Recent Achievements
Created a complete game for the Jingle Jangle Jam, during Christmas 2021.
Event: Jingle Jangle Jam
Acquired 01/02/2022 05:01 AM
"The Cursed text remains undiscovered." Gained for participating in the Commonplace Book event of 2021.
Event: Commonplace Book
Acquired 11/30/2021 09:27 AM
Given to those who took part in the Mapdaptation event of 2021.
Event: Mapdaptation
Acquired 08/27/2021 01:33 PM
You ended up making a demo for the Gay Pride month event of 2021. orz
Event: Fuck Pride, here's some gay
Acquired 07/29/2021 01:00 AM
You took part in the Lonely Hearts pixels event of 2021!
Acquired 06/28/2021 11:47 PM
Given to those who help others around the forums - be they new, old or neither. This is to thank those who we've noticed helping out. Continue the great work and thanks!
Can get multiples.
Acquired 06/25/2021 12:42 AM
Given to those who released a full game during the 1.44MB Floppy Disc event of 2021.
Event: 1.44 Floppy Disc Event
Acquired 06/19/2021 04:54 AM
Had a screenshot featured on the front page as a Pic of the Moment (POTM).
Acquired 06/02/2021 03:25 AM
You shared some of the treats you've been whipping up for the Release Maker Birthday event of 2021!
Event: Release Maker Birthday~
Acquired 02/24/2021 12:02 AM
You made a completed game for the Kill the Cutie event, 2020!
Event: Kill the Cutie
Acquired 11/08/2020 09:16 AM
You released a game during the Trials of RPG Maker MZ event! Congratulations and great job!
Event: Trials of MZ
Acquired 10/12/2020 05:23 AM
Sneks are known for their good gambling skills! Given to those who completed a game for the Theme Roulette 3 event.
Event: Theme Roulette 3
Acquired 06/16/2020 04:12 AM
Awarded to the Autumn Breeze team for taking part in the Palette's Make event of 2020! Winners of the event~
Event: Pa-Lette's Make!
Acquired 04/14/2020 11:21 AM
Took part in and made a game for the Valentiny event of 2020! Love for all, baby~<3
Event: Valentiny Event
Acquired 02/25/2020 01:33 AM
Move over, high rollers! You made a finished game that qualified for the Theme Roulette event of 2019!
Event: Theme Roulette 2
Acquired 06/11/2019 12:51 AM
You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 05/06/2019 06:44 AM
The fakest of TimTams, but still pretty decent. You took part in the TimTam Slam Jam even though you didn't get the goodies. Next time!
Event: TimTam Slam Jam
Acquired 04/05/2019 01:00 AM
"Fools who don't respect the past are doomed to repeat it.” - Nico Robin. Given for writing 6 reviews for the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/23/2019 01:15 AM
"Man or child, strong or weak, none of those matter once you are out at sea!"- Sogeking Usopp. Given for writing 3 reviews for the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/23/2019 01:14 AM
"What do you know of death?! Have you ever died?! You think death will preserve your cause forever?! Ridiculous! Death leaves nothing behind!! Once a person passes on, nothing remains but dead bones! If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is a person with no respect for life!" - Soul King Brooke. Given for participating in the Review Pirates event by writing one review.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/23/2019 01:13 AM
Given to those who are first to write an acceptable review for the bounties of the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/18/2019 02:46 AM
Given to those who are first to write an acceptable review for the bounties of the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/18/2019 02:46 AM
Given to those who are first to write an acceptable review for the bounties of the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/18/2019 02:46 AM
Given to those who are first to write an acceptable review for the bounties of the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/18/2019 02:46 AM
Given to those who are first to write an acceptable review for the bounties of the Review Pirates event.
Event: Review Pirates
Acquired 02/18/2019 02:45 AM
Received at the end of the event for those who finished a game.
Event: Swap in the Middle with Two
Acquired 01/26/2019 06:38 AM
Given for starting a game for the event!
Event: Swap in the Middle with Two
Acquired 01/26/2019 06:28 AM
You created a mascot for RMN! Cool beans~
Acquired 01/08/2019 11:59 PM
You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 12/17/2018 02:14 AM
It's how you roll it that matters. You made a game that qualified for the Theme Roulette event of 2018!
Event: Theme Roulette
Acquired 07/31/2018 05:03 AM
Had a writing piece featured in the What's Written section of the front page.
Acquired 08/22/2013 01:57 AM