


Oh man, this looks awesome.


Ooh, that is very pretty. Can't wait for the revised version. I particularly like the effects on the title itself, it fits with the etherealness theme and fixes my main complaint with the title screen (that it looked too "sleek" and ordinary).


The old one was sleeker, this one is more ornate and fancy-looking. Not sure which one was better. The freaky eye-thing and the dark overtones made the old one a lot creepier-looking, whereas this is a more typical fantasy-esque design. Not sure which one I like better.


It's a small detail but did you notice te way the maps burnt up when the fire started?

Ooh, I did not notice that, but that is a nice touch.

As for the boss fight...well, I mainly meant that he has Type II vulnerability, and his vulnerable phases are rather spaced out. And even when it does look like he's about to charge, he may just lob the goo at you. So, after a while it starts to drag a bit. Maybe reduce his health just a tad?


I thought this boss took a bit too long to beat...still very epic, though.

And can have three life leaves by that point? o_O I only had two...


Enemies will also have a loadout of several different weapons to choose from

:D It really adds to the strategy when enemies have multiple attack options. How will you reconcile this with the weapon indicator shorthand, though?


Surface exploration? Oh wow, episode 3 is going to be incredible. :D


Looks great! Definitely much better than just the star background. The basic background is nice enough, but pretty empty, especially once one gets flooded with unique backgrounds in, like, every other mission.

And ooh, is that a new spaceship I see?