Infantry for life!
Lead developer of Seraphim Creations. I enjoy doing pixel art as well:)
Kingdom - Caligula
RPG game that features the mad Emperor Caligula.



Looking for a Warhammer Fantasy fan to possibly work on a WH-VXA TBS Project~

Well I don't know much about the scripts as far as combat goes, there are some really good options that would be cool for it like Victor Saints map battle one. Squad combat with a choice of marine chapter units with there own skills and weapons sounds really cool of course, but ya interest in fan games is lower then original games.

[Poll] Would you sell your game on RMN?

Did we even do anything about the last important topic??? I mean really. Even if we decide something on this topic, where do we see it going? There have been some VERY good points made here for both sides of the coin. I really don't know what would be better at this point.

Looking for a Warhammer Fantasy fan to possibly work on a WH-VXA TBS Project~

I have never done a WH char sprite before, sounds interesting, but if you are starting from nothing it will be VERY hard to find help for this I think. Unless you are paying ppl.

[Poll] Would you sell your game on RMN?

I have a few games made that I would sell so ya, always good to be thinking of new ideas for the site to really make it stand out. needs your help (again)!

I would buy a shirt if it had one of our cool games on it. Are we gonna do ANY of these cool ideas? needs your help (again)!

I still like the Kickstarter game idea for the community Since it would be a win win.

Or what about a special sale where the money goes to the donation? Have members sell there music/artwork/games. I would gladly throw down some MORE money for that, lets think outside the box people. needs your help (again)!

What about a KS game that is only featured on this site? With people from this site helping out in the game? I already have a lot of projects in the works im gonna pm you Kentona. needs your help (again)!

Is there another way to donate that doesn't involve paypal? I hate paypal and it hates me.

Also, would the monthly bill be smaller if RMN reduced it's data by say, removing some games that are not up to the standards chosen by the admins? Feedback would be given on how to improve said games to be accepted, like in OverClocked ReMix.

In the future (if there is a future :( ) you might consider asking for donations a bit earlier, like 3 months before the funds go dry :/

Have you considered doing a kickstarter? Seriously, it could work.

I have done a few KS, and I don't think you can do one to keep a website going. Though if the head of the site created something for the site to use the money could go to making it a part of the site AND for the site fees, you would have to be very carful how you word your KS project and make sure you are actually doing something. needs your help (again)!

The great Lato gives $15 for the site:)

Kickstarter for feature length RMXP game

I should start a kickstarter to re-emburse me for all the games I made
Can you believe it? I made them for free? Jiminy Cricket, I wasted so much of my life making games for free! Think of how much people owe me!!!

Jesus people, don't expect money for fucking RM games. You're doing barely any work and expect cash? Get a fucking grip.

Hey now it takes some HUGE balls to ask complete strangers for 15k lol.
Then again he didnt set realistic goals, is a lurker by own admission, doesn't do basic work on his own game. And with 15k you could hire a pro to do custom graphics and scripts/story and not even come close to spending half of that, all in all I hate this person because he makes that site look bad and hurts real ppl that need funding.