the bridge and to the mountains for a set of scenes. The episode will then end.
Episode 29: Unwelcome Homecoming / Wings' Playground -Finsternis-
After the opening scenes you will be in control of Lake. Head East to fight Neo Gargoyles. Afterwards head east and then south to fight Devil Soldiers. After that, head south to fight Misery Wing and Hell Servant. After fighting them, keep going and you will fight Shadow Fire. Afterwards, head north for another scene and then you can save at the Memory Tree or Restock. This area will act as the HQ for the chapter. Come back here when you want to save and heal up.
* Neo Gargoyles are just Souped up Gargoyles, they will use Air Slicer, Wing Attack, and Claw and are Weak to Light and Sky.
* Devil Soldiers will use Vacuum Wave, Abuse, and Punishment Fist, they have no elemental weaknesses.
* Misery Wing will use Shadow Smoke, Over Bright, Dive, Melancholia, Confuse and is weak to Light and Sky, they may drop Melancholy Resist 20%.
* Hell Servant will use Horn, Negative Sign (Melancholy), Dark Photon, Virus Aero and is weak to Light and Sky, it's attacks may inflict Melancholy or Stone, it may drop Corpse's Bones.
* Shadow Fire will use Triple Attack, Miasma (May inflict Poison or Disease on the party), Crazy Beat, Dark Photon, and Shadow Flare (Deals Severe Damage), it may drop a Phoenix Feather
*Fezzite Garden*
For this Episode, Minerva is a useful ally to have in the party especially equipped with Concentration, also Ewan's Leading Thunder will do well against them. Many enemies are weak to Light and Sky here. So using Brightness and Bright Photon will make quick work of them.
Head East until you see an NPC, talk to him to get the Key Item: Fezzite Garden Keycard 1. Head West until you reach the locked door and interact with the computer to the left of it to open the door. Head west until you come across another NPC and he will give you the Key Item: Fezzite Garden Keycard 2. Head back to the West Block (Large area) and open the eastmost door of the room with the Keycard. Follow the path until you reach a door. Then head east and talk to the NPC, she will run west, follow her all the way west, until you find her. She will give you the Key Item: Fezzite Garden Keycard 3. Head back through the open door in the East Block.
Now head to the West Block, and keep going until you reach a locked door. Interact with the computer to the left of the door to open it. Head east for a screen, and when you get to the large room head north to find a Return Tree. When Ready, head north. A scene will play, then head downstairs. Follow the paths to watch a scene and you will fight Shadow Fire and Devil Soldier, afterwards a scene will play out. You will be back on the above floor, head north up the stairs.
On the floor above, head north for a scene. Then head around the staircase and head up, then repeat the previous action. Then talk to Fritz, You will then fight Devil Naga. It will use Rampage, Violent Miasma, Intense Stench, Flesh Tear, Squash, Negative Sign, Predation
Buff your allies, Have Minerva use Earthy, Gravestone, or Ground Thunder, Have Lake and Ewan use their strongest skills. Vene should be on support, same as Foxey. Kane is useless for this fight as his magic isn't on par with Minerva's. Ewan can play a secondary role using A-Ex Heal Bottles if need be. Do not be afraid of dipping into your stock of Clanas/Great Clanas, the fights in the Garden may have gotten you a couple extra.
After the battle, a set of scenes will play and the Episode ends.
Episode 30: Lament of Gaia / The Trigger -Klage-
After the Episode starts, Foxey and Minerva will leave the Party. The objective is to rescue 5 people scattered throughout the City. There are only fixed encounters here.
* The Blasphemous Satans can inflict instant death with their normal attacks. They can use Miasma, Negative Sign, Horn, and are weak to Sky and Light.
* The Blasphemous Garudas can inflict Blind or Melancholy with their attacks, they use Wing Attack, Vacuum Wave, Comet Strike, Air Slicer, they are weak to Sky.
Fezzite Mages will be here as well as Fezzite Soldiers, They are more or less the same as the Rebel Soldiers and Mages from Earlier. No Elemental Weaknesses and uses Higher Level Magic and Attacks
The strategies are more or less similar to dealing with enemies in the previous episode, they are weak to Sky, so Ewan's Leading Thunder will work well here against them. Atop the enemies, there is another problem, during battles, your characters may be hit by one of three things at random: Fallen Troop's Corpse, Falling Lucifer's Corpse, and Falling Airship Wreckage. This can instantly kill a character or inflict various ailments.
* One Civilian is near the path leading to the Skyscraper, you will fight 3 Blasphemous Satans before reaching her. One Civilian is west, Right in front of Maxim's Bar. You will fight 3 Fezzite Soldiers there.
* One Civilian is at the port at the northeastern most harbor, you will fight a Blasphemous Satan and Blasphemous Garuda before you can talk to him.
* Two are on the eastern part of town, one can be found as soon as you enter Eastern Darmstadt. You will fight 2 Fezzite Soldiers and a Fezzite Mage before being able to rescue her. Another is not too far from her, head south, east, then turn north at the next intersection. You will fight 3 Fezzite Mages before being able to reach him.
After saving the 4th one, head back to the entrance to Darmstadt and a woman will be there, talk to her, a scene will play. Head to the Skyscraper for a Scene and then you will fight Blasphemous Dragon.
Blasphemous Dragon will use Predation, Flesh Tear, and Squash. It is weak to Sky and Break.
Have Vene and Kane on Support while Lake and Ewan hammer away at it. Kane can also be on the offense if you are ahead and your party is topped off. Have Kane use Fluid Ignition. Lake should use Sword Insanity, and Ewan use Leading Thunder, Vene can also use Penetration to deal extra damage.
Afterwards a set of scenes will play and the Episode will be concluded.
Episode 31: Dawn of a New Role / Hopes on Seraph's Wings -Band-
After the opening scenes, you will be at the CMGC HQ
*CMGC Headquarters*
The shops have renewed the equipment. There is a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point Nearby. Stock up all your characters on the best gear. Head North to enter the HQ.
* Lizard Knight will use Accelerated Slash, Three-Pronged Slash, Cut In Two, and is weak to Fire.
* Fat Beast will use Rampage, Squash, Sudden Assault, Intense Stench, and is weak to Break.
* Want will use Icicles, Flesh Tear, Confuse Shake, Swallow, Dissolving Liquid and is weak to Fire.
* Ogre will use Punishment Fist, Abuse, Rock Throw (Deals Heavy Damage), Power Bomb (Deals Heavy Damage) and is weak to Wind.
* Long Nose will use higher level attack magics (Gravestone, Bright Photon, etc), Earth Interruption (Inflicts Slow on Party), Snowfall and is weak to Earth.
* Behemoth will use Body Ram, Rock Throw, Squash, Ground Buster (Hits whole party) and is weak to Wind. You will also fight Blasphemous Garudas however they are fixed enemies.
Head East until you reach the wall, then north and west until you reach a intersection. Head North from there and follow the path. At the next intersection, head west then up the stairs. On the 2nd Floor, head south, east, and then north. Then head east. At the intersection, head south and then south again. Follow the path again. Then head West, South, East and East again. Then North, East, South, and up the stairs to the 3rd Floor. From there, Head west, north and west. Keep heading west and south until you reach the southwest corner, head east until you reach a wall, then north and east. Enter the door for a scene. Backtrack until you find a room with 2 panels, inspect the leftmost one to unlock the uppermost Linkway.
Cross the Linkway and head west and around the lasers. Then east until you reach a wall, head south and then east, then north and down the stairwell. From the stairs, head west and north then east and down the stairs again. Then head west, north, west, then keep going west until you reach an open door. This will lead you to a panel where you can disable the security lasers. From there, head south and east, then south and across the lowest Linkway back to the entrance to save. Then head north to the lowest Linkway, then east through it and north again you should reach the elevator. Inspect the left panel, a scene will play and you will be on the lower levels.
On the Lower floor, there will be a Memory Tree and a resurrect point, use it and prepare. At the Intersection, head east and then North. Enter the Door, a scene will play and you will fight CMGC Crusher (Prototype)
It is weak to Water like most other Mechanical enemies, It does not have 100% elemental defenses, so Queen's Judgment will not work. It will use; Cut In Two, Portable Missile, Triple Attack, Ray Breaker, Grenade Launcher, and Mine.
Have Nixon, Foxey, and Vene Buff the party while other physically oriented characters attack it. Use the best skills each character has to damage it. Lansard's Clear Stream should be of help. You should have Level 5 Support Magic now, so casting a FE will allow you to use Whole team buffs now. Equipping any Water Physical Casts you have saved up would be helpful as you can make it easier for Minerva to use Mercurius Freeze. Do not let it get a Fire FE on the field as it will use Meltdown which will do heavy fire damage on the party. It will use Unit Full Burst upon defeat.
Afterwards a scene will play and Kane will no longer be in the party, from there, head west, north and into the nearby room, interact with the panel to disable the lasers. Head back to the Memory Tree and head east and down the stairs. Then head north through the door for a scene and then you will fight Barbara
Barbara will use Confuse Shake, Rampage, Critical Body (Heavy Damage), Abuse, Triple Attack, Crazy Beat, Fang the Weak (Will kill character with lowest HP), and is weak to Break.
Nixon is perhaps the best character you can have as Mirry Launcher along with Break Element + and Double Invest (Element) will significantly make this easier. Lake's Negative Carnager can also do a bit of damage as well as Ewan's Leading Thunder. Have the rest of the characters act on buffing and healing.
After defeating Barbara, a set of scenes will play and the episode ends.
Episode 32: Eternal Fezzite / A Warm Farewell -Selbstaendigkeit-
Head to the Blue Dome on the Ground, enter the area and walk to the dome, a set of scenes will play, then head to the northern most village on the ground, Viera, head to the westmost building, then try and leave, a scene will play and you will acquire Key Item: Relic Pendant. Afterwards, head back to the dome, another scene will play and the episode ends
Episode 33: Spirits' Journey / Founders' Tears of Love -Liebe-
*Benedicta's Tears / Streets (Tragic Scar)*
* The Meatballs are weak and inflict various negative statuses however if you kill them before killing any other enemy, it will use Battlefield Restaurant which will lead up to a total party kill on the next enemy turn with them using Gobble All Up.
* Large Flesh Worm will use Wild Bite, Rampage, Swallow All Up (Deals Half of max HP of all allies), Sandstorm and is Weak to Wind and can be taken down by Queen's Judgment.
* The Hell Walker uses Abuse, Punishment Fist, Sticky Liquid, and is weak to Light/Sky, it may drop Hell Fists.
* Blood Pudding will use Sticky Liquid, Icicles, Water Chute, Snowfall, and is weak to Fire. It may use Last Splatter if weakened or upon death and possibly inflict negative statuses on the party.
* The Small Flesh Worm will use Wild Bite, Swallow, Squeeze, and is weak to Wind.
* Luna Face will use Bright Photon, Snowfall, Over Bright, Romancing Night (Inflicts Blind and Forget), Luna Divide (Reduce HP of One target in half), Luna Slash (Does Damage to party) and is weak to Dark. They may drop Moon Veil.
