Analyst Predicts NGP Will Easily Top PSP Sales
But if you download big name titles you would only be able to have so many games. ]Heck, you can only have to many XBL games before your memory is gone.
Analyst Predicts NGP Will Easily Top PSP Sales
Analyst Predicts NGP Will Easily Top PSP Sales
I believe they are throwing it all in to one bundle. Especially since they think it will top PSP sales being an I-phone/touch copy.
Analyst Predicts NGP Will Easily Top PSP Sales
Actually, it can though. Load times on a handheld when most if not all handhelds had no loading times? Easy to get damaged, can skip, can't play it without the white case around it, exspensive
Video game genres that will eventually die in the coming years.
Analyst Predicts NGP Will Easily Top PSP Sales
You do remember that the PSP brand turned from fighting Nintendo to the I-phone/touch right before it's lack of games reached like 3 per year (Slight exaggeration.)
Regardless of features, this is basically another attempt at the Go, but they decided to change the brand. Which in my opinion, will always be PSP if the images of the NGP look like that.
Regardless of features, this is basically another attempt at the Go, but they decided to change the brand. Which in my opinion, will always be PSP if the images of the NGP look like that.
Analyst Predicts NGP Will Easily Top PSP Sales
While the original PlayStation Portable was by no means a failure, it clearly was not perceived as a runaway success by consumers and publishers alike. First off, the device used a proprietary disk-based format, with no internal memory, that proved to be an inconvenience for most portable gamers. Perhaps the biggest killer to the platform of all was the rampant piracy which put off a slew of publishers from developing for the system to begin with. However, hopes are high for the successor to the PSP.
According to the analysts of the Electronic Entertainment Design and Research firm, Sony's Next Generation Portable will easily surpass the sales of the predecessor given that Sony learned from the mistakes made with the PSP and because the original portable was not that successful outside of Japan to begin with. According to EEDAR's Jesse Divnich:
EEDAR has no doubt that the NGP will be successful in Japan. In Japan the PSP currently has the second largest active install base and is on track to become the fifth bestselling home or portable console of all time in that country. The key to the NGP's success, however, will come down to the adoption rates in the much larger North American and European markets.
As for resolving previous mistakes with the PSP, the analysts point out that long-term success is key to achieving larger lifetime sales numbers:
Observers tend to forget that the PSP was incredibly successful at launch in NA, selling more units in its first year than the Nintendo DS. Long-term, however, concerns about Sony's digital strategy, lack of publisher incentive and piracy, ultimately resulted in a decreasing support from third-party publishers and a reduction in retail shelf space. EEDAR believes that the aforementioned problems of the PSP era will be resolved with the NGP.
Without a doubt, Sony has already addressed several of the problems of the PSP with the design and unveil of the NGP. However, as stated by the EEDAR analyst, it will most likely all come down to the price-point of the NGP.
So, the analysis guys say that this thing that it will definitely top PSP sales. Yet, one of them says it must be at the right price. So apparently they have no idea how this is going to turn out.
Video game genres that will eventually die in the coming years.
http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/fittest/index.htmlTwo User Scores of 10. No professional review, or score.
I don't know if its possible to find the stats of the download.
But he might as well use Geometery Wars as an example. Most people have heard of that game, and it's pretty much the same. It was very successful.
I agree, Indie is helping revive some of the old game styles that disappeared. Castle Crashers brought back the side-scrolling beat-em-up (as well as Scott Pilgrim vs the World)
I don't see how it has anything to do with the point he originally made though.
Thank you, yes they are bringing back old game styles.