Just got banned from reddit. I'm @$@$@%#@ pissed.


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Gamedev by sunlight, magical girl by moonlight
I didn't even do anything wrong. Last thing I posted was a chart laying out which characters were canonicly trans and which characters were canonicly femboys. I also posted a theory explaining about future technology I believe is being invented. I got 3 upvotes and one comment (positive) before getting banned. I'm not even sure what I did to warrant a ban? I got a response saying I was permabanned but with no explanation. About two weeks ago I was banned for 48 hours for saying I was a Christian. This @#@#@#@#@# insane. The mods on reddit are more insane than any other mod I've seen on any other site. They're worse than discord mods, and I'm banned from discord too! What the @#@#@ reddit? You @#@#@#@# suck! I hate you! Where the @$#@#@ do I go now to post me memes? GameFAQs? They don't have a good userbase anywhere but the boards for the most popular current games. (nearly every community board is dead or near dead) Twitter? Not touching that cesspool for a mile and I'll just get banned there for a week anyways. Facebook? Full of boomers that won't get anything I say. Plus my family is on there and is friends with me so they won't likely approve of my memes. @#@#@# KnowYourMeme? The website layout @#$$@$@ sucks and is filled to the brim with cringe right wingers. Any alt-tech website is a no-go because they're always full of nazis and barely work half the time. And if I try literally any other alternative left wing social like libbet or tumblr I'll just get banned within a week because I actually practice critical thinking. The right will ban you for being gay and the left will ban you for being Christian. There is no balance. I @$@$@$@$@ hate society. Now I have nowhere to post my memes. I don't have a following on YouTube (not even 100 subs) and that site isn't for memes anyways. You have to get insanely lucky to get big on there and the site sucks anyways. Copyright strikes everywhere for absolutely no reason and if you dispute them rightfully because they're fair use your channel gets deleted. Soon I won't be able to network or get anything done because I'm @#@#@#@# banned from everywhere. I'll become completely isolated from society since everything is online now. I @#@#@#@#2 hate twitter, @#$@ reddit, @#@#@ discord, @#@#@ @#@$@$@# myspace. I hate it here on this planet. Please make it just @#@#@#@#@ end. I'm sick of all this @#@#@. Just make it end.
...make a new reddit account. Stay out of wherever you were posting. :shrug:

Weirdly enough I'm Christian and have never been banned from any social media. Maybe it's how you're communicating that you are Christian and not reading the rules of wherever you're posting, because different reddit subs have different rules. Read them before posting?

Honestly, it sounds like it's how you're communicating with people that is the problem. Like, read what you read here. It's a lot of blaming everyone except yourself - as though everyone is against you. That's not true. People on random sites like reddit don't care who you are or what you are, but how you interact with others. You sound very angry. Have you seen a therapist or someone who can help you deal with your anger? Because as someone from the outside looking in, I feel that might be a good way to start. But that's just my 2 cents.
Guardian of the Description Thread
The question that occurs to me, since you keep bringing it up in your post, is if it's that important to have a place to post memes? The nature of such things are transient, at best. They are similar to fads in that they might be funny/appropriate/cool for a while, but fade/disappear after the next Cool ThingTM arrives.

*Edit: While I'm certainly no expert in such things, I do think you could have taken a breather, and/or calmed down before coming here. Or, I dunno, not use RMN as a platform to vent your personal-life frustrations. The site was not designed as such, nor is the user-base equipped to help in such matters.

Now, if you wanted to vent your frustrations in a game form, and had questions about how to best relay them, then, maybe that would be more appropriate as a topic.
Gamedev by sunlight, magical girl by moonlight
Thanks for the support guys. I WOULD vent elsewhere, but I don't have anywhere else I can do it. I don't have a therapist and my parents don't care about my internet issues. They're like "Oh just get off the internet and go outside and exercise" and crap. I'm not doing that. I hate exersize and I hate the outdoors. Bugs and dirt and grime annoy me to no end, no to mention the dirty air.

Since I live in America therapy is expensive and not covered by 99% of insurance so I'm basically screwed. I have nowhere to go and no one to vent to since basically everyone around me ignores my issues and just doesn't care about them. Or they offer worthless solutions like "quit the internet" which just doesn't work. I don't have any friends or any sort of friend group. RMN and forums like this is all I have to communicate with the outside world. I can't even go anywhere since I'm done with school, my parents are always busy, and I can't drive because I'm legally blind.

I know for a FACT that me being Christian is a reason for why I was banned. Two weeks ago I saw a message of someone saying they were afraid to die and that they didn't want to fade into nothingness, so I told them that they could always became Christian and that heaven was always open. Almost immediately I got a message from one of the mods saying that I was banned from reddit for 48 hours for "being a transphobic religious nutcase" even though I didn't say anything transphobic at all.

I then checked what subs that mod frequented and the top results were r/satanism, r/atheism, r/pagan, r/trees, (weed sub) and r/witchcraft in that order and was a mod on all of them along with most LGBT-related subs that I frequent a lot. (r/egg_irl, r/traaaaa, r/lgbt, r/nonbinary, r/trans, r/transytalk, etc) I know Christians aren't oppressed in society, but this right here is a clear example of powermodding and anti-Christian discrimination. I didn't even post anything that broke Reddit TOS. That guy just hated christains.

Apparently, the official reason for why I was banned was because I was openly Christian and founded a sub about femboys, r/cutefemboys2, (the powermods consider "femboy" a slur now) and an alternate sub to r/traaaaa called r/truscumemes. No, neither sub was transphobic. In the rules for both it said that transphobia, including transphobia against non binary people, isn't allowed. It was merely a more open and free version of r/traaaaa where you wouldn't get banned for stupid crap. Like r/goodanimememes compared to r/animemes. This is completely unfair and unjustified. I'm not even right wing, I'm center left. This is insanity, banning people just because you disagree with them.

As for all my bans...
rpgmaker forums: Banned because I posted a conspeicy theory about KADOKAWA on a support thread while high on paranoia and having a panic attack over Yanfly.

Discord: Blacklisted from pretty much all of RPG Maker discord because Yanfly hates my guts banning me from every server he's a mod in just because I regularly speak out against him. The only servers I'm not banned from is Driftwood Gaming's discord, ToastyTime's discord, (I think he deleted it tho when he quit youtube last month) SumRdmDde's discord, (inactive since early 2020 on everything) and The RPG Maker Tavern discord. I willingly left the r/rpgmaker discord after getting into a heated debate with other users over piracy and drug use. I'm not banned from the entire site but I am banned from all the subs I actually care about.

Reddit: Banned from the entire site because one of the head mods is an ant-Christian Satanist occultist and banned me from the entire site just because I was a Christian and founded some subs they personally disagreed with. (None of which broke reddit's TOS) I can still view posts, but I can no longer post or comment, permanently. And if I make an alt my IP will be blacklisted according to Reddit TOS.
Stand back. Artist at work. I paint with enthusiasm if not with talent.
haha get dunked
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