

Why does dying have to suck?

Because the game stops. People don't like the game to stop. Dragon Quest kept the game going with half the gold.


That is very strange. This should be a village hall. I remember it being a village hall. I wonder what happened.


You know that you can rearrange your party any time by visiting the academy or the guild guide at the pub or inn (depending on what town). You do not need to start over or anything.


That CP issue is a bug, thank you. It has been replaced due to the bug. It still works the same way, its just not CP anymore.

That's a prologue? You just want to pick your own party :-) I have done a heck of a lot more to spice up the first cave. Shooting arrows, More skills. More weapons. Scan skills and so on.

However, because I have tested the game 20 times from the start, I have implamented a skip section already for the next version. You will need to look for it though, or I will just give a password.

I'm happy you played the game :-)

How many hours should an 80 MB game be?

wow this question really grew. speaking of growing... the game can stay 80 mb but keep getting longer and longer.

What are you working on now?

I am working on a party picking game that has turned out to be a lot of fun to play :-)


Massive face graphic does not take up valuable room for text.


Huh? What do you mean?


Yes, why not? They are a combination of a Grey (red mage from Final Fantasy 1) and Black Belt. They use claws, whips, dresses, gowns, cat suits, long boots and they can use damaging magic. They are strong to sleep and weak to paralysis, because they love bondage and what mistress goes to sleep?

They have high HP and agility, but poor ... well I forget what they are poor at...

While they are very versitile, they are either attackers or mages. They are not attack mages until later. What I mean by that is you can either equip good weapons or equip magic.


Really? Why thank you Dezz! I was worried actually!