* Melt Beauty will use Miasma, Pathogen Infection, Claw, Dissolving Liquid and is weak to Earth. It will also use Death to Us Both (May kill one ally) upon death. They may drop Mid-Level Contaminant.
As soon as the episode starts, head back and save at White Wings. When ready, head back inside and interact with the Statue, each of these statues will be enemy encounters but also act as teleportation points after defeating the enemies there. Anyway, after clearing the first statue, interact with it and go north to find another, after clearing that, head East, North, West, and North, after that statue, head West, South, and East. After that statue, head West, South, West, and North. After that statue, head South, West, and North. After that one, head north and then northeast. After that statue, head north towards the Skyscraper, near the statue is a Return Tree. After defeating the last enemy, interact with the Statue to enter the Skyscraper.
*Benedicta's Tears / The Skyscraper (Fallen Faith)*
* The Shout will use higher level magic, Negative Sign, is weak to Break and will drop a Howling Revolver.
*The Phantom Demon will use Shadow Flare, Abuse, Negative Sign, Turbulence (Wind attack on party), Shadow Smoke, Dark Photon, Triple Attack, is weak to Light and will drop Shadow Beast Hide (Protects against Forget).
* The Imprisoners will use Body Ram, Gravestone, Critical Body, Monolith Crash and are weak to Break, they will use Command Imprisonment (Locks all options except Normal Attack) upon death, so weaken them and save them for last.
At the start is a Resurrect Point and a Memory Tree. Head North to the statue. Then West, North, East, and North to the another statue. From there, head East, North, West, North, East, and South. After that is a Return Tree, when ready head north for a scene and then you will fight Langer: Missgestalt
He will use Medical Melancholia (Inflicts Melancholia), Dissolving Liquid, Saline Solution (Inflicts Slow), Shadowless Night (Inflicts Blind), Anasthetic Gas (Inflicts Paralysis), Intense Stench, and Operation (Instantly kills one ally). They may also carry secondary negative statuses. He is weak to Fire.
Buff your team accordingly and use your strongest spells, he should go down relatively easily.
After the battle a scene will play, afterwards a statue will be near the door, take it to continue on.
*Benedicta's Tears / Skyscraper (God's Fraud)*
From the statue, head West, South, East, North, East, South to the next statue. From there follow the path until you reach a Return Tree, when ready head North. A Scene will play and you will fight Virginie... (What's with her?!)
Virginie has picked up another unique trick, when her HP is reduced to half, she will use Arm Calamity which will imbue her attacks with the ability to inflict negative statuses. She will also use more advanced techniques like Three-Pronged Slash and Abuse. She will use Divine Divide which can deal 50% of Max HP damage. It's best that you equip the fighting party with All Greens to help ease the damage done by the Negative Statuses
Buff your allies and don't let up on the assault. Lake's Negative Carnager can get rid of Break and create a Dark Element for a Followup of Medium Throat. Giving Yangtze Wilder Strike Spheres may make it easier atop her own self-enhancements.
After defeating Virginie, a scene will play. When ready, check the statue nearby to continue on.
*Benedicta's Tears / Skyscraper (Fate's Preface)
Head North and you will fight Drift Warrior Machine. It's strong to almost everything except Water and Break. It will use Rampage, Sudden Assault, Ray Breaker. Once it uses Energy Charge, have everyone Hard Defend to reduce the Wave Gun Damage
Minerva should use Queen's Judgment and Doris should hammer away with Mercurius Freeze. Have Vene and Nixon on Healing and Buffing. One could also equip any physical attacker with a Water Physical Cast to help get Mercurius Freezes in quicker. Lansard naturally has Clear Stream, so that may work too.
After the battle, a scene will play, head back and stock up if you need to. Head North to the Statue; however this time, you will not fight an enemy before being able to warp.
Follow the path until you reach the Return Tree. Head right for a scene.
*Benedicta's Tears / Heart (Eternal Tears)*
Afterwards you will be on a lone scaffold with the Lady in Black in front of you; nearby is a Resurrect Point and a Memory Tree, say yes to her question to fight Benedicta's Tears: Core. It would be best to give the Revivers to characters who will need them most, spellcasters.
The Mechanic the core uses is Nihility: If all FE are Neutral it will use Void Finality which will instantly kill the party. Hence it's needed to keep FEs Active. If it's Light, it will use Dark Photon and Over Bright, Water: Poison Mist and Blaze, and so on in an effort to make the field Neutral, It will also use Heightened Sorrow (Increases Agility), and Erase Mine (Reduces HP of a character to Critical Levels) in an effort to turn it Neutral, using Break should be disregarded at the start.
There are several strategies for fighting Benedicta's Tears: Core. One such strategy is to have All Greens equipped (May use up TP which you need for Magic), another is to use Light Magic/Light Physical Casts and use A-Eagle Eyes (More Viable due to money at the time). The last strategy involves outfitting your party with Shadow Beast Hides and use Dark Magic/Dark Physical Casts.
Characters like Foxey and Yangtze are good for this fight due to their speed. Lansard can set up various elements with his Personal Abilities, however requires you to either buff him with quick and/or give him Attack Accelerators to reduce his ATKWT stat. Giving Yangtze a few Wilder Strikes can increase her critical hit rate substantially, allowing her to deal possibly around 7-9k per turn with crits. Buff your allies accordingly with Force and Quick to land as many hits in before the core can use moves to neutralize the FE you place. Vene and Nixon are good for the support role.
Either Way when you reduce its' HP enough, you will get a message that is acceptable to use Break type attacks. Nixon's Mirry Launcher or Lake's Negative Carnager aside from Break Element Magic should help, a scene will play afterwards and the episode ends.
Episode 34: Black Lion / Wings of a Fallen Angel -Verzweiflung-
This whole episode is just a large string of events.
Episode 35: Seraphic Blue / Beyond the Heavens -Blauer Himmel-
After the opening scenes, you will be aboard the Blue Wing. Stock up on supplies and head to the deck to fight waves of enemies; the battle here is somewhat different, a percentage of the damage you take will damage the barrier that protects the plane, you can restore it using TP; to access the barrier restore function, use the Shift Key to access Second Option. After several battles, you will be back aboard the plane. Talk to Fyodor to see if anything has changed. If he says a different message, you will then be able to fight the lead defense force.
* Sky Dragon is Weak to Sky, It will use Gobble All Up, Flesh Tear, Sky Buster (Hits the whole party), there will usually be a Meatball with it which means Battlefield Restaurant if you do not kill the Sky Dragon First.
* Aerial Drive will use Bullet Spray (Hits whole party), Ray Breaker, Portable Missile, and is weak to Wind, it may use Unit Full Burst. Gladiator will use Double Attack, Vacuum Wave, Abuse, and is Weak to Light and Break.
* Shield Ceres will use usually use attacks that inflict Negative Statuses like Meatball does, Dark Photon, Shadow Flare, Dead End (Instantly can kill one party member), Black Impulse (Damages TP) and is Weak to Light.
* Iron Maiden can use Air Slicer, Quick Windy (Speed up party), Body Ram, Miasma and is weak to Sky. It will use Definite Suppression upon defeat which can kill an ally.
You may be hit by LAJ's Covering Fire every now and then which can deal damage to one ally or the whole party. Having HP and TP Supplement pool active can make this easier.
Virginie is very useful; she can land 4-5 attacks in at the start of any battle using Sky High (Accelerated), using Offensive Trance or Arm Calamity will allow one to use Sky High (Accelerated) again.
After Fyodor's message changes, choose the first option, a small scene will play and you will fight Heaven's Captor. This is a battle of speed as it will use Command Imprisonment as soon as it gets a chance. It will use Crushing Hemisphere to inflict damage, Poison Gas to poison the party, Capture Structure Repair to mend 10k damage done to it, Captor Tension Boost to increase it's stats, and Long State to increase the Duration of all Positive and Negative Statuses.
It's just best to rely on characters who are good with physical damage for this fight. Heaven's Captor is weak to Fire if one wants to take a risk at dealing extra damage. Having Force Starts equipped can help amp up the damage. Foxey can cast Quick Windy as the Wind FE is active at the start. Giving her a Wilder Strike can help deal more damage.
Your characters should have All Greens equipped to cancel out the poison.
After defeating Heaven's Captor, a set of scenes will play.
* The Black Leos will either use Leo's Dance of Death, or Suicide Bomb Attack (Deals damage and inflicts ailments) upon death. They may also use Leo's Emblem to buff themselves. They will use High end sword techs like Cut In Two amongst others.
* The Elite Leos are souped up versions of Black Leos and can use Twin Black Fangs if there is a Dark FE active (Hits twice). Elite Leos drop Full Heal Bottles.
* The Life Buyer will use Life Auction (Will instantly kill one ally), is weak to Light, it may drop a Life Buyer's Proof (Protects against Instant Death).
* The Great Lizard will use Water Chute and is weak to Fire
* The Black Death Wolf will use Wild Bite, Body Ram, Flesh Tear and is weak to Light, it may use Black Blood Blaze if a Dark FE is on the field when it dies. It may drop Black Blood Blade.
* The Faces will use Negative Sign, Dark Photon, Stench, Black Impulse, and are weak to Light and Sky. They will use Persona Weariness upon death (Inflicts Confuse). It may drop Face Skin (Increases Blind, Confuse, and Melancholy Resist)
* The Metal Soldier will use Spark Edge, Cut In Two, and is weak to Water.
* The Rage Rune will use higher tier magic, and is weak to Poison, Disease, and Blind.
* Sentinels will use Techniques like Cut In Two and Three-Pronged-Slash, they will have a new technique: Endless Spin (Hits all allies). They are weaker to Negative Statuses.
* Delta Force will use Triple Attack, Sticky Liquid Unit, Tri Divide (Heavy Damage on one ally), they are weak to Water
At the start is a medic and an item merchant along with a Memory Tree. It would be best to buy a couple of Water Elemental Atk +30s and Double Invest (Element).
When you enter the door, only level II will be available, take it and head to the 2nd level. As soon as you arrive you will be met with Black Leos, you will encounter fixed groups of them through the corridors each of different varities. The path on Level III is rather straight forward. Reach the switch to open Level III. Head back and take the elevator to Level III. There head west and follow the path to a split, head east and follow the path until you reach a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point. After healing, head north to fight LAJ Gear I
LAJ Gear I will use Ray Crisis (Light FE, hits all allies), Ray Breaker, Ground Collider (Inflicts Paralysis), Claymore (Acts like Mine), it will use Unit Full Burst when it bites the dust. It will drop Top Class Machinery.
Buff your allies accordingly, Minerva and Doris are must haves for this battle as their magic can quickly whittle down it's HP, especially with the Elemental Atk +30 Spheres and Double Invest (Elements) equipped. Using Water Physical Casts with your Physical Attackers to set up the FE Magic attacks.
After defeating LAJ Gear I, head north and check out the sparkling object to get: LAJ Keycard. Head back to the split and go north this time, interact with the panel to open the door and gain access to the terminal to open Level IV.
Level IV is divided into 2 blocks, Western and Eastern, the western block has the terminal that opens Level V at the end of a long path and past a fixed encounter with Black Leos. The Eastern Block leads to the Private Sector which can't be opened yet. Head to Level V after activating the terminal.
