Greetings! I'm Fruebis. I am an introvert who enjoys gaming, drawing, and game design. However, when it comes to game design, I find that I make a game to learn more about game design, and once I've learned what I can, I lose interest.
Currently, I'm working on a game called Social Interactions. I started it a few years ago, but stopped when I hit a wall in the battle design. I've broken through that wall in my head, but... I've yet to actually figure out how to make it work in an RPG maker system.



A Few Questions on Proper Game Making

RPG Maker MV has a neat feature that makes exploration even easier - it contains the option of having each map display a name upon entry.
Interesting! I believe VX Ace has that too. ^^

As you may know, most RPGs feature a leveling system of some sorts, which leads to different problems when balancing enemy stats/levels. With static levels, you enforce a play order that stifles the player's ability to explore freely. On the other hand, scaled levels can feel dissatisfying as they strip character levels of any value. What is your approach to this?

Hmm... I hadn't thought of that until just now... I suppose you could do it in a fashion such as this:
When you start out, you'll get a bunch of level 1 monsters, and as you level, the lower-leveled monsters become less common, and higher leveled monsters start appearing. However, since you're really just adding in monsters, you won't necessarily get a bunch of high-level monsters, and you can still have some low-level ones as well.
Alternatively, you could have areas contain higher-leveled monsters as you conquer other areas. (Example: The more rainbow stars you get in the game, the harder the other stars become) However, this may have the same problem as constantly-leveling monsters.

A Few Questions on Proper Game Making

There's also the chance that you're overly worried about this. Someone getting lost in a large world is normal.


Is the game heavily linear? If so, you may want to consider a setup that's less conducive to exploration, since in a linear game "exploration" is another word for "hopelessly lost." On the flip side, if your game is intended to be more open world and exploration based, then "lost" is just "finding something new."
It is open world, and I can see what you mean.

offer modes of expedited transportation, or shrink the maps.

Okay. I'll work on that.

You can also ask yourself if getting lost and finding one's way through large maps is part of the game or not.

Hmm... Alrighty.
you can reward players who learned the large map layouts as well as gradually reveal them. A lot of people enjoy extra large city maps. It could be like that.

Okay. I think I understand that.

A Few Questions on Proper Game Making

In all seriousness, if you can't figure out how to use object placement and layout to help the player distinguish where they are in an area, you probably shouldn't be mapping yet.
Alrighty, I can get that.
can think of three games off the top of my head with fairly sprawling maps: Zelda: a Link to the Past, Yume Nikki, and OFF.
I'll look into those, and learn what I can.

An alternative solution, however, is to include something akin to a minimap or navigation system that points your player towards a certain direction
I hadn't considered that. Not sure what I think about that idea, but thank you for suggesting it.

Be like Hansel and Gretel - leave bread crumbs that your player can follow back. Uh, figuratively speaking, of course.
Ahahaha, nice analogy. Not sure how well I'll manage that, but I'll certainly do my best.
Identifiers. That's where it's at~

Thank you all so much for the information and suggestions! This was all very helpful.

Edit: Someone commented before I could post this. Doggone.
Small maps are almost always better. They're easier to navigate and they'll have less empty space for you as the creator to fill. The best maps make excellent use of negative space.
Alrighty. Thanks for your input.
Our own Nessiah has an excellent series of articles on map design.
I'll look into that! Thank you.

A Few Questions on Proper Game Making

Hello everyone! I'm making a game, as you probably guessed, and I would like to know your opinions on this.
Because of the way that the game is played, my original plan was to have one world map you could sail a ship around to get from area to area, and then one large map for each place that you could explore, rather than having a bunch of little maps. Of course, I thought this was a great and creative idea at first, but as I continue to think about it, I'm growing a tad worried that doing this will cause the exploration to get confusing, as you don't know if your in the west side of the forest, or the south side, since forest generally looks the same. If you could let me know which you think would be better, that would be helpful.


Ooh! Sweet!

Tristian: Episode I?

Ugh... Tricky question you have there.
I'm fine either way, to be honest. If you choose to make episodes, I'll play them. If you choose to make one huge game, I'll play that.
However, I'm going to be honest: I'll most likely wait for the whole game to be completed before playing an episode. I don't want to get stuck on a cliffhanger and be forced to wait for however long, wondering if X character will complete their quest, or if Y character managed to stop Z character before they did something. I kind of think of a game like a meal from a restaurant. You have the entree, but if you're then forced to wait impatiently for the dessert, the night's ruined because the staff are trying to get a quality item of food to you, and you're stuck feeling really weird because you're not sure if you should move on and wait for the dessert to be ready so you can come back to it, or continue waiting.


Woah! This looks awesome! Nicely done.

A different form of battle system? [Vx ACE]

Thank you very much!

A different form of battle system? [Vx ACE]

So you have a number of action points per round you can sepnd for a different amount of attacks on your party members? Would've been nice if you explained it.

Thank you! I couldn't figure out how to say it without writing a paragraph of information. I'll change that immediately.

As far as I know, Yanfly Engine Ace's Press Turn Battle should work kinda like that. It also lets agility modifiers affect how many points you get per turn.
Alrighty! I'll check that out. Thanks!

A different form of battle system? [Vx ACE]

Pardon the extremely vague subject title. I'm trying to figure out how to make a battle system that allows you to use a set number of attack points every round that you can use for your team members, whether all of them or just one, rather than forcing you to make one attack per character like the default does.
Sadly, I don't know what this system is called, so I'm not much help there. However, if you know of a system like this, please let me know. ^^ Thanks.
Edit: Even I admit the description of what i was looking for was ridiculous. Thank you, LightningLord2, for the simple way of putting it.