My email is: sweetstudios666@gmail.com...
Contact me for anything..!
-J- :-D
Contact me for anything..!
-J- :-D
Although its impossible to see, the lines underneath the Title words move along with the background! :-)
Lovin' the usage of BOF 1 ChipSet... it looks really good, and its a shame you don't see it more often... :-)
Yokai Story: Up Above
Sounds great. Love the whole Dungeon Keeper style play as the traditional baddies thing going on, plot wise. Please say a demo is forth coming. :-)
Does anyone know what this is called??? :-D
Thank you, BlindMind, for uploading these resourses from your collection. Its nice to see that there is still a helpful RPG Maker comunity here.
And can I also ask, like tsimehC, is Theo still allowing people to use his resourses? OR if he just asks for a mention in the credits?
-JayEsz666- ;D
And can I also ask, like tsimehC, is Theo still allowing people to use his resourses? OR if he just asks for a mention in the credits?
-JayEsz666- ;D
Does anyone know what this is called??? :-D
My friend and I are trying to make a modern-day/futeristic RPG Game, and I reciently came across this ChipSet in a game called 'The Apartment':
Can anyone tell me the name of this type of ChipSet; the name of the game it came from or a website where I can download the other Chipsets ripped from this game (if there are any)
-JayEsz666- ;D
Can anyone tell me the name of this type of ChipSet; the name of the game it came from or a website where I can download the other Chipsets ripped from this game (if there are any)
-JayEsz666- ;D