

Tears of Samsara

Looks good, subscribed.

A Path of Darkness

I agree with the above comments.

Walking/Running speed MUST be increased, otherwise the demo was very interesting, and I am waiting to play the rest of the game.

Keep the quality of the story on the same level, and this will be a great game.

Tale of Exile Act I

I'm happy that this game will be continued!

Star Stealing Prince

@NEIN: Aw, thanks a lot! It makes me feel very accomplished to hear that. *hugs*

Have you given any thoughts to a sequel?

Star Stealing Prince

I just finished the game.

One of the best games I have ever played.

I hope you will continue to make games this good.

Lorelai, Queen

I just finished the demo.

It was great fun, the story is unique and interesting, and I am VERY much looking forward to how it will go for the young queen.

About the combat, I would like to mention, that you should not be able to attack through walls.

In the Bandit-cave, one of the bandits was throwing daggers through walls, and another could use magic through the walls.

I think all attacks should be confined to line of sight.


Subscribed, definetly subscribed!


Played the demo, and subscribed immediately.

Lorelai, Queen

The plot sounds interesting, subscribed.


Subscribed, and hoping this will game will get off the ground.
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