

Polymorphous Perversity (18+ NWS)

Hey! You can be a family man and still use logic!

I never said you couldn't; I was just telling him his last resort.

Polymorphous Perversity (18+ NWS)

This is bullshit. Casually portraying the viewpoint as ridiculous is the first and last step. Lighten up and get over it. It's never wrong to not make a big deal about stuff; that's called tolerance. Your dislike of comedy runs way deeper than Calunio's dislike of trannies, so you're the real problem here. You're the only one creating hatred.

You fail at logic. Go home and be a family man.

Success of the Kickstarter + Moving forward

Emirpoen. Your comments seem to be on a completely different wavelength. It's like I'm still trying to get to what you are talking about.

Ok. so there is a scene or a "supposed" scene in sailerius's game...which you are willing to look into as long as you can remain amused.

Well that's very nice for you but what bearing does it have on what you were saying before and to what end were you bringing it up. Seriously I am at a loss to find the message in your comments.

I don't want to come off as though I'm argueing with you, I just what to know what you mean.

Its simple really. I'm going to be a third party in all of this. Is Sailerius right, or the "trolls" as he puts it right? I'll (try) to do the reasonable and rational thing and see for myself. If I have to retract something, I have to retract something. If I have to admit I;m wrong, then so be it. I dont have a problem admitting im wrong when I'm wrong. For now, I will deem "Angel rape" as its known as "inconclusive", meaning I lack proper evidence, and this I will admit, regardless of whatever it may do to my prior post. If this hasn't cleared up enough, just shoot me a PM or whatever.

tl;dr: willing to admit sub par evidence at best, willing to gather proper evidence to prove or disprove point once and for all.

vacant sky's failure and the trends of selling rtp to stupid humans

TFT = Twin Fox Tails

Also, if this article is evil ( I personally think its a world of good), then it is an evil of utmost necessity.

Success of the Kickstarter + Moving forward

what is "THIS?"
What is it you are saying, sir?

I see that you joined just recently, so some of its probably going a bit over your head, but it's ok. Basically, its has to do with a supposed scene in sailerius's game. Now, being the guy that's trying to be fair and objective ( I say trying because some cases prevent me from doing so *cough* kisareth studios *cough*), Ive already offered to look into the matter myself. This should go smoothly, provided I am able to be somewhat amused the whole time. (I do expect the tweaking and 1 system across the board to make the experience better than the vol 1 and 2 by themselves).

Success of the Kickstarter + Moving forward

I'll try to answer a few things here.

1) Too vague? Fear not, you'll understand eventually.
2) No sarcasm intended. Also, if you really stand behind what you just said, I'm sure you wont mind me putting it to the test for myself once Volume 1 complete is out.

Can we really call the kickstarter a success then? I'm sorry to be brutally honest twice in 1 day, but the last time I checked, it got about 49% of what it needed to be successful. It was Unsuccessful, to put it simply, a failure. To call it a success, in my opinion, make it sound like you're in a state of denial. Hold on though, just hear me out on what I'm about to say! Yes, I'm certainly taking into account about the other things that happened in your favor. Failure can generate that sometimes. It's not always a case of all or nothing you know. I suppose this is rather subjective though, so I'll leave it at that.

(tl;dr: Don't be afraid of the word or the concept of "failure")

Success of the Kickstarter + Moving forward

I'm curious as to what you thought being "successful" was when you started up your Kickstarter, and please, give me an honest on that one. Also, I do need to be brutally honest on a couple of points.

1. If you're really serious about "reinventing the classic RPG", you're going to first have to reinvent yourself. Hell, your whole team will probably have to reinvent themselves to some degree.

"But Emirpoen, we've come along way since volume 1 act 1 was released."
Assuming I actually addressed a though you might be having (I'd hate to strawman), I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and agree with that point. What I'm talking about is digging really deep, thinking and looking at different ways on whole new levels. Ok, maybe that was a bit much, or maybe I'm crazy.

2. "Angel Rape". Congratulations if you made it this far without wanting close this or rip out my throat (and hands). Now to my point; If there's anything your known for outside of your fanbase, its clearly this. This is definitely something you're gonna have to work on making nothing more than a footnote if you're going big.

If you wanna be mad at me or hate me for this, fine. Also, my PM box is more than open if you don't feel like dragging anyone else into this discussion

Edit: Also, I highly advise against blowing off tft's post. Its something you should seriously ponder for at least 5 minutes, assuming you haven't done so already.

the unofficial (possible to be official) rmn show/movie making Event

Don't you think this is a tad vague? Also, isn't it a bit odd that the person who made the contest is not judging or even hosting? I hope this isn't a round of bad trolling.

Video thread

Shameless plugs for the win. A little feedback on how I can improve future vlogs are appreciated.

Hello friends and rivals

Rivals... That's a somewhat amusing term to use.