On Level V, you will fight as you proceed through the corridor Black Leos, you will then reach a Memory Tree and Resurrect Point, head forward when ready to fight LAJ Gear II.
LAJ Gear II will use Ground Collider, Ray Crisis, Water Cannon (Deals Severe Damage to one ally; uses Water FE), Claymore, Blood Freeze 273 (Will outright do over 10k damage to an ally)
The same Strategy applies here as it did with the earlier one, set it up with Water FEs and then use Mercurius Freeze to deal heavy damage. It may be a good idea to have some defense against water as well as it uses Water Attacks. It will pull the same stunt that LAJ Gear I did after it runs out of HP.
After defeating LAJ Gear Mk 2, head north to fight more Black Leos, continue on the path as you were, at the split, head north and up the stairs to find a Return Tree, restock as needed, kill the Black Leos in front of you, then save. It would be best to equip Advanced Guards for this upcoming battle. When Ready head north, a scene will play and then you will fight Die Stahl Walkure.
It will use Bullet Spray, Claymore, Ground Collider (If a certain FE resulting from Blaster Verdandi is removed), Ray Breaker, Cross Claymore (Deals Damage to One, and then the group), and Limit Removal. When it uses Limit Removal, It will follow up with a Blaster Verdandi (A barrage of attacks), use Hard Defense with Advanced Guard before it does to minimalize damage.
Much like the LAJ Gears it is weak to water, so use the same strategy as before, set up a Water FE using Water Physical Casts and let the Spellcasters do damage with Mercurius Freeze, if a Water FE is not applied, use Icicles instead. Virginie should be good for dealing extra damage and Nixon on Healing and Support.
You will recieve a Lenneth Trident upon victory.
After Die Stahl Walkure is defeated, a set of scenes will play and you will be back at the Return Tree. Head back to Level IV and head to the Eastern Block to the Private Sector.
*LAJ Private Sector*
There are some new enemies here:
* Metal Dragons can inflict negative statuses such as Paralysis, Forget, and Blind. It uses Inferno (Heavy Fire Damage), Grenade Launcher and they are weak to Water. It will also use Unit Full Burst upon defeat. It may Drop Frame Machinery.
* The Dragon Riders can use Sky High, Predation, Dive, Turbulence, and are Weak to Sky
* The Dragon Lord will use Swallow All Up amongst other strong physical attacks, they may also inflict stone. It is weak to Wind and Break. It may also drop the Dragon Slayer Bow.
As Soon as you arrive, head north to fight LAJ Gear Mk 3(Thankfully this is the last one)
Much like the other 2, weakness to Water. Use the same strategy like dealing with the other mechanical bosses here. (Buff with Clever, set up a water FE and hit hard with Mercurius Freeze)
It will use Gamma Radiation, Ground Collider, Ray Breaker, Twin Arms (Hits Twice for high amounts of damage). It will use Unit Full Burst upon Defeat.
You will recieve Frame Machinery upon victory.
After defeating LAJ Gear Mk 3, head north and fight another group of Black Leos. Head North afterwards and follow the path. You will then be in a dark room, the path is usually going to be the long way around: East, North, West, North, East, North, West, South, West, South, West, South, West, North, East, North.
After that room, you will be in ANOTHER Dark room. Head North, West, South, West, North, East, South, East, South, East, South, East, North, West, North, West, North.
After the Dark Rooms, it's a straight shot to the Return Tree and one last set of Black Leos. Afterwards, head back and save, then head north to watch a scene and then you will fight Gertraud:Georg
He relies heavily on physical attacks; like Abuse, and Predation, he does have a unique move called Fang the Strong which will attack the character with the most HP and gives him the Force Buff. He also knows The Trampling Route which will inflict Poison and Disease and reduce all HP to low levels. He is weak to Break. Nixon and Virginie are useful here due to their Abilties having the Break Element. His Darkness Vanity will inflict various ailments on the party so All Greens may help with that. It would be best not to use Offensive Trance here unless you are considering going all out.
Rely on Buffing with Force and Quick, Speedy characters like Foxey and Yangtze will work here. Especially with her Sharp Senses. Giving characters Quick and Force Start Spheres is also another strategy.
Some scenes will play and the Chapter will draw to a close.
2.5 Final Chapter: The Dark Side of Thy Wings (FCHP)
Episode 36: Independence / Send-off with a Gentle Gaze -Mutter-
After the long lengthy introduction, you will be in control of Vene. Head to Kokomo and go into the Orphanage, a scene will play. Afterwards the episode will end.
Episode 37: Spirit Completion / Fragment of Memories -Laecheln-
After the opening scene, you will be in control of the party.
The shops have renewed their stock, so buy whatever you can with the money you have. If low on funds, the enemies have changed as well.
* Wind Edge will use Claw, Air Slicer, Stribog Wind, and is weak to Earth, they may drop Sonic Boots upon defeat.
* Green Dragon will use Flesh Tear, Squeeze, Virus Aero, and is weak to Earth.
* Fly Seed will use Ivy Hell, Tentacle, Seed Splash (Hits whole party) upon death and is weak to Fire.
* The Gray Shell will use Dust Attack, Endless Spin, Body Ram, and is Weak to Break.
* The Three Headed Lion will use Triple Attack, Flesh Tear, Wild Bite, Finisher Hunt (Hits one target for all HP) is Weak to Fire, and may drop Beast King Ring.
* Green Gigant will use Abuse, Punishment Fist, Crazy Beat, Power Bomb, is Weak to Earth, Break, Stone, Forget and may drop Gigant Mail.
* Guren Bird is will use Blaze, Inferno, Dive, Heat Up, and is Weak to Water and Sky
Before leaving, buy some Anti-Sky Physical Casts and Dark Resist +30% spheres and Equip All Greens on your allies. It would also be helpful to buy plenty of Full Heal Bottles and Upgrade them. It will cost 100,000 Dear to create just 1 A-Full Heal Bottle.
When you have updated everyone's gear and spheres, head to the OHG Headquarters in Ruthford to watch a set of scenes, then head to the Fezzite Garden and head inside for another scene, you will then fight Wilhelmine:Vene.
Wilhelmine:Vene is weak to Dark, so having characters like Minerva or Doris are helpful, especially using the Spheres to enhance their elemental damage output. She will use Sorrowful Angel Wings to buff herself and inflict Blind and Forget on the party. She will use Higher end magic to do damage. Should she get a Sky FE on the field as a result of Sorrowful Angel Wings, she will follow up on the next turn she gets with Ray Sacrifice Luna (Does Severe Sky Damage)
Queen's Judgment should do a significant amount of damage. Lansard's Night Breaker should also help matters. Virginie should only use Sky High (Accelerated) or Field Element Sigma to get rid of FEs and heal with items, Vene is playing the support role in healing and debuffing Wilhelmine:Vene. Doris can use Magic Mine or if you are bold, try in exploiting her weakness to Dark.
After defeating Wilhelmine:Vene, a scene will play and the Episode will end. Vene learns the abilities: Angelic Embrace and Everlasting Self.
Episode 38: Gaia Cancers / Showdown -Entscheidungsschlacht-
Head to Mendoza, a scene will play and then you will be in the village, you should see a treasure chest with a villager near it, he will give cryptic clues about the combination to the chest, the answer is 8712. From the Chest you will obtain: Reviver, Advanced Growth (Extra 50% exp for the wearer), Maria's Will, God's Elixir, God's Half Elixir, Full Clana, and Ex Clana.
When ready, leave through the northern end of Mendoza and head to Laurentia.
Laurentia has significantly changed, instead of being a large maze it's a straightforward path with a few bosses. In order to advance throughout the area, you have to kill the bosses to open the way.
First up is Magdalene. It will use Green Manipulation at the start to render All Greens useless, just have some A-type status restoring items ready. It will use Planter's Sacrifice (Inflicts Poison, Disease, and/or Paralysis), Woody Honey Fall (Inflicts Slow), Seed Splash, Violent Miasma, Tentacle, and Large Tentacle (Stronger version of Tentacle) as physical attacks. Magdelene is weak to Fire.
Lansard is quite useful here due to him naturally having abilities that can set up FEs which are extremely cheap costwise. Vene/Nixon should be on Healing/Support and Minerva/Doris on Offensive Magic.
After Magdalene is Roswitha
Roswitha can infict stone with most of its' attacks, Lime Gas (Hits whole party), Mad Explosion, Squash, Spoiled Smell (Inflicts various Negative Statuses), Melt Crisis (Does medium amount of damage), It will use Ancient Grey (Can Stone whole Party if the Earth FE is left Active, Melting Field will be used when Roswitha is weakened enough. Roswitha is Weak to Wind.
Have Doris and Minerva should be on Offensive Magic, Vene on Healing, Have either Virgine or Foxey on physical attacks. They should be equipped with Wind Physical Casts to negate the Earth FE. Foxey's Double Winged Breeze will really come in handy here, Same with Queen's Judgment.
After Roswitha is Athanasia. It will add Dark FEs to the field with each action it takes. It will use Abuse, Crazy Beat, Black Hole (Severe Dark Damage) if Dark FE is on the field, Power Bomb. Athanasia is weak to Light. You have 10 turns to defeat it before it will launch an attack that will kill off the whole party.
Have Vene on Healing and Buffing, Minerva and Doris on Offensive Magic like the last 2 fights, Lansard or Nixon should be on Damage duty (Using Rosario Snipe/Moon Scraper) and setting up Doris' Heimdall Saint attack. Minerva can also help in that Regard but she can do more damage with Queen's Judgment. Equipping All Greens may not be a bad Idea as Athanasia's attacks may inflict negative statuses.
After Athenasia is defeated a few scenes will play and the Chapter ends.
Episode 39: Gaping Wound / White Wings' Destruction -Katastrophe-
After the opening Scene, head to Laurentia. When there, head inside the Tree and interact with the Return Tree inside, you will be taken to a new area. At that location are a bunch of Memory Trees.
The Northern one contains: Ray Sacrifice Luna (Sphere), Flare Ignition (Sphere), Void Finality (Sphere), Phoenix Evoke (Sphere), Termination (Sphere), Ancient Gray (Sphere), and Metamorphosis (Sphere)
The Northwestern one contains: Death Inflict +40%, Stone Inflict +40%, Poison Inflict +40%, Disease Inflict +40%, Paralyze Inflict +40%, Slow Inflict +40%, Blind Inflict +40%, Forget Inflict +40%, Confuse Inflict +40%, and Melancholy Inflict +40%
The Southwestern one contains: Fire Elemental Atk +40, Water Elemental Atk +40, Wind Elemental Atk +40, Earth Elemental Atk +40, Light Elemental Atk +40, Dark Elemental Atk +40, Sky Elemental Atk +40, and Break Elemental Atk +40
The Southern one contains: Advanced Growth, 2 Revivers, 2 God's Elixirs and Maria's Will.
