I am into just about every genre of game really. My brother and I grew up dabbling in RM2k3 on occasion to the point where hearing the RTP soundtrack brings a wave of nostalgia, so I'm most familiar with that engine as far as RPGMaker goes.

Check out my game I'm working on!

Legend of Alkior: The Impending Storm
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.
Legend of Alkior: The Im...
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.



[RM2k3] Shadow-light dungeon mechanic. Possible solution?

...Why not just change the picture? You don't necessarily need a zillion pictures if you do it right.

Center the picture around the hero, and change location and size as the light mana variable changes. Other than this, the variables above can probably help.

Actually, the concept I originally had in mind was probably functionally flawed to begin with (unnecessarily complicated) so I may end up doing something like this. Instead of permanently revealing spots until you leave the room, it could be more of a flashlight kind of thing that you toggle on/off.

[RM2k3] Shadow-light dungeon mechanic. Possible solution?

Well, it wouldn't matter as long as I can properly tell the computer to do it for me :)

[RM2k3] Shadow-light dungeon mechanic. Possible solution?

Would using this picpointer patch interfere at all with the David patch that I'm currently using, do you know?

[RM2k3] Shadow-light dungeon mechanic. Possible solution?

Okay, I'm using the David and Goliath Patch, which believe bumped the picture limit up quite a bit, so if that's the only limitation, then I may go ahead and move forward with this idea (eventually).


Wouldn't having a complete bio like this right off that bat at Lv. 1 spoil the rest of the game? Were you planning on having parts of bios be unlockable or something to that effect once you've progressed far enough?

[RM2k3] Shadow-light dungeon mechanic. Possible solution?

What I had in mind was some kind of mechanic where you have a certain amount of light energy that you can expend in a room that, for the most part, is shrouded in darkness. There would be a picture that covers up every tile (maybe every 2x2 or 3x3 tile "chunk"), and then the picture is removed if you use some of your light energy on a spot to gain vision of that spot.

Thoughts? Is this solution plausible, or would using too many pictures in this fashion cause immense lag?


Hey, can't play em all. Specially with dem Steam sales.


I do think however that this 1sentence could be toned down a bit. Less "tension", "renegade", "Xargath" "inevitably" "promply", etc. While this is nice for advertising, effectively fuddles with actual design.

Well, this came after most of the plot creation, so I guess this is less of a creative direction and more of a summary of what was already thought out, but I see your point (which was to not focus too much on the central goal? correct me if I'm wrong).


Luckily for my current project, I already came up with a 1sentence:

Legend of Alkior: The Impending Storm
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.

I think being able to come up with a single sentence for your game is good because 1) you are able to advertise it better and 2) every RPG should have some central goal or conflict in its plot. You can have subplots and side quests, etc, but having a core plot/goal is definitely a must from both the developer's and the player's perspective.

Needed script

I'm not sure if I can help you with this myself, but you have to make sure to indicate which maker that you are using when asking for help!

I guess you could do some sort of choice branch, and then just teleport the player to the appropriate starting map, depending on the selected tale.