

Unneeded Heroes

When there's one thing that keeps me from playing a game, then its a lengthy introduction and the chance to die in the first encounter with no means of saving before that.

My advice is to autosave the game immideately after the introduction, then impatient players like myself could give the game a second chance - unless of course the game is meant to be for patient players only ;)


I have started playing Bloodspehre today and I am right in the middle of Chapter 3 now, enjoying it a lot.

I like the little custom media that is included, especially the emotion face sets. The difficulty curve is steep but not unfair - but yes, the "chicken invasion" (although kind of explained by an NPC) makes your game look bad at the start.

I will write a full review after finishing.

EDIT: I found one bug - when picking locks with 3 levers the middle+right lever always move together when I use the arrow keys - you can get around it though if you do NOT start with the leftmost lever.

Project Insomnia - Working Title - DEAD

You had me at "oldschool" :)

Zendir 2: A World Reborn

I could download from rapidshare without problems :)

Zendir 2: A World Reborn

I have problems downloading it too - as I always have with dropbox. My guess is it only works properly if the downloader registers first. Something which I wont do.

Relas: Chaos of the Realms

The only complaint I have so far is not the game designers fault: The walking animation of the characters is terrible, which is a pity since they otherwise look quite good for the small size of the sprites.

Fallen Wings

Tried to play it but wont work for me too. Other XP games work still fine.

Dragon Slayer

Atm I am testing several RPG Maker games each week to decide if my own focus will be on XP or Ace. Dragon Slayer made me want to just start developing, because it shows what can be achieved with a little time and lots of dedication.

Well made, review&rating is done.
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