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There exists a most curious and powerful race in the world of Ospes, able to manipulate and alter matter itself.

Their numbers are few, and from the beginning they have lived as outcasts, perceived as a threat to the world and every living thing in it.

They are called Theolar.

Thymetians, the most dominant race on Ospes, have done all that they can to suppress the Theolar. For they, more than any, are afraid of them.

Most Theolar are content to live in hiding and have abandoned the use of their abilities in hopes they would be forgotten. But among them there is a small group, known as the
Andurim, who are unwilling to give up that part of themselves.

Their sole purpose is to provide the Thymetians and the rest of the world with a glimpse of their greatness, now long overshadowed by what else they are capable of…


What users from rpgmaker.net have said...

"I've finished the game, and I have to say that I really enjoyed myself. I don't always keep the games, but this one is a must.
Thanks for all your hard work." - littlebro

"All in all, you have certainly set a standard for vx games. I can't think of one that actually gripped me, and especially like this one did...
At any rate, I'm just saying I loved the game. I can tell it had a huge amount of work placed into it." - demonlord5000

What users from rpgmakervx.net have said...

"Whoa. This game is amazing. I can't recall the last time I enjoyed a game, commercial or otherwise, this much. You've managed to create a world that pulls the player in,
makes him identify with teh characters and feel for them. A world that feels alive with lore and history. Every time I found one of the Nayrin relics...
I really felt I was discovering bits and pieces of an ancient civilization, scattered all over the world." - Jeffrey

If anyone wants to play arguably one of the best all around put-together RPGs available to RPG Maker VX, this is hereby on your must-do list.
- goldenguy

"I will say that I liked the message and it was a brilliant adventure while it lasted. The plot was tight, the characters convincing and the puzzles
were the best I've seen aside from Alundra. If you ever manifest another spectacular game, I'll be looking forward to it." - tom11

"Firstly you have a great imagination and a flair for writing, your game really drew me in and was a real "key-presser" right up until the final
scenes. Your game was also very well balanced in terms of available money, EXP, etc. The inclusion of your excellent (occasionally challenging)
puzzles and mini-games help to distract the player along the way. Also quite importantly the game runs practically bug free..." - matt-tribal

"Bloody fantastic RPG. Minigames, optional quests, math puzzles. Love it all." - vitrous

"...there's so much that can be done, and the story and adventure just keep taking new turns and twists...It's been a long time since I've played a
game that I have a hard time "setting down" after 2-3 hours, but this is doing that." - goldenguy

"...a brilliant game, you have clearly put a lot of thought into creating the world of Ospes and especially into its characters. I definitely
appreciate the humorous dialogue too." - matt-tribal

Be sure and check out the images, features, and world/races tabs.

Manifest on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Manifest/163947670372300?sk=wall&filter=1

You might also like my new Puzzle RPG, Canvas, which can be found here:

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Canvas is Complete!

Five years and two children later, I have finished my second game. The download has been updated. The game should last around 15 hours or so depending on a few factors including puzzles and sidequests. I have included a full walkthrough and complete item guide with the download. If you need more detailed help than the walkthrough gives, please don't hesitate to ask. I love every kind of feedback, especially bug reports if you find any. Thank you very much to those who take the time to download Canvas and give it a shot.
  • Completed
  • sbethune81
  • RPG Maker VX
  • RPG
  • 12/16/2011 07:04 AM
  • 02/20/2023 01:40 AM
  • 10/24/2011
  • 710053
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I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@demonlord5000 - Thanks for the feedback...response is below

Being able to skip directions with the rolling ball puzzle was intentional. Weapons with elemental attributes can still damage enemies who are immune/strong against the element. They just deal their normal damage. I didn't want the player to have to constantly swap weapons in cases like those, and you never know which enemies you are going to fight, so swapping wouldn't even work. The horse goes with you on the boat...if you ride it on you can ride it right off =). Thanks for mentioning the bridge thing, I'm not too concerned about it. It must have something to do with the wall extension script I'm using, so I don't have much control over it but I don't expect many people will mash the action button while passing under the bridge. There is a hidden passage in that room with the buttons. It should be on the lower edge of the wall somewhere above the signpost(south or southwest of the buttons). It is working.
Sat down for today's session having really enjoyed yesterday's, and came to a crashing halt.

I'm at the Nayrin Ruins, SE of Noor. Breezed through the first 2 rooms, but I simply don't understand the 3rd clue. People think differently, and I imagine that most people will find it blindingly obvious, but I've racked my brains and just don't get it. Some help please?

