Zero to Many Review Challenge
gonna try to do this for sleepers, snowball, and wuv.
incidentally biggles on mars. paul moose in space world and too many kittens dont have any reviews. j-just sayin.....
incidentally biggles on mars. paul moose in space world and too many kittens dont have any reviews. j-just sayin.....
Split Decay
there's no way this won't come off as a dickish question buuuuut how much of this is deliberate? like the fact that the enemies live in a place called 'Contra' and they "control all means of production", is this a deliberate marxist thing or are you just using these phrases? i mean dont get me wrong a POLITICAL RPG which actually addressed these ideas would be cool as heck, i'm just wondering if that's actually what you're doing!
i thought the enemy in the battle screenshots was a robot dog but looking closer i can see little hooves so possibly a robot horse?? some kind of quadraped anyway
hey I didn't post here before since I was waiting for a release and suspected you guys must be sick of people going LOOKES GOOD @_@ but this is really cool. not just the custom graphics but also the uh general aesthetic of hat powers and robot dogs and a black main character named Maurice and just the fact you guys are doing something different and actually creative rather than making meaningless changes to some stupid genre formula. good luck with this.
Culture of crass, apathy and cynicism
Culture of crass, apathy and cynicism
it should be supportive but it should recognise what deserves support in the first place: this is why it's important to support imagination and creativity, which do not particularly require design experience or talent to implement. i think the values of the peer group (horrible term but whatever) count for a lot in this respect: if people come to a forum where the focus is on mapping, they will respond to that! also it will always be somewhat competitive from human nature and even basic feasibility (the writers on could probably improve with criticism but really life is too short to write detailed critiques for sephiroth/goku pornography) but some things lead to a healthier competition than others. i have no problem with a community that competes for attention from players, as long as it does so in a healthier way basd on actual creative merit rather than the current lighting-effects-and-postcount method.
Culture of crass, apathy and cynicism
Actually the review idea thing is a good example of what I'm talking about: it's a fair enough point to make but on the other hand you cannot seriously talk about why so few people play games without looking at the games themselves! And, okay, the majority are:
- made in easy-to-use engines which make it difficult to change the actual gameplay in any real way
- using a fairly well-worn series of ripped and built-in graphics and even music tracks
- extremely similar to each other in terms of setting, characterisation and overall story
- loooooooong lol as rpgs in general are based on long-term character and story growth rather than instant thrills
These are not new points and I'm sure everyone is already being ROLLEYES at them getting brought up again but really there is no way they do not contribute to the problem. Stuff like community reviewing events and gameswaps are noble ideas but the fact that they're even necessary points to a larger problem! I don't think this has to do with game designers not being interested in other games (if anything just the opposite) because places like the AGS forums and TIGSource and GameJolt repeatedly show otherwise. And this is where the idea of standards come in: i am uh very hesitant to adopt some laissez-faire attitude in any way, shape or form but I don't think it's particularly groundbreaking to say that if you want people to play your games you should make games other people want to play. You could say this leads to pandering and I'd agree but this is where the concept of standards comes in again: of recognising what is and is not important, of valuing some spark of actual intelligence and originality over some trivial superficial garbage about map consistency or quid pro quo, of working out what is IMPORTANT.
I'm sorta rambling and do not have any concrete suggestions for improvement along the lines of events or something but I do think it's necessary to think about this shit aaaaaand i'm too lazy to continue aaa rip biggie rip pimp c
- made in easy-to-use engines which make it difficult to change the actual gameplay in any real way
- using a fairly well-worn series of ripped and built-in graphics and even music tracks
- extremely similar to each other in terms of setting, characterisation and overall story
- loooooooong lol as rpgs in general are based on long-term character and story growth rather than instant thrills
These are not new points and I'm sure everyone is already being ROLLEYES at them getting brought up again but really there is no way they do not contribute to the problem. Stuff like community reviewing events and gameswaps are noble ideas but the fact that they're even necessary points to a larger problem! I don't think this has to do with game designers not being interested in other games (if anything just the opposite) because places like the AGS forums and TIGSource and GameJolt repeatedly show otherwise. And this is where the idea of standards come in: i am uh very hesitant to adopt some laissez-faire attitude in any way, shape or form but I don't think it's particularly groundbreaking to say that if you want people to play your games you should make games other people want to play. You could say this leads to pandering and I'd agree but this is where the concept of standards comes in again: of recognising what is and is not important, of valuing some spark of actual intelligence and originality over some trivial superficial garbage about map consistency or quid pro quo, of working out what is IMPORTANT.
