


Downloading now.

Oh snap, 20 subscribers

GRATZ! Way to go.

I'm still workin :3

Chubby cheeks are kinda cute. The hair looks cool.

Slower than molasses

Mini game sounds great. I hope you figure it out. I liked the first title, but you already know you cant please everyone.


Lol awesome.

Butterfly Chronicles: Palemoon

so i leave and you cancel BoR D:
but this looks cooler :D anyways
Glad to see you back. Your one liners and jokes have been missed.

A Chained Destiny

Fun game. Didnt fix all errors but here are some.

but now that my mercenary days (add s) are over
I wonder what celestia is doing,,,,,(add is)
This is all I have saved up....(add d to save)
Sorcery , clock fixed, head priest,
they haven't come back.
I'm going up ahead
in profile mercernary should be mercenary.
The demon killed my daddy
Can walk on long log in front of armor shop.
Celestia joined the party!
I'll kill you!
So your the human that has been wiping out my minions. Do you not experience fear.....
murder =murdered.....Here he comes,
mean =meant

Nothing Major

I was so mad. Good to hear nice progress though. Enjoy your break.


How bout some cream?

Lunar Wish: Orbs of Fate

Thanks everyone. Linkis I shall try ta be the coolest! :)