For once in my life I am going to take this gammak business seriously. I am going to finish! My! Games!
Siren Night
What is this strange music in the night? And where is everyone?



Sprite Showcase #2

They look great! I really like Archer because i loooove bag-over-the-head characters heehee, but they all look really good!

(the images are kinda massive btw, i have to use the horizontal scroll bar to see the whole thing. not a big deal just thought id mention it)

Turovero: The Celestial Tower Version 1.0 Is Finally Here!!

so happy to see this released! I've been looking forward to it and I can't wait to play :D


i feel the need to make the "they did surgery on a grape" joke
but she's super cute and a little spooky with the eyes, i like it

Hey, They Got Features!

Ueno definitely looks shifty, dangerous. I love him already, creepy cruel boy. He'll either be a character that I like or a character that I love to hate and get angry at.



Not Dead, Just Stuck

i know this might be a dumb suggestion, but did you try deleting the barrels and stones that disappear and then putting them back? like, take them off the map and then put them back in the same spots? idk anything about technology. i have no idea what the issue could be with this, but sometimes i've had things go wrong and i solved it by doing it all over again, so i thought maybe suggesting that wouldn't hurt. I hope you're able to solve this swiftly!


goddd i just love the style of hair where there's a ton of clips and decorations like all over the place. i can never make it look good in my own hair though...
anyway shes super duper cute omg but i feel like i shouldn't trust her for some reason... she's too cute, its suspicious

Smoother movements and lots of small improvements in V.0.2.0

those new movements look super smooth, very snazzy!


prolly just the brown hair and sweater vest, thats really the only similarity lol


bread and butter are in a relationship hghgjeior that's adorable. also is it just me or does he look kinda like goro akechi from persona 5, especially with the sweater vest.
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