

Geo Blocks

Hmm. So what would be a better way of making this customizable? I'm primarily a Delphi developer, and so event handlers are completely natural and idiomatic to me.

Geo Blocks

Update: Since a lot of the functionality that makes Geo Effects so interesting is related to the way they interact with the rest of the battle engine, I added four hooks that accept procs or blocks as callbacks so that the engine can fill in the blanks in ways that make sense for itself.

onChangePanel: Fired every time a panel changes color as part of a Geo Break round, with the coordinates of the panel that got changed.

onBeginRound: Fired at the beginning of each Geo Break round, whether it was triggered by the player breaking a symbol or as part of a chain reaction.

onChainFinished: Fired at the end of a Geo Break chain.

onBoardClear: Fired at the end of a Geo Break chain if the chain ended with all panels being cleared from the board.

With these hooks, it should be possible for a tactical battle system to implement the full functionality found in a Disgaea game, or make their own modifications on the basic theme.

Geo Blocks

If you're interested in writing scripts for tactical battle systems you can consider using this as the base:

Looks interesting, thanks. I might contact the author to talk about stuff. Mostly, though, this was just something for me to try out to learn a bit of RGSS. :)

Geo Blocks

wow, are you really just starting in RGSS?

Yes, this is actually the first time in my life I've ever touched Ruby. I have, however, been programming for more than 20 years in a variety of other languages, and I'm good at reading documentation and sample code, so that helps a lot.

Anyways, is this used in the battle? or just for map events?

Just for map events. It requires a square grid to work, so there's no good way to integrate it into a standard RPG Maker battle system. (If someone makes a tactical CBS, though, this would come in handy.)

Great work there! I'm looking forward for you to finish this. I might find it useful in the future.

I hope so! I'll keep working on it.

[VX Ace] [RGSS3] Drawing onto the screen

Thanks, Liberty, but all of those systems appear to be for drawing pictures loaded from disc. I'm trying to actually get a Bitmap object to draw on. I tried hacking Galv's Layer Graphics a little to make it work that way, but it doesn't appear to actually work at all. The "layer" function its documentation says should create a layer instead causes an error: no such function name.

Basically, I'm building a Geo Block system (as in Disgaea) and I need a way to programatically draw the blocks onto the terrain, and update them on the fly if someone breaks a symbol.

[VX Ace] [RGSS3] Drawing onto the screen

Is there any way to draw on the screen directly? I'm trying to draw an overlay directly on the ground, so that it will be on top of the terrain but below the player and the events on the map. I tried using a Plane, and I can get it to draw what I want, but unfortunately no matter how high or low I set the Plane's Z value, it always draws above the player and the events. (This seems quite strange, since the documentation says the Plane class is for background images.)

So I'm probably doing something wrong. How do I do it right? Is there any way to draw an overlay directly over the map terrain?

Seeking testers for TURBU

I've spent the last few months hard at work on finally finishing up the TURBU engine, which is intended to be able to import any RM2K or RM2K3 game and improve on its capabilities. I've got a basic editor in place, and almost all of the script commands are implemented now. But what I need is for people to test it and find any problems I might have missed.

If a few of you could download it, import your favorite RPG Maker game, (or one you built yourself,) play around with it a little and let me know what you found, it would really help me out with the development process. Any (constructive) feedback is welcome. Thanks!

rm2k3 help] Tiles passible when I clearly set it not to be?

I've been building an engine that's supposed to be able to import RPG Maker games and allow designers to improve on them, so I've had to do a lot of careful work to ensure compatibility.

Passability is a tricky subject, but there are basically three factors: the lower tile, the upper tile, and the event(s) in the square.

If there are no events in the square, then passability is pretty simple: Use the upper tile's passability unless it's set to *, in which case use the lower tile's passability. (The default blank upper tile is a * tile, which can't be changed in the editor.) So that could be affecting things. See if you have upper tiles causing trouble for you.

If there are events in the square, then it uses the passability rules for the events, which can get really complicated. But if I had to guess, I'd say that if you're only looking at the lower tile, that's probably your problem: the upper tile can trump the lower tile.

Progress journal: a clear goal

Nice! I'll keep that in mind when I get around to implementing battle systems.

Reverse-engineering The Frozen World

Yeah, I've talked with Cherry a few times about the inner workings of RPG Maker. he's a pretty smart guy. :)