Goes inactive at least every 2 weeks
Just some random guy who spends too much time on RPG Maker, move along.

Pronounce - (POOR-KATE)
Age - 22
Birthdate - 8/2/1998
Current project - Demise
Face off against a mysterious group of demons and slowly find out the truth behind them.



What are you thinking about right now?

I know we haven't interacted as much piano, but hang in there!


Welcome to RMN your majesty.

Playing video games...

I play games too.
Though I suck at them.

Welcome to RMN!

Hi, I'm new.

The hip and cool kids either use VX Ace or 2k3.

I am a hip and cool kid.

Welcome to RMN!

What are you thinking about right now?

You know that when you're on Discord the game you're playing is displayed on your profile?
When I was playing Ara Fell it said I was playing Yume Nikki. This is the funniest thing to me.

Poofreading in game development

I proof read after typing it, when I see a problem then I use a grammar check website to see if it's incorrect.

Yes I'm that guy who uses a grammar check website.

The ban wagon


Kloe, I ban you for interrupting the Ace Attorney chain!

The ban wagon


You've been banned before my first post on this thread!

I ban pancaek for not being extremely paranoid that his topic has already been done and thus did not dig through the forums to find out.or use the search bar on the top right
If it had been done then it wouldn't be paranoia, and if it hasn't then there's no reason for me to be paranoid anyways.

Banned Seiromem for misuse of the word paranoid.

My bad though, I'll close the topic or something.

So does that make YOU have no credibility in this court?!

Banned for not noticing that post!

The ban wagon

So where's your proof on THAT Seiromem!

Banned for no evidence!

The ban wagon


Banned for hiding the proof!

author=Last edited by Seiromem on 07/01/2016 02:54 AM