

Advanced Party Selection

See, I had tried to use a big seiries of switches but that just kind of wound up going in circles, you know? I didn't get to play with it last night cause I up until six in the morning playing Halo... but I'm gonna go just randomly make a 20x15 room and stuff it with people and see if I can get variables down.
When I get a playabe beta I'll consider putting it up here, I'm just kind of warry of internet distribution of unfinished works. x.X

Gredlen's Official Anime and Manga Topic of Fun and General Merriment!

Ah, well there are a few places, *doesnt leave URL's just cause that sounds like advertising shady things on a public forum* just for the love of god don't use Youtube...the resolution is horrible.

The other day I watched a couple episodes of Xenosaga. It actually didnt suck, as I'd imagine most game>anime conversions would. But then I've never played the game either so I dunno how faithful it is. But Kos-Mos kicks butt, 'nuff said. ^.^;;

how do you make a side scrolling game? with rpg maker 2000/2003

Hm, that must be it, though now that I think about it I remember it being called XNL at one point. I can't find anything on that now, maybe they changed the name.
But if you were to make a side scroller in RPG Maker, wouldnt it be kind of cumbersome? It's all tile based. I can't see it having very many difficult platforming elements if its all tiles, cause if you can jump enough tiles you just kind of make it automatically...And it just strikes me as sounding poor in controls.
I'm sure it can be done though. *shrugs*

Serious injuries

I um...sprained my finger in the seventh grade...
*feels lame in comparison to everyone else's suffering*
And the class nerd did it. I was holding my sweater and he snatched it out of my hand and it hurt really bad. v.v
Also... once I touched a stove that had just been turned off cause I wanted to see if it cooled off fast.
And also once I was swordfighting with household objects... I was using a broom and I broke the bar out of my wardrobe thing and someone else was using that...and he suddenly stopped after attacking me with it and I looked down and realized that he had sliced my hand clean open. I filled the sink with blood. v.v
AND once last year my hands got superheated for absolutely no reason. All the skin on my hand ...died. It was like I was radiated. I'm not freaking kidding. And if I closed my fist my skin cracked open and I bled. After about a few months it went away but..yeah. I think I know where that came from actually but I'd like to not be labeled as 'insane' this early in my stay at the forums here so I'm not going to bother.

Not sure which one of those counts as the 'worst'. ^.^;;

Gredlen's Official Anime and Manga Topic of Fun and General Merriment!

Since I have no life I just read all of that...^.^

I have to agree with a good portion of that.
I had my DBZ phase. But no more. Oh please no. I mean, they spent the whole episode leading up to a big battle, talking about how powerful they other person is. That's really it... Twenty minutes of people yelling, as they charge up yellow sparklies and yell like it's painful, with their muscles getting progressively bigger as if they are taking steriods, and every once in a while you'll have someone say something coherant like "I cant believe he is so powerful". When really he isnt doing anything to show power, just that he can conceal more fire crackers in his pants and set them all off to make shiney lights. Maybe in the last two seconds someone would punch someone or shoot a Hadouken. Er, I mean energy ball. And then in the next episode they'd spend twenty minutes talking about how colorful that fireball was.

Naruto is like that to me too. Only difference is that they dont conceal explosives in their clothes as they spend twenty minutes talking to themselves about what they're going to do.
First I'm gonna use such and such jitsu like so (describes) then I'm going to walk behind him (describes each individual step) and use this overly complicated technique when I could just poke him with my kunai...

Basically those kinda animes are like... this post. All talk, and no substance. Though I daresay not as funny.

Moving along, I do NOT hate anime, love the hell out of it.
My favorites are currently Death Note, Elfen Lied, and Ghost in the Shell. I mean there are a ton more I like but those are my favorite.

For those that don't know;

Deathnote is, in a nutshell, a college student that finds a notebook dropped from another world that kills whoever's name he writes in it. A pretty nice guy before, he gets a god complex and thinks he ought to kill all the criminals in the world cause no one else will do it. The seiries mostly revolves around him trying to cleanse the world of criminals, and dodge the incredible mind of the guy that is trying to catch him. It's really the most intellectual anime I've seen ever, call me pathetic but it really makes you stop and think "how the hell does he anticipate this?" and you feel like a complete genius when you figure something out.

Elfen Lied is about a girl with a mutation that escapes from a facility in which she was being tortured and tested on. Her mutation gives her the use of Vectors, which are like, invisable hands she uses to kill humans. You would think that, being a bit of a cold, heartless killer you'd despise her, but this anime has some REALLY powerful stuff in it, by the end you wont blame her for doing it, cause it makes sense where she got the frame of mind from, you'll wind up feeling sorry for her and probably would do the same thing yourself. I'm not going to spoil anything but there's one point not five episodes in that makes most people I know sick to their stomach and/or cringe on their sofa from watching. It's just sick and simultaneously powerful stuff. However, the first 3 or 4 episodes of it are not cool. See there is a bit occasional burst lot of nudity in the first few episodes. Not pornographic, but your obligatory "there are female characters so lets make them take a bath" kind of things. Its kind of embarrasing to watch but after just so long in the series there isnt really any more of it and you're left with nothing but awesome anime. Minus the opening/closing cutscene. The nudity is really my only complaint.

