

Americana Dawn

I wish I could like posts.

R2K3 Test Play problem

Are there common events or auto start/parallel processes running? If I remember correctly, that's usually the cause of things like this.

if you were a final fantasy character, who would you be and why?

Cid from FF7. I will always want an airship.

Idea for an event of sorts.

Alright, September it is then.

Idea for an event of sorts.

Well, if you want to host something like that then be my guest. I was thinking of starting this maybe next weekend, or sometime in September, and just seeing how things go from there.

Concerning the game front-page download updates

I have to say, I more or less agree with what Narcodis originally said, and Kentona too I suppose.

A lower review score should definitely negatively effect buzz. I don't like the notion that no matter how bad a game is, it could "out-buzz" an amazing game because people enjoy bashing on it. If that's the case, what's the point of implementing a popularity system at all? I imagine it would be more or less the same as things are now.

Even if it doesn't take buzz away, it should generate a much, MUCH lower amount of it to balance things out.

Another thing I wanted to propose was that in the games tab, it would be a cool idea to put a list like featured games, but with the most popular games instead. The games with the most buzz of all time would be listed there.

Idea for an event of sorts.

I'd be incredibly interested in it if the focus was on creating something new or trying out things you cannot afford to do in main projects.

That's a really good idea, actually. I wouldn't force people out of their comfort zone, but I could definitely encourage people to try new things, and I could make the theme centered around something unusual.

Idea for an event of sorts.

Yeah, pretty much like that. Although I was thinking on a bi-monthly basis or something. I don't think I'd want it to have an event page, since it isn't a contest. It would be strictly kept on the forums.

To be honest, I'd be happy with just more 3 hours if it came down to it. I just like the idea of small game making events like that.

Most loved most hated RM games

Alright, my list will probably be really short since I haven't played a lot of RM games, but here goes nothing.

Most Loved:
Story Of Innocence
Phantasia 3 & 4 (Kind of guilty pleasures)
The Way (All of it)

Most Hated:
Forever's End
The RMN Chain Game

Yeah. Most games I'm interested in haven't been or will likely never be released, and I generally don't even pay attention to games that don't spur a lot of my interest.