The Southeastern one contains: Fire Elemental Def +40, Water Elemental Def +40, Wind Elemental Def +40, Earth Elemental Def +40, Light Elemental Def +40, Dark Elemental Def +40, Sky Elemental Def +40, and Break Elemental Def +40
The Northeastern one contains: Death Resist +40%, Stone Resist +40%, Poison Resist +40%, Disease Resist +40%, Paralyze Resist +40%, Slow Resist +40%, Blind Resist +40%, Forget Resist +40%, Confuse Resist +40%, and Melancholy Resist +40%
When ready, head to White Wings. When you arrive a scene will play out.
Head east, then north, keep going north until scene plays, then head west. The path beyond that is rather straightforward, you will then reach a Merchant, further ahead another scene will play and you will then enter Secret Laboratory. Word of Advice: Stock up on as many A-Full Heal Bottles as possible.
*Secret Laboratory*
* HEXA will use Hexa Blast, it can inflict negative statuses despite each attack doing only 666 damage is has high resistances to Negative Statuses and Elements. It May Drop a HEXA Frame
* Pierce will use Wild Bite, Rampage, Body Ram, Moment Piercer (Deals Severe Damage to a target), has no Elemental Weaknesses but is weak to Forget.
* Cursed Staff will use Dark Photon, Body Ram, Negative Sign, Broken Hearts (Inflicts Melancholy on Party), it is weak to Fire, Light, and Sky. It May drop a Cursing Edge.
At the start is a Memory Tree and Resurrect Sphere, head down the stairs and through the door. A scene will play and you will fight Esmeralda.
Esmeralda will use The Hidden Truth at the Start to reduce all resistance to Negative Statuses to 0%, it will then use Element Fixer to change it's weakness atop giving it Clever, Protect, Force, and Quick and adding various FEs to the field. If there are no FEs, it will use Twin Arms. After dealing some damage, it will use The Defiant Truth, restoring it's HP to 320,000 and boosting it's MEN. It will use Element Fixer at various times to keep you on your toes.
It's best you buy Earth Physical Casts, Double Invest (Element), and Earth Elemental Def + 30 before fighting. The strategy here is to Element Lock Esmeralda so it can constantly use Atlas Burst wasting it's turns. This buys you ample time to hammer at it's weakness. Buff and Heal as necessary. Virginie should use FE Sigma to remove all Elements. Minerva uses Queen Judgment, Doris using her strongest magic spells or Pale Inverse. Lansard can help set up FEs without having the Earth Physical Cast equipped. Vene and Nixon can be on healing.
Esmeralda will drop Twilight Doll upon defeat.
Afterwards, a scene will play. Head back, heal up and continue on down the stairs.
*Secret Laboratory 2*
* New Enemy: Prototype Robot. Much like all machines, it's weak to Water.
On the lower floor head north and down the upper stairway. On that floor, head northwest into the room and check out the glowing spot on the bookcase. Read the First letter of each sentence, then the quoted passage. Afterwards, head downstairs and input the code 492311 to open the door.
A scene will play and you will then fight Justine.
Justine will use Heavy Physical attacks like Power Bomb. It will also use Feint Bullet Spray (Small damage to party) and will follow up with Gravity Cannon (Will do 99.9% Damage based on Max HP). Pop an A-Full Heal Bottle whenever Justine does Feint Bullet Spray, otherwise the party will be wiped out. After Justine uses Gravity Cannon, if you acquired Phoenix Evoke, use that as the FE will be fire based, this will remove all ailments and revive the dead.
Have your physical attackers except Lansard be equipped with Water Physical Cast. Your Mages should have Double Invest (Element) and Water Elemental Atk +30. Queen's Judgment will not work here.
Justine will drop Gear of Infinite Cycles upon defeat.
Another scene will play, head north through the door and down the stairs
*Secret Laboratory 3*
The Path here is rather straightforward. The open doors nearby will mention clues to the next door's password.
The password is esor, then eulb. Past the door is a return tree, head back and save, heal, and prepare.
When you pass through the door near the return tree, another scene will play and you will fight Ende. (Finally, time for revenge.)
Ende will start off with Somber Destructive Breath, which will then follow up with Finishing Killer Wave. (Does Severe Damage to whole party and inflicts ailments), he will do this every now and then in battle. He will also use Dissolving Liquid, Flesh Tear, Spoiled Smell, Triple Attack, Violent Miasma, Squash, and Gobble All Up
Phoenix Evoke and Revivers are a must for this battle, as Finishing Killer Wave will kill the entire party
Ende is weak to Sky, Doris and Lansard are ideal members for this battle. Lansard can set up a sky FE with Celestial Solitude while Doris uses the strongest Sky Magic she has. Minerva should use Queen's Judgment. Vene should be on healing and support, especially with Angelic Embrace to place Auto Revive on any allies who used up their Revivers. If you intend on using Virginie, have her equipped with Fire and Sky Physical Casts to help speed things along.
After defeating Ende, an event will play out and the Episode draws to a close.
Episode 40: Longing for Khaos / Seed of Ruin -Vorzeichen-
After the opening scenes, you will be outside of Ruthford, Save the game, then head to the Khaos Salvation Association Headquarters. After the scenes play out, the episode ends.
Episode 41: Memories of Love / Birth of the New Heavens -Aisia-
Head to Dardin and inside the large building for a scene, after that, head to Envy and speak to Margot, after that scene return with Nixon for him to learn Heaven in Hawick. Head to Minerva and to the castle for another event. Afterwards, head to White Wings and to Disastia's Hill for an event. You will then be given a prompt to save. Afterwards a small scene will play and the Episode ends
Episode 42: His Words to Her / Sinner, Cross & Heart -Abschied-
After the lengthy scene, board the Blue Wing and press up to Access Aisia's Heavens. A scene will play and then you will fight Disastia: Joshua.
Episode 43: Transient Sky / Love for the Unborn Children -Dasein-
The Episode opens with the battle against Joshua. The battle is like the ones before boarding the LAJ. The plane will take damage when party members take damage, use TP to restore the Plane when needed.
Disastia: Joshua will use Sundering Sky (Hits Random targets), Stribog Wind (If Wind FE is present), Air Burst Away (Damages one target and pushes their ATKWT priority to last), Aerial Cannon in conjunction with Turbulence Clutch (Hits All) and Missing Direction (Hits all and can inflict confuse)
He is weak to Fire. Queen's Judgment will work well as he is resistant to Wind and should lop off a significant amount of his HP.
Virginie should use FE Sigma to remove all elements to prevent that. Giving her a Fire Physical Cast will help set up Doris to use Promethius Flames. If Vene can get a turn in before Virginie does, she can use Quick Windy to help give everyone extra speed.
After Defeating Disastia: Joshua, a scene will play out, then you will recieve Sacred Blue and Blue Breaker (Best Armor and Weapons for Vene) Minerva will also learn Guardians of Fezzite (Imparts all positive statuses for whole party when there is a Light FE on the field.)
*Aisia's Heavens*
* Mother Motif weak to wind.
* Pilgrim . May use Pilgrimage's Return upon death to paralyze an ally, best to finish them off last as they are the weakest enemy to deal with and are just an annoyance
* Executioner will mostly use Dark Element skills and is weak to Light, it's normal attacks may instantly kill an ally or inflict melancholy. It will use Execution upon defeat which can instantly kill a character. It can drop Ether Hat
* Chaos Soldier. It can drop Ether Helm
* Rotten Force is like Marboro from Final Fantasy, they know the Metamorphose skill which will inflict all ailments possible on a character if a Dark FE is active. Weak to Water. It can drop Ether Wall
* Sword Demon relies on physical attacks, however they can inflict ailments like Disease/Confuse/Melancholy. It will use Sword of Ruin upon defeat (Hits all allies) It can drop Ether Glove.
* Dream Eater can inflict Forget and Melancholy with it's normal attacks. Weak to Light. It may drop Dreamy Dreamer upon defeat.
At the start is a Memory Tree and Return Sphere, behind you, the statue will take you back to the world map. (Specifically above the Fezzite Garden on the Blue Wing; press up when selecting to go down or up when in Fezzite to head to Aisia's Heavens at any time.) When ready, head further inside.
*Aisia's Heavens II*
* Minotaur is not too hard to deal with, just uses physical attacks and techniques. It can drop Ether Shield
* Giant Troop is another enemy who relies on hard physical attacks. It can drop Ares Riot.
* Chaos Revival behaves similar to Ortrud in regard to it's elements and weaknesses. It will use Tsunami upon death. It can drop Artemis Form.
* Nightmare is an incredibly beefy enemy with over 100,000 HP. Weak to Break and Light. It can drop Ether Greaves
*Aisia's Heavens III*
* Sacred Black is the direct opposite of the Giant Troops, high MEN but low physical defense. Resistant to nearly all elements. It can drop Magister's Will.
* Greatest Devil & Lucifer, Two enemies in one. Weaken them both before using an attack to hit both of them to finish them off. If one dies, it will use Power Combine to buff the remaining head
After you are completed with preparations, head forward, a scene will play and you will fight Disastia: Leona. This is another battle where you must have an element on the field as much like Benedicta's Tears: Core, she will use Void Finality.
After defeating Disastia: Leona, an event will play out, after that is finished, head back using the Return Tree to heal if needed. When ready head forward and interact with the Statue to enter Cradle of Souls
*Cradle of Souls*
Compared to Aisia's Heavens, there are no puzzles here. However as the final area, it has the hardest enemies (Seed is the battle theme for this area: Same battle theme that played during Benedicta's Tears: Core and Esmeralda)
* Great Demon is incredibly powerful physically, get rid of the Dark FE ASAP when it appears or it will use Black Hole. It is weak to Light and may drop Great Demon's Tough Arm.
* Terminator isn't too difficult, much like the Giant Troops and Minotaurs, they rely more on physical attacks, beware of Death Hand as it will reduce a target to critical HP levels. Weak to Forget and Confuse and may drop Gloves of Termination
* ISO is perhaps the most annoying enemy here, insanely high Agility and can inflict Negative Statuses with Demon Eye's Destructive Light. Weak to Dark and may drop Evil Eye.
* Fiery Sea uses attacks like Bubble Holder to inflict ailments. Deep Sea Abyss is incredibly powerful (May completely kill the party), Melt Crisis will lower HP to critical levels. Ironically weak to Fire and may drop reviver
* Phobia.
* Negotiator becomes incredibly strong if you defeat the Tellers that accompany it. Either weaken it and use a hit all attack to off all 3 or kill the Negotiator first and then the Tellers. Weak to Sky and may drop Cool Hat.
* Tellers themselves are a mere incovenience, they may inflict forget with their attacks.
* Infant of Ruin must be defeated as soon as possible. It's attack rises 300 points by each turn. It only uses one move: Hatch of Destruction (Hits whole party or random targets). Weak to Light and may drop Advanced Growth.
* Crystal Dragon isn't too difficult but can inflict Stone with it's attacks. It is weak to Break and may drop Crystal Tiara
In the second area, head north and around the small island. On that small island is the Eternity Sphere (Auto Revival Twice per battle)
Episode 44: Seraphic Blue / Memories & Blue Sky -Vene Ansbach-
Before fighting the boss it's advised that you make a backup save as after defeating that boss, you will not be able to go back and restock supplies.
