Chance to appear as a cameo character!
Chance to appear as a cameo character!
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
Glad you like it so far! Do you think it's too grindy? I kind of like it as is, but I always like to know other people's opinions. I wouldn't be against the monsters giving a little more EXP.
Chance to appear as a cameo character!
Glad you're enjoying it! On the 2nd floor of the pyramid, the idea is to make to the stone tablets so that you can read the inscriptions on them. Then on that center piece you'll put the words in the correct order: "DARKCANNOTDIE" and it'll open.
I have since changed the password for that floor since to me, not putting spaces in the words made it hard to figure out. I can't remember if I changed it for this last version, but if I did, the new password is "DARKNESS CAN NEVER FADE".
I have since changed the password for that floor since to me, not putting spaces in the words made it hard to figure out. I can't remember if I changed it for this last version, but if I did, the new password is "DARKNESS CAN NEVER FADE".
Approaching the End: Quick Questionnaire
I'm a bit late, but here goes.
I adore bestiaries. I'm not even kidding, I love them. So long as it's not something you'd hate doing, I am in full support of that.
I also really like postgame stuff, specifically stuff like as you said, the Hell Gate. A huge place full of lovely treasure.
So yes, both sound like excellent ideas to me and would get me even more psyched.
Thanks for the feedback! :)
I'm out for awhile for the holidays, so hopefully I'll get to work on the project some!
Saving and Save States
I think it's not always an issue of when you allow a person to save. Sometimes, the punishment for death in a game is just too much. When you get a "GAME OVER" screen and lose everything you've done since the last save - then yeah, it's annoying.
Looking at the Dragon Quest series as inspiration here, I think it is better when a death doesn't mean you lose all progress. Instead, death sends you back to the last "safe place" with half your gold. So yeah, you lose something by dying, but no, you didn't lose hours and hours of hard work / all progress you made.
Even with this system, I don't allow you to save anywhere. I only allow saving in "safe places" - which sure, they are plentiful and never that far away, but I guess there could be a time where someone randomly has to go and it might be an inconvenience.
Looking at the Dragon Quest series as inspiration here, I think it is better when a death doesn't mean you lose all progress. Instead, death sends you back to the last "safe place" with half your gold. So yeah, you lose something by dying, but no, you didn't lose hours and hours of hard work / all progress you made.
Even with this system, I don't allow you to save anywhere. I only allow saving in "safe places" - which sure, they are plentiful and never that far away, but I guess there could be a time where someone randomly has to go and it might be an inconvenience.
Approaching the End: Quick Questionnaire
I am quite happy to see that it is almost done! I look forward to playing it again, and seeing the new challenges that are stored inside. I would ask these three questions:
1) Which monster arena will be stronger the past or the future?
I'm thinking it'll be both instances of the arena. I have a cool idea on who could be the final arena combatants for both.
2)I would like to test the final version out as a beta tester again once it's ready.
That would be awesome! :)
3) Lastly is there going to be a secret optional boss that's much stronger than the final boss in the Trial area you had in mind? Because it sounds like a nice idea plus I know the perfect place to put it.
If I add the trial area, it would most certainly have a stronger boss tied in with it. My current plans was just to place the final dungeon in where the actual final dungeon was in present time.
I'd love to hear your idea for where it could be though!
Respond when you have time!
Responded in bold. Thanks for the reply!
Approaching the End: Quick Questionnaire
Thanks for the input!
I feel like most of the questions in terms of the storyline should be answered by the conclusion of the final boss, but I might see if I can tie in some type of relation to the post-game content if I choose to add it.
I had one person suggest adding on to the arena at the end of the game, I think that would work out pretty well.
I feel like most of the questions in terms of the storyline should be answered by the conclusion of the final boss, but I might see if I can tie in some type of relation to the post-game content if I choose to add it.
I had one person suggest adding on to the arena at the end of the game, I think that would work out pretty well.
What areas of RPG making really hinder your project?
My biggest problem is towns. My project is full of them! Trying to make each one unique and interesting poses a problem sometimes.
For those of you who know my project, Legacy of the Lost, I typically have a past and present version of the same town. When I finish a region and have to remake the town in the present I usually slow down - it is hard for me to think of things for the NPCs to say/things to do in the present time.
For those of you who know my project, Legacy of the Lost, I typically have a past and present version of the same town. When I finish a region and have to remake the town in the present I usually slow down - it is hard for me to think of things for the NPCs to say/things to do in the present time.