Messin with the gaming world for the lulz



RMN v4.5 (and beyond) Feature Idea List

Does this site have a mobile version? Every now and then I check up here on my phone.

Why rm2k3 is terrible for action games

I'm wondering if this was the cause of why people wanted to make an action game.

ika engine - Editor

I heard that ika was an unfinished engine. Maybe I heard wrong?

Community Contest: Map and you could win $25 and other prizes

I'm just entering for the fun of it...

An Official *English* Version of 2k3 Approaches!

If I sign this, will EB fix all the bugs this engine has?

The Liberated Pixel Cup!!

How about gamemaker or adventure game studio? Are they allowed? D:

[Music] Music composer ready to work!

Are you good at making ambient type music as well?

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

Playing the old Starlight game, both dos and sega versions. God, I missed out on some great games...D:

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

I'm pretty sure there were a bunch of chainsaw weapons in the Metal Max games.

What do you want from a ShMUP

Not dying in one hit. Something like in Lords of Thunder, or UN Squadron. Did anyone mention upgrading your ship?
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