I'm a webcomic author. One of my webcomic stories is going to be in the form of an RPG maker game.



(VX) Linebreak in battles

You might have to code in each message as separate lines. Maybe you can modify the script that controls battle messages so that every time the message exceeds a certain length, or every time it contains a special character of your choosing, the script executes and then saves what's left over for another message that executes immediately afterward.

Save game issue

Try adding SirLedvic before removing Hershal. I've never tried it, but the game might be freezing because there are 0 members in the party for an instant.

[RM2k3] Insufficient memory to create stream

Good find. How many would you say is too many? A thousand? And do you mean spread out altogether over all of the main database, or just in one section, like Items?

How planned-out should your RPG be before you begin?

Commercial RPGs are completely planned.

RPG Maker for Playstation suggests this workflow:

1. Develop ideas and concept.
2. Create title screen.
3. Create the characters and skills they will use.
4. Create monsters.
5. Create items.
6. Create magic and abilities.
7. Create maps.
8. Combine all the elements you've created by now working on the event data.
9. Finally, beta test.

It can be helpful to use placeholder graphics at first. Then, when everything is finished, simply replace the graphics with the correct ones.

If you are aiming for completion, it is a long process. If you simply want to tell a story, it's much more efficient to write a novel.

Averting level grinding

Hi, my name is Zack, and I had to register in order to express how much I like this topic. The idea in here is really pivotal to modern RPG design, and I had these thoughts while making my own RPG complete with EXP, levels, HP, MP, and... grinding.

If we aren't talking about a game made for the sole purpose of artistic expression, commercial games need to create value for the amount of money they cost to produce, and the amount of profit needed for a company to stay in the black. This is why we might be presented with tedious grinding episodes, especially in older RPGs, before the idea of RPG gameplay because fully refined. Development studios needed to recreate the role-playing experience in the only way they could back then, through statistics like ATK and DEF. Due to the amount of money and the pace of development involved, many studios didn't have the time or resources to innovate away from the pioneers of this model. A culture of grinding was born.

This culture of grinding is especially apparent in instances such as the one Locke mentioned in Kingdom Hearts, where the two items had to be gained from defeating enemies, and then combined. This kind of role-playing gameplay is really ingenious for its ability to offer the conceit of value, which the player can then role-play into enjoying.

But here, many people aren't making games for money. We have a little more freedom here.

We can boil the role-playing video game down to its core essences, role-playing and gameplay. We can play with the boundaries of a role-playing game. Do we need HP and MP? Is EXP necessary? If the player hits an enemy with 90 HP 3 times, it doesn't matter if there's 30 HP or 40 HP worth of damage, the enemy is dead either way. All the programmer is really doing is reducing the number of turns it takes for the player to end this one battle.

We can only move so far before starting to enter the Action genre or the Puzzle genre, but it's worth thinking about the precepts this genre is founded on and whether they're applicable any longer in terms of gameplay.

Grinding might be nice, not because there's any in-game reward, but because it offers a sense of security to the player. Not many game genres can give the player the option to finetune the difficulty level like that. In this way, the thing doing the role-playing is the game itself, not the player.

I like the idea of an RPG where the character doesn't level-up, or even acquire currency. The player must role-play the character's strengths, from finding or making items to devising situations where the character can be at an advantage, like ducking behind a boulder when a dragon looks as if it's about to spew fire.

Video games today are made the way they are because they have created their own culture about the way they are, a culture which allows them to sell and continue to survive. But role-playing originated from across a tabletop, and with enough time and effort, one might be able to emulate that in a video game now.