I'm sorta rambling and do not have any concrete suggestions for improvement along the lines of events or something but I do think it's necessary to think about this shit aaaaaand i'm too lazy to continue aaa rip biggie rip pimp c
Culture of crass, apathy and cynicism
I kind of dislike bullying and circlejerkish bullshit too, like those stupid reviews that exist only so the reviewers can make pretend-witty remarks and stupid internet jokes about screenshots taken out of context, or the way the whole community seems to suddenly jump on random games just so they can feel good about their own work (like what happened to that project doad game or that one rhythm-action game which got four half-star reviews over the course of like a day).
This is possibly hypocritical because I have no real problems with mocking stuff or being a dick myself but I try to restrict this to attacking this kind of circlejerkish behavior and meanness. I don't particular see the point of whaling on some 14-year-old's anime game but I do dislike it when the entire community seems bent on reinforcing each others lazy and unhealthy ideas about cliches and unoriginality and fucking polish. I also try to be as open as possible with what I DO admire and appreciate and like so that people get a fair shot at me as well. I don't think it's unfair to expect some degree of actual creative effort if people want critique etc on their games and I don't really see the point of going N-NOOOO at any criticism harsher than chipset critique. Steel from GW made a great point about this once when he talked about the whole "nice guy" thing in critiquing culture here, where you point out some meaningless technical fault so you can give criticism and still come off as a nice guy. This is why Mister Big T can post screenshots of 10-year-old anime girls being sodomised by dragons and the next person to post will go UMMM THAT MAP LOOKS A BIT EMPTY :/ .
So yeah, I do think it's too easy to fall into some default FEH....FEH attitude but I don't think the antidote to this is to suggest some vague Get Happy! thing. I think the antidote is to actually raise and develop and encourage meaningful standards about what you create and how you act and then work from there. To actually discuss and constantly question things instead of falling into intellectual laziness and circlejerking. I don't care if someone gets their feelings hurt but it should be for a good reason, as part of an actual discussion and exchange of ideas. And both the excessively negative and the excessively positive ways of doing things are both kind of unhealthy deviations from this goal.
This is possibly hypocritical because I have no real problems with mocking stuff or being a dick myself but I try to restrict this to attacking this kind of circlejerkish behavior and meanness. I don't particular see the point of whaling on some 14-year-old's anime game but I do dislike it when the entire community seems bent on reinforcing each others lazy and unhealthy ideas about cliches and unoriginality and fucking polish. I also try to be as open as possible with what I DO admire and appreciate and like so that people get a fair shot at me as well. I don't think it's unfair to expect some degree of actual creative effort if people want critique etc on their games and I don't really see the point of going N-NOOOO at any criticism harsher than chipset critique. Steel from GW made a great point about this once when he talked about the whole "nice guy" thing in critiquing culture here, where you point out some meaningless technical fault so you can give criticism and still come off as a nice guy. This is why Mister Big T can post screenshots of 10-year-old anime girls being sodomised by dragons and the next person to post will go UMMM THAT MAP LOOKS A BIT EMPTY :/ .
So yeah, I do think it's too easy to fall into some default FEH....FEH attitude but I don't think the antidote to this is to suggest some vague Get Happy! thing. I think the antidote is to actually raise and develop and encourage meaningful standards about what you create and how you act and then work from there. To actually discuss and constantly question things instead of falling into intellectual laziness and circlejerking. I don't care if someone gets their feelings hurt but it should be for a good reason, as part of an actual discussion and exchange of ideas. And both the excessively negative and the excessively positive ways of doing things are both kind of unhealthy deviations from this goal.
The "You might also like..." RMN Gamepage movement
this is a pretty good idea. i don't update my completed gamepages at all so theres no reason to add one of these at the moment but the next time i make one i'll do this.