After the scene, you will be in a new area, You will have a save point behind you and Girl and Lady in Black in front of you; You must equip Destined Wings on Vene before fighting, talk to them when ready, you will have to rearrange your party, Four characters will fight Death Seraph Eggshell, and Four will fight Refuse Seraphic Blue. Vene must be in the party against Refuse Seraphic Blue. After choosing your party, the battle will begin.
After defeating Death Seraph Eggshell, a scene will play and you will fight Refuse Seraphic Blue.
After dealing 300,000 Damage, you will fight Er. When you reduce her HP to a certain amount a scene will play, before the battle continues. Use Seraphic Finale ASAP as she will go all out when she gets the chance, a scene will play, and the battle will end.
Enjoy the ending for your efforts.
3. Items (ITMS):
All items will upgrade to higher tiers as the story progresses, each shop will carry the same items regardless of location.
Item and Misc Item level goes increases at these episodes:
Episode 8: Level 2
Episode 23: Level 3 (Fairy Tart becomes accessible in shops from this point)
Episode 36: Level 4 (Clana's become accessible in shops from this point)
3.1. Curative (CUIT):
Do note that items with D (Double) and A (All) can only be sold and can only be acquired through Upgrading them. Upgrading requires Up Substances which can be bought from shops.
Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 200 HP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 1
Buy: 100
Sell: 40
D-Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 400 HP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 80
A-Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 200 HP to each of all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 160
Great Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 500 HP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 2
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
D-Great Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 1000 HP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
A-Great Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 500 HP to each of all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
Ex Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 2000 HP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 3
Buy: 2000
Sell: 800
D-Ex Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 4000 HP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 1600
A-Ex Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can restore 2000 HP to each of all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 3200
Full Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can fully restore an ally's HP.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 4
Buy: 20000
Sell: 8000
A-Full Heal Bottle
A bottle of HP potion that can fully restore all allies' HP.
Upgrade only
Sell: 32000
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 40 TP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 1
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 80 TP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 40 TP to all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Great Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 100 TP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 2
Buy: 60000
Sell: 10
D-Great Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 200 TP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
A-Great Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 100 TP to all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Ex Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 300 TP to an ally.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 3
Buy: 200000
Sell: 10
D-Ex Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 600 TP to an ally.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
A-Ex Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can restore 300 TP to all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Full Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can fully restore an ally's TP.
Upgradable to D & A / Level 4
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 10
A-Full Clana
A bottle of TP potion that can fully restore all allies' TP.
Upgrade only
Sell: 10
Resurrect Bottle
A bottle of camphor medicine that can revive an ally and restore 25% of his/her total HP.
Upgradable to A / Level 2
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
A-Resurrect Bottle
A bottle of camphor medicine that can revive all allies and restore 25% of every ally's total HP.
Upgrade only
Sell: 800
Soft Powder
Fine soft powder ground from a medicinal stone.
Used to remove the Stone status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 3
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
A-Soft Powder
Fine soft powder ground from a medicinal stone.
Used to remove the Stone status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
A medicinal herb that is capable of removing the Poison status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A medicinal herb that is capable of removing the Poison status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Kiprana Tablet
A tablet made out of the bark of a Kiprana tree. Used to remove the Disease status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 2
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
A-Kiprana Tablet
A tablet made out of the bark of a Kiprana tree. Used to remove the Disease status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
Mint Water
A bottle of water mixed with a mint extract that can remove the Paralyze status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Mint Water
A bottle of water mixed with a mint extract that can remove the Paralyze status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Roadrunner's Skin
The dried skin of a fast roadrunner that can remove the Slow status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Roadrunner's Skin
The dried skin of a fast roadrunner that can remove the Slow status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Eagle's Eye
A medicinal extract of an eagle's eye.
Used to remove the Blind status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Eagle's Eye
A medicinal extract of an eagle's eye.
Used to remove the Blind status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Memory Ginger
A medicinal herb that can keep the mind fresh and remove the Forget status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Memory Ginger
A medicinal herb that can keep the mind fresh and remove the Forget status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Spicy Perfume
A unique perfume mixed with strong spices.
Used to remove the Confuse status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 1
Buy: 200
Sell: 80
A-Spicy Perfume
A unique perfume mixed with strong spices.
Used to remove the Confuse status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 320
Adonis' Fragrance
A perfume with the sweet scent of an adonis. Used to remove the Melancholy status from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 3
Buy: 400
Sell: 160
A-Adonis' Fragrance
A perfume with the sweet scent of an adonis. Used to remove the Melancholy status from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 640
Herbal Drink
A drink mixed with various herbal extracts. Used to remove all negative statuses from an ally.
Upgradable to A / Level 4
Buy: 10000
Sell: 4000
A-Herbal Drink
A drink mixed with various herbal extracts. Used to remove all negative statuses from all allies.
Upgrade only
Sell: 16000
God's Half Elixir
A sacred potion of half of God's blessings that can revive an ally, restore 50% of his/her max HP & TP, and remove all negative statuses.
Drop only
Sell: 0
God's Elixir
A sacred potion of God's full blessings that can fully restore an ally in all aspects
Drop only
Sell: 0
Maria's Will
A crystal ball containing the sacred power of the Mother of Life, Maria. A rare item that can fully restore all allies in all aspects.
Drop only
Sell: 0
Fairy Tart:
A strange and unique tart bakes by the race of fairies. Fully restores all allies' HP. Only usable outside of battles
Buy: 8000
Sell: 3200
All enemies can drop TP restoring items at different rates based on the Episode of the story (Time the items upgrade, the odds of getting drops change).
Ep 1: 3.7%, Ep 13: 22%, Ep 23: 0.5%, Ep 31: 0.5%, Ep 36: 0%
Great Clana:
Ep 1: 1%, Ep 13: 1.9%, Ep 23: 25%, Ep31: 1.7%, Ep 36: 1.2%
Ex Clana:
Ep 1: 0%, Ep 13: 0.5%, Ep 23: 1.2%, Ep31: 1.6%, Ep 36: 22%
Full Clana:
Ep 1: 0%, Ep 13: 0%, Ep 23: 0.2%, Ep31: 0.3%, Ep 36: 0.4%
God's Half Elixir:
Ep 1: 0.2%, Ep 13: 0.3%, Ep 23: 0.4%, Ep31: 0.5%, Ep 36: 0.6%
God's Elixir:
Ep 1: 0.1%, Ep 13: 0.1%, Ep 23: 0.2%, Ep31: 0.3%, Ep 36: 0.4%
Maria's Will:
Ep 1: 0%, Ep 13: 0%, Ep 23: 0%, Ep31: 0.1%, Ep 36: 0.2%
4.2 Misc Items (MIIT):
A normal piece of meat used as an ingredient to cook up a simple dish for the whole family. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 100
Fine Class Meat
A type of meat that is a popular ingredient in dishes served at most festive occasions. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 500
High Class Meat
A type of meat that is a delicacy among the bourgoisie. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 5000
Top Class Meat
A type of meat that gets the thumbs up by a panel of well-renowned gourmets. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Organic Enemies
Sell: 50000
Normal fur used to produce simple fur clothings for warmth during winter. Sell it at a shop for a small amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 300
Fine Class Fur
A type of fur used to produce common fur clothings for sale at most fashion outlets. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 1500
High Class Fur
A type of fur used to produce elegant fur clothings that only the bourgeoisie can afford. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 15000
Top Class Fur
A type of fur used to produce top class fur clothings for showcase at runway shows. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Animal Enemies
Sell: 150000
A normal feather used to produce ordinary feather futons. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 200
Fine Class Feather
A type of feather used to produce common feather decorations. Sell it to a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 1000
High Class Feather
A type of feather used to produce feather products that only the boureoisie can afford. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 10000
Top Class Feather
A type of feather used to produce top class feather futons for a good night's sleep. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Avian Enemies
Sell: 100000
A normal herb used to produce ordinary medicines for mild illnesses. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 100
Fine Class Herb
A type of herb to produce medicines for slightly severe illnesses. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 500
High Class Herb
A type of herb used to produce high quality supplements for the health enthusiasts. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 5000
Top Class Herb
A type of herb used to produce medicines of miraculous healing powers of nature. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Botanical Enemies
Sell: 50000
A normal ore from which dim jewels can be extracted. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 300
Fine Class Ore
A type of ore containing jewels of decent value that can be presented as gifts. Sell it to a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 2100
High Class Ore
A type of ore containing prized jewels that only the bourgeoisie can afford. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 20000
Top Class Ore
A type of ore containing the most valuable jewels that shine with brilliant radiance. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Inorganic Enemies
Sell: 200000
Normal machinery used to produce ordinary machines for daily usage. Sell it at a shop for a low amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 300
Fine Class Machinery
A type of machinery used to produce decent quality machines for the machine maniacs. Sell it at a shop for a decent amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 1800
High Class Machinery
A type of machinery collected by large enterprises to produce high quality machines. Sell it at a shop for a high amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 15000
Top Class Machinery
A type of machinery collected by research centers to produce the most advanced machines. Sell it at a shop for a substantial amount of money.
Drop from Robotic Enemies
Sell: 150000
4. Equipment
Weapon and Frame Level increases at these episodes:
Episode 8: Iron Equipment (Level 2)
Episode 13: Silver Equipment (Level 3)
Episode 23: Gold Equipment (Level 4)
Episode 31: Crystal Equipment (Level 5)
Episode 36: Platinum Equipment (Level 6)
4.1. Weapons (WEAP):
Short Sword
A common and lightweight short sword that is easy to handle and suitable for all new sword wielders.
A decent weapon in all fields
Bronze Sword
A Grade 1 bronze available in the market.
Bronze Bow
A Grade 1 bronze bow available in the market.
A weapon that provides low hit rate but high critical hit rate.
Bronze Gun
A Grade 1 bronze gun available in the market.
A weapon that provides low additional ATKWT and decent attack damage.
Marine Edge:
A sword forged out of the beak of a rare large swordfish. Possesses immense strength for its size.
Iron Sword
A Grade 2 iron now available in the market.
Iron Bow
A Grade 2 iron now available in the market.
Iron Gun
A Grade 2 iron now available in the market.
Refined Radiance
A powerful sword of rare beauty that has been exposed to the mystical energy of the Soul Stream for over a long period of time.
ATK: 360 HIT: +5 CRT: +6 ATKWT: +40
Find: Laurentia (Episode 11)
Iblard Blade
A wind-elemental sword made out of Iblard crystal material. A weapon that provides boost to the wielder's dexterity.
ATK: 580 HIT: +10 ATKWT: +60 AVD: AGL: +2 DEX: +3
Find: Revelstoke Mountains (Episode 15)
Silver Sword
A Grade 3 silver sword now available in the market.
Great Silver Sword
A Grade 3 great silver sword now available in the market. A heavy weapon that is hard to handle but deals great damage.
Silver Knife
A Grade 3 silver knife now available in the market.
Silver Rod
A Grade 3 silver rod now available in the market. A mage's weapon that provides MEN stat boost to the wielder.
Silver Bow
A Grade 3 silver bow now available in the market.
Silver Gun
A Grade 3 silver gun now available in the market.
Silver Knuckles
A pair of Grade 3 silver knuckles now available in the market. A weapon that does not affect ATKWT and boosts the wearer's HIT and CRT stats.
