Cyberpunk Grave Digger



So about this Wikileaks thing...What do you think?

author=Feldschlacht IV
Because they have an 'insurance' file full of sensitive 'mystery data' (namely the names and other personal information) of a bunch of people involved that they're distribute in case anything happens. Also consider that they have more than one backup plan in case anything happens to the site itself. Wikileaks is not just some lemonade stand that any one entity could just 'shut down' by flipping a switch. The internet doesn't work like that, dude.

It doesn't make sense to you because no offense, you just said you don't really know about the news/what's going on as much as you should.

The other reason it would do no good to "shut down" wikileaks is that they are not actually leaking anything, only publishing the leaks themselves. Think of the safety deposit box system a bank has.

e; bring back the gold standard gentlemen

So about this Wikileaks thing...What do you think?

To quote Shakespeare:
Discretion is the better part of valor.
And discretion is the last thing Wikileaks has.

I'm personally of the opinion that Wikileaks is doing more harm than good with the stuff it is leaking. Among other things: Why do we need to know critical battleplans for an ongoing war? Why do we need to know the names of informers and secret intelligence agents (it defeats the entire purpose)? I don't see why we, ordinary citizens just going about our lives, need to know of such things.
Agreed. Half of the problem stems from the leaks actually happening to start with.

I get the feeling you are perhaps not as familiar with the data leaked as you let on.

i have no vested interest in any possible repercussions of these leaks (it isn't the death of innocent people or a hole in security that will lead to a terrorist attack m'lord) i think that the documents are of interest to great scholarly minds such as me, jericho, a literal genius, and also anyone else who wants to know more about their country's doing-abouts. collateral murder was really horrible and if the us government gets bruised and held to a higher standard of accountability then all the better

So about this Wikileaks thing...What do you think?

i heard the next leak is going to concern navy sleeping arrangements and who is friends w/ who

Legendary Legend Review

Ricky is a good name for a hero.

Legendary Legend Review

I'm afraid that I must say this: Your logic is flawed.

In the Realm of the Reviewing Kingdom (RoRK), a review that is is lacking in validity is not necessarily worthless, while a review that is worthless is, for the sake of this argument, always lacking in validity. Just because P implies Q does not mean Not P implies Not Q. We can therefore assume that your accusations of false equivocations are, ultimately, unsound. quod erat demonstrandum

To the world of Bit Bonton!

i will not suffer the lodnon oppressors one iota of a moment longer

The Perfect Debate

Tony Stark Vs. Bruce Wayne is not the subject of this debate. If you would like to suggest a topic for perfect debating, please contact me in private.

Goku would win because "superman is stupid" is an ad hominem argument and I would appreciate it if you kept such remarks out of the perfect debate.

To elaborate more on the speed of Goku (Credit for this equation goes to The One Handed Debater Riidi WW)

We must first accept that the moon of the dragonball universe is as least as large as our Mars; There is clearly a kind of atmosphere there, and it is even breathable to Boss Rabbit. Mars is roughly eight times the mass of earth's moon. On earth, tides generally reach around 5-6 feet in height. If Dragonball's moon was as close to DB Earth as our moon is to our earth, there would be 45~ foot waves destroying coastal cities. Since multiple coastal cities exist in DB, the DB moon must be at least five times as far from DB earth as our moon is from our earth. This gives us a distance of at least six light-seconds. Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon did not take six seconds to reach the moon when he blew it up.

What this means is: The special beam cannon is faster than light. Not only this, but Raditz is faster than this FTL energy beam. And since speed scales with power level in the DB universe, we can conclude that, during the Frieza Saga, Super Saiyan Goku,with a power level of 150,000,000 vs Raditz's 1200, Goku is at least 125,000 times faster than a FTL ray. And this is well before the end of DBZ.

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