I am into just about every genre of game really. My brother and I grew up dabbling in RM2k3 on occasion to the point where hearing the RTP soundtrack brings a wave of nostalgia, so I'm most familiar with that engine as far as RPGMaker goes.

Check out my game I'm working on!

Legend of Alkior: The Impending Storm
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.
Legend of Alkior: The Im...
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.



Lowest Damage instead of 0, make it 1.

Actually, I've had this same question in mind (I'm using RPG Maker 2003).


Cool scene! But as far as the HUD goes, I'd like to see the border on the sword to be thinned down. It looks out of place when all the other graphics have finer lines/detail. And the money looks out of place, but I'm guessing it works with your menu somehow? In that case, I'd suggest moving the money somewhere that looks better, and you could just move it elsewhere when the menu is opened how you intended.

You said elsewhere that you get more stuff like magic/bow/etc. to add to the HUD, but perhaps you could consolidate stuff on screen before you get those things, and then spread them further out a bit as you collect stuff. My two cents.

I want to create an indie RPG but I don't know where to start.

Experimentation is always good. There are many helpful tutorials on this website. Here is a big compilation of useful things: Master Helpful Things Topic

Start small like Milennin said. People won't help you if you don't first help yourself.

Also, these guys are great if you haven't seen their videos. They discuss game design topics among other things: Extra Credits
Ok I will check all this stuff out. Thank you for this help. I'm mainly interested in doing a good unique storyline and good unique characters. I wanna be the storyline guy :D

If you want to make a good game with a story, make sure to watch this video here. Although this being an RPG in a game maker, I'm not sure how much original gameplay you had in mind.

Eventually though, you should try to have something that makes your game stand out whether it be through gameplay or graphics. I'm using mostly RTP for my first full game, but I have a unique way (at least imo) that you learn skills as you level up despite the game being a traditional RPG.

I want to create an indie RPG but I don't know where to start.

Experimentation is always good. There are many helpful tutorials on this website. Here is a big compilation of useful things: Master Helpful Things Topic

Start small like Milennin said. People won't help you if you don't first help yourself.

Also, these guys are great if you haven't seen their videos. They discuss game design topics among other things: Extra Credits

[2k3] Damage floors and random encounters?

The encounter rate you specify in a map is a static value that determines how frequently you encounter enemies.

An encounter multiplier is a percentage that is multiplied to the encounter rate to determine its frequency.

In other words, an encounter multiplier of 50 means battles will occur twice as often; 200 means half as often. 0 Means they will not occur at all.

At least that is how I understood it. I haven't touched the default encounter engine in a while. (Even when my project had random encounters I made the rate dynamic.)

You have that backwards. An encounter multiplier of 200 would double the encounter rate, while one of 50 would cut it in half.

[RM2K3] Unable to get party fully healed above level 1 with...

I'm not too familiar with your system, but maybe something along the lines of having a second common event that is parallel process and keeps checking for whatever causes the class change. If that condition is met, it turns on a switch, which triggers your first common event (which you would now change to the "Autostart" type and is activated by said switch). Have that autostart event do whatever it is you do with changing classes, etc., and then turn off the trigger switch.


I think you are doing a good job of keeping the corridors and rooms smaller and condensed. However, imo I don't think every map should have as much treasure as this one, maybe unless they are just small amounts of gold or low-level potions. It just seems like walk a little bit, treasure!, walk a little more, treasure!...

[RM2k3] Have status conditions scroll in default battle system?

Yeah, I think I will just have to settle for the default priorities.

[RM2k3] Have status conditions scroll in default battle system?

I am wondering if it is possible to display multiple status conditions per hero in the default battle system or even some kind of patch. At the moment, it will only show the one condition with the highest priority while a hero has multiple conditions. I have it set up so the conditions that need to be addressed sooner will be shown over conditions that have lesser effects. This is okay for now, but it is not ideal.

Skill Detection In Battle?

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help! :)