Gold Sword
A grade 4 gold sword now available in the market.
Great Gold Sword
A grade 4 great gold sword now available in the market.
Gold Knife
A grade 4 gold knife now available in the market.
Gold Rod
A grade 4 gold rod now available in the market.
Gold Bow
A grade 4 gold bow now available in the market.
Gold Gun
A grade 4 gold gun now available in the market.
Gold Knuckles
A pair of grade 4 gold knuckles now available in the market.
Fezzite Blade
A top-class military sword wielded by Fezzite troops. Well-renowned for its superiority in strength.
Crystal Sword
A grade 5 crystal sword now available in the market.
Great Crystal Sword
A grade 5 great crystal sword now available in the market.
Crystal Knife
A grade 5 crystal knife now available in the market.
Crystal Rod
A grade 5 crystal rod now available in the market.
Crystal Bow
A grade 5 crystal bow now available in the market.
Crystal Gun
A grade 5 crystal now available in the market.
Crystal Lance
A grade 5 crystal lance now available in the market.
Crystal Knuckles
A pair of grade 5 crystal knuckles now available in the market.
Hell Fists
The Knuckles of Calamity infused with the evil miasma of Hell. Has the ability to inflict instant death at a low success rate.
Drop: Hell Walker (Episode 33)
Howling Revolver
An ominous gun that gives off eerie howling sounds when gunshots are fired. Has the ability to inflict Forget, Confuse & Melancholy statuses.
Drop: Shout (Episode 33)
Black Blood Blade
A great sword infused with immense dark energies of killer essence. Has the ability to inflict instant death at a low success rate.
Drop: Black Death Wolf (Episode 35)
Dragon Slayer
A bow famous for its ability to slay a large dragon in just one shot. A weapon that possesses great strength but hard to handle.
Drop: Dragon Lord (Episode 35)
Lenneth Trident
A metallic lance installed with a different variety of mechanical parts. Possesses high attack accuracy.
Drop: Die Stahl Walkure (Episode 35)
Great Platinum Sword
The highest grade great platinum sword now available in the market.
Platinum Knife
The highest grade platinum knife now available in the market.
Platinum Rod
The highest grade platinum rod now available in the market.
Platinum Bow
The highest grade platinum bow now available in the market.
Platinum Gun
The highest grade platinum gun now available in the market.
Platinum Lance
The highest grade platinum lance now available in the market.
Platinum Knuckles
A pair of the highest grade platinum knuckles now available in the market.
Cursing Edge
A knife permeated with the powers of an unsavory curse. Grants the wielder very low success rates of inflicting all negative statuses
Drop: Cursed Staff (Episode 39)
Blue Breaker
The legendary bow of Seraphic Blue bestowed to Vene by Gaia's Prophets.
Acquire: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Noble Force
A legendary rod that gives off a pale green light as a sign of nobility. Only wieldable by royals of a prestige rank
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Whitest One
A legendary bright white knife without a single speck of dirt on it. The perfect clean weapon for mass sudden assaults.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Divine Gunner
A legendary gun blessed with the divine strength of Heaven's Jury and used as a means of passing down judgment upon all evil.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Mobius Magus
A legendary rod blessed with an unlimited flow of magical energy that is controllable by the wielder's inner will.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Kowloon's Heart
The legendary knuckles of indomitable pride infused with the combat spirits of the Nine Dragons.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Fatal Fencer
A legendary great sword famous for its mass destructive strength. A superior weapon once used to decide the world's fate.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
Valhalla Climber
A prized legendary lance forged by blacksmiths from the mythical sacred grounds of Valhalla.
Find: Aisia's Heavens (Episode 43)
4.2 Frames (FRAM):
Traveller's Cloth
The basic and widely-available cloth worn by many travellers. Provides low DEF and MDF boosts.
DEF: 70 MDF: 70 SPC: 3
Buy: 350
Sell: 140
Bronze Mail
A Grade 1 bronze mail worn by heavyweight warriors and available in the market.
Provides high DEF and low MDF boosts.
DEF: 100 MDF: 40 SPC: 3
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
Bronze Mesh
A Grade 1 bronze mesh worn by lightweight warriors and above and available in the market.
Provides decent DEF and MDF Boosts.
DEF: 80 MDF: 60 SPC: 3
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
Bronze Robe
A Grade 1 bronze robe worn by mages and available in the market.
Provides high MDF and low DEF boosts.
DEF: 70 MDF: 100 SPC: 3
Buy: 500
Sell: 200
Pastor's Cloth
A priceless cloth containing the God's blessings that grant boosts to Dark elemental defense and resist rates of all negative statuses.
DEF: 90 MDF: 80 SPC: 3
Dark Resist: + 20
All Negative Status Resist: + 3%
Find: Nixon's initial equipment
Sell: 400
Salvaged Cloth
A cloth salvaged from a shipwreck. Provides low DEF and MDF boosts but grants boost to Water elemental defense.
DEF: 50 MDF: 50 SPC: 1
Water Resist: + 25
Find: Acquire at Juwess Salvage Port: Episode 6
Sell: 350
Iron Cloth
A Grade 2 iron mail now available in the market.
DEF: 210 MDF: 210 SPC: 3
Buy: 1000
Sell: 400
Iron Mail
A Grade 2 iron mail now available in the market.
DEF: 300 MDF: 120 SPC: 3
Buy: 1500
Sell: 600
Iron Mesh
A grade 2 iron mesh now available in the market.
DEF: 240 MDF: 180 SPC: 3
Buy: 1500
Sell: 600
Iron Robe
A grade 2 iron robe now available in the market.
DEF: 210 MDF: 300 SPC: 4
Buy: 1500
Sell: 600
Wood Fiber
A cloth made of rare natural wood fiber. Boosts but lowers Break and Fire elemental defenses respectively.
DEF: 250 MDF: 290 SPC: 4
Break Resist: + 40
Fire Resist: - 20
Stone/Disease/Paralysis Resist: + 5%
Find: Acquire at Laurentia: Episode 11
Sell: 1600
Silver Cloth
A Grade 3 silver cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 3500
Sell: 1400
Silver Mail:
A Grade 3 silver mail now available in the market.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 1800
Silver Mesh:
A Grade 3 silver mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 1800
Silver Robe:
A Grade 3 silver robe now available in the market.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 1800
Mistral Dress
A wind imbued dress that greatly boosts Wind elemental defense. Easy to move in and only wearable by a female.
DEF: 340 MDF: 350 SPC: 4
AVD & AGL: + 5 DEX: + 10
Wind Resist: 50
Find: Acquire at Revelstoke Mountains: Episode 15
Sell: 3300
Academy Robe
A robe worn by students of the Fezzite Magic Academy. Provides a larger sphere capacity and stronger DEF and MDF than the Grade 3 frames.
Find: Doris' initial equipment
Sell: 5000
Gold Cloth
A Grade 4 gold cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 9000
Sell: 3600
Gold Mail
A Grade 4 gold mail now available in the market.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 4800
Gold Mesh
A Grade 4 gold mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 4800
Gold Robe
A Grade 4 gold robe now available in the market.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 4800
Experimental Cloth
A research facility-made cloth. Greatly boosts all elemental defenses and resist rates of all negative statuses, but provides low DEF and MDF boosts.
DEF: 500 MDF: 500 SPC: 3
All Element and Negative Status Resist: + 50%
Find: Talk to Troy Iceharbor at White Wings in Episodes 26-33
Sell: 10000
Crystal Cloth
A Grade 5 crystal cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 24000
Sell: 9600
Crystal Mail
A Grade 5 crystal mail now available in the market.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 12000
Crystal Mesh
A Grade 5 crystal mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 12000
Crystal Robe
A Grade 5 crystal robe now available in the market.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 12000
Phantom Hide
The hide of Phantom Demon. A cloth that keeps the wearer's mind focused, granting full protection against Forget and Confuse statuses.
DEF: 1000 MDF: 1500 SPC: 5
Forget/Confuse Resist: 100%
Drop: Phantom Demon (Episode 33)
Sell: 20000
Frame Machinery
A cloth made entirely out of machinery. Grants full protection against all negative statuses but provides no sphere capacity.
DEF: 1400 MDF: 1200 SPC: 0
All Negative Status Resist: 100%
Drop: LAJ Gear Mk 3 (Episode 33), Prototype Robot (Episode 39)
Sell: 50000
Platinum Cloth
The highest grade platinum cloth now available in the market.
Buy: 64000
Sell: 25600
Platinum Mail
The highest grade platinum mail now available in the market.
Buy: 80000
Sell: 32000
Platinum Mesh
The highest grade platinum mesh now available in the market.
Buy: 80000
Sell: 32000
Platinum Robe
The highest grade platinum robe now available in the market.
Buy: 80000
Sell: 32000
Gigant Mail
A part of a huge mail worn by a Green Gigant. Greatly boosts DEF but provides very low MDF. Also lowers AGL, DEX and AVD due to its heavyness
DEF: 3000 MDF: 200 SPC: 4
AVD, AGL & DEX: -10
Drop: Green Gigant (Episode 36)
Sell: 80000
Hexa Frame
The skeleton of HEXA made of an unknown material. Boosts the resist rates of all negative statuses by 6%.
DEF: 1666 MDF: 1666 SPC: 6
All Negative Status Resist: 6%
Drop: HEXA (Episode 39)
Sell: 66666
Twilight Doll
A robe with the form of a mysterious being.
Harmonizes with the wearer's spirit to boost various stats.
DEF: 1500 MDF: 2600 SPC: 7
AVD: 10 AGL: 3 DEX: 6
Drop: Esmeralda (Episode 39)
Sell: 100000
Sacred Blue
The legendary robe of Seraphic Blue bestowed to Vene by Gaia's Prophets.
DEF: 1980 MDF: 3200 SPC: 8
All Element Resist: 10%
All Negative Statuses Resist: 20%
AVD: +10 AGL: +5 DEX: +5
Find/Drop: Acquire from Gaia's Prophets (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Ares Riot
A legendary mail imbued with the strength of Ares, the malevolent god of War.
DEF: 2400 MDF: 1120 SPC: 7
Blind/Confuse/Melancholy Resist: +50%
Find/Drop: Aisia's Heavens, Giant Troop (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Artemis Form
A legendary mesh imbued with the strength of Artemis, the goddes of the Hunt.
DEF: 1920 MDF: 1960 SPC: 7
Paralyze/Slow/Blind/Confuse/Melancholy Resist: +50%
Find/Drop: Aisia's Heavens, Chaos Revival (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Magister's Will
A legendary robe imbued with the strength of a Magister, a legendary top-ranking mage.
DEF: 1680 MDF: 2800 SPC: 7
Forget Resist: 100%
Find/Drop: Aisia's Heavens, Sacred Black (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
Soul Cradle
A legendary cloth made entirely out of eternal spiritual energy and naturally produced over millions of years within the Cradle of Souls
DEF: 1680 MDF: 1960 SPC: 8
Death/Stone Resist: 100%
Find: Acquire at Cradle of Souls (Episode 44)
Sell: 500000
5. Spheres (SPHR):
Sphere Level increases at these episodes:
Episode 8: Level 2
Episode 13: Level 3
Episode 23: Level 4
Episode 31: Level 5
Episode 36: Level 6
5.1. Ability (ABIL):
Attack Magic Level 1
A sphere that grants a character access to Level 1 Attack Magic spells.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Attack Magic Level 2
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 2 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Attack Magic Level 3
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 3 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Attack Magic Level 4
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 4 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 18000
Sell: 9000
Attack Magic Level 5
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 5 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Attack Magic Level 6
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 6 Attack Magic spells and below.
