Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
The Screenshot Topic Returns
The Screenshot Topic Returns
The Screenshot Topic Returns
I'm using Zelda Classic 2.5 RC2. ^^
I've used ZC off and on for several years, really having fun making this one.
I've used ZC off and on for several years, really having fun making this one.
The Screenshot Topic Returns
@Solid89: It's pretty good, but I it just looks so square and symmetrical.
Here's one more Zelda shot!
Here's one more Zelda shot!
Secret Santa Review Event 2011!
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
Just figured I'd bump! Progress been going a good bit slower lately, but I won't be giving up on the project.
Tactics RPGs!
author=Feldschlacht IV
The PSP Tactics Ogre is the shit, homie.
The playstation version is even better! Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is by far the best tactics game I have ever played! Awesome story, multiple routes, and a fun class system!