


this is beautiful, great light and shadows

Lux Libertas - Early recordings

Looks promising, I'll give it a try;)


will definitely try this. Looks very unique, with its own style.

Tutorial review?

don' want to bug you, but I have a similar issue. I've posted a tutorial few days ago and it's still pending. My guess would be that it's because it has the same title, as a script I released earlier.

Jacob's Last Dream

Thanks! It's not a horror game, more a like mystery mixed with adventure. Few creepy moments are predicted to be present, though;)

Vigiles Lucis

will definitely play it, when I have time;) Looks very well thought and detailed.

Nsala Sunset

looks interesting, lot of creative work. Good luck!

Mana Aeliria

The graphics are just wow...
Got my subscribe;)
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