Buy: 150000
Sell: 75000
Curative Magic Level 1
A sphere that grants a character access to Level 1 Curative Magic spells.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Curative Magic Level 2
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 2 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Curative Magic Level 3
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 3 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Curative Magic Level 4
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 4 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 18000
Sell: 9000
Curative Magic Level 5
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 5 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Curative Magic Level 6
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 6 Curative Magic spells and below.
Buy: 150000
Sell: 75000
Support Magic Level 1
A sphere that grants a character access to Level 1 Support Magic spells.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Support Magic Level 2
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 2 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Support Magic Level 3
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 3 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 6000
Sell: 3000
Support Magic Level 4
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 4 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 18000
Sell: 9000
Support Magic Level 5
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 5 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Support Magic Level 6
A sphere that grants an eligable character access to Level 6 Support Magic spells and below.
Buy: 150000
Sell: 75000
Ray Sacrifice Luna
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Ray Sacrifice Luna
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Flare Ignition
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Flare Ignition
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Void Finality
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Void Finality
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Phoenix Evoke
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Curative Spell, Phoenix Evoke
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Support Spell, Termination
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
Falling Gray
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Falling Gray
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
A sphere that grants an eligible character access to an Ultimate Attack Spell, Metamorphosis
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 0
5.2. Invest (INVS):
Fire Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Fire Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Fire Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Fire Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Fire Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Fire Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Fire Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Fire Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Fire elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Water Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Water Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Water Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Water Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Water Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Water Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Water Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Water Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Water elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Wind Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Wind Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Wind Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Wind Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Wind Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Wind Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Wind Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Wind Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Wind elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Earth Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Earth Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Earth Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Earth Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Earth Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Earth Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Earth Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Earth Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Earth elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Light Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Light Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Light Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Light Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Light Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Light Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Light Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Light Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Light elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Dark Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Dark Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Dark Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Dark Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Dark Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Dark Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Dark Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Dark Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Dark elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Sky Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Sky Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Sky Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Sky Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Sky Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Sky Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Sky Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Sky Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Sky elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Break Elemental Atk +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Break Elemental Atk +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Break Elemental Atk +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Break Elemental Atk +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental attack strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Break Elemental Def +10
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 10 points.
Buy: 1500
Sell: 750
Break Elemental Def +20
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 20 points.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Break Elemental Def +30
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 30 points.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Break Elemental Def +40
A sphere that boosts a character's Break elemental defense strength by 40 points.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Death Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Death Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Death Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Death Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Death Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Death Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Death Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Death Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Death resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Stone Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Stone Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Stone Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Stone Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Stone Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Stone Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Stone Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Stone Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Stone resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Poison Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Poison Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Poison Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Poison Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Poison Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Poison Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Poison Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Poison Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Poison resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Disease Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Disease Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Disease Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Disease Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Disease Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Disease Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Disease Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Disease Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Disease resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Paralysis Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Paralysis Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Paralysis Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Paralysis Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Paralysis Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Paralysis Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Paralysis Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Paralysis Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Paralysis resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Slow Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Slow Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Slow Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Slow Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Slow Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Slow Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Slow Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Slow Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Slow resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Blind Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Blind Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Blind Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Blind Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Blind Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Blind Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Blind Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Blind Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Blind resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Forget Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Forget Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Forget Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Forget Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Forget Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Forget Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Forget Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Forget Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Forget resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Confuse Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Confuse Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Confuse Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Confuse Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Confuse Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 500
Sell: 250
Confuse Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 4500
Sell: 2250
Confuse Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Confuse Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Confuse resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 200000
Melancholy Inflict 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Melancholy Inflict 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Melancholy Inflict 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Melancholy Inflict 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy inflict rate via a physical attack/ability by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Melancholy Resist 10%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 10%.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Melancholy Resist 20%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 20%.
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Melancholy Resist 30%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 30%.
Buy: 120000
Sell: 60000
Melancholy Resist 40%
A sphere that boosts a character's Melancholy resist rate by 40%.
Find: Laurentia (Episode 39)
Sell: 600000
Fire Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Fire element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Water Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Water element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Wind Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Wind element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Earth Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Earth element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Light Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Light element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Dark Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Dark element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 50000
Sell: 25000
Sky Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Sky element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Anti-Sky Physical Cast
A sphere that enables the character to neutralize the Sky element in play in the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Break Physical Cast
A sphere that enables a character to cast the Break element into the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Anti-Break Physical Cast
A sphere that enables the character to neutralize the Break element in play in the battlefield via a physical attack/ability.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Tactical (TASP):
A sphere that boosts a character's concentration to allow him/her to deal 1.5x more damage for 2x the TP cost of an Attack magic spell.
Buy: 12000
Sell: 6000
Advanced Guard:
A sphere that lowers an enemy's attack damage on a character in Normal Defense mode by 2 times:
Buy: 8000
Sell: 4000
Reflex Guard
A sphere that grants a character a chance of counter-defense against an enemy's attack. Rate of success depends on both parties' DEX.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Chicken's Heart
A sphere that boosts a character's escape rate by 10%. Equipping more of these spheres on him/her for a higher escape rate.
Buy: 1000
Sell: 500
Counter Attack
A sphere that grants a character a chance of counter-attacking an enemy. Rate of success depends on both parties' DEX.
Buy: 30000
Sell: 15000
A sphere that grants a character one auto-revival upon death per battle. Equip more of these spheres on him/her for more auto-revivals.
Find/Drop: Mendoza (Episodes 11 and 38), Kokomo Event, Laurentia (Episode 39), Fiery Sea Drop
Sell: 0
Protect Start
A sphere that casts Protect on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Clever Start
A sphere that casts Clever on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Quick Start
A sphere that casts Quick on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
Force Start
A sphere that casts Force on a character right at the start of a battle. This buff lasts for a limited time.
Buy: 100000
Sell: 50000
All Green:
A sphere that consumes 5% of a character's max TP to remove all negative statuses present on him/her upon his/her turn in battle
Buy: 20000
Sell: 10000
Without Wait:
A sphere that grants a character a chance of making the first move in battle. Rate of success depends on his/her and the enemy party's DEX.
Buy: 25000
Sell: 12500
A sphere that lowers rate of Surprise Atks & boosts rate of Preemptive Atks. Equip all allies with the same spheres for greater effect.
Buy: 2000
Sell: 1000
Double Invest (Element)
A sphere that boosts the effects of all elemental Invest spheres equipped on a character by 2 times.
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Double Invest (Status)
A sphere that boosts the effects of all negative status type Invest spheres equipped on a character by 2 times.
Buy: 3000
Sell: 1500
Advanced Growth
A sphere that boosts the experience points earned by a character for a battle victory by 1.5 times.
This boost is non-stackable.
Find/Drop: Mendoza (Episode 38), Laurentia (Episode 39), Ruin's Infant (Episode 44)
Sell: 0
Guard (GURD):
Bronze Shield
A Grade 1 bronze shield available in the market.
Strengthens a character's DEF
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Helm
A Grade 1 bronze helm available in the market.
Boosts DEF, MDF, and resist rates of Blind, Forget, Confuse and Melancholy statuses
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Hat
A Grade 1 bronze hat available in the market.
Boosts DEF, MDF, and resist rates of Blind, Forget, Confuse and Melancholy statuses
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Greaves
A pair of Grade 1 bronze greaves available in the market. Strengthens a character's DEF, AGL, and DEX.
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Boots
A pair of Grade 1 bronze boots available in the market. Strengthens a character's DEF, AGL, and DEX.
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Bronze Gloves
A pair of Grade 1 bronze gloves available in the market. Strengthens a character's ATK, HIT, CRT and DEF.
Buy: 300
Sell: 140
Blue Shell
A blue shell commony found along the shores. A special accessory that strengthens a character's defense to Water element.
Buy: -
Sell: 500
Dreamy Dreamer
A crystalized sphere of humans' visioned dreams. Grants a character immunity to Melancholy status.
Melancholy Resist: 100%
Drop: Dream Eater (Episode 43)
Sell: 0
A sphere of crystallized spirits in eternal slumbers. Blesses a character with two auto-revivals upon death in battle.
Find: Cradle of Souls
Sell: 0
A sphere of crystallized spirits in a peaceful and tranquil slumbers. Vastle boosts a character's resist rates of all negative statuses.
All Negative Status Resist: + 50%
Find: Cradle of Souls
Sell: 0
The World
A sphere of everyting that makes up the world.
Vastly boosts all of a character's elemental defenses.
All Element Resist: + 30%
Find: Cradle of Souls
Sell: 0
Gloves of Termination
A pair of gloves imbued with a horrendous killing intent. Vastly boosts a character's CRT.
HIT: - 10 CRT: 50 DEF: 300
Drop: Terminator (Episode 44)
Sell: 0
Evil Eye
A sphere with a strange design of a devilish eyeball. Greatly boosts a character's magical powers.
MDF: 1200 MEN: 1000
Drop: ISO
Sell: 0
Cool Hat
A hat that prevents a character from losing his/her cool, granting him/her immunity to Forget and Confuse statuses.
DEF: 200
Forget/Confuse Resist: 100%
Drop: Negotiator
Sell: 0
Crystal Tiara
A tiara of enthralling beauty comprised of thousands of pure elegant crystals. An accessory that vastly boosts a character's various stats.
DEF: 300
Stone Resist: 100%
Blind/Forget/Confuse/Melancholy: + 50%
Drop: Crystal Dragon
Sell: 0
High-Level Contaminant
A sphere that provides a character with a high effect of lower defenses of all elements & higher resist rates of all negative statuses.
All Element Resist: -30
Death/Stone Resist: +5%
Disease/Paralysis/Slow/Blind/Forget/Confuse/Melancholy Resist: +10%
Drop: Phobia
Sell: 0
Destined Wings:
Seraphic Blue Limitation Cancel Factor.
The ultimate pair of wings obtained after suppressing Disastia.
ATK: + 500 HIT: +50 CRT: + 10 DEF: + 400 DEF: + 1000 MDF: + 10 AGL: + 20 DEX: + 20
AVD: + 10, MEN: + 1000, ATKWT: - 50,
All Elements Resist: + 30%
All Negative Status Resist: + 50%
Drop: Disastia: Kane
Sell: -
Great Demon's Tough Arm
A large tough crystal arm of Great Demon.
Vastly boosts a character's ATK and grants him/her immunity to Break damage.
Break Resist: +200
Drop: Great Demon
Sell: 0
6. Key Items
Juwess Neutralizer
A strong poison neutralizer in the form of fine white vinyl powder within a broken crate at Salvage Port, Juwess.
Black Lion Badge
A grand badge carved into the delicate shape of a black lion. Dropped by an assassin after his defeat at Disastia's Hill.
Magical Explosive
A magical explosive sphere that can be used to blast large rubble in the way. Drop the explosive from high above the rubble for it to work.
Ancient Bible
An ancient bible of unknown origin that contains a strong aura of divinity and has been passed down across many generations.