I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
Here you go.

Only the numbers matter. Read the clue again with that in mind and ignore everything else.
I'm Having Fun With This Game But I'm A Little Stuck With A Puzzle
In The Sealed Cavern That's Full Of Math Questions And Switches
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@Blakwind - Thanks for playing Manifest. I'll put a hint below, but if you need more direct help just let me know.

Each of those problems should work out to a number from 1 to 6, giving you the order of when they should be pressed. It works based on order of operations. Multiplication and division are equally important and should be done left to right before any addition and subtraction (also carried out from left to right). The exception is that anything in parentheses is done first (following the same mult/div first, addition/subtraction second from left to right rules). If you get frustrated you can always leave it behind, as it is optional, or I can give you the answers. Let me know, and good luck.
Thanks for the help - once pointed out it is, indeed, blindingly obvious. How to feel a fool in one easy lesson!
Thanks For The Hint I Finally Figured It Out.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@littlebro and Blakwind - My pleasure, if you have any other questions just let me know. My goal is to help make your playthrough as enjoyable as possible.
Alright, back to playing. Last night I overlooked the passage for some reason.

Got my bow, apparently I forgot to save the first time I got it

Solved the puzzles easily and now have the zepplin.

Returned to doolig, and the gambling rulook (or however it's spelt) has some of his message cut off when you talk to him.

Sometimes when you pass over the boats just north of azraid in your zepplin, it looks like your zepplin is under them.

It's good to see some of the npcs changed. Now to revisit all the towns.

Interesting way to obtain vals weapon...but I'm still breezing through it. I didn't expect that last battle however...and even I had to try a little.

eradicator was interesting, lasted 160 seconds. New record: 201 seconds.

Scored 91 points in memory, with a little help from notepad :)

Heh...this puzzle in the cave of the recluse is proving to be tricky. Namely the second one. It's a simple matter to get all the flames lit in one go...but it's alot trickier to keep them lit. Having a method to keep all lit doesn't seem to be the correct approach here...perhaps a path where I focus on 2 at a time for each one...I'm going to try that next.

Edit: Due to forgetting to save, I discovered a bug with the first puzzle in the cave of the recluse. The very first time to enter, the orb fires by itself, and you can't activate any of the four switches until you leave and reenter. Still stuck on the second one with the fires sadly Heh nevermind..solved it..

Overall I'm enjoying myself quite a bit, and since I'm in free roam mode I didn't want to post until I had a bunch of comments. I've gotten some of the top tier equipment, and I'm still exploring a bunch of stuff.
I've just finished the Onyx Mountains and the Overking. I haven't been using your items list, but decided to do some stocktaking to see what I missed. So far, it's just one Nayrin Relic, which is pleasing. However, I have 3 items on my list which aren't on yours, so I thought I'd mention them in case you ever decided to edit that file.

Navrin Ruins near Doolig: you don’t mention getting the Topaz Faieshard from the crystal.

The Fathoms: After you’ve got the Elixir of the Bear you go up and to the right. There is a chest there which needs wind focus. However, if you carry on, blast the rock out of the way and go down the last ladder, you get a Brisk Band.

Onyx Mountains: There is a save point just before the Flame Spurt room. Go right and down for a chest with a Silver Claw.

I also found what may - or may not - be a bug.

Purwick Abbey, merchants’ room: I think the official route to the chest is supposed to be up the ladder at the far right, along and down. However, you can just stand in front of it and click it to get the item,even though it's supposed to be behind the counter.

I do have one query. I've had to leave every permalock chest because I can't see how I'm supposed to work them out. I initially assumed, from the notes about them, that the answer would be written down somewhere in the vicinity. However, having thoroughly searched, I've never found anything which might give a clue. What should I be looking out for?

Great game, I'm really enjoying myself.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@demonlord5000 - I thought you might not breeze through them all =), but I had faith in you. Nice job.

@littlebro - Thanks for the heads-up about the item list. I'll put my response about the metal chests in a spoiler

The first time you get directions for one is in Noor (small desert town), and there is a clue directly in the vicinity. Look for a five-letter word. If you need a more specific answer for that one, I can give you one.

Most of the others don't have explicit clues, you'll need to think about what might be relevant to the characters/story in the area you found the chest. Each one is a five-letter word significant to where it is located, or who it is owned by. If you need further hints, let me know.

I'm not sure if you have reached Faergrad yet, but there is an explicit clue for that one that you can earn.
Gah...now I have to explore that area all over again...due to a game breaking bug.