I dont think I need to explain Ghost in the Shell, but what the hell... it's a semi futuristic world where technology has advanced to the point where cybernetic/prosthetic implants or whole bodies are common usage, and it follows the exploits of Motoko and her unit, Section Nine, as they deal with the rising amount of cyber crime, cause people are wont to take advantage of that kind of thing. I like the first season a lot, mostly the Laughing Man stuff, cause I guess I'm really into the intellectual kinda animes that make you think. I think they kind of fell off a bit after that, but I havent been compelled to watch 2nd Gig much after I wasnt impressed. A good anime, IMO, though.

Other ones I've seen and would reccomend are Hellsing (pretty bloody, but a good anime) , Devil May Cry (Though it can be really cheesy in dialogue, the action sequences are pretty cool and I liked the game so Im kinda biased.)and maybe a bit of Bleach. You know, I watched Inuyasha for a long time but it just started to get boring for a lot of the same reasons Naruto did. I still like it, it just isnt as exciting as some of the things I have seen since.

One anime that is NOT good, to the point of being good, is called School Ghost Stories, or some variation of that, Gakkou no Kaidan in Japanese.
Unlike the other ones, which I reccomend watching Japanese subbed just cause... I do... this one I HIGHLY reccomend you get it English dubbed.
Cause it's only funny that way. The Japanese ones arent funny at all. Its just the humor I guess...but its more family friendly in Japanese. In English, there are plenty of really funny comments about random American celebrities, prostitutes, and so on. They talk really fast, though.
It's really cheesy, but it's funny if you look past that. The characters in it remind me a lot of the people I go to school with, too, and the whole thing has a feeling very similar to my game, the LMS Horror. And before you cry heresy, since it was inspired by real events, the concept for my game came first, thank-you-very-much.

Anyway, that was one hell of a rant. Sorry for the wall of text. x.x

how do you make a side scrolling game? with rpg maker 2000/2003

Some people are capable of pulling off weird action games and sidescrolling...blagh. But I dont reccomend it. You'll die. Seriously.
Even if you can pull it off I imagine it'd be just plain better on something else. I read about something in Game Informer once called XNA.
At first it was just Xbox stuff I think, but they have a Windows Vista version.
I know it was X something. If I'm wrong there please correct me. X.x;;
And if it sucks tell me that too, in case anyone knows.
I've never heard of Multimedia Fusion but now I'm gonna go google it.

Executive Decision 2.1 - Age Requirements

I was scared for a minute. I'm sixteen in November and thought this woulda been the thread to tell me to GTFO.
*breathes easily*

you wanna know what?

author=shadowcorporation link=topic=99.msg3340#msg3340 date=1190223421
Yeah, but have you even downloaded it yet? It's a great game! And grod used to work with us, and he wanted us to put it on! You should really download it man. 33 MB including a guide. And we made some changes to it but kept some stuff the same for grods sake.
I'm pretty sure what he/she (I dunno anyone here yet) was reffering to was the fact that you were posting someone ELSE'S work. I dont think it matters if it's a good game. Final Fantasy VII is a good game. You post that here and it's illegal, unless you made it, and I'm pretty sure the creators sold their soul away so it's illegal for them too.
Of course FF7 is copyrighted software but it seemed like a good example at the time.
Merry Christmas. ^.^


Might I inquire what the limits on the dimensions of an avatar are? Because I don't see it on that page. I mean maybe I missed it, I dont know.
Apparently it's somewhere between 160 pixels and 169 pixels in width. Or so tells me the errors from trying to submit a slightly larger one.

Speaking of which, why the hell am I in site feedback? I have no complaints. This place pwns. Keep it up. ^.^

Advanced Party Selection

I actually hadn't thought of variables, but I see exactly what you mean! I will definately go and try that right away, and let you know how it turns out. I'm fairly confidant I've got it now. I wasn't sure where to find the thing till just a second ago, either, but then I realized the variable handler for an individual event is on the side over there... X.x *Feels dumb* But I can do that! I had a place already for everyone to hang for easy talking-to access.

Any idea how to get that into one place though? Cause I didnt origionally intend to have everyone in one room, and dont want to make the player run everywhere. And I wanted the party members to have other features while off in this place, like making weaponry and such. That's kind of why I suggested an interface.

But right now, your idea is a good one. I just need something basic so I can continue making the rest of the game, if I can figure out an interface later I will switch them out. So thank you soooo~ much for your help. ^.^

If anyone else knows how to make it, lemme know, but for now I'm good. I'm gonna see what else I can pull off with variables that I was having trouble with earlier.

Mata ne~!