Box of Explosive Waste
A box of second-hand explosive waste of decent explosive strength that can be used to blast a hole in a fragile wall.
Fezzite Garden Keycard 1
A keycard that unlocks access to Fezzite Garden's West Block via the South-West Passageway
Fezzite Garden Keycard 2
A keycard that unlocks access to Fezzite Garden's Inner Ring via the West Block
Fezzite Garden Keycard 3
A keycard that unlocks access to Fezzite Garden's North Block via the North-West Passageway.
Relic Pendant
An ancient pendant infused with Hausen's inner thoughts. Imprinted on the pendant are the words. "Fezzite, Year 2684".
LAJ Keycard
A keycard that unlocks access to LAJ's Layer III
Ability List (ABLI):
7. Soundtrack (SNDT):
The tracks in Seraphic Blue are made by different composers, and may be hard to identify what the titles are. This does contain some spoilers regarding the story due to names. Some of the songs have no names, so I decided to give them a title for the time being. Also some of the tracks may have weird sounding names, so they may be renamed just for easier reference
Title: Song's Title
Filename: Filename in the Music Folder
Composer: Composer
Location: Where it's played in the game
Dream of Blue
Filename: PSMXL060
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Title Screen
Flowering Season
Filename: tamsp14
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Intro sequence
Sweet Summer
Filename: tam-z02
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Events, Final World Map theme
Filename: AB_Legacy
Composer: Abe-cho
Location: Intro sequence
Filename: IPE_Kaisou
Composer: IPE
Location: Events regarding past
Fire of the Fighting Spirit
Filename: CI_Fire
Composer: Ciel
Location: Boss theme and Events
Farewell Song
Filename: IPE_Hanamuke
Composer: IPE
Location: Sad Events, Sara Battle
Beginning (Original Title: Dark Jingle)
Filename: tam_soft-c01
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Chapter Intro
Unknown Creature
Filename: CI_unknown_creature
Composer: Ciel
Location: Events/Secret Factory, Roswitha Battle
Filename: tam-n09l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Turku
Restful Dream
Filename: HY_SHORT12
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Staying at Inn
Filename: HY_short13
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: After staying at Inn.
Planet of Ice
Filename: CI_Ice
Composer: Ciel
Location: First World Map theme
Filename: KU_ori_bt1
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Random Battle theme
Filename: YA_triumph
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Battle Victory
Remember Today (Original Title: Don't Forget this Day)
Filename: tamsp01l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Kokomo
Filename: choppy
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Nameless Cave
Death Comes Out Of Snow Fall
Filename: Death Comes Out Of Snow Fall
Composer: Yu-hei
Location: Boss theme
Into this Darkness
Filename: CAL_GM_4
Composer: CAL
Location: Morbid Events
Whisper of Light
Filename: tamsi05l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Turku Forest
Filename: paulo
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Ende Events
Filename: CI_uka
Composer: Ciel
Location: Irmgard/Ortrud/Dietlinde Battles
Filename: IPE_Conspiracy
Composer: IPE
Location: Turku Forest Event, War in Darmstadt
Forever Smile
Filename: tamhe06
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Vene's Theme
Cherry Blossoms Dancing in the Wind (Original Title: Mai Sakura Style)
Filename: tamsp13
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Ofa and Er Events
Filename: nightxg
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Events
Filename: YU_yume
Composer: Right together
Location: Vene's Memories Event
Spring Blossom (Original Title: And even if the Hazakura)
Filename: tamsp15
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Second World Map Theme, Peaceful Events
Closed Eyes (Original Title: I closed my eyes)
Filename: tamsi04
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Event theme
Cajun Downhome
Filename: YA_wst31xg
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Hawick (Pre-Sara Battle), Nixon Ending segment
Illusion of Firefly
Filename: tamsu04l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: East Continent Port
Seagull (Original Title: Bird)
Filename: tamsi10
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Juwess
Beyond the Associative
Filename: CI_kanata
Composer: Ciel
Location: Juwess Museum Exhibit, Benedicta's Tears Skyscraper
Moonless Night
Filename: tamco02
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: 2nd Juwess Museum Exhibit, Juwess Salvage Port, Events
Under a Starry Sky
Filename: IPE_HoshiSoraNoMoto
Composer: IPE
Location: Juwess (Night)
Filename: TA_sil
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Juwess Observation Deck, Rot of Envy
Que Sera Sera
Filename: KU_ori_qss
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Salvage Port/Secret Factory/Benedicta's Tears (Streets of Darmstadt) Battles
End of Summer
Filename: tam-z01l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: White Wings
Filename: AB_iseki
Composer: Abe-cho
Location: Ominous Events
Filename: science
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Suspicious Events
Filename: KU_ori_ht_82
Composer: KU-BO
Location: 2nd Random Battle Theme
Filename: CI_shibu-ya
Composer: Ciel
Location: White Wings Lab, Envy, Fezzite Garden (Peaceful)
Filename: YA_Benson
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Darmstadt
Filename: TaMa_BAR
Composer: TaMa
Location: Maxim's Gunholic
Sorrowful Memory
Filename: PSMXL040
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Darmstadt Bar Event
Principle (Original Title: Scratch-style -Shoufuu-)
Filename: TaMa_syoufu
Composer: TaMa
Location: Darmstadt Bar Event, (Overworld Theme)
Black Fangs (Original Title: Yes rises! Monodomo!)
Filename: TA_Haiagare
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Black Leo Events
Spring Color
Filename: tamsp12l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Ravenna
Street Lamp
Filename: tamsi06l
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Ravenna Underground Cave
Beckoning of Gaia
Filename: Ka_daiti_
Composer: Weathervane Bird
Location: Mendoza
Landscape (Piano ver)
Filename: SCENE12
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Event
Filename: PSMXL530
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Reverence of Life (Original Title: O man, shalt not forget Ruru)
Filename: scene19
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Laurentia Explantion, Laurentia (Post Athanasia)
March in Snow
Filename: settyu
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Laurentia
Aztulith Forest
Filename: tam-g03
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Mysterious Events/Backstory, Benedicta's Tears (Streets of Darmstadt)
Digital Storm
Filename: CI_digital_storm
Composer: Ciel
Location: Virginie Battle, LAJ
Filename: choralo
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Ende Events
Cold Wind
Filename: scene23
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Sad Events
Classroom that Day
Filename: RPGTCL2000 az event 01
Composer: akihito
Location: Theme of Gaia's Prophets
Filename: PSMXL509
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Warm Events
Strange Legend
Filename: K_hushigi
Composer: KY
Location: Important Event
Fairy Village
Filename: town20
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Iqaluit
Hometown Seen Someday
Filename: HY_town13
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Hausen's Theme
Unlimited Power
Filename: KU_ori_up_82
Composer: KU-BO
Location: 3rd Random Battle Theme
Filename: mrtropol
Composer: YAMAHA
Location: Events
Filename: rainy_breeze
Composer: Rainy
Location: Sad Backstory Events
Filename: TA_sortie
Composer: Tatchan
Location: Fezzite Military Events
The View Of The Supplicant Hill
Filename: rpg_azdungeon03
Composer: akihito
Location: Revelstoke Mountain
On A Journey
Filename: IPE_Tabinototyu
Composer: IPE
Location: Revelstoke Mountains Event, Langer Battle, Lansard and Virginie Ending segment
Filename: AB_Obstacle
Composer: Abe-cho
Location: Ruthford
Old Castle
Filename: castle02
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: OHG Event
Filename: PSMXL036
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Hawick (Post-Sara), Donald and Margot Ending Segment
Filename: PSMXL031
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: Sad Event
Filename: PSMXL508
Composer: Kobayashi Manabu
Location: In Memoriam Event
Soft Rain
Filename: tampi01
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Sad Event
Gone Wind
Filename: tam-y13
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Teng Ring
Ordeal of Snow
Filename: mount03
Composer: Ice stone IrodoriA
Location: Yangtze Overworld theme, Three Streak Peak
Road to Valhalla
Filename: KU_ori_rtv
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Yangtze Battle
Filename: CI_emergency
Composer: Ciel
Location: Crisis based Events
Life Divide
Filename: TaMa_Life_Divide
Composer: TaMa
Location: 8 Headed Dragon Boss, Secret Factory Boss (Yangtze), CMGC HQ
Filename: tam-y19
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Theme of Yangtze
Morbid Hope (Original Title:)
Filename: TaMa_sigure
Composer: TaMa
Location: Dardin
Crystal Rain
Filename: Ka_crrain
Composer: Weathervane Bird
Location: Khaos Salvation Association HQ
Thundery Symbiosis
Filename: rpg_azbattle04.mid
Composer: akihito
Location: Skyscraper Pre-Invasion/Pre-boss Event
Wings of TenRa
Filename: Ka_ten_
Composer: Weathervane bird
Location: Skyscraper, Gertrud Battle, Ende Battle
Filename: rainy_roanoke_master
Composer: Rainy
Location: Roanoke
Summer Breeze
Filename: tam-z03
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: Minerva, Capital of Seraphim
Filename: rainy_analgesic
Composer: Rainy
Location: Macht/Heidi & Fyodor/Mechanical Bosses
Tomb of Glory
Filename: tam-y10
Composer: Tayume (TAM)
Location: South Crimson Forest
Filename: CI_express_loop
Composer: Ciel
Location: Fezzite Garden Invasion
Classroom That Day
Filename: RPGTCL2000 az event 01
Location: Doris' Past, Benedicta's Tears Event
Towards Annihilation
Filename: CAL_MU_15.MID
Composer: CAL
Location: Pre-War in Darmstadt
Dist Laglidic
Filename: rainy_dist_laglidic
Composer: Rainy
Location: Benedicta's Tears Event, White Wings (Post Athenasia), White Wings Secret Laboratory
Filename: CI_Seed
Composer: Ciel
Location: Benedicta's Tears Core, Esmeralda, Cradle of Souls Battles
I Am Not Afraid of Anything
Filename: KU_ori_ianaoa
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Last Random Battle Theme
Filename: rainy_whereabouts
Composer: Rainy
Location: Die Valkurie Stahl, Athanasia, Justine Battle
Blue Wing
Filename: rainy_blue_wing_master
Composer: Rainy
Location: Blue Wing
Filename: rpg_azbattle02
Composer: akihito
Location: Er's Arrival/Final Battle Preparations
Filename: rpg_aztheme01
Composer: akihito
Location: Aisia's Heavens
Violent Battle
Filename: KU_ori_vb
Composer: KU-BO
Location: Aisia's Heavens Battle
Sea of Steel
Filename: HO_bossbattle2
Composer: Kasuga Hoshino
Location: Leona, Kane, Death Seraph Shell Battle
Hesitant Soul
Filename: YU_yuki-hcut
Composer: Right together
Location: Cradle of Souls
Filename: rainy_saturn
Composer: Rainy
Location: Er Phase 1
DYCON (Original Title: The DYCON ~ overlook if wilderness ~)
Filename: CI_dycon_m2k
Composer: Ciel
Location: Er Final Phase
Extra thanks:
tempura for making this game
Eplipswich and kumada for translation
LunaticScreamer for the video walkthroughs
Stats and Data sources: