ENG: Games displayed here aren't in the rmn database, so please, if you want to see all my library, check out "Play Lists" in the top right corner of the screen as well.

SPA: Los juegos que aparecen aquí abajo son los que no están en la base de datos de esta web, así que para ver el registro completo de mis juegos por favor, échale un vistazo a la opción "Play Lists" en la esquina superior derecha de esta página!

Scroll down after clicking!

Currently playing:

Last Played:
STYGIAN (2023/10/31)


>赤異怪段 -アカイカイダン-
>Ao Oni
>Amayado Bus Stop
>Behind the Nightmare
(real translation: The world behind eyelids)
>Corpse Party -Rebuilt
>Corpse Party ZERO
>Corpse Party 0 -DEMO-
>Deruna 「出るな」
>El Chat Escolar
>El Crítico
>Es Navidad, ¿no es así?
>Forest of the Drizzling Rain
>Go To Sleep
>Hand In Hand
>Hello? Hell...o?
>Hope, Abandoned
>Infectious Nightmare
>怪物館:実験版 (Kaibutsukan: Trial Edition)
>Kyofu Hoteru 「恐怖ホテル」
>Mad Father
>Mahou Shoujo -DEMO-
>Mama ni aitai
>Mermaid Swamp
>Metamorphosis Zero
>Mikoto Nikki
>Night mare (プロローグ)
>Nira Oni
>Not gonna Die
>Oyadori No Ko
>Paranormal Syndrome
>Pitch Black-DEMO-
>Red World
>Red Book
>Ruki no Zetsubo
>Subsitute Sacrifice Girl
>Shuutai Headless (Prisionero sin cabeza)
>The Boogie Man
>The Crooked Man
>The Dark Side of Red Riding Hood
>The Desolate Hospital
>The Mothman-DEMO-
>The Sandman
>Trampled Flower

****未完の仕事/Unfinished Bussiness/Pendientes de terminar****

>Killer_C (para recordar)
>Yotsuno Hamura (atascado)
>Seventh Night (Oshichiya)(lo dejé por aburrimiento, aunque está interesante)
>The HangedMan (hay que echarle tiempo)
>Shadow Seeker (lo he tenido parado mucho tiempo, hay que rejugarlo desde 0)

---遊びたい/Want to Play/Quiero jugar----

>Paranormal Syndrome 2, -R-

****面倒くさい/Dropped/Ni con un palo****

Unfinished & boring af games that won't play nor continue with my progress. Die, you fucking piece of shit. Main Reason: Unbearable

>Forest of Animals (A total kusoge, nothing makes sense, gigantic areas and a VERY bad English translation)
>Hidden in the Shadows
>Reaper (Full of bugs, unplayable)


>赤異怪段 -アカイカイダン-
>Ao oni
>Corpse Party 0 -DEMO-
>Corpse Party -Rebuilt
>Deruna 「出るな」
>El Crítico
>Forest of the Drizzling Rain
>怪物館:実験版 (Kaibutsukan: Trial Edition)
>Mahou Shoujo -DEMO-
>Mama ni aitai
>Paranormal Syndrome
>Pitch Black-DEMO-
>The Boogie Man
>The Crooked Man

****勧めない/Not Recommended/ No Recomendados****

>Conan Room
>El Chat Escolar
>Metamorphosis Zero
>Night mare (プロローグ)
>The Desolate Hospital


>Amayado Bus Stop
>Corpse Party ZERO
>Es Navidad, ¿no es así?
>Go To Sleep
>Hand In Hand
>Infectious Nightmare
>Kyofu Hoteru 「恐怖ホテル」
>Mikoto Nikki
>Nira Oni
>Oyadori No Ko
>Red World
>Subsitute Sacrifice Girl
>Trampled Flower

****DEAD END/R.I.P.****

>Eyes Without a Face by Team Cascade 2010
>Werewolf by AMoonlessNighte 20XX
>When THe Bell Tolls by Minnow 2013


-Full of bugs-


BUGS AHEAD! CANNOT FINISH :: a playlist on rpgmaker.net

Blood Ties
An exploratory RPG style horror game.