Minor bug: When your returning the cerulean jewel to fane, before you return, the npc next to him talks about how you walked from the grotto twice (too soon), and after the scene with fane...he goes back to his old dialog of are you really thinking of going back to the grotto?

Major bug: In eboril, if a skeleton archer tries to do a stationary attack, it won't exist and the game will crash.

Really enjoyable though. I've gotten alot further (I even solved the forgotton crypt, but the x puzzle did confuse me at first).

Edit: ahh damn...98 relics. Im missing one! Nevermind, I missed an obvious one.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
Congrats on finding all the relics, that's great!

Thanks for mentioning the bugs...the skeleton archer bug was brought to my attention a few days ago, I forgot to mention it, but the current download available on this site has it fixed. I'd recommend anyone who downloaded the game before 12/22/11 to download the current version and carry your save files over.

I'm assuming naarxoth is the games superboss. I defeated it, but I used lifeforces whenever he used mental implosion (he used it 3 times). The fact I won 1 of them back and I still have 7, I'd say it was worth it. I have to say, that was one of the few bosses to challenge me, but it'll take more than that to defeat me. Course it helps I have all the super weapons/armor and such. Also, trux came in extremely handy. With warcry up he was hitting 3500 a hit, with 10k criticals

While I was upgrading my unused characters equipment, I noticed that val's doesn't mention it's 2 handed.

gorlark talon lacks a description

While searching for a yeti (still haven't found it), I found out I could land on top of ordune (the castle part, above the cave)

Bug: Inside the sewers, near a chest with a potent tonic, you can stand on the stairs, and walk to the right straight onto the top of the wall.

Next up comes crafting the item on solus's list, and then the final portion of the game. Success!, time to go annihilate the final boss.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@demonlord5000 - I hope you enjoy, and thanks again for leaving such specific feedback. You've been extremely helpful in tracking down some of the last (hopefully) bugs/brain farts.
Heh...speaking of bugs...I just checked back cause I found one.

In the scene where vekros shows up to steal the stone, one of the guards walks across the table, instead of the floor

I didn't adjust the exodus difficulty, but the default one was way to easy. stay in the middle, and use minimum movement, and your set.

On the third floor, theres a computer and a bunch of books. You can read the books while on the opposite side of the table.

The battle with the cannon was oddly disappointing. Granted I was level 45 with the best stuff, but I was barely wounded the whole fight, and the cannon didn't get off it's special attack before I killed it..

I think I'm getting extremely close to the end, so hopefully I don't run into too many more bugs lol. I'm also finding the pendant of the unseen very useful, since at this point I don't need to fight anything.

Beated the game...and I'm betting with 100% completion. All in all, you have certainly set a standard for vx games. I can't think of one that actually gripped me, and especially like this one did. The characterization/story was great, the mapping it was fairly decent, difficulty was fairly simple...but I did annihilate on normal...so theres always legendary for that second playthrough. At any rate, I'm just saying I loved the game. I can tell it had a huge amount of work placed into it.

Hopefully I caught the last of the bugs (or at least most of them). I don't consider myself a dangerous tester for nothing after all :). Glad I was able to help.
Thanks for the help

The one in Krell was obvious. I traipsed all the way back to Noor, but couldn't see anything. If it was something on the quest notice board, that's gone because the quest is finished, so all details have been removed. I've tried everything I can think of in the Oz-Whack tent, and again nothing.

Talking of quests and traipsing around, I have crawled over every tile in Taebris Forest north of Krell several times looking for the beasts for the quest and have even gone back through the southern portion with the lilypads just in case, and have never met them. Am I supposed to do something to entice them out?

I appreciate your quick responses to queries.
For some reasons, It's working very slow for me... T_T
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@shiningriver - I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean there's lag? If so, that's a computer issue...it runs smoothly on even a medium-powered machine.

@littlebro - Answers below

For the chest in Noor, there is a dog wandering around town...look at its collar.
You'll need a clue to open the one at the festival in Faergrad, but to get the clue you'll have to score at least 28 in Orz-Whack.

To complete "You don't make friends with salad" head to the zone in the Taebris with the square grid of lilypads that sink or rise when you land on adjacent ones. There is a path in the upper left corner of that screen that will lead to a hole. Investigate it and you'll find what you're looking for =).

Have fun.
I don't have a growth mindset...yet.
@demonlord5000 - Didn't see your last edit. Congratulations on beating Manifest. Once again, thank you for the frequent and thorough feedback, and your closing compliments made my day. That was very high praise coming from an rpg veteran and I really appreciate it.

Tell your friends. =)