I'm pretty much up for anything...




Added 3 new Side-story characters. Their bios arn't done, but I will work on them tommorow because I'm leaving tonight.

Need some Opinions

Well it takes place after the main, but before the second one. Yes, I plan on making a Lithia 2. :3

Need some Opinions

I was think 5. Just so each character can get their own spotlight. And to be honest, since Lithia: The Past Unseen is it's own game, I was gonna try to make it about as long as I want the full game to be. It's all pretty much what happened AFTER the full game.

Need some Opinions

I feel like finishing Episode 1 of the Side-Story before I release both games~ :3

Need some Opinions

Well, in my opinion the amount of characters doesn't have to limit the amount of storyline, but 5's a pretty decent number.

If you feel like adding more, it's up to you lol, though since this is a side story I'd say no more than 6-7 episodes at most. Having your side story longer and do better than your main one is..hmm..not really sure what word fits. o_o

Well see, I was gonna have each character showing up in each episode (sometimes more than one of them), then the last episode would have all of them attacking the final baddies.

A New Name For The Side-Story

I like it! =)

Thank you very much BareGamer. :)


Well, its how you progress the game really. Remember that pic of the floating town of Allarmim? Well, that now treats as your base. Once you complete what you do there, you can buy new equipment, or go to the tele house to continue on with the episode. :)




God I hated him. Such a hard boss. XD


When I figure it out, I'm gonna make collosal bosses!