

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Wow, it's like talking to a brick wall.

If you're so erudite, try backing up your arguments with something beyond naked assertions. As I said before, demonstrate harm or leave us alone. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and claiming that non-rivalrous goods can be "stolen" and cause harm when nothing is lost is a pretty extraordinary claim!

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Liberty, your credibility continues to erode further and further with every post. For starters, please keep in mind that profanity is the hallmark of a tragically limited vocabulary. Second, "X IS WRONG BECAUSE IT IS WRONG" doesn't work for anyone older than about 8. Demonstrate the harm being done or go away and let the grown-ups talk.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Kentona, please stop using the T word here. I know you, and I know you're smarter than that.

This is an argument that's been created and propagated by our enemy--the enemy of me, you, and every other ordinary Internet citizen--to cynically use our sense of morality against us to further their goals of taking control of content online and gaining the power of ultimate censorship over it. It comes from the same people pushing abominations like SOPA and the TPP, and whenever normal citizens of the Internet such as yourself falls for it, you legitimize their attempts to harm you.

Please stop.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

See, that's the problem with the whole idea, though: "taking something." If we're going to get into moralistic arguments, let's at least be honest enough to use the complete phrase: taking something away.

I really shouldn't have to repeat myself like that...

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Then again, you previously stated that you had a part in the product's release, so you might have a financial stake in this, I don't know.

Good point.

author=Upton Sinclair
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

The only ones losing credibility are idiots who think that calling things by another name makes it a-okay, especially when at the core it is taking something that you have no right to have - aka THEFT.

Trying to break it down into other areas just to excuse the theft of something is stupidity at it's finest because anyone with half a brain knows that taking something you do not own or have the right to own is stealing.

See, that's the problem with the whole idea, though: "taking something." If we're going to get into moralistic arguments, let's at least be honest enough to use the complete phrase: taking something away.

If I stole your car, that would be a severe injustice. Everyone agrees with that. But why would it be a severe injustice? Because I suddenly have a car? Is there something inherently wrong with me having a car? Of course not. The problem is that you suddenly don't have it. From your perspective, the only difference between me stealing your car and me destroying your car is that if I stole it, the possibility exists that you might get it back.

If I were to make a copy of your car, on the other hand, what injustice has been done to you?

Anyone who doesn't understand the change that the 21st Century has had on the word probably needs to go back to the 1900s when the concept of "non-rivalrous goods" was not yet a thing.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

Liberty, you're losing more and more credibility with every post, because by pushing the "theft" line, you're associating yourself with the sleazy types who tried to push stuff like SOPA on us. Remember the first rule of holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging.

Copying is not theft. It's so simple that even a child could understand it, literally.

The official English 2k3 version is out!

It's more likely that they just didn't realize that there would be a market here until communities starting popping up around the pirated versions of the software.

Yeah, who'd have ever imagined such a thing could happen? It's not like there was any precedent from earlier versions, afterall...

[RMXP] Project scanner

From that screenshot, it looks like you got the old version. Try it with the updated version, (which supports searching for switches, BTW, and you can add support for weapons or armors if you need to search for them,) and if you still get a crash, please open the Details in that popup, copy everything out of it and open an Issue on GitHub with that information, a link where I can download the game in question, and the name of the file you tried to open that crashed it. If I have this information I can track down the bug and fix it.

[RMXP] Project scanner

This has been updated with VX Ace support and the ability to configure your own search filters.