ATL - Above the law
Enter the world of Eidolaz , a world filled with magical creatures and highly advanced human technology.



HUD , pain in the butt :(

My bad lol forgot to mention that :P Iam using XAX battle system for my game so a hud that shows hp/mp etc

It's My Birthday!

Happy birthday dude :D hehe i chose those colors because of your game page haha :D

Cutscene [update]

Much! Better C:!!! And now it includes the last part of the cutscene C:!.

Thanks :D yeah i kind of felt like the 2 last scenes needed something more :P


Appriciate the comments guys , and will definitely make use of your suggestions. And the reason for it being so dark was also a main concern of mine :P i sacrificed "light" to make those fire effect look like they do, but considering it didnt turn out to well I'll have to re-think that one :D And again thank you for your comments =)

Ps: And now that I think about it having Lonis scream his name there maybe wasnt the best idea :P although the scene was supposed to show flashes of a bigger event , so that you only see some parts of a full scene if that makes sense lol :P
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