Young man...Still try to find his place in the world!



Vacant Sky Vol. 1: Contention

What the difference between Angel of Justice and Eternity?

Vacant Sky Awakening: Paradox Prince

So is main progtangist in awakening the big bad in Contention?

Vacant Sky Awakening: Paradox Prince

Act 1+ act 2+ do I still have to play Act 1,2,and 3?

Dear RED

Yeah I wondering that myself how did we miss it!?


Werid I think I glitch in my game after I beat loctust he the game goes straight end no head or nothing?


So I just beat it
and look like it ends after a boss fight

Lakria Legends

I got three questions1 is a multiple ending to the game 2 how close to being finished And 3 do you need any help

RPG 20XX Engine

sorry if you got this question a million times before but what are some advantages over ace?

PS I Acedo own Ace


I grade 15 fighter 12 sorcerer 12 healer and I can't beat the demon wizard any tips?


Can beome Cliche dark Lord with Evil tower? lord over village with Evil Mnions?

PS idea for evil lord you have tower as test for strong hero ever time you defend strong hero you get stronger in turn summon more more powerful monster unlock new power transformtion etc.
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