Just a guy who loves rpg's. Thanks to some serious encouragement from several new friends and the community at large, I was able to complete one of my own. Game making is my favorite hobby, so you can expect more games on the way. Play on fellow gamers, play on!
Umbral Soul
Build an army. Embrace the darkness. Conquer the world.




*raises hand* Yes hello, I would like to play as the eldritch abomination please. Thank you.


Just when I think this game can't get any more insane you keep surprising me. My Yellow-Eyes Black Maegarf deck will be unstoppable!


Those are the worst split ends I've ever seen.


It's actually pretty easy. If you have a weather effect running on a map, it continues even when you enter a battle. All you have to do is use an event to set the weather effect before the battle. Of course, any background sounds you have running will stop as soon as the battle starts, so you'll need to go into your troop events and set the weather's background sound to play on turn number zero. Let me know if you're having any trouble.


You're far too kind good sir. This game still has some issues that needed ironing out, which is why I've been working to improve it. If I was better at mapping I'm sure I'd be done by now, but it's easily my biggest weakness which I've been trying to improve over time.

The sequel's story is completely done and I believe I have all the resources I need, so all that's really left to do is put it together. Of course that's easier said than done considering a lot happens during the story. So...many...bosses.

From what I can tell your english is just fine dude. I mean I never have any trouble figuring out what you're saying. I appreciate the sentiment though! It's always awesome to hear when someone's having a good time because of something I made. Gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, you know?


My only complaint is that it looks too good and therefore I am jealous.


Hmm...fair point. Hey Erilex, can you hook us up with some stars?


For some reason "A Whole New World" started playing in my head the moment I saw this.


That's amazing bro. I've tried to do something like that myself but it never turns out this good looking. I was thinking before that the dragon bore a slight resemblance to Harpie's Pet Dragon from Yugioh, so I wonder if that's one of the resources you pulled from. If so you did a great job on that particular edit, because it's barely recognizable.

I can tell that a ton of heart, soul, and passion has gone into this project, and it's really inspiring. I look forward to the full release!


Dude, Maegarf looks awesome in this picture. So does everyone else of course, but he and the dragon really pop. Did you hire a professional artist?