I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.



Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Since we have some new faces this game, I have decided to write up a little "mafia primer." Follow these rules, and you are sure to succeed.

Rule 1: DON'T read the rules. The ones liberty writes, I mean. Nobody ever got ahead by reading what a "moderator" wrote. Which leads me to my next point:

Rule 2: Immediately share all your role info. Only bad guys have something to hide. Yes, I am Riou, the Tenkai star, and yes, I am also this game's only doctor. I can not protect myself, and also die if I am visited, ever.

Rule 3: Don't ever lynch anyone, as violence is immoral.

Rule 4: ##lynch yellow magic

Rule 5: If you have any items, give them to me or I will kill you.

This is why I play mafia.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

It's 4am in the morning. The perfect time for me to wake up and play some mafia.

So I don't know about the rest of you, but I got my role PM before YM joined. Liberty wouldn't start the game without an assassin in it, so I assume YM is not the assassin.

But I don't think we say for sure that someone who's not the assassin is 'confirmed town' in this game. After all in a 19 vs. 1 game, there would have to be some town roles that are a handicap to town.

E.G.: Turncoat, Jester, Survivor, paranoid/insane roles.

I'm not sure if Liberty would put in an independent. After all the assassin is his/herself already an independent, and the lore implications would be odd. It's not impossible though

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

I've never played a 20-player Mafia before. This is going to complete carnage xD

What are you thinking about right now?

Any problem involving the game industry is a first world problem.

But in terms of issues that seriously affect the gaming industry, biased and unethical game-journalism is up there.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Ahah, don't worry Liberty, I'll gladly watch that intro a second time (it's pretty darn cool), so you can still use it

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

Don't tempt me to start sharing OST's xD

RMN Tagline Thread

So all of these taglines are based on community memes?

Haha, that's amazing.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

I think I still have the template kicking around ... What kind of dude do you want?

Oh dear, you really don't have to. I didn't know the person who made them was still around, otherwise I probably wouldn't have asked. It seems like a lot of work

I don't know any good characters off the top of my head anyway. But if you can spare the time, I'll ask again later, when I think of one.

Suikoden Mafia [GAME ON, PEEPS]

@rabitZ Oh, hey, you have one of those really cool avatars as well. I heard they're from some long-past forum game, but I still really want one of them xD

Also, a small question before the game starts: Does 'town' know who it is they're protecting (and only the assassin doesn't know), or does nobody know?

I'm here because Gourd made me

Hey Suna, Welcome! I really like your profile picture ^^